Genshin Impact Incorrect Quotes - Tumblr Posts
genshin impact incorrect quotes as things i said part 1 ft. y/n:
y/n after beating childe’s ass: ya know what they say, keep your friends close but your bitches closer
scaramouche who’s been watching: who tf says that??
y/n: me bitch
genshin impact incorrect quotes as things me and my friends have said part 2 ft. y/n
y/n: will you still love me if i turn into a worm?
childe: Du bist eine dumme Schlampe
y/n: *gasp* does that mean you’ll still love me??.?
childe trying not to laugh: yeahhh you can go with that
genshin impact incorrect quotes as things me and my friends have said part 3 ft: y/n
kaeya: *walks by and points to y/n* YO its a simp!
y/n: *stops walking and points back to him* YO its another simp!
scaramouche: *tending to y/n's wounds* how would you rate your pain? y/n: zero stars. Would NOT recommend.
scaramouche: Name a more iconic duo than my crippling fear of abandonment and my anxiety. I'll wait. y/n: You and me!!! scaramouche, tearing up: Okay.
Shenhe, holding Chongyun: Whoever decided to lay their hands on my nephew, please come out so I can peacefully break your legs!
The golden house fight, basically
Childe: You may have had the upper hand now, but I swear I will find out all your secrets. I look forward to defeating you, once and for all.
Traveler, internally: I was using like 4% of my full power and you still lost.
I see your “protective big bro aether” and raise you this
Feat Aether, but he’s the number one chilumine shipper.
Feat Lumine, finding Aether and hoping he’ll go all protective big bro to finally get her to snap out of her weird tsundere love face and kick Childe’s ass properly only to find out he more than approves.
Aether: He’s rich, He’s hot, He’s thoughtful- what more could you want???
Aether: Tsk, minor detail
Lumine: HE’S (probably) COMMITED CRIMES
Aether: I mean, who doesn’t like crime?
Aether: Is there anything more romantic than the heat of battle?
Aether: Why? You can do that yourself.
Traveler: I am so tired of accidentally committing crimes. It’s time for a change! Next country, clear name, I won’t do anything illegal!
Zhongli: Yes... about that...
Zhongli: you’re going to have to break into the country itself.
Zhongli: And also, the archon is extremely paranoid.
Heard in Mondstadt (#40)
Fischl: Thy mother is so obtuse, she postulates that Barbatos is a hilichurl!
Bennett: Joke’s on you, I don’t have a mom!
Fischl: Fine! Thy father is so—
Bennett: Which one??
Fischl: Why art thou immune to all my parental witticisms!?!
I could imagine him saying it exact this way xDDD
(Baizhu still being angry because Hu Tao tried to burry little Qiqi)
Heard in Liyue (#24)
Baizhu: Qiqi and I were out collecting hhhhherbs this morning.
Hu Tao: Um, I think the “h” in “herbs” is supposed to be silent.
Baizhu: I think you’re supposed to be silent too, but here you are, chattering away!
Wrong Genshin Quotes
Changcheng: "How petty can you get?"
Baizhu: "I once edited an ancient scroll to win an argument I was wrong about."

Baizhu: Someone will die or get financially ruined.
Changsheng: Oh, fun!
Scratch that idea! My new tip for Dr. Baizhus special dish are tea eggs! They are absolutley delicious 😍 and I can imagine him loving them and being able to eat them albeit his constitution!
Baizhus special dish

-I think Baizhus special dish would be some kind of gentle flavoured curry with bite sized morsels of meat. Maybe a green curry with herbs... (the meat pieces are probably made of chicken or mice)
-He also likes to share his food with Changsheng.
- He propably can't handle spicy food but is good with bitter taste
- Otherwise: he can handle spice better than xiangling and Barbara together despite his physical condition
- most of the time he can handle only broth
Incorrect Genshin Quotes #1
Baizhu: Changcheng and I have the kind of easy chemistry where we finish each other's-
Changsheng: Sentences.
Baizhu: Don't interrupt me.

Child Y/n and Child Xiao: *Hanging out playing with each other. Morax and the other adepti are watching over them.*
Cloud retainer: *Looking at the two playing before focusing her attention on Xiao* I should probably take him for his lessons.
Morax: *Sips his drink lot looking up from the table* I wouldn't do that if I were you
Cloud retainer: *Ignores Morax and picks up Xiao* It's time for your lesson Xiao
Child Y/n: *eyes widen and trying to pull Xiao back down* No! Don't take Xiao!
Cloud retainer: *Looks down at Child Y/n trying to calm them down* Now Y/n he needs to do his lesson
Child Y/n: *Starts to scream and looks at Morax absolutely devastated Xiao wasn't playing with them* SHE'S TAKING MY HUSBAND!
Morax: *spits out his tea and starts to chuckle*
Cloud retainer: *Looks at child Y/n surprised and puts Xiao down unsure what to do now* Very well then...
Child Xiao: *Blushes not understanding what's going on as Child Y/n hugs him, then looks behind Y/n to stare at Morax* What's a husband?
Morax: *Walks up to the two kids and ruffles Xiao's hair* I'll tell you later

a/n: This came from the episode of Bluey called Hammerbarn. I swear this was so funny to me.

Do not repost or translate without my explicit permission! Reblogs are welcome!
Should I make an incorrect quote thing including a bojack horseman quote? It would be angsty but I can think of a few good ideas. Maybe for genshin impact or twisted wonderland, im still unsure?
soo i have some ideas! theyre gonna be majority genshin incorrect quotes but i can take the same quotes to be a twisted wonderland thing
Should I make an incorrect quote thing including a bojack horseman quote? It would be angsty but I can think of a few good ideas. Maybe for genshin impact or twisted wonderland, im still unsure?
What bojack moment should I do next?
What bojack moment should I do next?