Fuck Conservatives - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago


"this work is problematic because of how it handles [subject]": reasonable premise for media criticism

"this work is problematic because it depicts [subject]": do not pass go do not collect $200 this is, as a general rule, a functionally reactionary and conservative argument

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I am not voting blue.

Don't mistake this for me not voting or voting GOP. I am voting for Claudia de la Cruz and Karina Garcia in November. I refuse to take part in this "lesser of two evils" bullshit, because that will NEVER fix anything. I am voting for the candidate who best aligns with my interests and beliefs.

And before you say "you're just throwing your vote away to the other guy": no, I'm not. I'm voting for Claudia; the Electoral College are the ones handing my vote over to somebody I didn't vote for.

"There's not enough support for third party candidates to be viable!" Okay, and? Am I supposed to just not vote for who I really want because nobody else is voting for them? I'm not gonna just sit and wait for the rest of the population to decide they're ready to vote outside of the two-party norm.

Why should I play by the rules of a system that doesn't even want to give people what they really want?

And fyi I did vote for Biden last time because I witnessed firsthand all the terrible things Trump did, and I regret it. I hate him only a little less than I hate Trump.

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Some Vote Blue twit called me a "fucking moron" for telling people to vote third party and said it would "only guarantee that nobody respects your opinion ever again" as if continuing to vote for the status quo party is somehow more respectable? And I get people are going to go on about "bUt If ThEy HaD a MaJoRiTy ThEy CoUlD dO mOrE!!!1!" yeah ok they could send more money to Ain'trael? That's what you mean, isn't it? Because they certainly wouldn't be trying to help us. The motherfuckers could have done literally anything, used any loophole, expended SCotUS and packed it with liberals to dilute conservative power there, and you wanna know something? Biden used an executive order to send more aid to Israel after Congress voted against a bill for it, but never did anything of the sort to help people here.

Wanna know something else interesting? If a third party gets at least five percent of the popular vote, they'll be granted federal funding.

Do these people think just voting for Democrats for [X] number of election cycles will just magically fix everything? As if they think that the system used to be good but is now broken? News flash, homies, THE SYSTEM IS WORKING EXACTLY AS INTENDED. THERE IS NO "FIXING" IT BECAUSE THIS IS AN INHERENTLY UNJUST SYSTEM AND THE ONLY WAY TO IMPROVE THE SITUATION IS TO TEAR IT ALL DOWN AND START OVER FROM SCRATCH.

But I guess these Tumblr liberals aren't ready to hear that truth and would rather accuse actual leftists of being some kind of Russian or Chinese psyop.

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Friendly reminder that the "Vote Blue" crowd wants you to vote for a party that co-opts populist movements

Friendly Reminder That The "Vote Blue" Crowd Wants You To Vote For A Party That Co-opts Populist Movements

Case in point. I checked, and it's been deleted. They're trying to cover their asses.

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Considering voting for Jill Stein instead

This all happened really fast and so I'm still processing it myself, but I'm thinking that Jill Stein from the Green Party might be a better reflection of what I want instead. No hate to Claudia and Karina, don't get me wrong, but I've taken a second look and just think that Jill might be a closer reflection of the exact kind of socialist I want to vote for. Here on out, I'll now be promoting and reblogging Jill Stein's campaign.

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1 year ago

Too many people are forgetting these things too quickly:

-SESTA/FOSTA passed. Despite the many, many warnings of sex workers.

-A bunch of apps started their censorship policies because Apple directly threatened their revenue if they didn't promise to cut down on the amount of porn on their sites

-MasterCard and VISA tried to outright stop processing OnlyFans work SPECIFICALLY because of the association with sex work, and no other feasible financial reason.

There is not a sudden regressive movement among individual people. Free The Nipple didn't fade into obscurity because people didn't care. It was stopped. By policies. By laws. By arrests. By censorship. These things have been purposefully put in place by companies and politicians. They saw the work we were trying to do wrt bodily autonomy, sexual liberation, and sexual freedom, and they forcibly put a stop to it.

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7 months ago
smashtheproject - 2024 vote 2025 bullshit


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1 year ago

Say their name.


Say Their Name.


Say Their Name.


Say Their Name.

Nex Benedict was a indigenous trans nonbinary teenager. They were beaten to death in a bathroom stall. Conservatives say they want to, "protect the children", where was the protection for Nex? That's the thing. There wasn't any. Nex died. And many more trans, queer, and nonbinary minors will if we don't step up and do something. What happened to Nex has and will happen to queer folk around the globe. Say their name.

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5 years ago





This is not behaviour fitting for Canada.

We used to be a world leader in progressive rights and support.

Shame on you, Ford!

An already highly at risk for suicide group and you do this?

Every person who just had their excitement and hopes of a happy, normal life; who have just had that pulled out from under them with no discussion or announcement; who risk teetering at the edge of bottomless despair.

Any Trans person who end their lives because of this news, their deaths are on your hands. No amount of money 'saved' justifies any cuts to health care. And it's not like you'll save it anyway. You'll just pass it off for some rich friends tax break.

You are deplorable, disgusting, corrupt, and vile.

I hope you have to get ten colonoscopies. And since you've cut funding for anesthesia during them, I hope you feel every quarter inch of the camera tube probing into your fat ass. And I hope it's terrible.

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5 months ago

cw: vent-ish post / acting like an ignorant fuck as mockery

remember kids, any form of social deviance, such being born wrong (ie. as a woman, a non-white, a neurodivergent, a queer) means that you're not exactly fully human and can be talked about in such a way. this is normal and you shouldn't feel bad about it. token characters in media are always liked after all. the dominant ideology would never fucking ever be wrong and allow for anything truly bad.

vincentvandough - A hole in the ground with some freak inside it.

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2 years ago

If you think these "anti drag" pushes aren't going to be used against trans people for just existing in public, you really really need to read up on the vice laws which caused Stonewall.

If you think Stonewall was only trans women and transmascs/butches/trans men weren't arrested during the leadup to the riot, you need to read up on who was there, who was arrested, and why.

They are coming for all of us. Your supposed respectability will not save you. We will survive this if we stick together, and only if.

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2 years ago

oh and btw if you're not aware Thomas has stated (very clearly) that they are coming for:

Griswold (contraception)

Lawrence (same-sex sexual intercourse)

Obergefell (gay marriage)

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2 years ago
I Hope They All Choke.

I hope they all choke.

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2 years ago

imagine watching this wholesome show and coming away thinking, ah yes, this is BAD it’s all a NEFARIOUS PLOT

Imagine Watching This Wholesome Show And Coming Away Thinking, Ah Yes, This Is BAD Its All A NEFARIOUS
Imagine Watching This Wholesome Show And Coming Away Thinking, Ah Yes, This Is BAD Its All A NEFARIOUS
Imagine Watching This Wholesome Show And Coming Away Thinking, Ah Yes, This Is BAD Its All A NEFARIOUS
Imagine Watching This Wholesome Show And Coming Away Thinking, Ah Yes, This Is BAD Its All A NEFARIOUS
Imagine Watching This Wholesome Show And Coming Away Thinking, Ah Yes, This Is BAD Its All A NEFARIOUS
Imagine Watching This Wholesome Show And Coming Away Thinking, Ah Yes, This Is BAD Its All A NEFARIOUS

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2 years ago

"X should have voted in 2016 if they didn't want this to happen!"

We did vote.

We won by millions of votes, we were the majority.

And yet, we lost, and a man who tried to overthrow the govt w/ a violent coup was able to appoint three judges who can serve undemocratically for life.

These are the things people would have rioted over in the past, and would have been seen as being on the right side of history.

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7 months ago

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