Gender Neutral Post - Tumblr Posts
Thinking about being captain of a pirate ship where every member of the crew was handpicked by me.
They've all sworn loyalty to me and the ship, and being a part of my crew gives them certain perks they might not get on other ships.
The Quartermaster, who is in charge of so much was chosen for their sharp mind and quick thinking. But also for the way they easily fall to their knees when we're alone, knowing just what to say to beg me to have my way with them.
The Cabin Boy, who is a spoiled rich man who left his family to explore the seas. He's taken to following orders, especially when I tell him to bend over my bed. He's everyone's favorite because he obeys much better than when we first picked him up, and he moans so loud everyone knows when he's getting fucked.
The Helmsman--or woman, in this case--was chosen for her focus and calm mind in a crisis. But also because she's so observant and knows just how to please someone. When she has a break, I'll take her to my room, and let her touch me as she wants, thrilled when she remembers every place that makes me gasp.
The Navigator, who looks over maps all day, and goes to bed with inkstained clothes and ideas of new adventures. When I take her to bed, she touches me like a land to explore, fingers mapping my body, finding every inch, exploring like it's the first time.
The Medic, who I chose for his loyalty and quick thinking, his speed and caution in a pinch, and the way he obeys without question, his mind always on how to have the best results. When he isn't busy, I'll spread him out on my bed, and make him forget his worries. I'll fuck him on my fingers till he can't think, and make him remember how grateful we are for his skills.
My best trained swordsman is there to train others. He gets them to listen and understand so easily, and I love how challenging it is to get him to obey. When he's done especially well, I'll pull him in a spare room, push him against the wall, dare him to try and flip it. But he won't, because as much as he hates to admit it, he loves when I praise him and tell him how well he's done till he cums.
My First Mate is close to me, my most trusted crew member. He doesn't tell anyone that when we go to my room at night, it's me they hear. That he's the one forcing me to my knees, and pushing his cock in my mouth. That the reason my sleeves are long is to hide the indent of the rope he uses to tie my hands to the bed posts.
And if all of them are busy, the rest of the crew is more than willing.
Really into object insertion today. Imagining someone finding progressively bigger and bigger objects to stick inside their partner. Imagining them doing so with clinical efficiency, entirely fixated on how much can you take and how big can you go. Saying Just a little more, don’t move now. Shushing their partner when they whimper or try to move or squirm away from the huge wine bottle entering them. Or the sanded-smooth chair leg. Or the baseball bat. The sick fascination on their face as they watch it sink in, in, in into that once-tight hole. Leaving it stuck inside, groaning and starting to get themselves off right then and there at the sight of it, at the little noises and gasps their partner is making at being so utterly, utterly filled. So deep they can see the bulge in their stomach, can press one hand against it from the outside and revel in the aborted jerk it earns them. And then doing it again the next night, except with something even bigger. You know what I mean?
Writing prompts, October edition ✨
1. Dream… ft. Silver
Silver smiled. He smiled a smile so bright, that his partner had to question his health
“Are you okay?” They asked, giving him a look of concern from their side of the table, halting their previous action of stuffing their face with cake like a hamster
“Why wouldn’t I be?” His soft smile and his breathtaking looks drew more animals than usual in, all surrounding their table outside a quaint little cafe on the more peaceful side of town “I’m spending the day with you”
His partner flushed, nearly choking on a chunk of the buttercream
“That’s… good to hear” they returned his smile, albeit shyly, not knowing where to look, a deer nudging their side with a pleased look
He stood up, the critters moving with him, taking their hands in his and knelt beside them, not once breaking eye contact
“I love you, redacted” he squeezed their hand, almost cooing at how their eyes stayed on his in awe, completely dazed “Would you be willing to stay by my side, forever more?”
“Oh….” they were bright as a cherry, the words he confessed repeating itself in their brain “Silver…”
They smiled, nodding feverishly, and he let out a breath of relief, the animals seemingly cheering for the two, flowers raining down, the sun reflected of their faces in such a beautiful way
He leaned in, closing his eyes, gently cupping their cheek, and right before their lips touched, they spoke again
“Silver…” and suddenly the face he was about to give a loving kiss to stared morphing, contorting to one of… his father?
