Fma Winry - Tumblr Posts

Drew Al, Winry, and Ed as a photo he ans my friends took on New Years.
Can’t believe fullmetal alchemist dropped the best heterosexual couples to ever grace tv and they didn’t even kiss once in the whole series

Scene redraw, hope u like it xx

Doodled today, will probs doodle tomorrow too.
So I have some really mixed feelings overall about FMA CoS but one part I do love is all the Wrath scenes. :)

We get to see Winry in her lovely CoS outfit and she’s visiting Izumi’s grave - poor Winry always seems to be visiting graves. Izumi’s been dead for some time. Her death must have had quite the impact on Wrath as he had some extremely conflicting feelings for her - did he hate her, resent her, love her, fear her, wanted to love/hate her, wanted her to love/hate him - it’s a real mess.
Either way, she’s dead and that leaves Wrath more alone than ever. Wrath’s earliest memories is of his own creation, of being created and then abandoned and then trapped inside the gate. The gate, which he describes as dark. It’s his greatest fear, to be left alone in that dark prison again. He wants to experience life. Upon waking up he alienates the humans and finds some sense of belonging with the other homunculi - but its fake and short lived as they soon all die too. And Izumi is still too hard to deal with so he runs away form her, feeling like he’s better off on his own.
But then he experiences a bit of kindness.

Winry builds him some automail limbs, the ones she was designing for Ed. (A sad thing really, effectively giving away a gift she really put her heart into - to what extent did she believe he was dead?) Wrath doesn’t stick around beyond that but he knows now that this is something of a safe haven for him.
Izumi’s death will have meant something to him and therefore its not too surprising to find him back in Risembool, sitting near her grave. He’s not quite able to ask for help though, he sticks to the shadows and when Winry does see him, the damage on his automail is extremely obvious, as is his desolate expression.

Winry is quite touchy about damages to her automail typically, but as this brief scene shows, her rage is borne out of concern, showing them how much she cares that they take care of the automail she’s made for them. When confronted with the desolate Wrath, who is so wary of others and so emotionally fragile, she just gently smiles as him, doesn’t ask how he feels about Izumi, and invites him to come and get some maintenance. In short, she’s kind and thoughtful.

Now, the damage to Wrath’s automail is quite obvious and it could have been a long time since he last appeared and got it repaired, but it also may have been quite recently. I wouldn’t put it past him to push his automail extra hard and treat it roughly so it would require maintenance sooner (and lashing out in some sort of violent rage would not be out of character anyway) so he has an excuse to be there. He feels safer with a pretext, else he’d have to admit that the real reason he’s there is because he cares.

I won't ask you to wait, if you don't ask me to stay