Fuck Centrists - Tumblr Posts

I am not voting blue.

Don't mistake this for me not voting or voting GOP. I am voting for Claudia de la Cruz and Karina Garcia in November. I refuse to take part in this "lesser of two evils" bullshit, because that will NEVER fix anything. I am voting for the candidate who best aligns with my interests and beliefs.

And before you say "you're just throwing your vote away to the other guy": no, I'm not. I'm voting for Claudia; the Electoral College are the ones handing my vote over to somebody I didn't vote for.

"There's not enough support for third party candidates to be viable!" Okay, and? Am I supposed to just not vote for who I really want because nobody else is voting for them? I'm not gonna just sit and wait for the rest of the population to decide they're ready to vote outside of the two-party norm.

Why should I play by the rules of a system that doesn't even want to give people what they really want?

And fyi I did vote for Biden last time because I witnessed firsthand all the terrible things Trump did, and I regret it. I hate him only a little less than I hate Trump.

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Some Vote Blue twit called me a "fucking moron" for telling people to vote third party and said it would "only guarantee that nobody respects your opinion ever again" as if continuing to vote for the status quo party is somehow more respectable? And I get people are going to go on about "bUt If ThEy HaD a MaJoRiTy ThEy CoUlD dO mOrE!!!1!" yeah ok they could send more money to Ain'trael? That's what you mean, isn't it? Because they certainly wouldn't be trying to help us. The motherfuckers could have done literally anything, used any loophole, expended SCotUS and packed it with liberals to dilute conservative power there, and you wanna know something? Biden used an executive order to send more aid to Israel after Congress voted against a bill for it, but never did anything of the sort to help people here.

Wanna know something else interesting? If a third party gets at least five percent of the popular vote, they'll be granted federal funding.

Do these people think just voting for Democrats for [X] number of election cycles will just magically fix everything? As if they think that the system used to be good but is now broken? News flash, homies, THE SYSTEM IS WORKING EXACTLY AS INTENDED. THERE IS NO "FIXING" IT BECAUSE THIS IS AN INHERENTLY UNJUST SYSTEM AND THE ONLY WAY TO IMPROVE THE SITUATION IS TO TEAR IT ALL DOWN AND START OVER FROM SCRATCH.

But I guess these Tumblr liberals aren't ready to hear that truth and would rather accuse actual leftists of being some kind of Russian or Chinese psyop.

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3 months ago

I just want everyone to be careful. There seems to be an increase of right-wingers on Tumblr lately (at least I'm getting them put on my radar more often), including the ""enlightened centrist"" types. it may be tempting to call them out, but you're better off just blocking those people. no meaningful conversation will result from interaction with them.

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