Anti Team Black - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

Targ stans (sadly, Fire & Blood opened the gates for Daenerys’ haters to claim an irrelevant and unremarkable character as their favorite from House Targaryen, and yes, I’m including Team Black) genuinely act like GRRM came up with the Targaryens BEFORE Daenerys and just coincidentally had Aegon the Conqueror, Aegon III, Queen Rhaenys, Alysanne, Rhaena the Black Bride saying or doing the same or similar things as Daenerys.

Like do they think GRRM wrote Daenerys saying “a queen must listen to all, the highborn and the low…” in ASOS (2000) and then wrote Alysanne saying “above all else, a queen must know how to listen” in Fire & Blood (2018) but came up with Alysanne first ?

What came first in the GRRM’s head, Daenerys visiting the sick, bathing them with her hands, burying them with her own hands, feeding them water from her own skin (ACOK 1999, ADWD 2011), her people thinking her touch is magic (ASOS, 2000), or Aegon III visiting those stricken by the Winter Fever, sitting beside them, holding their hands and cooling their fevers with damp cloths, those who survived speaking of Aegon’s “healing hands” (Fire & Blood, 2018).

It is incredible to me that they are so stupid and illiterate that they think an in universe historical volume that GRRM wrote just for fun is somehow more important than the events of ASOIAF proper. These are people calling themselves book readers. And again, these dweebs are the only idiots brave enough to spew this bs in the fandom. No Stark fan thinks Brandon the Builder came before Bran Stark in GRRM’s head. Every Stark stan knows that the historical Brandons were ALL built around Ned and Catelyn’s son.

House Targaryen is solely centered around Daenerys and definitely not the other way around, when will shippers and braindead bitches ever get this fact drilled into their heads ?

Exactly, like yes watsonianly/in-world Daenerys would have never existed without any of her ancestors....that's just logical and so obvious it's insulting how people feel the need to point that out to just shut down any discourse abt why Dany herself is special.

It's just plain fact that Dany herself was CONCIEVED AND CREATED before any of her ancestors were and they are written as they are in F&B, PatQ, AWoIaF because GRRM wanted to bring some form of heritage and background that provides more meaning & urgency to Dany's present plot. Yes those Targs have impressive feats or interesting stories of ther own, but they have those because those are meant to explain Dany and Westeros and the relationship there on both sides. Historically and personally.

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1 year ago

This just sums everything up perfectly...I mark today the day...that I am now a green supporter. I have converted to the green nation.

This Just Sums Everything Up Perfectly...I Mark Today The Day...that I Am Now A Green Supporter. I Have

viserys : marries a 14yo without her consent, has 4 children with her that pose a threat to rheanyra's reign and will be killed once she takes the throne, refuses to change his heir or marry his firstborn daughter to his firstborn son to prevent a succession crisis, neglects his children, doesn't prepare his chosen heir for her role and ignores her mistakes, doesn't even try to make peace, appoints his son's grandfather as his hand knowing damn well that he wants his grandson on the throne and allows him to take control of the capitol, thinks that one dinner solves 20 years of hatred, dies

the dance of the dragon : happens

TB stans : this is all alicent's fault! and if you disagree then you hate women.

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1 year ago



Block this hoe.



There's Not A Day When I Won't Feel Sorry For Her. He Never Deserved Her Or Any Of His Children. Ironically,

There's not a day when I won't feel sorry for her. He never deserved her or any of his children. Ironically, he killed Aemma for a son only to eventually gain not just one but three and neglect them. He traumatized a teenage girl for the rest of her life, using her and leaving her in the dust like she wasn't shit.  

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1 year ago

Bitch, you hopped onto my platform to talk to shit. I wonder why, though. All you are doing is making yourself look stupid as fuck. And I appreciate you calling me a cunt because I'm serving cunt, so thanks for the fucking compliment. I'm glad that I'm living rent-free in your head. If I block you, you'll probably make another account and come back again because you love to start shit. Now, I suggest you move along before shit gets very fucking ugly. Go find a fucking hobby while you're at it too. You need therapy. Go do something with your life and get the fuck off my blog for real. And I'm mad at what truth? The truth of your audacity to come on my blog because you fucked with the right one, and I want all the smoke. 

