Fuzion Frenzy - Tumblr Posts
the more I see of the cyberpunk aesthetic, the more I want to create a whole new Fuzion Frenzy crew
since I'm bored again, I've decided to come up with a different Fuzion Frenzy 2 because I hate that game with my whole being.
so I have created 5 new characters (my friend Xavier came up with the sixth one) which all new backstories and skills and motivations.
and came up with an actual storyline cause neither of the games have that (which is honestly fine, it's supposed to be a party game where you just have fun, but also I wanna know WHY the characters are there, WHY Fuzion Frenzy exists, WHY the setting is so dark and depressing and everything about it) so we got a storyline.
and if I could make video games, I would totally turn this into one but sadly I do not have the skills to do so.
and i think it would be a fun game to play...what i have in mind that is; the original is already fun.
see ive been working on some fuzion frenzy incorrect quotes but the thing is
no one is gonna know what I'm talking about
at all
okay but before i post any of the fuzion frenzy memes, just know, these are all made based on my headcanons about the game, what the characters are like based on what they say in it and what the host says about them.
If you know anything about the game, you may not agree or you may agree wholeheartedly (or you may not know anything about the game or the characters to begin with) either way, this is just based on my own interpretations of the characters
Naomi about Geena: “and she pushed me and she said “excuse me, I am homeless, I am gay, and I’m new in town”
Jet: i wish you could block people in real life
Samson: restraining order
Naomi: murder
Naomi: you look familiar…
Dub: so do you. Where do i know you from?
-long pause-
Both: jail
Dub: *loud air horn sounds*
Jet: i have the sharpest memory. Name one time i forgot something.
Zak: you left me in a walmart parking lot like, three weeks ago
Jet: i did that on purpose, try again
Samson: i think you have PTSD
Dub: yeah i have PTSD, proficient talent for sucking dick
Samson: i think we also need to talk about your use of humor as a coping mechanism
Dub: i don’t think you understand how genius what i just said was
Jet: It's my birthday, the most fun day of the year, something you wouldn't understand because you're not programmed to feel joy
Host: Yes, but my software is due for an exuberance upgrade
Jet: You know, when you play along with the robot jokes, it kinda ruins my enjoyment of them
Host: Yes, I know
Geena: i’m a lesbiab
Geena: lesbab
Geena: lesbiam
Geena: g i r l s
Samson: it’s okay, take your time
Naomi: you cant spell stupid without “u”
Zak: yeah well there’s an “I” in stupid too!
Zak: wait-
Jet: oh please, their charade disgusts me. Nobody’s that happy.
Naomi: Geena and i are that happy
Jet: because you two are idiots
Zak: met an idiot today, awful!
Naomi: you looked in the mirror?
MY preferred aesthetic?? Listening to gay anime OPs while working on a cyberpunk based project
my friend found some great screenshots of Zak and now they are my profile pictures
Dub: Do you believe in God, Naomi?
Naomi, watching Zak, Geena, and Samson bicker: I believe in hell. I'm in it right now
Host: so, I uh, heard about Geena's...abnormal condition
Jet: she's gay, Host. Not a werewolf
Samson: that's a terrible idea
Zak: im gonna do it then, thanks for the input