“Silver!” Lilia smiled, upside down, as usual “You we’re having a good dream, weren’t you?”
The old fae giggled like a schoolgirl, walking away like he was nothing but a child
“Sorry to wake you up, but we have school to get to, and I can’t let your fantasies disturb your work~” he stuck his head back into the room door, a mischievous smirk on his face “you should try courting them sometime”
“Father!” He was uncharacteristically shy, falling back into his pillow to hide his pinkish face
The laughs of glee echoed as the fae left, leaving Silver to his thoughts
That was a good dream…
The gasp I gasped
october writing prompt #9 - love letter
character: jack howl, twisted wonderland
contains: yandere themes, reader referred to in second person pov, gender neutral reader
He... wasn't sure how it ended up like this.
Jack just wanted to get closer to you, honestly. But... when he saw others getting more and more friendly with you, he couldn't stand it.
Worse was when he found another first year writing a love letter for you, even asking him to proofread it and tell them if he thought you would like it. He... couldn't control himself, then.
It wasn't his fault, really!
He just... had to do something to get the situation under control. He was sure that you'd forgive him if you found out, wouldn't you? You were always so good to him, there's no way that you wouldn't.
But, you know, for safety... he'd never let you figure it out.
At some point, he gets the smart idea to find ways to make others avoid you. Some threatening, some rumors, what difference did it make. As long as you were all his, it didn't matter.
And of course, you'd have to lean on him if he was all you had.
Jack couldn't wait to make that happen.
And while he waited, he would be satisfied with the way his fellow first years faces turned white whenever he found them doing anything distasteful... they shouldn't even be allowed to look at you with their filthy gazes.
He was just protecting you, didn't you know?
[click here to go to masterlist]
october writing prompt #10 - cozy winter
character: ruggie bucci, twisted wonderland
contains: fluff, reader referred to in second person pov, gender neutral reader
You honestly didn't know what you'd do without Ruggie in your life.
He might not look it (or act it most the time), but he was an incredible support to your everyday life. Getting through life at Night Raven College when you knew that, even if not in the exact same situation, you had someone to relate too.
Being called upon to deal with other's inconveniences, having little to nothing to your name, and everyday luxuries being dependent on someone that didn't care for you (Leona and Headmaster Crowley, respectively). All of these things were similarities between you two, and more.
So, when you had a moment to rest, you always called him over. And vice versa from him.
Being able to relax and be your authentic self with him was one of the only things that kept you sane in Twisted Wonderland. Grim and the first years were great, but none of them really... related to you.
It was a cold winter day, now, and you and Ruggie were tucked in cozily in the Ramshackle living room. Anywhere else, and you would have been bothered more.
Grim was at Heartslabyul, Riddle promising to take good care of him as a favor for helping him with the last Unbirthday Party, and Leona had been called back home for some international affairs. You didn't know exactly what was up, and though you could've asked, you couldn't bring yourself to care.
Especially not when you were cuddled up next to the hyena, slotting into his arms and resting your head against his shoulder, absentmindedly nodding along to whatever he was going on about now.
"Heh, are you even listenin' to me, Prefect?"
Flustering slightly at his teasing tone, you huffed, but apologized anyways with your own playfulness. "Honestly... no. I was thinkin' about how much I appreciate you, sorry."
"Shishishi!" Ruggie bursts out in his signature laugh, shaking you slightly from your position against him. "Alright, alright, I'll repeat it for ya."
He grins down at you, roughly pushing your head down to mess up your hair. "You're lucky I like you, Prefect."
[click here to go to masterlist]
Okay so first you make me cry happy tears and then you smack me in the face with this. Angst filled steak. :,)
october writing prompt #11 - broken + angst
character: azul ashengrotto, twisted wonderland
contains: yandere themes, angst, reader referred to in second person pov, gender neutral reader
Azul had always felt broken, in some way or another, if he was honest with himself.
He had never been anyone's first pick.
Which he could understand, truly - even as he ran a charitable business, he was seen as more of a shark than the gracious benefactor he was. All because people were afraid of fulfilling their sides of their deals.
But that was fine.
He had Jade, and Floyd, and had made a successful name for himself. Though... it was a lonely living.