There's Not A Day When I Won't Feel Sorry For Her. He Never Deserved Her Or Any Of His Children. Ironically,

There's not a day when I won't feel sorry for her. He never deserved her or any of his children. Ironically, he killed Aemma for a son only to eventually gain not just one but three and neglect them. He traumatized a teenage girl for the rest of her life, using her and leaving her in the dust like she wasn't shit.  

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1 year ago

No , because I agree and disagree at the same time. Analyzing the trailers and posters.

No , Because I Agree And Disagree At The Same Time. Analyzing The Trailers And Posters.

What I agree with-

Both sides doing some fucked up shit.

Corlys not being a person who sucked (bro lowkey made it to the end until his execution , was just an ass kisser , and was trying to live his life by doing what was asked of him)

Both being highly hypocritical.

Blaming Viserys (no need to explain)

Blaming Daemon (He has good fathering qualities but , he's a walking red flag and the blood and cheese incident in my perspective was psychological warfare to a certain degree. I'll explain this in another post)

Blaming Rhaenyra (to a certain extent , yes!)

Blaming both sides to a certain extent (All the way because , they weren't thinking about how this could effect their children)

Yes viserys could of got a paramour to help cope with Aemma or find an AGE APPROPRIATE suitor for himself (Not some innocent 14 , 15 , 16 , or 17 year old girl who wants to be teen idle and enjoy her girlhood)

Yes , Viserys treated Alicent like a glorified mistress and the children did get treated second-class.

What I don't agree with-

Blaming Alicent entirely (she was maritally raped; she was married young into an unwanted relationship she could not refuse at the hands of her manipulative, mentally abusive father and King Viserys himself) I do, however, know she did things out of fear, and we can see that in the trailer, she's slowly reverting back to her childhood self, hence why she's looking at Rhaenyra in the posters. She still feels guilty over what happened twenty years ago, and it's sad. Rhaenyra, however, is just like, "Fuck you, I'm coming for your son, no if's or but's about it." I do believe she is to blame for her children's deaths (to a certain extent , not all the way because , remember we've got Daemon , Viserys , Rhaenyra , and Otto in the conflict as well.)

Blaming Aegon (Yes , I agree with blaming him for his personal mistakes. Him being put on the throne obviously wasn't his fault. Aegon is quite impulsive and it shows. As the abused becomes the abuser.(This is shown with how Otto treats Alicent and how Alicent is with Aegon when it comes to fulfilling his forced role as king. I honestly do hope we get a good character development with Aegon. I'd like to see a very serious side to him especially after the future incidents that'll take place besides blood and cheese.)

The Jaehaera hate club (Like the Blackcels need a moral compass. I don't understand why some of you have hate towards a girl who has nothing to do with what happened, though she saw events take place and they affected her. She also succumbs a fate familiar to her mother.)

When "He or she is nothing but a victim" card is pulled on characters who've done some deceitful and feisty shit. The only characters who get the green light to pull this card is Jaehaera , Laena Velaryon , Aemma Arryn , Aegon the third , Viserys the Second , Laenor Velaryon (He just wanted to be in peace and live his life. People that he did justice for did him dirty.) Maelor (Aegon II's second son) , Helaena , and Jaehaerys the second. (I would add Joffrey Velaryon onto this list but , I'm not sure.)

Alicent deserved what happened to her; she deserved better to some extent, and so did Rhaenyra. Rhaenyra, however, is wrong for blaming Alicent and having beef with her two-year-old son. Both made mistakes to some extent, and what can be rightfully defended can be rightfully defended with logic.

Viserys not being bashed. He paved the way for people with daddy issues , mommy issues , anger issues , Depression (different types) , sociopathic issues , and adhd (Aegon) to all go to war with each other. He failed his children and set them up. They all deserved better to some extent. It's an ongoing domino effect that happened with Aegon the conqueror, his two sister wives and their children , Aegon the unworthy and his illegitimate children who he legitimated upon his death. The dynasty got fucked over multiple times in history but the dance made the biggest permeable impact. Everyone's desires came at a cost and most did not take accountability. In conclusion, that is my analysis.

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11 months ago

It's the fact that they have the audacity to go anonymous just to talk shit. 😂 Why are they so scared to be upfront?

