Genshin Incorrect Quotes - Tumblr Posts
G.I Incorrect Quotes#40 No refunds here-
Y/n: Zhongli, have you seen the oven glove-Why are you burning our marriage certificate!?
Zhongli: Good luck trying to return me without a receipt dear~

traveller: you know those things will kill you, right?
zhongli, pouring another glass of osmanthus wine: That's the point.
Ei, smoking a cigarette: We're trying to speed up the process.
Venti: *nods while eating raw cookie dough*
Childe: Aren’t you just a little goody two shoes.
Lumine: I’ll slit your throat
Childe: You wouldn’t, you’re too good
Lumine: No I’m not.
Childe: Name one bad thing you’ve ever done on purpose.
Lumine: I hunt timmie’s pidgeons for sport.
Lumine, to Childe: You make a pinky promise, you keep it all your life. You break a pinky promise, I snap your neck.
Lumine: I figured you wouldn’t care enough if I threw you on ice.
Scaramouche: Hey Ei wanna know what your sister's pronouns are?
Raiden Shogun: Scaramouche don't get me started on that-
Scaramouche: Was/were
Cyno: (Y/n), will you marry me? Collei will be our child.
Collei: Wait, I never agreed to this-
-pov: zhongli "graciously" gifted you a windchime for "good fortune" that you put in your window-
Venti, from outside the window: ...windblume, what is that?
S/O: it's a windchime.
Venti: why would you put up a windchime???
S/O: for good luck? It's supposed to keep out mischievous spirits.
Venti: *overly enthusiastic* wow i wouldn't have known!
S/O: yeah? Well, zhongli gave it to me and explained-
Venti: i LITERALLY cannot enter the house!
S/O: ...
Venti: ...
S/O: *laughing* oh, now i know why zhongli gave it to me. YOU'RE a wind SPIRIT.
Venti: *whiny* thats not funny, please let me in.

Child Y/n and Child Xiao: *Hanging out playing with each other. Morax and the other adepti are watching over them.*
Cloud retainer: *Looking at the two playing before focusing her attention on Xiao* I should probably take him for his lessons.
Morax: *Sips his drink lot looking up from the table* I wouldn't do that if I were you
Cloud retainer: *Ignores Morax and picks up Xiao* It's time for your lesson Xiao
Child Y/n: *eyes widen and trying to pull Xiao back down* No! Don't take Xiao!
Cloud retainer: *Looks down at Child Y/n trying to calm them down* Now Y/n he needs to do his lesson
Child Y/n: *Starts to scream and looks at Morax absolutely devastated Xiao wasn't playing with them* SHE'S TAKING MY HUSBAND!
Morax: *spits out his tea and starts to chuckle*
Cloud retainer: *Looks at child Y/n surprised and puts Xiao down unsure what to do now* Very well then...
Child Xiao: *Blushes not understanding what's going on as Child Y/n hugs him, then looks behind Y/n to stare at Morax* What's a husband?
Morax: *Walks up to the two kids and ruffles Xiao's hair* I'll tell you later

a/n: This came from the episode of Bluey called Hammerbarn. I swear this was so funny to me.

Do not repost or translate without my explicit permission! Reblogs are welcome!
Should I make an incorrect quote thing including a bojack horseman quote? It would be angsty but I can think of a few good ideas. Maybe for genshin impact or twisted wonderland, im still unsure?
soo i have some ideas! theyre gonna be majority genshin incorrect quotes but i can take the same quotes to be a twisted wonderland thing
Should I make an incorrect quote thing including a bojack horseman quote? It would be angsty but I can think of a few good ideas. Maybe for genshin impact or twisted wonderland, im still unsure?
I finished my bojack horseman twisted wonderland incorrect quote thing, well the start of it anyway! I'm really happy with how it turned out and I can't wait to do another one. I promise the next quote wont be as long. Might be a genshin incorrect quote im not sure yet
Paimon, after reuniting with Dainsleif again: Shouldn't you be more excited? What if we see your sister again?
Aether, recalling everything he's been through up until this point: I hope to GOD we actually do because I would dropkick the fuck outta of her the second I see her, Abyss Herald be dammned.
What bojack moment should I do next?
What bojack moment should I do next?
Okay time for another poll having to do with bojack horseman quotes because I finished the last one! This time there are more options! And with the characters who say them for context as to where they originated from! This is for my next Genshin or Twisted wonderland incorrect quotes (gonna try and do genshin next but idk) Sorry this has just been the recent brainrott
Yall are gonna hate me with how sad I'm gonna try and make these
Okay time for another poll having to do with bojack horseman quotes because I finished the last one! This time there are more options! And with the characters who say them for context as to where they originated from! This is for my next Genshin or Twisted wonderland incorrect quotes (gonna try and do genshin next but idk) Sorry this has just been the recent brainrott
Pants: *Would totally let that side, because he actually does more of Ei's mom duties than Ei does.*
Kaeya: Mood
Pants: Oh Tsaritsa no-
Dottore: Mommy.
Pants: *Sinks into the floor*
Signora: *dies of laughter*
Pants: *buries face in hands*
Childe: MOTHER
Pants: I hate you all.
Pierro: Has mom been drinking?
Columbina: MOOOOOOOOOOM What's for dinner?
Captiano: Yeah mom what's for dinner?
Pulcinella: Yeah MOM.
Kaveh: Y/n and I are the main characters. So that means we are love interests!
Al haitham: yeah, then what are we? *Pointing at Cyno, Tighnari and himself*
Kaveh: You boys, are the homosexual supporting cast.
Y/n: Look, I know you think my judgement's clouded because I like Kaveh a little bit.
Al haitham , holding Y/n's notepad: You doodled your wedding invitation.
Y/n: No, that's our joint tombstone.
Al haitham : My mistake.
Kaveh: Valentine's day is just consumerist day that holds no real value other than drive people insane buying heart shaped chocolates for their significant others and pos-
Y/n: I wrote you a poem.
Kaveh, already tearing up: you did?