For The Second To Last Time - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

I also thought they would never get separated again but here we are

I Also Thought They Would Never Get Separated Again But Here We Are

Attack on Titan chapter 138 spoilers

I haven’t done this in a while. Let’s go for the second to last time

This whole chapter was pain, I haven’t been ok since yesterday

I’m going to reread it with the oficial release but it’s going to be twice as painful I’m sure

The Warrior’s reunion with their families was so beautiful, and then Connie realized what was happening and I got so sad

I hurt every time I remember Jean, Connie and Gabi being turned into titans

Like Jean and Connie remembering their graduation and Connie being like ‘we saved the world because of you’ my heart ;-;

After Connie’s bullshit with Falco and his mom, Falco and Gabi reuniting made me think that they wouldn’t be separated again. They got separated again, probably forever now

Unless they’ve got a way to turn mindless titans back into humans without eating a Shifter this is the end for all three and that makes me so sad

Armin being like ‘you must really like this hell’ to Eren. Like seeing them fight was always too heartbreaking but this is too much

Annie’s dad being turned into a Titan, just as they’re being reunited

Levi’s order to leave the others behind when you know it’s probably the last thing he would’ve wanted

Pieck looking back at the others and crying

Falco looking back at Gabi ;-;

Titans Jean, Connie and Gabi (sorry I’ll probably never get over this, I just love those three so much ;-;)

Eren’s vision to Mikasa and showing her what could’ve happened if she had told him the truth in the chapter 123 flashback

Him telling her to get rid of the scarf and live a long life after he’s gone

The callback to chapter freaking 1 ‘why are you crying?’ ‘See you later Eren’

Mikasa pulling the scarf and wrapping it around her neck

Eren’s face when he and Mikasa saw each other broke me

I stopped shipping Eren and Mikasa because I was convinced that it wouldn’t happen. Eren was trying too hard to make Mikasa hate him and I knew that she would have to be one of the people (if not the one) to end him

It was never a question about love though, Mikasa still loves Eren more than anything in the world, and I never doubted that

If Isayama didn’t put any kissing scenes until now because he was saving it for this, then it was totally worth it

Sure it looks weird, but Mikasa kissing Eren as a way of goodbye was probably the most heartbreaking thing about this chapter (which is saying a lot)

There are probably more things that I want to ramble about (like Reiner) but if I don’t stop I’m going to be sad

To the boy who sought freedom... goodbye

RIP Eren, you might be a little nuts and done shit I don’t agree with, but my 16 year old self will still love you forever, you suicidal blockhead

I’m not ready for the series to end ;-;

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