Attack On Titan Spoilers - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Eren and Cinder: Slaves of Freedom


Many people hate Eren and Cinder to the point that they consider them bad characters and it's one thing to dislike a character and another to be badly written and to be fair, Eren and Cinder aren't bad characters. You might dislike them, very much actually, but one thing doesn't take away the other, they're both well written and I'm writing this because I don't want people to think they're bad characters just because they don't like them.

They both share a strong desire for freedom and in this post I'm going to explore their desire for freedom, why they became obsessed with being free as well as other things they share:

Eren and Cinder suffered since they were children due to situations that were beyond their control. Eren witnessed the destruction of his home and the death of his mother Carla as well as being turned into a titan by his father Grisha and later on he would suffer a series of betrayals and find out that everything bad that happened to him was the product of a war that he did not even know existed and Cinder was mistreated on the farm where she was sheltered until Madame adopted her but this mistreatment went from bad to worse, then Rhodes gives her hope of being free as a huntress but she could not bear the abuse and she kills her abusers and then fights Rhodes and kills him.

Both situations are quite different but the effect it caused on both is practically the same: they hate themselves for their impotence and want to be free because they want to have control of their lives, give meaning to all pain they went through and believe that power and violence is the only thing that can give them what they want. Eren and Cinder are victims of a system bigger than them that failed them and they choose to destroy it but at the cost of being left alone in a toxic and self-destructive cycle.

Basically, this is how they want to be seen by others (powerful and untouchable)

Eren And Cinder: Slaves Of Freedom

because this is what they really are (pathetic and unsure of themselves)


and they know it better than anyone and they hate themselves for it. They're irrational, immature, angry, cowardly in many ways, yet also a frightened children deep down.

Their desire to be free through violence, to have power, and to have a narrative they're in control of has caused them to enter a self-destructive spiral and ironically they become slaves to their desire for freedom to the point that they lose sight of what that they really want (to be loved) and cut off the few positive relationships they have left, taking them away from what they really want.

Cinder only gets close to others for her own benefit and while she projects onto Emerald and Mercury and feels some affection for them, in the end she chooses to abuse and manipulate them and despite Eren genuinely loving his friends but in turn abusing them, he hits them and forces them to do things they don't want to do, Cinder and Eren both share a main flaw when it comes to their relationships and that is that they're afraid of loving other people, afraid of showing vulnerability, they don't trust others because they don't want to be hurt again. Their relationships are selfish love because they are based on how they feel without taking into account the feelings of others. This is so to the point that they also affect people with whom they have no close relationship because they steal agency because they have been deprived of it.

If you notice, Eren and Cinder seek to have a narrative like the trope of the chosen one: one person is a failure and having a series of horrible things happen to them only to realize that they were special for being the chosen one all along but to Eren and Cinder's disgrace they're not chosen but are a deconstruction of this trope.

Eren experienced a series of misfortunes and betrayals, he receives a power that shortens his life expectancy to 13 years and on top of that the whole world wants to destroy his home because of a war that he didn't know existed but wants to believe that he is the chosen one who was destined to activate the Rumbling and that there was no other solution to save his island. On the other hand, Cinder was abused her entire life and felt betrayed by the father figure who inspired her until Salem arrives and grants her the ability to be a Maiden (which is quite a dangerous position since many seek her power either through the power itself, the relics, or both) being left in an abusive situation with her and Cinder chooses to believe that she was meant to be the one chosen to have the Maiden's Powers.

They seek to be special because they hate themselves and they want power because they want control of their lives. They would rather be monsters that everyone fears


than admit that they're just traumatized and wounded children.


After all, what kind of person wanted to become a monster anyway?

A person pathetically unable to feel good as a human being.

We see that this deconstructed trope, far from being something good and rewarding, is actually dehumanizing. Eren knows that his mother's death was circumstantial but chooses to believe that he caused it and planned it only to feel like he was in control and Cinder chooses to believe that her role as Maiden is her destiny and that she destroyed the kingdom she hated to feel that it was by her own choice when actually everything was planned and decided by Salem.

