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I am writing this review assuming that anyone reading it will already know a little about the Star Wars universe. This latest movie The Rise of Skywalker is the final instalment of the nine movie strong (not including spin-offs) saga.
In this, Episode IX, the Resistance are, once again, up against the First Order. Rey, meanwhile has some serious soul searching to do and some pretty important decisions to make.
A bit more of a romp than the preceding two instalments, co-writer/director J.J. Abrams has fashioned a rollercoaster adventure that barely stops for breath. Its more poignant and emotional moments, of which there are many, are offset by the humour that was sadly missing in the prequels and by a general good natured atmosphere.
Special effects are, as you would expect, spectacular. There are enough twists and turns in the plot to keep you on the edge of your seat, while longtime fans will appreciate the nods to previous movies including some welcome cameos of characters past.
Key to the movies enjoyment is the game playing of its likeable cast, most notably Oscar Isaacs’ Poe Dameron; his cheeky-chappie-Han-Solo-ish persona comes to the fore more here than in previous movies and for me, Isaacs is the real standout of the newer gang members. Perhaps as a consequence, Finn seems a little underwritten. While John Boyega has impressed in previous entries, here, through no fault of his own, is left with seemingly little to do. As Rey, Daisy Ridley spends much of the movie in a sort of heroic turmoil, but this she does excellently! While, over the course of three movies Adam Driver has pretty much perfected his mean and moody bit as bad’un Kylo Ren.
So we conclude the Star Wars nineology (or whatever) with a movie which, while perhaps not among the best of the series is still a mostly satisfying end to the franchise. Those fans who come to Star Wars first and foremost to be entertained should not be disappointed.
Visit my blog JINGLE BONES MOVIE TIME for a longer, more in-depth review of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker! Link below.

IT CAME FROM OUTER SPACE (Jack Arnold, 1953).
Famous for their influential horror movies of the 1930, by the 1950s Universal Studios focus had shifted to a different kind of monster movie, informed by increasing fear of nuclear war and the threat of Communism. The template for these serious minded, paranoia soaked sci-fi features was set with the first and most influential of the series, It Came from Outer Space.
Amateur astronomer John Putnam (Richard Carlson) is the only witness to a spacecraft crash on the outskirts of the small desert town of Sand Rock, Arizona. When his fellow townsfolk start acting suspiciously he expects alien influence. Convincing his girl Ellen (Barbara Rush) and cynical local sheriff (Charles Drake), a posse is assembled to flush out the intruders. Certain that the intelligent aliens are benign and pose no threat, John must keep the angry mob at bay while essential repairs are made to the damaged craft. Failure to do so risks the life of his captured pals.
Based on an unpublished story by sci-fi maestro Ray Bradbury, It Came from Outer Space is, on the surface, a film about alien invasion. Yet, as with much of the sci-fi of its era, the movie serves as an analogy for the very real post-War fear of Communist infiltration.
Shot and originally exhibited in 3D, the movie is surprisingly light on things being lobbed at the screen, so works just fine when viewed flat. Clifford Stine's beautiful black and white cinematography perfectly captures the eerie isolation of the desert surrounds, giving the impression of a barren alien landscape.
Director Jack Arnold delivers an intelligent comment on the political and social mores of 1950's America; at its heart a plea for the acceptance of others. He elicits fine performances from a not exactly starry cast, as the drama unfolds with tension mounting pace, drenched in an innovative and influential theremin rich soundtrack.
If it seems a little cliched at time, this is only because it spawned so many imitations. In its own right It Came from Outer Space is a 50's monster masterpiece and a groundbreaking, original piece of popular cinema.
For a longer, more in-depth review of IT CAME FROM OUTER SPACE visit my blog JINGLE BONES MOVIE TIME! Link below:

