Fruit Salad - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago
 Mangez 5 Fruits Et Lgumes Par Jour

« Mangez 5 fruits et légumes par jour »

Thème : Fruits en aquarelle Date : 2023

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6 months ago

Barely anyone actually knows this, but Makarov actually really likes fruit. If you want to gain his affection when he already likes you, then a good way of doing so is by bringing him some cut up fruit. His favorites are peaches, any kind, really. He could be having a rough day, glaring at anyone that comes close to him, but if you bring him some peaches, especially saturn peaches, he will calm down a little bit. If you're already pretty close, then he'll return your affections with some of his own. Bring him a fruit salad with some yoghurt, he'll truly appreciate it. He doesn't let very many people know about that either. Not because it's embarrassing or anything, but because no one needs to know his likes and dislikes. If he lets you know about this, then it's a sign of trust on his behalf, silly as it sounds.

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2 years ago
Fruit Salad - Kid-Friendly Fruit SaladKids Love To Make And Eat This Quick And Easy Fruit Salad That's

Fruit Salad - Kid-Friendly Fruit Salad Kids love to make and eat this quick and easy fruit salad that's made with apple, grapes, oranges, pineapple, and strawberry yogurt.

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1 year ago
personallygay22-4 - Luna
Feel Like SR Would Eat Lunch Here

Feel like SR would eat lunch here


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1 year ago
Salad - Watermelon SurprizeThis Summery Watermelon Mint Salad Is Dressed Simply With Apple Cider Vinegar

Salad - Watermelon Surprize This summery watermelon mint salad is dressed simply with apple cider vinegar and black pepper.

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1 year ago
Very Easy Fruit Salad - Strawberry SaladWho Knew That Adding Kiwi, Bananas, Grapes, And Strawberries

Very Easy Fruit Salad - Strawberry Salad Who knew that adding kiwi, bananas, grapes, and strawberries to a bowl of sliced fruit would make the peach pie filling taste so good? makes eight incredibly large servings.

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1 year ago
5 Cup Salad - Fruit SaladMandarin Oranges, Pineapple, Coconut, Marshmallows, And Sour Cream Are All You

5 Cup Salad - Fruit Salad Mandarin oranges, pineapple, coconut, marshmallows, and sour cream are all you need for a sweet salad for the Thanksgiving table.

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9 months ago

you know those posts that say "i make my favorite character from my country!" and it shows things related to said country plastered all over said favorite character, ive seen a few of those but ive seen even more of characters and then they have traits of different states in the usa and i dislike talking about the usa a lot but this was far too funny to pass up, so heres mine

You Know Those Posts That Say "i Make My Favorite Character From My Country!" And It Shows Things Related

if you cant tell, its Minnesota 😓

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6 years ago
Finger Macedonia Con Sorbetto Al Lime Fruit Salad With Lime Sorbet Finger Food Http://

Finger macedonia con sorbetto al lime 🇮🇹 Fruit salad with lime sorbet finger food 🇬🇧

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