Eren and Cinder are fascinating because of how contradictory they are, they want to be free but at the same time they want to adjust to a narrative where everything is decided for them. They both think that way because they believe that freedom consists of doing what they want without consequences, but what they don't know about freedom is this:


Here Ezio is explaining the meaning of "everything is permitted" from the assassins creed which is basically the meaning of having freedom. Freedom consists of making choices and taking responsibility for the consequences of those choices, but Eren and Cinder don't make their own decisions and when they do they don't want to take responsibility for them. They want the feeling of power and control that comes with choice, but they don't want the responsibility for it.

Eren knows about the world situation regarding Paradis and he wanted to protect his friends and home but deep down he just wanted revenge against the world and the system that hurt him. He didn't want the world to be destroyed but he wanted to be the one to make that choice.

Cinder knows about the situation of the world of Remnant with the classism and discrimination that she and many others suffered and decided to perpetuate the cycle because she wanted revenge against a system that failed her. She doesn't care about the state of the world but she wanted to be important and Cinder, like Eren, is going to make a choice about the world but in turn she has the opportunity to make a different choice than Eren.

In a sense, Eren represents what could happen to Cinder if she doesn't realize her way of thinking that she has to be the chosen one to prove her worth as a person and not acknowledge her pain and the pain she caused others will get her nowhere. She needs to realize that she doesn't need to prove her worth but to acknowledge that she is already valuable and special just by existing, which Eren failed to do. Eren was called to realize it by his friends but he failed because he prioritize his self-loathing and anger against the world while Cinder will be called (possibly by Emerald and Mercury) to realize this and she will listen.

While Eren condemns himself by wanting to continue with his flaw (being afraid to love others, wanting to feel better about himself by hurting others and being special because his childish delusions of grandeur and his inability to let go of his childish feelings of entitlement) and not being able to grow, Cinder will grow as a person and overcome these same flaws. Both are very related to the final destiny of the world, except that Eren ultimately chooses to destroy his while Cinder ultimately will chooses to save it. Eren's choice was selfish and Cinder's will be selfless. Eren chooses to die because he cannot deal with the responsibility of his choice while Cinder will choose to die to save the world and will hold on to her final choice even knowing the consequences of taking it.

Eren died as a slave to his need to seek freedom and to feel better about himself in a chosen narrative but Cinder will die truly free for the first time in her life by recognizing what she really wants (to be loved, make her own choices and hold on to them with all the responsibility that entails).

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2 years ago

When I listen to Shingeki no Kyojin opening 7 “The Rumbling” I think of Belos because it's as if it were his song. The lyrics just fit so well with him that it seems his thoughts and feelings embodied in the song.

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2 years ago

Eren and Cinder: Slaves of Freedom


Many people hate Eren and Cinder to the point that they consider them bad characters and it's one thing to dislike a character and another to be badly written and to be fair, Eren and Cinder aren't bad characters. You might dislike them, very much actually, but one thing doesn't take away the other, they're both well written and I'm writing this because I don't want people to think they're bad characters just because they don't like them.

They both share a strong desire for freedom and in this post I'm going to explore their desire for freedom, why they became obsessed with being free as well as other things they share:

Eren and Cinder suffered since they were children due to situations that were beyond their control. Eren witnessed the destruction of his home and the death of his mother Carla as well as being turned into a titan by his father Grisha and later on he would suffer a series of betrayals and find out that everything bad that happened to him was the product of a war that he did not even know existed and Cinder was mistreated on the farm where she was sheltered until Madame adopted her but this mistreatment went from bad to worse, then Rhodes gives her hope of being free as a huntress but she could not bear the abuse and she kills her abusers and then fights Rhodes and kills him.

Both situations are quite different but the effect it caused on both is practically the same: they hate themselves for their impotence and want to be free because they want to have control of their lives, give meaning to all pain they went through and believe that power and violence is the only thing that can give them what they want. Eren and Cinder are victims of a system bigger than them that failed them and they choose to destroy it but at the cost of being left alone in a toxic and self-destructive cycle.