Working was all he did with his time. Whether that be running the Lounge, or working on contracts or doing anything else needed behind the scenes, it was undeniable that he had turned into something of a workaholic.
After all, if he didn't have anything to show for himself, was he really worth anything?
It was... difficult. Living like this.
And then, Great Seven, you came into his life. The genuinely kind prefect of Ramshackle dorm, helping others at no merit to yourself and watching out for those you could. All without magic.
You piqued his interest immediately, of course, as someone with both connections and services to offer him. But then... his overblot came. And he saw you in an entirely new light.
He knew of your optimistic views before, some could even say childish, but when you outright forgave him for his atrocious behavior almost as soon as the ordeal had ended? He was taken aback.
Azul, seeing you, felt compelled to do more than work for what felt like the first time in his life.
The octopus was awkward about it, just like he was with everything else, stumbling and stuttering and blushing his way through your interactions.
But that was fine.
You were understanding, and oh so benevolent, welcoming into your little circle with open arms and a compassionate smile. Though... your friendliness never grew further than that.
Just. Friends.
His emotions for you swelled and stormed, and you never seemed to have an inkling as to what you did to him.
Giving him heart palpitations and butterflies in his stomach like in the movies, causing him to get distracted more and more often from his work. Profits started decreasing, at some point, though he hardly noticed. Jade scolded him, but he just couldn't get his mind off of you.
You, who were tenderhearted and caring - looking after Grim and the other first years, and anyone else who might need it. If he hadn't known of your oblivious nature, he might've been jealous, but he held it back for your sake. After all, you never noticed any romantic advances.
Or was it just his, that you didn't notice? He could swear, sometimes, that you were a bit too close to your friends, helping them just a bit too often.
But that was fine, wasn't it?
You wouldn't leave Azul all alone, would you? You'd have to love him, didn't you? He'd already given up so much for you... when would you just notice him?
He knew that the Tweels could tell something was wrong, as he grew ever more manic and paranoid, keeping tabs on you as discreetly as he could afford, taking more and more time away from the Lounge to instead try and worm his way closer and closer to you.
It... never seemed to work.
If he couldn't get your attention like this... maybe you just needed a bit of a motivator. He could do that. All he had to do was show you how much he loved you, didn't he?
It would... it would all be fine.
[click here to go to masterlist]
I’m willing to bet my left ball sack that Y/N only came cuz Rook is terrifying
october writing prompt #12 - lovely
character: vil schoenheit, twisted wonderland
contains: yandere themes, reader referred to in second person pov, gender neutral reader
Oh, how absolutely lovely you were.
Catching Vil's attention was no easy feat, of course, but you had managed it. And yet... it seemed you were oblivious.
That made you all the more refreshing, but truly... He wished that you would just catch on already.
If it was anyone else, Vil would've lost interest already - but you weren't anyone else.
You were his darling.
Messy and undisciplined, sure, but he could fix that. Besides... if you didn't realize even his advances, then he was sure that no one else would be able to steal you away from him. His clueless little darling, weren't you?
As busy as you were running around NRC's campus, and taking care of that cat monster you ever so graciously took in, he was sure no one else would be able to get close enough to you to try, anyways. He was special - the only one you made time for with your hectic schedule, even if it took a bit of pushing.
He was sure that you weren't taking as many breaks as you should anyways - getting Rook and Epel to coerce you into coming over was surely the right move to both check up on you and force you to relax while getting closer to you.
He'd worm his way into your heart, slowly but surely.
It would be in poor taste to rush you, his love, and it wasn't like there was anyone at NRC that could compete with him. There was no way you would pick anyone above him.
He couldn't wait to see what face you'd make once you realized he had been pursuing you this entire time.
[click here to go to masterlist]
Someone put this man in therapy
october writing prompt #13 - sweet
character: idia shroud, twisted wonderland
contains: yandere themes, reader referred to in second person pov, gender neutral reader
Idia knew that he was always going to be seen as a little bit pathetic, and he had long since made his peace with that - if it got him out of talking to people too often, he'd even count it as a blessing.
He just... wished that it didn't extend to you.
You were more excitable than him, sure, but you were different. Even though you were 3D, he felt more for you than he ever had for anyone animated.