Ofc the fascist tradwives hate Daenerys and Rhaenyra. Y’all are so predictable

Ofc The Fascist Tradwives Hate Daenerys And Rhaenyra. Yall Are So Predictable

Get out of my inbox

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11 months ago
The Anti-team Black Tags Are There For A Reason And Please Don't Get Me Wrong Here , I Like Rhaenyra

The anti-team black tags are there for a reason and please don't get me wrong here , I like Rhaenyra and Aegon because, I have things in common with them especially with personal and experience but , that's where the line is drawn.

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10 months ago




Black fans like this dude have "me" problem.

Black Fans Like This Dude Have "me" Problem.

Now what is "me" problem?

It's a problem that you expect others to adapt themselves to you and behave exactly as you want. for example if you like something others have to like that too, if you hate something others have to hate that too.

It's when someone sees something that doesn't really pertain to them or they can't fully relate to and they find a way to make it about them or try to seek out certain accommodations for their very nuanced personalized situation instead of recognising that maybe they're just not the target audience for that thing.

How about you guys just stfu when it's come to things that don't have anything to do with you? That's why we have blocked tags & anti tags.

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10 months ago

So , true and its sad because, Rhaenyra is betrayed by everybody on her side to some extent and truly only thought with greed and selfishness with conveyed into madness. I do believe she is held accountable for everything done except what is done primarily by Daemon's actions and I hate how she went about dealing with baby Maelor , poor Helaena. Daemyra stans are very delusional and I sure as hell agree with that. For me it was pretty obvious from the Get-go especially after Daemon left Rhaenyra exposed and vulnerable in a brothel where anybody could be in position to take advantage of her. Also Daemon is just as bad well even worse than any lord who of course and obviously wanted Rhaenyra for her blood. The girl is pawn by birth whether she refuses to admit it or not so, of course she'll flaunt whatever superiority complex she has and that says a lot when Daemon cheats on her with nettles. I hate people would be like oh "well they had children together." and? , Arranged marriages and marriage due to a women simply being a women still exists like what world are Daemyra stans living in? , with all that being said Rhaenyra and Daemon are their own worst enemies but, Rhaenyra is partially the cause of her own downfall but, Viserys i paved the way for that by naming her heir in the first place he thought he was keeping everything peaceful but he was actually killing them slowly. I agree with your statement moral compass wise but, I still like Young and Adult Rhaenyra because, I relate to both consistently through mental image and physical values.

Daemyra stans are so delusional! Daemon does not love Rhaenyra I don’t know how many times George has to repeat this before it finally goes through their heads 😂

Daemon loves Rhaenyra so much he tried to ruin her reputation when she was only 14.

Daemon loves Rhaenyra so much he ran off with Laena.

Daemon loves Rhaenyra so much the only wife he’s canonically faithful to was Laena.

Daemon loves Rhaenyra so much he continued his relationship with Myseria, something she was aware of.

Daemon loves Rhaenyra so much he left her for a teenage girl.

Where in Fire & Blood does it tell me Daemon loved Rhaenyra? 🤣

sorry for the late response😭😭


Daemon was NEVER in love with Rhaenyra, he just wanted to be her husband to piss of everyone who doesn’t want him on the throne. Gaining Rhaenyra was his only way of becoming king, even if it’s just consort and getting his blood on the iron throne. Rhaenyra was his key to power. He never loved her.

I’m pretty sure he was more in love with Laena than Rhaenyra. And yeah, he cheats on her MULTIPLE times. Daemyras are so delusional. Like how do you miss the point so badly??

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9 months ago


I know it's obviously the same people who claim to hate Alicent. I personally like Rhaenyra because, I relate to her but, I also relate Aegon with personal toxic aspects of my life. I am very sane and mature enough to call people out for justifying a child's death just because, the person who plotted for the child's murder wasn't headstrong enough to go after his step-son's actual killer , it's very cowardice. Also , I feel bad for everyone in this fandom including myself who feels second hand embarrassment and shame based on other peoples action , like can Yall just stop trying to make us look idiotic. I know a lot of nice team black stans who aren't combative or want to justify but, just watch the show for what it is but, some of Yall fucking disgust me. Also I had a green fan dm on an old delete account on a different platform telling me I should be harmed because, I relate to Rhaenyra. Both sides of the fandom Yall know what yall are doing , just grow tf up.

