Fuck Off With That Shit - Tumblr Posts
yeah, the mental gymnastics the conservatives are doing is enough to get them to the motherfucking Olympics at this point.
to make it even better I heard drag queen story hour actually received a "strange package". it could have actually had a bomb in it, which would've killed the performers along with general staff and the kids inside the building.

theres no law that says you must attend, however there are many laws discriminating on people who are queer. seems like your the one pushing your values.
Block this hoe.


There's not a day when I won't feel sorry for her. He never deserved her or any of his children. Ironically, he killed Aemma for a son only to eventually gain not just one but three and neglect them. He traumatized a teenage girl for the rest of her life, using her and leaving her in the dust like she wasn't shit.
Addressing the toxic team black accusations against Tom Glynn-Carney.
First and foremost, he is not a rapist; his character, Aegon, the second Targaryen, is. Second of all, I hate how some of you pretend Viserys and Daemon weren't groomers. Nine times out of ten, you don't see sane people from Team Green making rape accusations against Paddy and Matt. Just please fucking stop it; it's like some of you really want to ruin this man's career. And you can say what you want, so please do comment in defense of the toxic actions being taken because I want all the smoke. I was also told by my aunt that he was a rapist, but I was quick to shut that shit down from the door. It goes to show how quickly false information is spread and how much it could really impact somebody's life. It's disgusting and makes me sick that some of you team black fans have so much hatred for his character that some of you are willing to corrupt this man's life. I find it hilarious that some of you have the sheer audacity to be that fucking bold behind a computer screen or a screen of whatever mobile device is in your possession, but would some of you ever make a statement like that in front of his face? No, most of you wouldn't even dare to do so because he is able to sue for defamation in court by law. So, please don't ditch what you can take because you will get verbally bodied by me morally, and that's not a will; that's a promise.
Please Reblog.