It was odd, to say the least.
But... instead of shying away from you like he wanted, Ortho had somehow caught on, and now you two were together more than ever.
And the worst thing? He liked it.
He liked talking to you, and watching stupid movies, and seeing how you lit up when you talked about Grim. You were usually busy, thanks to that useless crow of a headmage - but he could change that easily enough. A couple emails or a few malfunctions on his computer and Crowley was busy enough to leave you alone.
You were sweet enough to go along with Ortho whenever he wanted you to meet with Idia, sometimes even bringing Grim, and the older Shroud just couldn't turn you away.
He tried, at first, but eventually it was commonplace for you to swing by as you liked and just watch movies with him, though you usually ended up chatting with him through it.
Anyone else, and he would've been mad at them for that.
But it was you.
And, as much as he hated it, he couldn't help but be obsessed with you. He'd thought about accessing cameras in Ramshackle more than a few times, though he never went through with it, trying to respect your privacy.
Each time he thought about it, though, and thought about seeing you so much more, acting how you did in private, his resolve got a little weaker...
Would you act the same at home? All bubbly, smiling and happily doing chores like you did when you helped other people?
Or would you finally let the act fall, letting yourself be greedy and relaxing like you clearly needed to?
Idia thought that he would kill to see you be selfish for once.
[click here to go to masterlist]
Only time I’m gonna say

october writing prompt #15 - fantasy + lazy morning
character: jade leech, twisted wonderland
contains: yandere themes, reader referred to in second person pov, gender neutral reader
If you were his, Jade knew exactly how he would treat you.
Of course, he'd make you his eventually, but that was neither here nor there. He'd indulge in his fantasies for now.
He'd wake you up with loving touches, caressing your face and pressing a light kiss to your forehead, watching you come to wakefulness with gentle eyes. In a perfect world, he wouldn't have to wake you up at all, but you both have responsibilities.
Once you're awakened, he'd whisper sweet nothings to coax you into getting up, all smiles at the sight of your dazed state.
You were always cute, of course, but tired and waking up in his arms? All the more.
He'd prompt you to shower whilst he went to make breakfast, lamenting that he couldn't treat you to breakfast in bed but making every morning a special occurrence nonetheless. You'd come out just as he finished brewing the tea, or coffee, or whatever you'd prefer.
He hadn't found out your favored drink yet, but all in due time.
Jade would seat you at the breakfast table, tame your hair and press a kiss to the edge of your lips, then set breakfast in front of you.
You'd thank him, sleep still on the edge of your voice as you looked at him all fond - not even noticing the hearts that he had in his eyes for you, like usual. He'd sit next to you - not across, never across, that would be too far - and soothe your worries of the upcoming day with that gentle tone of voice he knew you liked.
He always saw how you bit your lip when he used it, after all. He hadn't teased you for it, just because he didn't want you to stop making the lovely expression.
He loved seeing how he affected you.
If only these things could be in more than just his fantasies... but, he had things to do. He'd tend to you soon, and it wouldn't be long until you were in his arms.
[click here to go to masterlist]
Boyyyy 🌚
october writing prompt #16 - heart
character: silver, twisted wonderland
contains: yandere themes, stalking, reader referred to in second person pov, gender neutral reader
Silver had always known there was something different about the way you drew him in.
Like a moth to a flame, he couldn't help but find his way to you. No matter what he did, or how much he tried to ignore his feelings, it always came back to you.
Though, he probably should've known by now that hearts will do as they please without concern for any logic. Watching you now (as he had many times before, admittedly), in the position he was, he had no choice but to admit that to himself. Finally.
Observing you had come easy to him.
It was instinct to glance your way whenever in your presence, noting whatever was going on with you that day and absentmindedly detecting any relevant information.
Which, really, could be anything.
He could consider anything about you to be the 'most important'. You were his world, his gravity, his heart. You were his fate. Anything you shared, even unwittingly, was just meant to be.
Though his tendency to fall asleep was a bit of an obstacle, Silver knew that it would all come together soon enough anyways.
You were his heart, and he was yours. Obviously. You just didn't know it yet - that was okay. He'd help you realize.