B&C Was Literally The Worst Thing That Happened During The Book And Y'all Wanna Tell Me It Wasn't Enough?
B&C Was Literally The Worst Thing That Happened During The Book And Y'all Wanna Tell Me It Wasn't Enough?

B&C was literally the worst thing that happened during the book and y'all wanna tell me it wasn't enough? Disgusting.

Y'all like to say you support Rhaenyra because she's a woman and a good person, not because she's interesting. But you don't support human rights or women rights, you're just a pretender much like your queen, the pretender.

If you love Rhaenyra, love her and own it but don't you dare call green fans misogyny or shit like this when you wish death for 6-2 years old children who had no fault unlike Luke who harmed Aemond first.

At least green fans don't wish death for children. You're disgusting.

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9 months ago

Toxic ass Tb stans after realizing even their own praise TGC.

Toxic Ass Tb Stans After Realizing Even Their Own Praise TGC.

its super amusing seeing tbs jealous and insecure of tg getting more spotlight next season and even audience sympathy..though its hardly possible w all of c&h pro black agenda including how they are going w b&c and alicent but its oh so great to see these bully TuBerculosiStans seethe and yap lmao

they are specifically threatened by tom glynn carney bc his acting has been praised by even tb critics ouch that gotta hurt..resorting to saying things like tom doesnt know his own character.......what? disagreement is one thing but active bullying? really team licorice is worst when it comes to separate actor and character. these bullies dont even spare their own side with the way they went after emma and now tom. its fiction morons

but the fact remains that tg has better actors, more interesting and complex characters than TBullies boring favs and npcs. cry harder🥱

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…And guilty of conspiracy to commit murder … and a sexual predator …and incompetent …and married to a serial rapist, pedophile, murderer (thrice over by now) …and sheltering a terrorist.

it's always both sides are bad :( when one of them is a rapist incompetent usurper and the other is... a woman

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11 months ago

Oh please give me a break this is by far one of the most out there takes I’ve read on this app so far. I think what most fail to grasp is it’s not Rhaenyra most team green fans were saying would want to harm the green side it’s daemon. Daemon had a clear hatred for the hightowers even openly mocking Otto at small council meetings on the share chances that he did attend them hand in open court. Otto may have installed into Alicent that Rhaenyra might want to harm her children if she came to the throne but didn’t driftmark really cement that for her. Also wasn’t daemon the one who almost killed Alicent’s brother at a tourney causing almost deathly severe injuries to her brother why wouldn’t she be afraid that he would do that to her if given a chance or even her children.

Her son was maimed and Rhaenyra asked he be “sharply questioned” over an insult to see where he heard such a slander as if it wasn’t obvious to anyone. Just hearing the word and having a pretty clear idea of what it means when you connect the dots it’s will be clear to anyone. But back to my main post about driftmark. Alicent’s husband the king and the father of the four children they had together instead punishing lucerys for his clear actions. He instead insisted that they apologized to one another. Sure in the books he was calling them tons of names I will not deny that. But is it really that bad to escalate a situation to that extreme with a weapon he could’ve died. Alicent saw on that day that no matter what it will always be Rhaenyra and her children who are his main priorities when it comes to things.

And why wouldn’t Alicent raise her children to fear that one day if Rhaenyra ascended the throne she would hurt them. She was making it pretty clear she wouldn’t be afraid to order the further maiming of a ten year old boy not just any ten year old boy her own brother.

Now please people if we’re going to make takes like these let’s atleast see things from both perspectives.

