Fandom Sexism - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago

It just kills me when writers create franchises where like 95% of the speaking roles are male, then get morally offended that all of the popular ships are gay. It’s like, what did they expect?

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1 year ago

fandom will see a female character with the most interesting backstory and inner turmoil in the entire media and be like “…anyways. where’s the closest man we can pretend has the exact problems she has”

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The amount of mental gymnastics and willful ingnorance that goes into coming up with arguments for TG and against Rhaenyra is fucking ridiculous. They really will do anything to support their own internalized misogyny lmao

pessimisticpigeonsworld - Pigeon Queen
pessimisticpigeonsworld - Pigeon Queen
pessimisticpigeonsworld - Pigeon Queen
pessimisticpigeonsworld - Pigeon Queen
pessimisticpigeonsworld - Pigeon Queen
pessimisticpigeonsworld - Pigeon Queen
pessimisticpigeonsworld - Pigeon Queen
pessimisticpigeonsworld - Pigeon Queen

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A fantastic example of the TG hypocrisy and how they're "totally not sexist" is how Rhaenyra is criticized left and right for having a lover, meanwhile Harwin, Laenor, and even Daemon aren't criticized for their extramarital affairs (I'm including Harwin because he did still participate in an affair, he just wasn't the one married).

Greens have written fucking essays about why Rhaenyra is such an awful person for sleeping with Harwin and having and raising bastards. Harwin never catches the same shit, I mean he literally sired the Jace, Luke, and Joff (allegedly in the book). Yet, TG pretty much leaves him alone, focusing exclusively on Rhaenyra, despite the fact that Harwin chose to have an affair with the married heir to the throne. Isn't that just as immoral according to their precious Faith?

Then there's Laenor. Being gay is a sin in the eyes of the Faith, just as much as having an affair and having bastards. But I don't see any metas about how "in the culture this is perceived as wrong therefore..." No, instead they just focus on Rhaenyra. Again, there's no mention about how Laenor is a "whore" for having an affair with Qarl or for sleeping with Joffrey before marriage. Then there's the fact that Laenor is the accepted father of Alyn and Addam, meaning that, in the eyes of Westeros, he had bastards.

Daemon is hated by the Greens, which makes sense, he is their greatest opponent after Rhaenyra herself. However, for everything they hate Daemon for, none of them are about Mysaria, the fact that she was pregnant with his bastard in the book, or that he was speculated to have slept with Nettles and Mysaria after his marriage to Rhaenyra. Sure, they talk about his abuse and how badly he treated Rhea in the show, but they never bring up his many affairs. After all, Daemon frequented the KL brothels all through his marriage with Rhea, but apparently that's fine?

Then there's the fact that their favs have engaged in infidelity. Aegon constantly in the brothels and his habit of raping servant girls. Aemond, betrothed to Floris Baratheon, asleeping with (raping) Alys Rivers and getting her pregnant with a bastard as well as the Helaemond theories. And Alicent's "transactions" with Larys, began happening before Viserys died and still count as sexual infidelity.

I'm bringing all this up in order to highlight just how hypocritical TG is. They constantly berate and call Rhaenyra a whore because of Jace, Luke, and Joff. The only thing that separates Rhaenyra from Harwin, Laenor, and Daemon is that she is a woman. And the fact that TG excuses the horrible actions of Aegon and Aemond as well as Alicent's indiscretions, shows that they aren't interested in actual morality (wrong that would be). They also clearly aren't concerned with the Faith's morals, for the reasons stated. That leaves the true reason for their hatred of Rhaenyra and fixation on the Velaryon boys: misogyny. They hate the image of a woman with control over her body, power of her own, and who challenges patriarchal roles.

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The fact that it's always Rhaenyra blamed for Jace, Luke, and Joff really shows TG's true colors. Rhaenyra is always blamed for the choices of the people around her and those she makes for herself are demonized no matter the reasons or situation.

If TG stans actually cared about illegitimate children or legitimate succession they'd have issues with their own team. Aegon not only had illegitimate children but he paid to watch them fight for sport. If they cared about "true heirs" and actually believed Baela and Rhaena should have inherited, they would have supported Rhaenyra. Aemond stans even love the theory that Helaena's children are his not Aegon's. That's literally the thing they're bitching about.

The only crime Rhaenyra committed that Aegon and Aemond didn't is being a woman. If Rhaenyra was a man, she'd be loved and called a "complex gray character". People would write metas about how she's a sympathetic character and shouldn't be blamed for her actions because of her daddy/mommy issues. But because she's a woman she's a selfish whore who doesn't deserve to even live let alone inherit the throne.

Corlys and Viserys were the ones who forced Rhaenyra and Laenor to marry. Corlys was the one who chose to make Driftmark pass through Laenor's line. Corlys was the one who chose to support Luke and later Addam and Alyn over Baela and Rhaena. If they want to bitch about Driftmark's succession, be mad at Corlys, he's the one who made the decisions. But of course, because he's a man and Laenor is a man, they are never blamed or demonized for the decisions regarding Rhaenyra's children. Rhaenyra's only hated by TG stans because she's a woman who refused to conform to the patriarchal standards forced on her.

i made a helpful slideshow for those who may be confused!

I Made A Helpful Slideshow For Those Who May Be Confused!
I Made A Helpful Slideshow For Those Who May Be Confused!
I Made A Helpful Slideshow For Those Who May Be Confused!
I Made A Helpful Slideshow For Those Who May Be Confused!
I Made A Helpful Slideshow For Those Who May Be Confused!
I Made A Helpful Slideshow For Those Who May Be Confused!
I Made A Helpful Slideshow For Those Who May Be Confused!

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6 months ago

also a moment of silence for female characters who get a lot of shit but would be adored if they were male

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