Flexible - Tumblr Posts

Contemporary Dining RoomHuge, Modern Image Of The Great Room With A Light Wood Floor, White Walls, And

Contemporary Dining Room Huge, modern image of the great room with a light wood floor, white walls, and a stone fireplace.

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4 years ago

One of those times he's gonna break his neck lolol

This Really Cracked Me Up
This Really Cracked Me Up

This really cracked me up

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11 years ago
Sport On We Heart It.

Sport on We Heart It.

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7 years ago

Need to start doing yoga to get more flexible so I could get fucked in different positions :)

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8 months ago
Shout Out To My New Windbreaker Oc :D

Shout out to my new windbreaker oc :D

Okay her name is muna, she's the older sister of umemiya (only have the same mother) and the acting leader of bofurin *-*

Is persian-japanese

Since umemiya is really similar to gojo, I got the idea to give him a geto-like sibling.

Some random facts about her :

She's great at parkour, is also super flexible (probably even better than rindou)

Has a spider web tattoo

In total, she has 4 piercings

Loves martial arts

She isn't really active in social media but many people follow her and like her posts

NOT ashamed of a single thing

Likes growing hair but she says it will bother her in fights

Has a good relationship with suo and hiragi

First time she appears in anime : during shishitoren and bofurin's fight in the theater, she just breaks a window and comes inside like it's the most normal thing in the world and had a 'talk' with choji. (gets stabbed in the throat)

In her early days, She once fell off a roof while doing parkour and broke her head , left hand and right leg

Quote : parkour is my life.

Click on the pic for better quality


بیاید با اوسی جدیدم تو ویند بریکر آشنا بشید D:

اوکی اسمش مونا عه، خواهر بزرگه ی اومه‌میا (فقط مادرشون یکیه) که گاهی اوقات نقش خالی لیدر تو بوفورین رو پر میکنه


از اونجایی که اومه‌میا خیلی شبیه گوجو عه ایده شو پیداکردم که یه خواهر گتو-طور بهش بدم.

یه سری فکت رندوم راجبش :

تو پارکور کارش عالیه و حسابی انعطاف‌پذیره (احتمالا از ریندو هم بهتر)

یه تتوی تار عنکبوت داره

در کل ۴ تا پیرسینگ داره

عاشق هنر های رزمیه

خیلی تو فضای مجازی فعالیت نداره ولی افراد زیادی فالوش میکنن و پستاشو لایک میکنن

اصلا از چیزی خجالت نمیکشه

دوست داره موهاشو بلند بزاره ولی میگه تو دعوا اذیتش میکنه

ارتباط خوبی با سو و هیراگی داره

اولین باری که تو انیمه حضور پیدا میکنه : اواسط دعوای شیشتورن و بوفورین تو تئاتر، یه پنجره رو میشکنه و میاد داخل انگار که نرمال ترین حرکت تو جهانه، بعدشم یه 'صبحتی' با چوجی میکنه. (گلوش چاقو میخوره)

قدیما، یه بار موقع پارکور رفتن از یه پشت بوم افتاد و سر، دست چپ و پای راستش رو شکست

جمله معروف : پارکور زندگی منه.

جهت کیفیت بهتر کلیک کنید روی عکس


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1 year ago

Some flexibility

Some flexibility🦴💪🏻🤗

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1 year ago

Some flexibility

Some flexibility🦴💪🏻🤗

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1 year ago

Some flexibility

Some flexibility🦴💪🏻🤗

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1 year ago

Some flexibility

Some flexibility🦴💪🏻🤗

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5 years ago

OMG can't be more true ♊🤣

Could you tell me the pros and cons of Gemini moon (if you're not overwhelmed, I mean)?

Moon in Gemini


-generally open minded(considering they have two sides of perceptives)

-treat your emotions lightly

- always try to understand things

-good guidance 

-can have great long conversations with



-you need an outlet to relax (music is a big one)


-they can go from being in a good mood to randomly being upset and serious (mood swings)

-you think so much constantly that its literally tiring for yourself


-can be too flexible(mentally)

-will help others before yourself



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1 year ago
Bedroom - MasterAn Illustration Of A Sizable, Modern Master Bedroom With A Light Wood Floor, White Walls,

Bedroom - Master An illustration of a sizable, modern master bedroom with a light wood floor, white walls, a regular fireplace, and a stone fireplace.

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8 years ago
boysinsplits - 我愛劈腿男


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8 years ago
boysinsplits - 我愛劈腿男


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