It absolutely gets me that the whole thing about Rhaneyra putting her siblings to the sword was made up by Otto, Rhaenyra did nothing to indicate that she would; Alicent just fixated on it like- how do they forget that they literally pulled that crock of shit out of thin air? 😭

it gets me too, especially show-wise. the only time rhaenyra shows any bit of fire against her siblings is during the driftmark incident, where it is blatantly obvious to anyone with a brain that she was bluffing when asking for aemond to be sharply questioned. granted, should she have done it? no. is she also a mother trying her best to protect her kids? and not being a super uber-perfect person in the process? yes to both. this is yet another change from the book i don't like, considering alicent demands luke's eye in retribution first, and rhaenyra retaliates against that rather than starting it.

i'm also adding some significant points that make no sense in the greater context if alicent truly thought her children's lives were endangered; which is how she actively antagonizes rhaenyra. in both medias. she raises her children to hate rhaenyra, to view their nephews as inferior and subhuman to them due to their blood, she instills fear for their lives as a part of their everyday activities, she tells her children that aegon will be king no matter what (which is treason, so she doesn't seem to care that badly about her children being found out as participants of those efforts). she does not act like someone who believes her children are going to be murdered once rhaenyra ascends the throne. it's why i can't take her stans seriously. none of her actions make sense in the grand scheme of things. she purposefully makes an enemy that is (TO HER) capable of cold-blooded murder. what terrified mother would do that?

there's also this fetish for infantilizing and victimizing alicent and co. otto manipulated her when she was a teen, which is a fair take. otto was also ostracized from court for TEN years. ten years with minimal to no contact with alicent. she is no longer a child during that time, she is a grown woman with four children to raise and a perfectly good brain to use. we're not shown or told once that rhaenyra *ever* showed an ounce of violence towards her siblings, and at most, she was indifferent to them. it is stated, however, that during that time skip alicent bullied and harassed rhaenyra, to the point where she abandoned the capital to have peace of mind and safety for her own children. still not the actions of a terrified mother (she also wasn't manipulated into doing any of that; it was all of her own accord because she hated that rhaenyra was afforded more freedom and leeway than she was).

what's more, there is minimal, if any, precedent that rhaenyra would be forced to kill her siblings to secure the throne. viserys was only the fifth targaryen king, not exactly enough time to really establish any killing family as a basis. maegor is the only one to have done so, and he's reviled for it even up to the current timeline. it is even thought that his death was the consequence of kinslaying. it's not normal. there has technically been some sort of succession crisis for almost all the rulers up to this time: aegon the uncrowned and maegor, rhaena and jaehaerys, baelon and rhaenys, viserys and rhaenys/laenor. there are, once again, many ways for aegon, aemond, and daeron to renounce their claim to the throne (night's watch, kingsguard, maester); but that would take away the power alicent and otto wanted to have, so not an option.

i wouldn't even consider daemon that much of a threat if rhaenyra had ascended peacefully. they've changed his character significantly in the show, but daemon explicitly states in fire and blood that they need to find a peaceful way to end this dispute, and not resort to fighting dragons versus dragons (a line they gave to rhaenys in the show) because it would only end in disaster. he doesn't resort to any brutality until after the first blood is drawn by the green's.

basically, it's just another ploy, a 'red herring' if you will, to distract from the true reason why rhaenyra was usurped (and hook, line, sinker; it's working fantastically for some in the fandom).

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8 months ago

Genuinely, perhaps 99% of me, believes that the only reason Condal and Hess made HOTD Aegon a r*pist/have adult Aegon’s introduction the aftermath of the SA of a maid, was because they knew that if Aegon was just a drunk and a cheat—like almost all Westerosi men—he would be too tragic of a character not to root for, and they really couldn’t have that. No, Aegon has to be the monster to Rhaenyra’s saint, because if you took away the act that made him monstrous, he’s so easy to root for, and the TB/TG divide would be significantly larger.

Cheating and visiting brothels are quite common in Westeros, with the vast majority of male characters doing one or the other or both. Drinking is even more so. Aegon would still be palatable with either or both traits because it doesn’t make him worse than Rhaenyra. Rhaenyra had three bastards with Harwin because Laenor’s gay, so it makes her affair understandable and valid. Aegon was forced to marry his own sister as a young teen, and clearly despises the whole targ-incest tradition. Why is it a crime that he doesn’t find his little sister sexually or romantically attractive???

Aegon’s basically a Greek tragedy made flesh. The eldest son conceived to be a long-awaited heir, yet simultaneously cheated out of a birthright. Born wanted yet unwanted, the heir who is not an heir. Meant to be loved, yet raised without it, with a mother’s disdain and fear as his only companion. His father stopped wanting him sometime after his second birthday (probably around the time Jacaerys was born), and his mother never wanted him anyway. His mere existence is a threat to a crown he never wanted, yet nobody cared when they placed it on his head. He wants love but no one loves him, and contrary to popular belief, that lack of love didn’t just stem from adulthood. He was a little boy once too, who very much didn’t deserve that level of apathy.

