Mexican Culture - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

I may have furrified Augusto and Melora. Just a little bit.

The two Mexican 14 year olds in the worst relationship ever, everybody.

I May Have Furrified Augusto And Melora. Just A Little Bit.
I May Have Furrified Augusto And Melora. Just A Little Bit.
I May Have Furrified Augusto And Melora. Just A Little Bit.
I May Have Furrified Augusto And Melora. Just A Little Bit.
I May Have Furrified Augusto And Melora. Just A Little Bit.

The song Melora is dancing to in that one fourth picture is called “Fiesta Pagana” by Mago de Oz. Check it out.

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1 year ago

I did a Q&A with Melora on my personal instagram account and these are the results!

I Did A Q&A With Melora On My Personal Instagram Account And These Are The Results!
I Did A Q&A With Melora On My Personal Instagram Account And These Are The Results!
I Did A Q&A With Melora On My Personal Instagram Account And These Are The Results!
I Did A Q&A With Melora On My Personal Instagram Account And These Are The Results!
I Did A Q&A With Melora On My Personal Instagram Account And These Are The Results!
I Did A Q&A With Melora On My Personal Instagram Account And These Are The Results!
I Did A Q&A With Melora On My Personal Instagram Account And These Are The Results!
I Did A Q&A With Melora On My Personal Instagram Account And These Are The Results!

Two extras:

I Did A Q&A With Melora On My Personal Instagram Account And These Are The Results!
I Did A Q&A With Melora On My Personal Instagram Account And These Are The Results!

Would you like me to do the same dynamic here?

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1 year ago
Art About Melora And Her Cousin Fatima. Theyre Heading Back Home Together, Since Melora Is On A Visit

Art about Melora and her cousin Fatima. They’re heading back home together, since Melora is on a visit to the State of Mexico. They’re not particularly close, but Melora is the only one who reacts with genuine concern and disbelief to her cousin’s problems with her classmates.

Melora looks older than Fatima in this drawing because there’s like two years between each other (they’re one school year apart because birthdays are a weird thing) and they’re still molting their fledgeling feathers for their juvenile ones. Melora has molted waaay more feathers for obvious reasons, so that’s that.

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1 year ago

Miraculous Zorro AU! 🇲🇽

Miraculous Zorro AU!
Miraculous Zorro AU!

Okay this was actually an idea for an art piece that I came up with. But then I got too excited and decided to make a headcanon before that, like groundwork! I hope y'all enjoy!


Okay, now as for the time period I decided to go with the 1820s of Mexico, although I couldn't really think of a specific place for the AU? So let's just go with a port town or city maybe?

Also for those wondering, yes, I did take inspiration from the old Zorro movies lol. If anyone hasn't seen it I recommend it, although the sequel is kinda okay in my opinion. But the first one is better.

But anyways, going back in time, the Miraculous used to be in the hands of Mexican citizens during the 1820s. These heroes were known as La Mariquita and El Gato Oscuro, a pair of vigilantes set to stop the dastardly deeds of El Rey Pollillia. An underground crook who is known for sending out villains to do his work.


Rosita “Rosa” Sandoval is a local baker who works at her family's panadería in the middle of the city, as well as their delivery girl. While she is kindhearted and cheerful, she has a bit of an attitude. Whether it's with a customer or just anyone, she has a bit of trouble keeping to herself and doesn’t know when the right time to be honest is. This can lead to her coming off as brash at times, even without meaning to.

Enrique Aguirre is a Hispanic nobleman as well as the mayor's son. Since his father is a high political figure, Enrique does have a very formal demeanor but does his best to make others feel welcome. He has a big heart, although he can be a bit sensitive with other people. Leading him to be kind of timid. Especially about his occupation: he does not want his father's position.

Carlos Aguirre is the mayor of the city, who is also known as El Rey Pollillia. His son does not know he is a crook, but he tries his best to keep it from him.

༻Plot Line༺

When the two get their Miraculous, I had the idea of making their personalities similar to how Marinette and Adrien behave when they're superheroes. However, I added my own twist. Normally, Marinette acts a bit more confident when she is Ladybug, and the same can be said for Adrien when he is Chat Noir. Although I wanted my version of the character growth to be different since these Miraculous holders are different people.

Even though Rosa is headstrong, she learns to soften up and connect with someone close to her rather than just being “honest” with people. While Enrique learns that he has to stand up for himself in order to stand up for other people.

Because of this, I even had the idea to include the love square into the AU, but switched too lol. So to put it clearly, Rosa has a crush on her partner Gato Oscuro. Who she thinks is sweet and compassionate but also really cool. While Enrique has a crush on Rosa, who he meets at her bakery when he's trying to get away from his workload. Who he thinks is so passionate and brave.

༻Fun Facts༺

Instead of the piano, Enrique can play the guitar! Think of Manolo from the Book of Life; I can imagine Enrique sneaking out to go play with a mariachi band somewhere! 🤣

This idea I do wanna make an art piece of this if I can find a good reference, but I can imagine Mariquita and El Gato having a sword duel upon their first meeting. Kind of how Ladybug and Chat Noir met in the movie, but more bickering lol.

Maybe they both freak out at first, thinking the other is a bad guy or some kind of villain, and they have this epic sword duel jumping off of walls and barrels! Before realizing that they're the good guys destined to stop El Pollillia.

I can also imagine Plagg having the time of his life in Mexico due to all the food and epics! Like he sneaks into the kitchen at night to steal some leftover queso or even dessert.

