Festiveseason - Tumblr Posts

The new addition to my Christmas collection #christmas #reindeer #christmasathome #christmasiscoming #festive #festiveseason #gaychristmas #christmasgay #gaylife #happylife #christmaslife #instagay

Sunday morning festive bliss! #festive #christmas #christmasiscoming #christmasmorning #gaychristmas #christmasgay #gaylife #happylife #christmaslife #christmas2016 #miracleon34thstreet #breakfast #coffee #candles #festiveseason #gaystagram #instagay

Love a selfie with the Christmas tree #Christmastree #christmas #christmastime #festiveseason #gaychristmas #christmasgay #gaystagram #instagay #gaylife #happylife #christmasiscoming #gayselfie #christmasselfie #selfielife #happygay #gayhappy

Got to see this little guy tonight and he was smiling every time I took a selfie and saying "cheese" #cheese #smile #selfie #uncle #nephew #christmassmile #christmashappy #christmasselfie #gayuncle #happylife #christmaslife #festiveseason #gaylife #christmasiscoming
25 Dec 2023 - Christmas! ♥
I hope everyones Christmas was filled with love and joy! (for those who celebrate! Those who don't I wish the same for your holiday season!) :)
I spent my Christmas with my extended family, it was really nice seeing everyone and having this huge feast for lunch!
I'm very grateful for my gift, the biggest one being a loft bed! My room is quite small and with all the furniture hard to get around so a loft is going to make life sooo much easier!
I'm a bit nervous about the significant change my room will take, i don't handle change well (autism things), but i just keep trying to envision it and tell myself why it's necessary.
One thing i never like about Christmas and birthdays are inevitably getting a gift or two that you don't like... This year they were earrings my little sister got me and two rings my mum got me.
The earrings are these frogs, but they have a weirdly human body, standing up straight hand by their sides, its weird. Also i don't wear funky earrings like that anymore, it fact i've only started wearing some earrings again in the last month.
The rings are good quality but they aren't the kind of rings i wear, they're the kind my mum wears. I think she thought me complimenting her rings from time to time was me saying i want them, i don't - they look great on her and are absolutely not my style.
When it's jewellery you don't like it becomes harder to just ignore it, they'll ask if i worn it and then i have to say either i haven't or lie. And i don't want to flat out say that I don't like them obviously!!
ANYWAYS... sorry for the rant! I hope everyone has a great holiday season! Now it's time to prep for the new year...
25 Dec 2023 - Christmas! ♥
I hope everyones Christmas was filled with love and joy! (for those who celebrate! Those who don't I wish the same for your holiday season!) :)
I spent my Christmas with my extended family, it was really nice seeing everyone and having this huge feast for lunch!
I'm very grateful for my gift, the biggest one being a loft bed! My room is quite small and with all the furniture hard to get around so a loft is going to make life sooo much easier!
I'm a bit nervous about the significant change my room will take, i don't handle change well (autism things), but i just keep trying to envision it and tell myself why it's necessary.
One thing i never like about Christmas and birthdays are inevitably getting a gift or two that you don't like... This year they were earrings my little sister got me and two rings my mum got me.
The earrings are these frogs, but they have a weirdly human body, standing up straight hand by their sides, its weird. Also i don't wear funky earrings like that anymore, it fact i've only started wearing some earrings again in the last month.
The rings are good quality but they aren't the kind of rings i wear, they're the kind my mum wears. I think she thought me complimenting her rings from time to time was me saying i want them, i don't - they look great on her and are absolutely not my style.
When it's jewellery you don't like it becomes harder to just ignore it, they'll ask if i worn it and then i have to say either i haven't or lie. And i don't want to flat out say that I don't like them obviously!!
ANYWAYS... sorry for the rant! I hope everyone has a great holiday season! Now it's time to prep for the new year...
This seems exciting

All the complicated details of the attiring and the disattiring are completed! - William Carlos Williams, “Winter Trees”
As end of year holidays approach, many of us are getting ready to settle down with a cup of hot tea, cozy pajamas, and a good read…
December’s monthly event will be a secret gift exchange!
Each submission must:
follow our regular reblog criteria as listed in the official rules,
exceed our event word minimum of 1k words,
follow the guidelines/hard limits of the gift receiver (will be communicated by CaratLibrary admins),
and be published in the last week of December (25th-31st), using the tracking tag #caratlibrarygiftexchange
To participate: fill out this form before December 4th. During the first business week of December, the CaratLibrary admins will assign each participant a gift recipient. Keep this a secret! Send your recipient a few anons, get to know them, and during the submission period, reveal your identity and give the your gift!
important dates:
december 4th, 2023 - registration closes
december 25th - december 31st, 2023 - submission period

Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas Everyone!!!

Urban Cryptid Sighting!
Shocking photo appears to show a motorcycle rider commuting to work in the middle of Canadian Winter!!
One eyewitness who asked to remain anonymous stated to our reporters: “What an idiot. I mean, I never check my blind spots for bikes on a sunny day in summer when they’re supposed to be out riding, and now this guy thinks I’m gonna notice him in the dead dark of winter night just because they put some silly festive lights on?!”
Another witness commented “I don’t know what they're thinking, but it looks awesome.”
Speculations abound in the psuedo-scientific community, with hard hitting questions such as “Isn’t he cold?“ “Why is he still riding?“ "Doesn’t he feel silly?" "Are all those wires a bomb?” and most pressing of all, “Isn’t he cold?”
If you yourself happen to spot this elusive oddity, here are a few important points to remember: It is illegal for drivers to use hand-held devices in Ontario. Please leave the picture taking to your dash cam or your passengers. Thumbs up, waves, cheers, and friendly honks serve to encourage the rider, making further sightings more likely. If you see the rider in person, please don’t kill it. Please. Just don’t. Be careful not to get to close to the rider. Legends say bikers require space to be safe, and the winter variety even more so. Tailgating the rider may encourage it to take off and leave your stupid muscle car in the dust to create a buffer of distance which makes it feel more comfortable. And lastly, this proves that some brave/stupid souls do dare the roads when the weather outside is frightful. Don’t forget to check your blind spots!

December, 2017: St. Catherines to Hamilton corridor. Who is that idiot out riding around in the middle of winter?! That'd be me. Thanks to a quick stop at Dollarama and a few minutes with zip ties and E-tape, DraugGrim is now festive AND has hopefully increased visible mass for late night QEW commuting. I hate photos of self but I had some requests come in... So... Here we go for the record books. This was from the night of Thursday, December 14 after a late opening of Star Wars. Yes, that is a giant pile of plowed snow behind me. No, the snow wasn't on the roads. The main streets had been adequately cleared by that point. Yes, it can be cold. Heated clothing helps considerably. Waiting for the bus is colder. And costs four times as much. And makes the trip take twice as long. I'm having fun. And I wouldn't trade it for anything. Except maybe a Ridgeline. If someone has a spare. For the slushy days. Just sayin'... Happy Holidays, Season's Greetings, and the best wishes to you and yours! Ride safe if you do, remember to check your blind spots if you don't!

(via "Cute Christmas Kitty Cat" Graphic T-Shirt Dress for Sale by TheArtOfPat)
Adorable illustration of a kitty cat wearing a festive Santa hat, perfect for cat lovers celebrating the joy of Christmas.

Honestly, I think I’m most proud of these two designs; not just for the complexity of the outfits themselves, but for how much I was able to finally learn when it came to capturing definition.
Both are designs now available on my redbubble shop! Please, feel free to have a look around!