FIVE WEEKS IN A BALLOON (Dir: Irwin Allen, 1962).
A longer, more in-depth version of the following review can be found on my blog JINGLE BONES MOVIE TIME! Link below.
Loosely based on Jules Verne's 1863 novel of the same name, Five Weeks in a Balloon finds an unlikely crew of adventurers, including explorer Fergusson (Cedric Hardwicke), his youthful assistant (popstar Fabian) and US newspaper hack Donald O'Shay (Red Buttons), set sail for Africa in a hot air balloon with a gondola inexplicably shaped like a unicorn! Picking up kidnapped teacher Susan (Barbara Eden) and slave trader Ahmed (Peter Lorre) en route. Getting into scrapes involving various tribes-people, the odd slave and a pipe-smoking chimp, expect some outdated racial stereotypes and some decidedly pre-feminist representations of women. Nothing overtly offensive, however, be warned it is very much a product of its time!
Five Weeks in a Balloon was a conscious attempt by 20th Century Fox to repeat the success of their adaptation of Verne’s Journey to the Center of the Earth (Henry Levin, 1959). Irwin Allen would seem a natural choice for director, having previously helmed the hit adventure movies The Lost World (1960) and Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea (1961), both for Fox. Sadly, Five weeks in a Balloon would prove to be a disappointment, both artistically and commercially. It certainly isn't terrible, but it lacks the scope and grandeur of Journey to the Center of the Earth and even the more modest The Lost World. A smaller budget is evident; while there is nothing essentially wrong with the effects, the balloon for example is impressive, it just seems light on spectacle compared to earlier Verne adaptations.
Ultimately, Five Weeks in a Balloon is too slight a movie to be considered the epic adventure is promises to be. Neither is it the schlocky fun that so much of the Allen oeuvre is. It is lightweight entertainment, but perhaps a little too lightweight. As adventure and comedy it never quite takes flight and the end result is fun but a bit bland.

MAD MAX: FURY ROAD (Dir: George Miller, 2015).
Visit my blog JINGLE BONES MOVIE TIME to read a longer version of this review! Link below.
Tom Hardy takes the lead in this reboot of the popular post-apocalyptic Mad Max franchise.
Although a modestly budgeted Australian production, the original Mad Max (George Miller, 1979) was an enormous box office success and shot star Mel Gibson to international stardom. Mad Max: Fury Road is once again directed by the original series' co-writer and co-creator George Miller.
The movie opens in a futuristic post-apocalyptic wasteland ruled by masked bad dude Immortan Joe (Hugh Keayes-Byrne). Captured by Joe's army and used as a 'bloodbag' by sickly soldier Nux (Brendan McCarthy), our hero Max soon finds himself adorning the hood of Nux's gasoline guzzling vehicle. Nux is in pursuit of Imperator Furiosa who is fleeing Joe with five of his wives in tow, one of whom is heavily pregnant. After some initial misunderstandings(!) Max and Furiosa soon team up to whoop Joe's ass. Which they do in spectacular fashion!
Mad is right; this movie is a bit bonkers! It is also nonstop adrenaline, with breathtaking action set pieces. The pace barely lets up for a second, and while occasionally confusing, it is never dull!
It is also visually stunning; from special effect sets to costumes to John Seale's exquisite cinematography Mad Max: Fury Road has to be one of the best looking blockbusters out there.
It is quite violent and occasionally grizzly. But the movie's overtly stylised and somewhat surreal atmosphere made the violent scenes much more palatable, even to a sensitive soul like me.
Tom Hardy is great in the lead, and makes for a surprisingly sympathetic Max. As the kick-butt Imperator Furiosa, Charlize Theron is Hardy's equal in the action stakes and, refreshingly, of equal importance to the narrative. This lends the movie a welcome feminist angle relatively rare in mainstream action films.
While I found the narrative in Fury Road a little confusing I was ultimately won over by its bonkers charm! Action movies as artistic as this are rare beasts; Mad Max: Fury Road is therefore recommended viewing, even for those who are not especially fond of the genre.

THE DARK TOWER (Dir: Nicolaj Arcel, 2017).
A kind of sci-fi/western/fantasy mashup based on Stephen King’s popular series of novels.
In alternate universe Mid-World, Gunslinger Roland (Idris Elba) battles bad guy Walter (Matthew McConaughey) for dominance over the Dark Tower, which Walter plans to use for evil means. After stumbling through a portal in abandoned house, troubled New York teenager Jake (Tom Tyler) teams up with the Gunslinger to assist him in his quest.
Read the full review on my blog JINGLE BONES MOVIE TIME! Link below.

HELLO DOWN THERE (Dir: Jack Arnold, 1969).
Frank Miller (Tony Randall) and his family must spend 30 days in a prototype house located 90 feet below the surface of the ocean, or Frank loses his job. In tow are his daughter's fiance and brother who along with the Miller kids make up the bubblegum pop quartet Harold and the Hang-Ups.
Read the full review on my blog JINGLE BONES MOVIE TIME! Link below.

ARTEMIS FOUL (Dir: Kenneth Branagh, 2020).
Sci-fi actioner based upon the best selling series of YA books by Eoin Colfer.
When his criminal mastermind father is kidnapped, 12 year old Artemis Foul (Ferdia Shaw) must secure the Aculos, a magical fairy device of immense power, in order to buy his father's freedom. Along for the ride are butler Dom (Nonso Anozie), fairy cop (Lara McDonnell) and giant dwarf Mulch Diggums (Josh Gad) who has the downright freaky ability of unhinging his jaw, digging with his mouth and shooting the dirt from his backside. Big names in small roles include Colin Farrell as Fowl Sr and Judi Dench as some kind of ancient elf commander in chief.
Visit my blog JINGLE BONES MOVIE TIME to read the full review! Link below.