Basically, this is how they want to be seen by others (powerful and untouchable)

Eren And Cinder: Slaves Of Freedom

because this is what they really are (pathetic and unsure of themselves)


and they know it better than anyone and they hate themselves for it. They're irrational, immature, angry, cowardly in many ways, yet also a frightened children deep down.

Their desire to be free through violence, to have power, and to have a narrative they're in control of has caused them to enter a self-destructive spiral and ironically they become slaves to their desire for freedom to the point that they lose sight of what that they really want (to be loved) and cut off the few positive relationships they have left, taking them away from what they really want.

Cinder only gets close to others for her own benefit and while she projects onto Emerald and Mercury and feels some affection for them, in the end she chooses to abuse and manipulate them and despite Eren genuinely loving his friends but in turn abusing them, he hits them and forces them to do things they don't want to do, Cinder and Eren both share a main flaw when it comes to their relationships and that is that they're afraid of loving other people, afraid of showing vulnerability, they don't trust others because they don't want to be hurt again. Their relationships are selfish love because they are based on how they feel without taking into account the feelings of others. This is so to the point that they also affect people with whom they have no close relationship because they steal agency because they have been deprived of it.

If you notice, Eren and Cinder seek to have a narrative like the trope of the chosen one: one person is a failure and having a series of horrible things happen to them only to realize that they were special for being the chosen one all along but to Eren and Cinder's disgrace they're not chosen but are a deconstruction of this trope.

Eren experienced a series of misfortunes and betrayals, he receives a power that shortens his life expectancy to 13 years and on top of that the whole world wants to destroy his home because of a war that he didn't know existed but wants to believe that he is the chosen one who was destined to activate the Rumbling and that there was no other solution to save his island. On the other hand, Cinder was abused her entire life and felt betrayed by the father figure who inspired her until Salem arrives and grants her the ability to be a Maiden (which is quite a dangerous position since many seek her power either through the power itself, the relics, or both) being left in an abusive situation with her and Cinder chooses to believe that she was meant to be the one chosen to have the Maiden's Powers.

They seek to be special because they hate themselves and they want power because they want control of their lives. They would rather be monsters that everyone fears


than admit that they're just traumatized and wounded children.


After all, what kind of person wanted to become a monster anyway?

A person pathetically unable to feel good as a human being.

We see that this deconstructed trope, far from being something good and rewarding, is actually dehumanizing. Eren knows that his mother's death was circumstantial but chooses to believe that he caused it and planned it only to feel like he was in control and Cinder chooses to believe that her role as Maiden is her destiny and that she destroyed the kingdom she hated to feel that it was by her own choice when actually everything was planned and decided by Salem.

Eren and Cinder are fascinating because of how contradictory they are, they want to be free but at the same time they want to adjust to a narrative where everything is decided for them. They both think that way because they believe that freedom consists of doing what they want without consequences, but what they don't know about freedom is this:


Here Ezio is explaining the meaning of "everything is permitted" from the assassins creed which is basically the meaning of having freedom. Freedom consists of making choices and taking responsibility for the consequences of those choices, but Eren and Cinder don't make their own decisions and when they do they don't want to take responsibility for them. They want the feeling of power and control that comes with choice, but they don't want the responsibility for it.

Eren knows about the world situation regarding Paradis and he wanted to protect his friends and home but deep down he just wanted revenge against the world and the system that hurt him. He didn't want the world to be destroyed but he wanted to be the one to make that choice.

Cinder knows about the situation of the world of Remnant with the classism and discrimination that she and many others suffered and decided to perpetuate the cycle because she wanted revenge against a system that failed her. She doesn't care about the state of the world but she wanted to be important and Cinder, like Eren, is going to make a choice about the world but in turn she has the opportunity to make a different choice than Eren.

In a sense, Eren represents what could happen to Cinder if she doesn't realize her way of thinking that she has to be the chosen one to prove her worth as a person and not acknowledge her pain and the pain she caused others will get her nowhere. She needs to realize that she doesn't need to prove her worth but to acknowledge that she is already valuable and special just by existing, which Eren failed to do. Eren was called to realize it by his friends but he failed because he prioritize his self-loathing and anger against the world while Cinder will be called (possibly by Emerald and Mercury) to realize this and she will listen.