Proof of your connection was only solidified by the little things he found that you left behind, surely supposed to be offerings to make you two all the closer. You just seemed to be shy about talking face to face - he was fine with that. He could wait.
He had all the time in the world, if it was for you.
No matter what came between you, fate was sure, and that was all that mattered to him.
[click here to go to masterlist]
I read the title and already knew this ginger aang wannabe was gonna be capping
october writing prompt #17 - hanging out
character: ace trappola, twisted wonderland
contains: yandere themes, aggressive ace, implied murder plotting, reader referred to in second person pov, gender neutral reader
Hanging out with Ace was something you did often - you two and Deuce were often seen as inseparable, but honestly you couldn't say you were all that close with the navy haired male.
You weren't sure whether he didn't like you, or maybe the friendly rivalry between the two Heartslabyul first years just wasn't as friendly as most people thought. Whatever the reason, you'd be an idiot if you didn't notice how Deuce seemed to be avoiding you lately.
It was... honestly starting to make you a little sad. You quite liked him, but it seemed like it wasn't reciprocated.
Bringing that up now, while casually lounging in Ramshackle with Ace, you couldn't help but notice how the red head's face twisted with confusion and maybe even a hint of frustration.
"Whaddya doin', always bringin' him up?" His words slightly slurred with his harsh tone, looking at you with furrowed eyebrows. "He ain't worth any of your time, you know. You got all you need with me here with you, don't you?"
Even explaining that you missed him, and that you didn't understand why your trio drifted to a duo in the first place didn't seem to help.
"What? Who cares, it's not any of our business why he decided to stop hangin' around." Ace scoffed, shaking his head and roughly grabbing your chin, forcing you to look him in the eye and see his unconcealed irritation. "Ya like him or somethin'?"
There's nowhere to hide how you tremble a little at the eye contact, quickly diverting your gaze and willing yourself not to blush at the question.
It doesn't seem to work.
The red head sneers, finding your silence as just as much of an answer, letting you go and standing up with obvious anger. You tried to protest, deny the accusation and smooth things over, but it was too late. Ace wasn't stupid.
His rough exterior only emerges further when he grabs you by the arm, looking at you with a crazed glint in his eyes. "Seriously? I do everything for you and you fall for him?"
"What's he have that I don't, huh? I saw ya first, you're supposed to be mine! I'm the one that's been here for you, haven't I?" He sees the fear on your expression and clicks his tongue in frustration, unruly in the way that he pulls you flush against him, grip unrelenting and giving you nowhere to go.
He's too blinded by his rage to notice the way you flinched and how you shook in his hold, fearful of his sudden aggressive behavior, having no choice but to be forced into his warped version of a hug.
"Tch... just you wait, I'll get rid of him, he won't be an issue anymore. Without anything in the way, ya don't got any choice but to love me. Just like how I love you~"
[click here to go to masterlist]
That's when I'm gonna stand up, take my people with me ✊🏾 Together we are going to a brand new home 🤝 Far across the river can you hear freedom calling? 🗣🗣🗣 Calling me to answer gonna keep on keepin' on 🤞🗿
october writing prompt #18 - locked + vacation
character: riddle rosehearts, twisted wonderland
contains: yandere themes, kidnapping / imprisonment, reader referred to in second person pov, gender neutral reader
"Oh, don't look at me like that, rose. Just think of it as a little vacation, won't you?" Your captor coaxed, sweet as honey as he peered down at you, gentle smile a sharp contrast to the shackles around your wrists.
Struggling does nothing, it hasn't since you got here, but you still tried anyways.
Whining and shouting both did nothing, and crying was rewarded with nothing but more time with him. Riddle wasn't quite the person you expected to do anything like this, taking you away, but maybe you should've.
His need for control, his possessive and delusional behavior, that look in his eyes when you first stood up to him. They were all just warning signs for what was to come, in hindsight.
But, you know what they say about hindsight.
"I wish that you'd just come to understand my thoughts, my lovely rose." He sighed, crouching down in front of you and lightly caressing the side of your face - you had long since learned that moving away did nothing but frustrate him, so you stayed put, even trembling as you were. "You know I just want the best for you."
