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Hey if you like Mario Brothers and other stuff, you should check out my new blog. The-Apprentice-Of-Mario. I'm sure I will try to make it good.
I love this ship :Р (FANON)
Oooh, I love that first idea! It would vocally be an explanation for how the heck he keeps getting these confessions when surrounded by guards trying to kill him.
2, I've thought that... well... the "Garden of Eden" was kind of a reward and respite for the assassins? And if a future assassin comes out of it, that's just one way to keep numbers up. It would also strengthen the bonds of the brotherhood, if they don't know their fathers (in some cases) and have more of a communal family rearing them.
3. I never thought I'd it before your story, but I love it and I'm keeping it XD
Could you give us some of your favourite headcannons regarding assassins creed?
Currently only on AC1, so everything is about it for me right now, so…
Keep reading
Have you ever forgot what’s cannon and what’s fannon
Like I had just finished my huma (Harry x Uma descendants) fanfic marathon and then proceeded to watch basically all of the Descendants songs on Youtube with my friends. When we got to the “What’s My Name” rap part, I legit said, “They (huma) are my favorite couple, you? (as in what is your fave couple)”
I got side-eyed and told “Their not a couple” I (unfortunately) got jolted back to reality and suddenly remembered that literally all of my friends don’t ship them and think that the ship (Huma) is weird.
Yeah I read many more fanfics after that.
TW: mayor character death, violence, drugs, suicide, possible spoilers (might write a fic), 18+, inaccuracies, fannon, murder, torture, war.
New idea for how the bad sanses could die in order.
Backstory: nightmare and dream have a truce. Error and ink have a truce. They all thought it mutually beneficial. This truce lasted a few years
•horror: horror would be the first to die. He would die to a gunshot to the head on a mission. Dust would be on the mission and would take horror’s coat and axe back with him after killing the sniper with a gaster blaster.
•dust: dust would die next leaving the others questioning whether his death was accidental of suicide. He would overdose on an explicit substance (pills) and be found dying on a couch unconscious with a pill bottle in hand. When whoever finds him tries to wake him he would turn to dust.
•cross: cross would be the next (or error) to die. He would be captured on a mission. His capturers would torture him trying to get information on the gang but cross, being as loyal as he is, wouldn’t talk and they would torture him to death. Dream would think that nightmare sent cross to die and would break the truce, declaring war on nightmare’s gang in the midst of his grief. Demon would go on a mission to try and bring back cross not knowing he’s already dead…..he takes so long without any contact that the others think he died.
•error: error would be struggling after loosing his friends so fast and then his brother. He would give up when war is declared since his husband would be on the other side of the war and he would hang himself with his strings in his anti void. Nightmare would come to tell him that demon came back just to find a noose and suicide note. Devastated and blaming himself for his brother’s death, demon would go hunting everyone on the other side….especially dream.
•killer: while demon is trying to track down dream, dream would actually be sneaking up on the castle. Killer would notice him trying to sneak around and would confront him casually. Just to get an arrow to the chest lodging between his ribs. He wouldn’t die from this but it would attract nightmare. As nightmare gets there killer and dream would be engaged in heated combat with dream landing another arrow on killer, this one proving fatal.
•nightmare:nightmare would obviously be super pissed off and would fight his brother, he would manage to wound dream but not kill him because he’s too distracted by his grief. He would die to his brother’s hand.
Demon would return to find dream searching through the castle with tears in his eyes and would confront him, knives drawn. Dream would just sob, telling demon how blinded by his loss he was and how much he regretted what he did but demon wouldn’t listen. Demon would see what dream did as unforgivable and fight him. Although receiving several should be fatal wounds, demon (being a future of geno, my au of geno) would survive from determination and hate fuelled by rage. Demon would end up melting and having the demonic shadow/ mist fill in for where the rest of his bones should be. Demon would win the fight, dropping his weapon and grabbing dream. He would just repeatedly slam the injured dream into the wall till he turned to dust. Then he would just break down and cry.
He would go and tell Sci what happened and Sci would help him break the news to nightmare and killer’s two children.
One day demon would return from a supply run to find the castle completely destroyed from bombs set off by humans who didn’t know what had happened. Sci and the two kids would be missing (sci took the two kids and ran when he saw the humans coming but demon wouldn’t know this). Demon would just completely lose it and start killing everyone he sees.