While Eren condemns himself by wanting to continue with his flaw (being afraid to love others, wanting to feel better about himself by hurting others and being special because his childish delusions of grandeur and his inability to let go of his childish feelings of entitlement) and not being able to grow, Cinder will grow as a person and overcome these same flaws. Both are very related to the final destiny of the world, except that Eren ultimately chooses to destroy his while Cinder ultimately will chooses to save it. Eren's choice was selfish and Cinder's will be selfless. Eren chooses to die because he cannot deal with the responsibility of his choice while Cinder will choose to die to save the world and will hold on to her final choice even knowing the consequences of taking it.

Eren died as a slave to his need to seek freedom and to feel better about himself in a chosen narrative but Cinder will die truly free for the first time in her life by recognizing what she really wants (to be loved, make her own choices and hold on to them with all the responsibility that entails).

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2 years ago

When I listen to Shingeki no Kyojin opening 7 “The Rumbling” I think of Belos because it's as if it were his song. The lyrics just fit so well with him that it seems his thoughts and feelings embodied in the song.

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4 years ago

This is just painful. I’ve seen a lot of tv shows/movies with sad endings, this one just gutted me the most.

Let’s talk about Annie who has been wanting to reunite with her dad for nine years. Nine fucking years! She was so close and seeing that moment stolen away from her was just... I don’t have words for it.

Then we have Gabi. A twelve year old girl! She turned into a Titan at the age of TWELVE! This is a kid who had her childhood stripped away by fighting in wars and had her head filled with so much propaganda that damaged her whole perception. She grew past that and started to see the world differently. My only hope for her is that Reiner will let her eat him. After all, Gabi was supposed to inherit the Armored Titan until Falco started to work hard.

Connie killed me. The same thing that happens to him happened to his family. He saw it with his own eyes happened to his mom and we saw that even years later, he still wanted his mom back. For this to be Connie’s fate also, it’s such a tragedy. What is worse was that he immediately knew what was happening. He knew that his fate was going to be like his family before everyone else figured what’s going on.

My boy Jean. His fate hurts the most. Not only because I love him more than all the previously mentioned characters, but because we saw Jean dream of another life. He wanted to have a family and live a normal life. He was done being a scout. It was obvious that he wanted it a lot and it’s utterly sad that he never will get to. It’s hard to talk about him since his end is depressing.

As for Levi, Mikasa, Falco, Armin and Reiner, I don’t even know what to say about them. I guess I’m going to wait until the last chapter to talk about them.

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4 years ago

What Eren wanted: Death to all Titans, for his friends to live long lives, and for Eldians to be free

What Eren actually got: More Titans than ever (so many Titans), his friends almost all dead, most Eldians dead, and Eren became both the titaniest Titan and also dead

Nice going jackass!

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4 years ago

I also thought they would never get separated again but here we are

I Also Thought They Would Never Get Separated Again But Here We Are

Attack on Titan chapter 138 spoilers

I haven’t done this in a while. Let’s go for the second to last time

This whole chapter was pain, I haven’t been ok since yesterday

I’m going to reread it with the oficial release but it’s going to be twice as painful I’m sure

The Warrior’s reunion with their families was so beautiful, and then Connie realized what was happening and I got so sad

I hurt every time I remember Jean, Connie and Gabi being turned into titans

Like Jean and Connie remembering their graduation and Connie being like ‘we saved the world because of you’ my heart ;-;

After Connie’s bullshit with Falco and his mom, Falco and Gabi reuniting made me think that they wouldn’t be separated again. They got separated again, probably forever now

Unless they’ve got a way to turn mindless titans back into humans without eating a Shifter this is the end for all three and that makes me so sad

Armin being like ‘you must really like this hell’ to Eren. Like seeing them fight was always too heartbreaking but this is too much