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5 years ago


It's original name is Calavera Garbancera (Chickpea Skull) and was created in Benito Juárez, Sebastián Lerdo de Tejada and Porfirio Díaz governments to express the discontent of the people and was a symbol of social and political denunciation that eventually became a traditional wear for day of the dead. This wear is called La Catrina, its not a representation of dead itself but that of a dead woman, and it was created by cartoonist José Guadalupe Posada.

(this 👇 is the original calavera garbancera engraved in metal)


Back then texts called calaveras alegres (cheerful skulls) were written by middle class people critiquing in a mocking way the upper class and the country's situation and were published in "combat newspapers" - this texts were accompanied by drawings of skulls and skeletons dressed in gala clothes, drinking pulque, riding on horseback and in high society parties but all of this in lackluster neighborhoods to represent the misery, the political mistakes and society's hypocrisy.

Origin of the name cheakpea skull: cheakpea merchants were notorious for being indigenous people that tried to pass as European and denied they're indigenous origins and their culture. They would dress in high class clothes but live very precariously. Posada tried to convey that in this work of art that was a critique to the Mexicans that were poor but tried to sustain an European lifestyle that they couldn't afford.

Originally she was naked except for a very big and elegant hat with ostrich feathers. Diego Rivera dressed her up and gave her the name La Catrina when he painted this mural 👇


(Catrin was the name given to extremely elegant and wealthy Mexican aristocracy in XIX)

Posada said this about his inspiration: "Death is democratic. Blonde, brunette; rich, poor; everyone ends up being skulls" and this quote is basically the reason she became so traditional on the day of the dead, since it represents so well mexicans point of view about it.

And the texts that accompanied her (the cheerful skulls) became the calaveritas literarias (literary skulls) which are traditionally Mexican verse compositions that are written on the eve of the day of the dead as a manifestation of culture to make fun of both the living and the dead, and remember that we are all going to die. They are written in a satirical or burlesque language and are very short texts that reflect all the spirit and festivity in the face of death.



















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5 years ago

Some of my favorite day of the dead inspired drags by la mas draga contestants.

red rabbit duo

Some Of My Favorite Day Of The Dead Inspired Drags By La Mas Draga Contestants.

sophia jimenez

Some Of My Favorite Day Of The Dead Inspired Drags By La Mas Draga Contestants.


Some Of My Favorite Day Of The Dead Inspired Drags By La Mas Draga Contestants.
Some Of My Favorite Day Of The Dead Inspired Drags By La Mas Draga Contestants.

debra men

Some Of My Favorite Day Of The Dead Inspired Drags By La Mas Draga Contestants.

deborah la grande

Some Of My Favorite Day Of The Dead Inspired Drags By La Mas Draga Contestants.
Some Of My Favorite Day Of The Dead Inspired Drags By La Mas Draga Contestants.

BONUS: letal (a judge)

Some Of My Favorite Day Of The Dead Inspired Drags By La Mas Draga Contestants.
Some Of My Favorite Day Of The Dead Inspired Drags By La Mas Draga Contestants.
Some Of My Favorite Day Of The Dead Inspired Drags By La Mas Draga Contestants.

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5 years ago
Atraditional Cultural Garment Expresses Anidentitythroughclothing, Which Is Usually Associated With A

A traditional cultural garment expresses an identity through clothing, which is usually associated with a geographic area or a period of time in history. It can also indicate social, marital or religious status. The clothing is used to represent the culture or identity of a specific ethnic group, it is also known as ethnic dress, ethnic wear, ethnic clothing, traditional ethnic wear or traditional ethnic garment. Such clothing often come in two forms: one for everyday occasions, the other for traditional festivals and/or formal wear.

The catrina is a traditional cultural garment. Its culture. It's not a costume. Its traditional clothing wore in a traditional festival/holiday that's associated with a period of time and a political and social denunciation of hypocrisy.

Its not worn everyday because it's a festival traditional garment and thats the whole fucking point.



















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1 year ago




Concheros are Mexican traditional dancers with heavy Mesoamerican influence. They are sometimes refered to "Aztec dancers", though the dance is not strictly speaking Aztec or indigenous. It's not uncommon to find them in public squares and parks anywhere in Mexico.

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6 months ago

"El Venado"


"El Venado"

Something for the upcoming Mexican Independence Day.

The Deer Dance is an indigenous folk dance from northern Mexico, traditional to the Yaqui and Mayo peoples. The dancer playing the deer wears a headdress with a stuffed head of the animal at the top.

Viva México, cabrones! 🇲🇽

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10 years ago
These Are Pictures Of My La Santisima Muerte Statues I Have On My Altar. She Is My Mother And I Honor
These Are Pictures Of My La Santisima Muerte Statues I Have On My Altar. She Is My Mother And I Honor
These Are Pictures Of My La Santisima Muerte Statues I Have On My Altar. She Is My Mother And I Honor
These Are Pictures Of My La Santisima Muerte Statues I Have On My Altar. She Is My Mother And I Honor
These Are Pictures Of My La Santisima Muerte Statues I Have On My Altar. She Is My Mother And I Honor
These Are Pictures Of My La Santisima Muerte Statues I Have On My Altar. She Is My Mother And I Honor

These are pictures of my La Santisima Muerte statues I have on my altar. She is my mother and I honor her daily... She loved having her pics taken!! These are originals from Sammi Jean Hernandez... I hope you all like..

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11 months ago

¡Ahora, damas y caballeros!

Your Majesty, Starlight Express, and Charley the Fantasy Train proudly presents...


Ahora, Damas Y Caballeros!

• Alternate scans

Ahora, Damas Y Caballeros!
Ahora, Damas Y Caballeros!

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