Ferdinand Kingsley - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Oh my GOD Hob's reaction to seeing Dream for the first time

Oh My GOD Hob's Reaction To Seeing Dream For The First Time

Ferdinand Kingsley is INSANE he looks like a man looking for the first time at the stars what the fuck

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1 year ago

Give me professor Hob who’s done safe zone training. Give me professor Hob who has a rainbow flag hung up in his office. Give me professor Hob who attends events (theater productions, dance recitals, etc) because his students are in them and asked him to be there. Give me professor Hob who fully and openly supports (and heavily donates to) the queer communities on his campus. Give me professor Hob who holds his office hours at his pub and is always willing to offer a listening ear or a shoulder to cry on for his students. Give me professor Hob who has inclusive attendance and classroom policies. Give me professor Hob who isn’t afraid to swear in class. Give me professor Hob who ignites a passion for history in every student in his class, even those who are taking it for throwaway elective credits. Give me professor Hob who cares and cares and cares about his students, who has a love of life that he passes on to others, who surrounds himself by other optimistic people not because he’s selective about his friends but because everyone around him slowly finds themselves becoming more optimistic solely through exposure to such enthusiastic and freely-given joy

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1 year ago

Sorry i just had a Hob thought

So like we all know the shit this man went through, right? He lost everyone and everything he cared about, was drowned, starved for like 80 years straight, along with other stuff that wasn’t mentioned in the plot.

And he is still going strong and I’m so proud of my boy but imagine. He is a teacher, i think that much we can agree on. I believe he either works with high schoolers or university students but that part isnt that important. My point is every day he sees the modern generation simply living- and by ‘simply living’ i mean being chaotic little shits who love tiktok dances and memes and that troll the shit out of him.

Can you imagine how happy he is seeing children, not necessarily happy every day but so lively? Every time they make a joke he doesn’t understand, he can’t even be mad because, hell, we was born in a time where a child living past their preteen years was a blessing.

I think we can often forget that Hob loves people. He loves living. He is so full of wonder and joy, even when he’s having the worst years of his super long life. I know there’s been some Hob controversies recently (which i can’t really comment on because, well, i don’t know much of the context or anything, just the jist of the thing) but, we can’t forget how amazing his character is. Like i love this guy so much.

Idk if this was at all coherent but i wanted to gush him. I just love characters who represent change and, above all, just a sheer love for life. I think we all need a little bit of that in our daily lives.

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2 years ago

No absolutely- dream 100% sounds posh partly cause the media has deemed a posh voice as ‘neutral’ (cause most actors speak rp) and partly cause he’s very clearly enunciated - every word Dream says seems to hold weight and value, something which I think fic writers pic up on and is reflected in the comics with the bold speech of dream. But as we’ve all learnt from Americans everywhere calling their own accent the ‘normal’ one- no one has a default accent lol

Similarly, desires voice 1) has that ambiguously gendered feel, but crucially 2) slithers along very seductively from one word to the next with the elongated ‘s’ and an underlying purr on every word lol - again, it’s similarly well enunciated tho :)

These actors are all so good 😭

Help from british dreamling or hob gadling fans needed:

What can you tell me about Hob's accent?

To me (not a native speaker, but i know my way around english) it sounds "standard modern southern english". But what would you say???

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Dream, every single time Hob asks if Dream is kissing him for real or if he's dreaming:

Dream, Every Single Time Hob Asks If Dream Is Kissing Him For Real Or If He's Dreaming:

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1 year ago

Embarrassing moment for me. When I didn’t realize a certain actor was in Netflix’s adaptation of The Sandman.

Ferdinand Kingsley.

I knew him as Mr. Francatelli from ITV’s Victoria.

So that episode. (Episode 6: The Sound of Her Wings)

My sister pointed out that Hob Gadling's face looks familiar. huh? maybe...

Then 1700 era hits, and we're both "IT'S HIM! I KNEW IT". Then the 1800 era hits, and we're both "THAT'S HIM! THAT'S FRANCATELLI!" (The sideburns and mustache help.)

But I was still following him on Instagram. Still following since ITV's Victoria first aired on Masterpiece PBS. Yea, Insta algorithms get weird and I was not that active in the cast's social media presence bc of other things... I saw Jenna Coleman's face in The Sandman trailer. But clearly, I missed all Sandman-related advertising from Kingsley.

So now, I feel stupid for realizing too late.

At least it was a delight to see Jenna Coleman and Ferdinand Kingsley share the same screen again.

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I Mean, Look At This Adorable Man. He's So Precious And Underrated. I Don't Think He Knows How Much We
I Mean, Look At This Adorable Man. He's So Precious And Underrated. I Don't Think He Knows How Much We
I Mean, Look At This Adorable Man. He's So Precious And Underrated. I Don't Think He Knows How Much We
I Mean, Look At This Adorable Man. He's So Precious And Underrated. I Don't Think He Knows How Much We
I Mean, Look At This Adorable Man. He's So Precious And Underrated. I Don't Think He Knows How Much We
I Mean, Look At This Adorable Man. He's So Precious And Underrated. I Don't Think He Knows How Much We
I Mean, Look At This Adorable Man. He's So Precious And Underrated. I Don't Think He Knows How Much We
I Mean, Look At This Adorable Man. He's So Precious And Underrated. I Don't Think He Knows How Much We

I mean, look at this adorable man. He's so precious and underrated. I don't think he knows how much we praise and love his acting.

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