Married to his sister despite his clear disdain for his family’s incestuous tradition. Forced to father children on her at the grand old age of sixteen (and she fourteen). The only thing he ever really loved was his dragon, and the children he had. And even those he loses to tragedy, and someone else’s doing.

It’s not at all a surprise that Aegon’s defining trait is his love for Sunfyre. A ridiculously strong bond, born from years of having only each other. Moreover, a dragon is the symbol of power, which Aegon has little of. He can’t protect himself from his own family’s abuse or machinations, and unless he claims the crown everyone he loves will die. Dragons also represent freedom, and the ability to just fly away. And if there’s one thing Aegon wants more than anything in the world, it’s to run away from his family and the accursed throne.

In that, he’s not so different than a young Rhaenyra (pre-personality change anyway). Young Rhaenyra hated having to conform to societal standards. Hated having no choice but to marry, and to whom. She too wanted to fly away to freedom. There’s too many parallels between the two, even down to their ages pre-timeskip. Rhaenyra was about 18, and Aegon now is only 20. Yet Rhaenyra at 16’s only problem was whether her infant brother would replace her as heir, while Aegon’s was being forced to play house with his sister and newborn twins.

Perhaps misogyny and society would always be Rhaenyra’s greatest opponent, and the same Aegon’s ally when it comes to their claims, but it was not the only issue. Precedent declared that Aegon would be heir ahead of her, yet it was Rhaenyra’s position and honor that Viserys defied law for, even when she committed high treason against the crown thrice. She got everything; Aegon had nothing. He’s the underdog of the story, not her. So had they not made him an on screen r*pist (unlike Daemon who was off-screen one and merely an on-screen pedo and wife-killer), it would’ve been very hard for the writers to push their “Rhaenyra good, TG bad” narrative. Those two would’ve had too many parallels and foils for it to work, and they really couldn’t have that, could they.

No, Aegon has to be the villain; Rhaenyra has to be the hero. It’s a black and white war, good vs evil. That’s the story HOTD is trying to sell, and not at all the complex tragedy of a family tearing itself and its dynasty into pieces over greed and idiocy.

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8 months ago

Daily reminder that Sunfyre and Aegon won three battles against three dragons and survived them all. They were literally undefeated.

Say whatever you want about Aegon but that man dived head first into battle even if he was at the brink of death and emerged triumphant every single time.

Fire cannot kill a dragon and all that, I guess. Isn’t that right Targ stans?

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7 months ago

“Men in westeros have bastards too!”

This is such a no nuance take so allow me to just explain why it is:

Yeah, men did have bastards. However, they weren’t parading them at court, gaslighting people (and using the threat of mutilation) into believing they’re legitimate and putting them in the line of succession. In fact they wouldn’t even acknowledge them or just didn’t know they even existed. The one man who did acknowledge and legitimize every single one of his bastards, leading to 5 failed rebellions, is not remembered fondly in history (aegon the unworthy).

There’s also a common misconception that it’s ok for men to have bastards in Westeros but that isn’t true either. Cheating on your spouse was considered oathe breaking and having a bastard was considered shameful on both sides.

In westeros, women bare the heirs. Their virtue was important because if they had premarital relations or an extramarital affair, it would lead to their childs legitimacy being called into question and cause a succession crisis. Some of the major wars in asoiaf universe were due to bastards being passed off as legitimate.

There are so many practical reasons for why this was a big deal in medieval society in general, since they didn’t have dna testing to go off of. They had to go off their own eyes and what they heard. But lack of world building (writers fault) and lack of media literacy draws some to the shallow conclusion that it’s just because of misogyny.

This is why inserting modern ideals in a world based around medieval society and social practices (with a touch of fantasy) doesn’t work…

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7 months ago

Can’t stop thinking about how Aegon is willing to sacrifice himself to dragonfire to save his people, while Rhaenyra is willing to sacrifice her people to dragonfire to save herself

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