"I could be so much more lenient with you if only you followed the rules... They're there to keep you safe, my love."
Riddle frowned at your silence and your watering eyes, settling down beside you and carefully running his hands through your hair - he couldn't ruin it, of course, he had styled it ever so meticulously for you this morning. Only the best for you. Everything he gave, and everything he did for you, only reflected that.
"It doesn't seem you'll be coming around anytime soon..." He exhaled with exhaustion, letting his head rest against the wall behind him and looking up at the room he had painstakingly created for you.
The silence lasts long enough that you think, just maybe, that he might be coming around to the idea of letting you go as you had so begged.
"That's alright... I have all the time in the world for you. We'll get through this little rough patch, rose. You'll understand soon."
...Wishful thinking.
Writing prompts, October edition ✨
Cw: implied drugging, plot twist ig, Deuce is. Very. Pathetic here. Enjoy??? Gn reader
3. Drool+Holding Hands ft. Deuce Spade
Deuce didn’t know how to handle himself when it came to you.
It was as if his body had worked on its own, moving closer to snuggle into yourself, taking in the scent of comfort that seemed to pour out of you with each passing moment. Entwining his fingers with yours, marvelling at how well they fit with his. The sheer amount of euphoria this experience granted him pushed him over the edge, shakily falling onto your lap, dizzy
“Redacted… do you love me?” He whispered out, shuddering at the feeling of your cold fingers tracing his neck
“I will always love you, Deuce.” The sweet smile on your face held every drop of adoration you had in store for this… puppy of a man you had wrapped around your arms
Sure, it took a little… nudging, for him to finally get over how shy he was, but you were patient. You’d wait for years if it meant that Deuce would be yours. Slipping small, unimportant doses of love potions into the lunches you worked so hard on for him was simply a precaution. Dealing with all those overblots sure gave you at least some sense as to how this world worked, and having a cute and loyal partner to help go through tough times together was certainly the least you deserved.
Deuce didn’t know how to handle himself when it came to you. And you were well aware.
Writing prompts, October edition ✨
Cw: reader’s kind of a creep ngl 💀
4. Obsession+Cuddling… ft. Rook Hunt
This wasn’t how it was supposed to go.
He had it all carefully planned out, how he was going to greet you, how your face should’ve contorted in confusion and fear, how he was supposed to disappear with a flourish without a word. He was a hunter, after all. His plans don’t fail, not when he’d spent all week lamenting over each and every possible scenario.
Except for one, much to his dismay.
“Rook…” there came your lovesick voice, his name dripping out your mouth like acid to the back of his neck “Rook… my pretty hunter…”
Could you truly call him a hunter? When he himself was the one cornered, back against the wall that just so happened to be yourself? When he couldn’t escape your unnervingly tight grasp around his waist?
You nuzzled your face into his hair, inhaling the scent of him, storing it in your memory blissfully. This was the life.
He was thankful, at the very least, that you spared him the shame of showing his face to you in such a reputation damaging position.
You couldn’t see the way his face morphed into one of pure terror.
You couldn’t see the way he shut his eyes closed to not see the mangled evidence of what used to be his dorm mate, now reduced to bits of shredded cloth on the floor of his room.
You couldn’t feel the way he trembled each time you opened your mouth to whisper something into his ear ever so tenderly, like how he was planning on doing to you.
His hairs stood on end when you ran your hands over his body, like he wasn’t even a living being, like he was simply a doll for your own personal entertainment.
Only the Seven will know how you managed to take away his magic, how you turned his perfect fantasy on him just like that. How you hunted the hunter.
He couldn’t, even in his wildest dreams, predict that you’d like being hunted, that you’d like his practiced taunts, to the point of studying them and using them on him.
And now he was stuck, in your embrace, never to see the light of day again. Living as your pretty little boy for the rest of his now pointless life.
I'm ripping open the fabric of time a space with the sheer amount of joy this brought me. How fucking dare
How about 16 with Azul and a gn reader?
of course!! ty for the request! azul is quite popular lol
character: azul ashengrotto, twst
contains: gender neutral reader, fluff
for a random event - see link here
“Hey, let me take care of you today.”
