Flare - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Soo introducing my new best friend

*intense drum roll*

Soo Introducing My New Best Friend


A whole ass book I’m gonna fill with all my new ideas including new characters like these!

Soo Introducing My New Best Friend
Soo Introducing My New Best Friend

Wow so awesome so cool! And it character info like birthdays

Soo Introducing My New Best Friend
Soo Introducing My New Best Friend

And heights

Soo Introducing My New Best Friend
Soo Introducing My New Best Friend

Hope you enjoy this for the time being

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8 months ago
Furry'd Version Of An Old Lucario Character Of Mine. This Might Still Be A Little Too Similar To Lucario...

Furry'd version of an old lucario character of mine. This might still be a little too similar to lucario...

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12 years ago
Flatiron With Flare...

flatiron with flare...

my instant take on flatiron

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1 year ago
Flare Is A Young Teen Living In Hometown Where Her Uncle Lives, And The Only Family Member She's Staying

Flare is a young teen living in hometown where her uncle lives, and the only family member she's staying with. Occupation: A student in hometown middle school (8th grade)

Personality: Flare is depicted as confident, bold, loyal, determined, and possessing a tomboyish personality. Despite her occasional chaotic nature, she is generally friendly towards people, especially around her two closest beloved friends and her loving uncle whom she supports.


She can set herself on fire, like any of her fire abilities to where she throws fireballs and breathes fire.

Martial art skills including Kung Fu

Aura -Flare can tell in her surroundings if anyone is close by, she's fast to dodge before anything strikes to attack.

Athleticism - Flare can navigate through combat effortlessly without tiring herself out.

Wall crawling - Flare can scale on walls and ceilings without falling

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1 year ago
Happy Valentines Day Everyone, Some Magma Doodles I Did With Friends From Discord.JunoHive And Vax When
Happy Valentines Day Everyone, Some Magma Doodles I Did With Friends From Discord.JunoHive And Vax When
Happy Valentines Day Everyone, Some Magma Doodles I Did With Friends From Discord.JunoHive And Vax When

Happy Valentines day everyone, some magma doodles I did with friends from discord. JunoHive and Vax when they were both young back in around the 90's area, both of them met each other in their early 20s. -I still like to share more information on how the two lovely birds met uwu

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8 months ago
ROUND 2 ATTACKS!!1.) A Revenge Chain To Their Boy Ben @maggyoutthere2.) A Giant Demi-god Horse Gloa @laniyuja
ROUND 2 ATTACKS!!1.) A Revenge Chain To Their Boy Ben @maggyoutthere2.) A Giant Demi-god Horse Gloa @laniyuja

ROUND 2 ATTACKS!! 1.) A revenge chain to their boy Ben @maggyoutthere 2.) A giant demi-god horse Gloa @laniyuja

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Im Sorry Marcus Flex, But Im Pretty Sure The Solar Flare Lounge Is NOT Your House.

I’m sorry Marcus Flex, but I’m pretty sure the Solar Flare lounge is NOT your house.

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1 year ago

flare / water inhalation / just hold on (feed me poison, fill me ‘til I drown.)

The flare was merely a distraction, and one that Jet felt doubly incensed about falling prey to given the fact that he'd been blinded and blindsided in a situation many years before. Of course, everyone with sight was vulnerable to bright lights so it's not like this bounty had gleaned a weakness about Jet specifically. The fact that his arm was already artificial was surprisingly a saving grace even if the flare going off at his elbow had unhinged the joint to a point where his arm was entirely useless. If he'd been flesh and bone there, he would have been a mess of blood and pain writhing on the dock. As it was, he was furious as he tried to blindly fight back with his good arm. The bounty had the benefit of sight and all his limbs working, so Jet wasn't entirely caught off guard by the way a strong blow landed across his jaw and knocked him reeling backwards.

Reeling backwards and suddenly without anything under his feet.

The water closed overhead as he dropped into the sea with flailing limbs - all the ones that could currently flail, that is - and tried to close his mouth as soon as he registered the fact that he was being submerged. His brain had caught up to the situation a moment or two after his body was embroiled in it, though, and that meant that he sucked in a hearty surge of sea water in his hasty attempt at drawing a breath of air before going completely under.

Normally he was a strong swimmer, but normally he had the full use of both limbs even if one wasn't real. Normally he wasn't disoriented and unsure if he was right side up or upside down. Where was the surface? Where were the pilings of the dock? How long could he flounder here in the dark depths while simultaneously choking from water inhalation?

His vision, only barely returned and blurry, was beginning to dim by the time he felt something grabbing hold of the back of his collar and yanking him. It could be a siren dragging him soundlessly out to sea for all he cared at that point. Feed me poison 'til I drown... Water, one of the cornerstones of life itself, could be just as lethal as anything else.

A voice - a man's voice, though he supposed sirens could be male too - was shouting at him as they broached the choppy surface of the harbor.

"Just hold on!"

Hold on to what? Hold on to who? Maybe the man was talking to himself. Jet coughed and choked and spluttered and waited to die.

And then there was someone above him - he was ashore somehow - and a bedraggled toothpick of a man in dark waterlogged clothing was repeatedly bringing his fists down on Jet's chest. What was this? What was happening?

Forcibly, he was rolled onto his side and the man smacked his back with just as much ferocity as he had banged on his chest. Jet would have bruises on both side for days if he survived this assault. And then suddenly he was vomiting forcibly. What felt like liter after liter of salty water poured from his mouth and nose. He spewed and gagged and eventually drew a ragged breath and then the man was laughing. Hell, Jet felt like laughing too.

"You put up a good fight, old man," The man said. "Even though I saved your life... I'll still split that bounty with you. Seventy-thirty, in my favor. I'm the one who bagged him after he knocked you in the drink after all. Team effort though, you tired him out initially. He was easy pickings after that. Good thing too, or I might not have gotten to you in time."

"You... little... braggart..." Jet rasped. "Fifty-fifty." He countered then, coughing weakly.

The man grinned down at him and pushed a hand through his sopping wet green hair to get some of the curls plastered across his forehead out of his eyes.

"Sixty-forty for this one. Fifty-fifty for whatever ones come next?"

Jet laughed then, painful as it was with his lungs still trying to recover. "All right... stringbean... got yourself a deal."

The man chuckled too. "Better than that. Got myself a partner. Name's Spike by the way. Now shut up and concentrate on remembering how to breathe, old timer."

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