Annie’s dad being turned into a Titan, just as they’re being reunited

Levi’s order to leave the others behind when you know it’s probably the last thing he would’ve wanted

Pieck looking back at the others and crying

Falco looking back at Gabi ;-;

Titans Jean, Connie and Gabi (sorry I’ll probably never get over this, I just love those three so much ;-;)

Eren’s vision to Mikasa and showing her what could’ve happened if she had told him the truth in the chapter 123 flashback

Him telling her to get rid of the scarf and live a long life after he’s gone

The callback to chapter freaking 1 ‘why are you crying?’ ‘See you later Eren’

Mikasa pulling the scarf and wrapping it around her neck

Eren’s face when he and Mikasa saw each other broke me

I stopped shipping Eren and Mikasa because I was convinced that it wouldn’t happen. Eren was trying too hard to make Mikasa hate him and I knew that she would have to be one of the people (if not the one) to end him

It was never a question about love though, Mikasa still loves Eren more than anything in the world, and I never doubted that

If Isayama didn’t put any kissing scenes until now because he was saving it for this, then it was totally worth it

Sure it looks weird, but Mikasa kissing Eren as a way of goodbye was probably the most heartbreaking thing about this chapter (which is saying a lot)

There are probably more things that I want to ramble about (like Reiner) but if I don’t stop I’m going to be sad

To the boy who sought freedom... goodbye

RIP Eren, you might be a little nuts and done shit I don’t agree with, but my 16 year old self will still love you forever, you suicidal blockhead

I’m not ready for the series to end ;-;

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4 years ago

Something I found on twitter  that makes perfect amount of sense.

To quote @Rlazibal on twitter. And here is the link to the post

“For the people wondering “why would Isayama make the warriors parents and Gabi be titanized?“ 

 One of the major theme in Attack on Titan is "never push your will to your child” and “don’t let your child go to war”. 

 That is the consequences for going against this theme.“

And in attack on titan we have already seen examples of parents forcing their will to their own children. Such as:

Keep reading

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3 years ago

Floch is the reason Sasha died

and here's why

After everyone got back onto the airship, Floch wanted to celebrate their "victory." Anyone with an ounce of logic should know not to count your chickens before they hatch, and definitely to not celebrate whilst in enemy territory. They may have achieved their main goal, but they hadn't won just yet.

Floch got excited too quickly and started to get rowdy, making the soldiers around him (other than Jean, Sasha, and Connie) get rather excited. As they celebrated, they forgot about possible dangers that could come at them unprepared. Floch made them unprepared, he helped them lose their guard.

While they all cheered, Sasha hears Gabi hit the ship and tells Jean. Jean tells the soldiers to calm down and be quiet because he knows that Sasha has rather keen senses. Jean knows well that Sasha's senses are important, and if she hears something, she's not making it up. Sasha is a goofy character, but she and Jean become very close. Jean knows that Sasha doesn't joke around in serious situations.

Sasha had been raised as a hunter, so she knows very well to be wary in the unfamiliar ground, so she never let her guard down. Jean knows this, having worked with her and her senses for so long. He knows that if she hears something, then Everyone should be on guard.

Jean tries to quiet the soldiers, but in their excitement, they ignore/don't hear him. Who caused that excitement, again? Floch. If they hadn't become rowdy, they would have kept their guards up, even if a bit. They would have been able to hear Sasha say she heard something, and they might even have been able to hear the sound of Gabi crashing into the ship. If they had been on guard, they could have reacted faster to Gabi boarding the ship, and Sasha would have survived. It took a second for Gabi to board and aim, and in that second, Sasha would have been able to evade the bullet, Jean wouldn't have missed, and Gabi wouldn't be the most hated character. Gabi shot in a blind rage, the blind rage of seeing her friends die. She Aimed in a split second, meaning that she was aiming for the middle of the group, not Sasha. Gabi just wanted to avenge her friends, even if she went about it in the wrong way.