You start, fixing the stressed Azul in front of you a look. He had been busy all day, doing something or another for an event at the Lounge - a profitable one, you were sure, but you couldn't help but hate how he sacrificed his health for these things.
He looks like he’s about to protest, expression screwing up in distaste, but you pose an interruption by continuing before he can.
“Don’t give me that look. I don’t want anything in return. Just let me take care of you. Please?”
Azul sighs in defeat, and just barely lets himself relax a bit. Barely. Exactly what you're looking for, and you know that you've won for today.
“Fine… if you really want to, my dear. You really don’t need to, though, you know. I’ve already gotten this far.”
“And? That doesn’t mean you don’t deserve to rest every now and again.” You counter, giving him a look that tells him that he won’t be getting out of this. Especially not just after agreeing.
It’s with gentle hands that you coax him out of his office chair, trailing your hands over his shoulders and gingerly guiding him to the couch in his office. You sit beside him, and just as carefully, you prompt him to lay his head on your lap.
“Darling…” Azul lets out a lovely sigh when you start to brush your fingers through his hair, slowly but surely turning into putty in your hands. His eyes blink closed, and you’re satisfied as you see him visibly relax.
At least, for now, you can do something.

#18. Vil.
You know I'm right. make him as sorry and pathetic and fucking sad as you possibly fucking can.
thank you bestie <3 i love writing pathetic men :)
characters: vil schoenheit, twst
contains: slight yandere themes, angst, reader referred to in second person pov, gender neutral reader
for a random event - see link here for request rules and here for the masterlist
"You... you don't even have to love me back, you know?"
Vil was looking at you, desperately, his normally perfectly porcelain skin washed out with red splotches, his watery eyes only reinforcing the look of how he must've been crying.
"My love... please..."
He's barely coherent, his words soft and slurring together as he gazed at you with desperate eyes, hands shaking. You almost feel sorry for him.
It's with a sigh that you turn from him, tired. So, so tired of all this.
So tired of everything that he's done.
"...You had your chance." Despite your quiet volume, your resolve is strong, and there's no waver to your voice. You don't look back, even as he starts to sniffle, and you slowly start to make your way to the door.
Before you can open it, though, he's there and holding onto your wrist. You wish you could say it was harsh, that it was yet another thing you could be angry with him for, but it was gentle. It was like he was hardly there.
"Please. Darling, please." The way you turn back to him with a glare is anything but kind, but he lights up anyways. Even with how you scowl and roll your eyes at his expression, there's no way to ignore the absolute devotion on his face. Not when he looks at you like that, like you're the one that strung all the stars in the sky.
"Thank you..." Vil trails, ever so gently trailing the back of his palm along your cheek, touch feather-light as he breathes out as if in awe. "There isn't... anything I wouldn't do for you. Please. Please believe me."
When your silence is all that meets his proclamation, he falters, lip wobbling and hands shaking more, but he continues after a pause.
"You're... all I wish in life. Everything I do... is for you. Please, darling, let me remain in your life at least. Please."
He's starting to cry in earnest again, and before you even get the chance to sigh in exasperation, brows furrowed, he slides to his knees in front of you, looking up in absolute desperation. There's nothing but need for you in his expression, and it's hard to pretend you don't see it.
"All I ask, my wonderful love, is that you don't cast me away... Please. Even broken as I am, let me serve you. I beg of you."
You have NOOOO clue how long I’ve been looking for more black twst content
Twst x black reader
I haven’t seen much content for black readers in “reader” side of this fandom so I decided to make some. This is my first time posting so if the “read more” doesn’t work I’ll try to fix it
If I see one more “-you blushed-“ in a 2nd pov fic I think my head will explode 😒 Anyways I do hope you enjoy! These can be seen as platonic or romantic!
Gn!reader. Characters- Azul, Epel, Jamil, Rook, Sam (platonic)
Warnings: I’m assuming you can cook and do your hair if you have it.
* It’s canon his favorite food is fried chicken
* Make him a plate of soul food and he’ll ascend
* That aside..
