Gender Binary - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Alright question time

What's a non-man? Like I get that it's like not a man or like a cis woman I think? But like I'm a demigirl right so like am I a girl or non man? I'm the most confused TwT

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5 months ago

Super heroes as an allegory for Queer and Trans Narratives

Forgive me if this is a little rambley I have already taken my sleep meds.

I was just thinking about why I like super heroes so much (they have been my special interested for probably around 8 years now) and I think because they can be seen as a queer allegory.

You have a separate life, one that you have to keep separate from your day to day life. That very much feels like being in the closet/mostly in the closet. That secrete life comes with a different name and different clothes. Trans people or Drag Artists anyone? Most of the time super heroes find each other and form a tight community because no civilian will understand their experiences. This mirrors queer people finding and building community. In both Marvel and DC older heroes will take younger ones under their wings to teach them and give them community. Queer people have taken me under their wing and I've done the same for others.

Theres also the isolation. Most heroes are only "out" as heroes to other heroes and maybe a few civilians they really truly trust. Or maybe no one knows. The knowledge that you have a huge secret. You are hiding a big part of your self. Maybe the part that is more you than the you everyone else knows. You know that if you tell or someone finds out, everything will change. Others may or may not except that part of you. You may loose people you love. Maybe the people who are close to you are pro heroes (Ned from Spiderman) or maybe they are not (Foggy from Daredevil) but either way there will always be a possibility of rejection.

The danger of being a hero also lines up. They wear masks, cowls, helmets, disguises etc, to hide their identities because if people knew they and the people they love would be in danger. Heroes who's identities are known (either by their own volition or someone else's) are also in danger. Batman keeps his and his kids identities under lock and key because everything goes wrong when the wrong person finds out. Jessica Jones does not because she's tired of hiding. Queer people weather in or out of the closet are also in danger of being outed. I've been outed before and it ruined one relationship and almost ruined another. I've lost friends and family because of being queer and nonbinary and I'm from a pretty liberal area. Just look up death, houselessness, rape, unemployment, suicide statistic etc. All of them are higher for queer, trans and intersex folks.

The last parallel I can think of is how both super heroes and queer/trans people exist outside of the system/establishment. Heroes and vigilantes work outside of the justice system because in most cases because they see it doesn't work. They are usually at risk of arrest by cops or in danger from the government (the Sokovia accords are a good example of this). Queer people exist outside of many establishments: The gender binary, amatonormativity, heteronormativity, the sex binary, etc. Queer people are also at greater risk of arrest and experiencing police violence.

IDK these are just my thoughts. I hope everything made sense. If you can think of any other ways super hero narratives mirror lgbtq experiences feel free to put them in the notes! (or not its whatever)

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4 years ago
Saying That Man And Woman Are The Only Genders Is Actually LESSnuanced Than Saying That Earth, Water,
Saying That Man And Woman Are The Only Genders Is Actually LESSnuanced Than Saying That Earth, Water,
Saying That Man And Woman Are The Only Genders Is Actually LESSnuanced Than Saying That Earth, Water,
Saying That Man And Woman Are The Only Genders Is Actually LESSnuanced Than Saying That Earth, Water,
Saying That Man And Woman Are The Only Genders Is Actually LESSnuanced Than Saying That Earth, Water,
Saying That Man And Woman Are The Only Genders Is Actually LESSnuanced Than Saying That Earth, Water,
Saying That Man And Woman Are The Only Genders Is Actually LESSnuanced Than Saying That Earth, Water,
Saying That Man And Woman Are The Only Genders Is Actually LESSnuanced Than Saying That Earth, Water,
Saying That Man And Woman Are The Only Genders Is Actually LESSnuanced Than Saying That Earth, Water,
Saying That Man And Woman Are The Only Genders Is Actually LESSnuanced Than Saying That Earth, Water,

Saying that man and woman are the only genders is actually LESS nuanced than saying that earth, water, air, and fire are the only elements.

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3 years ago


The fluid has no opposite. It is all at once and none at all. There is no mould that can hold it. No binary that can possess it. It is of its own. It is its own master and its own slave. Refusing restraints and chains. Refusing words, hooks and lines. You cannot bait it. You cannot try.

I will not try.

You may want it. Want order. To make sense of the chaos. Establish a standard. You cannot. You will fail. There is no box that it cannot seep through. No bowl it won’t break. No.

So, back off. Step away. Give me back my space. I’ll take my leave. I can see where I’m not wanted. I’ll let you live out your “normal”.

All that I’m not.

adjective: anomalous

deviating from what is standard, normal, or expected.

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