SHOCKTOBER Day 4: THE BLACK SCORPION (Dir: Edward Ludwig, 1957).
Swapping atomic ants for subterranean scorpions and the Los Angeles sewers for the caverns of the Mexico desert, The Black Scorpion shamelessly hitches a ride on the coattails of monster movie masterpiece Them! (Gordon Douglas, 1954).
An undistinguished B-movie cast of little charisma cannot help but be overshadowed by the giant scorpions rampaging the southern portion of North America. The second hand plot finds the enormous arachnids chowing down on the San Lorenzo locals. Luckily some US scientists are on hand to make sure the pesky critters do not hop the border. Yup, the plot really is as lazy as my description of it.
Read the full review on my blog JINGLE BONES MOVIE TIME. Link below.

ATTACK OF THE 50 FOOT WOMAN (Dir: Nathan Hertz, 1958).
Proto-feminist text or trash classic? As much as some film historians claim it’s the former, I think sci-fi/horror Attack of the 50 Foot Woman is probably the later; a cheap and cheerful exploitation film aimed squarely at the drive-in, double feature market.
After arguing with her two-timing husband, heiress and owner of the world's most expensive diamond Nancy Archer (Alison Hayes) has a run in with an extra-terrestrial satellite, inexplicably inhabited by a 30 foot bald-headed behemoth (Michael Ross, doubling as Tony the bartender). Radiation exposure results in Nancy growing to a whopping 50 feet in height. Meanwhile husband Harry (William Hudson) takes the opportunity to steal her diamond and ensconce with fancy-lady Honey (Yvette Vickers). Soon the police are on their tail as, more worryingly, is Nancy who wants her diamond and her man back!
Read the full review on my blog JINGLE BONES MOVIE TIME. Link below.

THE COLOSSUS OF NEW YORK (Dir: Eugène Lourié, 1958).
Low budget sci fi shocker of the ‘good scientist gone bad’ variety, from Paramount Pictures.
With story aspects and visuals borrowed liberally from the likes of Der Golem (Paul Wegener & Carl Boese, 1920) and Frankenstein (James Whale, 1931) The Colossus of New York tells of acclaimed scientist Dr Jerry Spensser (Ross Martin); cut down in his prime on the eve of collecting an International Peace Prize. After relieving the dead body of its brain, his surgeon father (Otto Kruger) and automation expert brother (John Baragrey) promptly insert the cranium into that of a 8 foot metal man and, with some incredible shortsightedness, inexplicably fit the robot with death ray laser eyes! Lamenting the lack of a soul and understandably upset at his brother's romancing of his widow (Mala Powers), Dr Jerry breaks free of the laboratory that binds him, and heads cityward, all eyes blazing! But not before a weirdly touching reunion with his fatherless young son Billy (Charles Herbert).
Full review available to read on my blog JINGLE BONES MOVIE TIME! Link below.

DEVIL GIRL FROM MARS (Dir: David McDonald, 1954).
With Martian men on the verge of extinction, Nyah (Patricia Laffan), a PVC clad dominatrix who bears a passing resemblance to a young Agnes Moorehead, is dispatched to London to collect male specimens for the purpose of repopulating the planet. Accompanied by a robot seemingly made from odds and ends found in a garden shed, the would-be seductress with the voice of a British Rail announcer goes off course and crash lands in the Scottish Highlands. Here she invades the remote Bonnie Charlie Inn; the residents of which are a motley bunch including an escaped murder and his girl, an aspiring model, a scientist, an investigative journalist and a sturdy Scots landlady. The men of the Inn aren't up to spec so Nyah must repair her craft and continue on her mission. But those pesky Earthlings have other ideas and are intent on stopping her. You can bet they are sorry when she unleashes a powerful raygun and her giant flowerpot 'bot on them!
Read the full review on my blog JINGLE BONES MOVIE TIME. Link below.

Taking inspiration from The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms (Eugène Lourié, 1953) and Godzilla (Ishiro Honda, 1954), The Giant Behemoth is 1950s monster movie mayhem on a minuscule budget.
In a classic 'when atomic testing turns bad' scenario, a pre-historic Palaeosaurus comes ashore on the Cornish coast, threatening the lives of marine life and crusty old fishermen. Not content with terrorising townsfolk in the West Country, the rampaging radioactive reptile heads to London. What is a bored behemoth to do in the big city but riot? If only the meddling military don't stand in his way...
Read the full review on my blog JINGLE BONES MOVIE TIME. Link below.