* Not sure why I but I think he’ll really like the twist hairstyle if you ever do it
* Teach him how to do some styles if you know how, it would be a lovely bonding time
* lol if you teach him some styles like braids or twist he’d probably be calculating in his head how to make sure each strand and part is perfect
* He is another one who would probably love your soul food
* He is amazed by how much care goes into your hair
* Especially wash days
* Ever since he got into pomefiore and under vil’s watch, he’s always had to take care of his makeup and hair and appearance
* Stuff he never really payed to much attention to before arriving at NRC
* So epel has gained some respect for you when he sees how much time you spend washing and taking care of your hair
* He is also amazed by your hair care
* This man uses magic do to his braids right?
* Show him how to braid his hair without magic, and if you don’t know how to braid?
* Ask him if he can braid your hair with his magic
* I wish I could do my hair with a magic pen it’d be so much easier 😕
* If you know how to dance TEACH HIM SOME MOVES
* Jamil loves break dancing and he’s pretty good at it too
* And we have so many different dance styles 😩
* Show him your hip hop moves or your cakewalks
* And if you can break dance? Even better! Y’all are dancing buddies now
* He is amazed by your beauty
* Especially when the sun is out and your skin and eyes shine during golden hour
* he would love all the different styles you could do with your hair
* Waves, dreadlocks, box braids, crochet, twists, cornrows etc.
* If you have really coily hair, he would also be amazed at all the shapes and figures you can make with your fro, no matter the size
* Such beauty ☺️
Sam (platonic)
* The best person to help with your hair
* His shop has everything so he’s definitely gonna help with picking out the best products for you
* Would be so happy if you styled your hair the same as his
* Sam is someone who understands if your upset about how you hair isn’t cooperating with a style you wanted to try
* Sam is your best buddy for comfort if you ever have any problems in general since y’all get along so well
* He’s busy running his shop but he’ll always make time for you and hear you out
* He’ll probably give you some weird trinket you might like
* Best staff member 😌

So, Aether loves to make me suffer

october writing prompt #19 - tears
character: kalim al-asim, twisted wonderland
contains: yandere themes, reader referred to in second person pov, gender neutral reader
Tears came easy to Kalim. Not as easy as joy, sure, but it wasn't like it was hard to make him cry.
That didn't mean that he quite understood why he was crying now, though.
He had been looking for you but moments ago, but now, seeing what he had - he knew that wasn't a good idea. He wasn't sure if he would be able to face you and the one you were with again anytime soon. Which was a shame because... he really liked you.
Maybe he hadn't realized exactly how much before now.
But... seeing you with them, affectionately exchanging sweet nothings with pet names tacked on, it... woke something up in him.
Something that burned even as tears ran down his face, and as he flusteredly tried to wipe them away with little success. Something that gnawed at the butterflies in his stomach and swallowed the lump in his throat.
If they were in the way now, he'd just have to fix that, right? How hard could it possibly be?
Kalim would do anything for you. Be anything for you. He just had to make you see that.
[click here to go to masterlist]
october writing prompt #20 - kiss + flowers
character: deuce spade, twisted wonderland
contains: fluff, reader referred to in second person pov, gender neutral reader
Okay, so maybe Deuce couldn't say that he was the best when it came to showing his appreciation for you. He tried though, he really did.
It had seemed like a good idea to get flowers for you - it's what everyone did in the movies, wasn't it? But standing on the doorstep to Ramshackle now, he wasn't quite sure. What if you didn't like them? What if you were allergic?
He wasn't able to get the chance to back out, though, when the door had suddenly swung open and you were right there. Able to see his obvious embarrassment even as he tried to hide the flowers behind his back like they wouldn't stick out.
After a moment of awkward silence, and avoiding your gaze, you broke the silence and giggled.
That was all it took for him to turn red and start rambling about how it wasn't what it looked like, how he was just about to leave, how the whole thing had been a stupid idea - anything to excuse himself.
You dragged him in before he could say anything else, all smiles as you wrapped your arms around him. "This is so cute! I love these - how did you know?"
"Well- uh, I didn't, but I thought maybe? But then I wasn't sure if you'd like them and, um..." Deuce trails off from there, getting wrapped up in hugging you and letting himself finally relax a bit. "...I'm glad you like them."
You hum your agreement, and before he can say anything else, he's getting a kiss on the cheek and tensing up all over again as his face burned.
[click here to go to masterlist]