Fuck Elon - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Yeah, good luck with that buddy

Headline reading: Elon Musk to sue Tumblr for plagiarism after learning they are also trying to fuck up a perfectly good website

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5 months ago
vinelupul - if it weren't for my wolf

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4 months ago

meu professor avisou hoje (terça) que vai ter prova na quinta e que pode cair todos os textos que a gente já trabalhou e que não eh pra mandar mensagem pra ele perguntando como que vai ser a prova

eu quero me matar matar ele arranhar o carro dele que merda e ele ta ignorando completamente que teve uma greve de 3 meses que odio

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4 months ago

tenho prova amanhã e eu não sei nada nada nadica de nada e não deu tempo de estudar direito pq o corno avisou terça feira que raiva

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4 months ago

como é que estuda com um calor de 36 graus meu deus

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4 months ago

graças a deus to acabando esse texto nao aguento mais ler esse autor que só sabe ficar falando bem do heródoto tipo cara ele não vai te comer

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4 months ago

tomara que eu consiga fazer essa prova tendo lido 2 texto de 5

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3 months ago

por favor professor não me humilhe hj pq eu nao li o texto 🙏🙏😭😭

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If this is helpful, I told Musk melon I'd shave his hair then crack open his head like an egg. I hope he saw that.

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Proof Tumbr will be better than Musk Melon's sorry arse

Small observations about tumblr from a former Twitter uesr

Here are a few things I've noticed:

people have much classier profile pictures

"for you" tab doesn't just show you insane people

how does this site's algorithm know some of my interests I've never mentioned

formatting is cool

this site is way better for blogs

liking replies isn't a thing so there's no weird norm where you had to like everything to not seem like an asshole

holy crap i'm actually seeing stuff i like on my timeline

what the heck

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1 year ago
A reddit post from r/Enough MuskSpam. The title is:

"Fuck Elon Musk allowing whoever the hell runs "EndWokness" to make a living off of promoting hate."

The image accompanied is of a Tweet by EndWokeness, a bigoted far right account who Musk interacted with numerous times before:

"Wow- Elon Musk wasn't kidding. Content creators can make a living off X."

Below that are EndWokeness's Twitter income statements, showing he earned nearly $20,000 off of Twitter in the last month.

If you needed another reason to delete the muskrat's birdapp

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1 year ago

the one time the news aren‘t coming from the destiel meme

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1 year ago

Elon keeps going on and on about how "cis is a slur".

What would you rather be called, Elon the unchanging? That is a far too cool sounding title to be bestowed upon the likes of you.

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1 year ago

You know what's really funny about billionaires?

The fact that they seem to only be motivated by profits but they don't realize that if they kept their workers alive and happy by giving them a higher wage people would work harder and be more motivated. If they showed even a shred of appreciation for human rights they would make more money.

Another thing; the end goal should NOT be all the money in the world. It should be enough to live comfortably and then investing the rest into the world to make it a better place. Elon could solve world hunger right now (at this very fucking moment) but instead of saving the lives of people who could to amazing things if given the chance. Instead he makes the conscious decision to spend hundreds of millions on the most trivial shit (rebranding Twitter to X). Less than a thousandth of that could change someone's life and here he is throwing it away like a toddler with a broken toy.

I could go on for another 20 paragraphs but I need to sleep rather than hating on the worst people in the world.

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4 months ago

Back in 2017 I signed up for one of the Cards Against Humanity sillies and did their Cards Against Humanity Saves America. Basically they were like fuck Tr*mp and his border wall and used the funds from the campaign to buy land and to make all 150,000 contributors part owners of said land across the US/Mexico border.

It was fun and silly and I got a little certificate.

Today I got an email that Elon Musk illegally annexed that land for SpaceX and that CAH are suing him over it. So possibly I’ll get like $100 if they manage to win a lawsuit and stick it to Musk. It’s like even more bang for my original buck.

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