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2 years ago

aot anime spoilers (do not give me manga spoilers)

rewatching aot and everything makes sense now. i remember being confused as to why this shit happens and now i’m seeing this and everything makes sense?? like oh my god this is the reason! isayama is crazy to start this from the beginning and make sense later in the series. u know remember when eren met the titan who ate his mom (titan being dina fritz who has a royal blood) and he punched her but had a contact with her meaning contact with a royal blood and then he could use the power of the founder titan momentarily to control the other titans like insane?? i was visibly confused then but now everything makes sense. isayama u mad man.

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4 years ago

After reading chapter 133 all I could think about was how much I miss Hange.

It came to mind when she saved Levi and cared of his wounds ...

when she blamed herself for everything ...

when she cooked for everyone ...

when she said goodbye to everyone ...

aot is just not the same without hange :'(

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4 years ago

i hope this guy right here is the father

I Hope This Guy Right Here Is The Father

seriously. Please be the father

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4 years ago

I'm going to say this now and I'll keep saying it until the final chapter of snk.


I'm Going To Say This Now And I'll Keep Saying It Until The Final Chapter Of Snk.
I'm Going To Say This Now And I'll Keep Saying It Until The Final Chapter Of Snk.
I'm Going To Say This Now And I'll Keep Saying It Until The Final Chapter Of Snk.
I'm Going To Say This Now And I'll Keep Saying It Until The Final Chapter Of Snk.
I'm Going To Say This Now And I'll Keep Saying It Until The Final Chapter Of Snk.
I'm Going To Say This Now And I'll Keep Saying It Until The Final Chapter Of Snk.
I'm Going To Say This Now And I'll Keep Saying It Until The Final Chapter Of Snk.


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4 years ago

We are in December and a new chapter is coming soon all I have to say is that

this man deserves to be happy.

We Are In December And A New Chapter Is Coming Soon All I Have To Say Is That
We Are In December And A New Chapter Is Coming Soon All I Have To Say Is That
We Are In December And A New Chapter Is Coming Soon All I Have To Say Is That
We Are In December And A New Chapter Is Coming Soon All I Have To Say Is That
We Are In December And A New Chapter Is Coming Soon All I Have To Say Is That


We Are In December And A New Chapter Is Coming Soon All I Have To Say Is That
We Are In December And A New Chapter Is Coming Soon All I Have To Say Is That
We Are In December And A New Chapter Is Coming Soon All I Have To Say Is That
We Are In December And A New Chapter Is Coming Soon All I Have To Say Is That
We Are In December And A New Chapter Is Coming Soon All I Have To Say Is That

There is still the possibility that he can have a peaceful life even with sad memories.

hange d protecting the people they love. enough deaths Isayama sensei! Let them try to be happy! 😭😭😭

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4 years ago

each new chapter makes it more obvious that hange's death was not necessary and it breaks my heart.

Each New Chapter Makes It More Obvious That Hange's Death Was Not Necessary And It Breaks My Heart.

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4 years ago

It's already December 25 in Japan

Happy birthday to my second favorite character<3

It's Already December 25 In Japan
It's Already December 25 In Japan
It's Already December 25 In Japan
It's Already December 25 In Japan
It's Already December 25 In Japan
It's Already December 25 In Japan
It's Already December 25 In Japan
It's Already December 25 In Japan
It's Already December 25 In Japan
It's Already December 25 In Japan

All I want to say is that any ending without Levi is a meaningless ending to me.

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4 years ago

It might just be because these are the last chapters but I have a bad feeling about chapter 136.

Idk I feel like something really bad is going to happen...

Why after so many chapters suffering I can't get used to it??

(And I miss hange so much! Yes! I keep crying about chapter 132. Fucking chapter 132! whyyy😭😭)

i'm not ready.

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4 years ago

Just thinking that this has no meaning or that it was only a drawing mistake makes me so sad.

Just Thinking That This Has No Meaning Or That It Was Only A Drawing Mistake Makes Me So Sad.

I just want to see hange one more time I don't even care if it's in a flashback 😭😭😭

But I can totally imagine snk ending and all of us like: hey! Do you remember when Isayama had a drawing mistake that seemed like Hange was crying and we thought we were going to have a flashback or something ???😭😭😭

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