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deleting a post you made twenty minutes ago is a timeless tradition in the hallowed halls of all women who have blogged before us and will blog after us. grrm welcome to the ranks queen.

Alicent Hightower one of the many pieces of evidence that men know how to write complex female characters, they just don't want to because of their own prejudice beliefs.

"Lannister, Targaryen, Baratheon, Stark. They're all spokes one a wheel, one is up and then the other, on and on it spins, crushing those beneath it. I'm not going to stop the wheel. I am going to break it"
The wheel refers to the political system and the iron throne, talking about how the major houses in westeros are the main players, first one house is in power and then it falls and another house is in power, a power seized from the first house through wars and force, thus truly affecting, ie crushing the common people who never asked for any of it.
Everyone dreamed of stopping the wheel, which would mean one spoke will remain at the stop and others would be at the bottom, the people relieved temporarily because the wheel has stopped spinning but not free from it because they are still burdened by the weight of the wheel.
But daenerys wants to BREAK the wheel, which would mean there is no wheel, no house on the top, no house on the bottom, and no people getting crushed by the politics and bloodshed and finally freed from the whole system. Dany had already mentioned that she would give independence for those who asked, and all of them are free to ask for it and that it is their right.
Lemme also pin point here why dethroning Cersei, ascending on the throne and declaring all kingdoms to be independent would be a bad idea. A mother has three kids, a 20 year old, a 14 year old, and a 6 year old. A mother knows her children and their capabilities. When a 20 year old plans to move out to make his own life, the mother agrees. Looking at this, if the other two kids tell their mother they are moving out, is she going to play along with it? Nope. Is the mother power hungry and obsessive and mad? Nope. A mother knows what is practical and which child is capable of being independent.
If the same 14 year old kid, after reaching 22 wants to move out and be independent, but knows nothing about the harsh realities of the world and is pretty gullible and incapable, will the mother let her child go free just because the first child was set free at 20? Nope. The mother knows her child will not be able to thrive because of certain short comings and would work on her child's skills to make him a better, well suited person before letting him make a life for himself.
So, when a kingdom asks to be independent, a queen grants it. If 4 out of the seven ask for it and it is granted, and the other 3 don't, dany cannot force them to be free and deal with their shit all in the name of liberation and freedom. Maybe those three kingdoms are not capable of functioning independently, maybe they fear they might collapse and the economy might dip, maybe their system is still flawed. And they want to function under a monarch who will watch over their functioning until they are capable enough to make it on their own.
So what I thought Dany might do is, ascending the throne and granting independence to all the kingdoms who want it and have earned it. She would still be a Queen and watch over the workings of the other kingdoms and would be sought after for certain problems and disputes which might arise and ask for her guidance and council. In this case, there is literally no wheel because all the houses have their own domain, all kingdoms are independent and the people do not suffer.
Now instead, you wanna know what we got?
A wheel, with not 4 spokes, but A MILLION spokes, each of them representing people ranging from beggars to lords because now ANYONE can have a claim to the iron throne. The spokes now represent every ambitious power hungry man in the world who wants power and money. The wheel now spins faster because after Bran, the person who ascends the throne can easily be killed by someone else who wants to be king and in turn HE can be killed by someone else. It's like the hunger games where alliances are formed and then broken because in the end it is every man on his own, the winner's ass honoured with the iron throne.
With the wheel spinning even more faster, the people suffer a thousand fold, getting crushed under all this politics and war and bloodshed.
So yeah tyrion you son of a bitch Lannister, this is not the wheel "our queen" wanted to break and the next time you utter her name or refer to her in any manner will be the last time you have a mouth you stinking piece of shit

Me sitting here thinking about how Dany's this particular GORGEOUS BRIAID looks like a waterfall and how Missandei might have plaited them that way because the last time Dany was truly happy was when she was with Jon at the waterfalls,after which shit just went to hell.
Don't mind me while I cry about this in the corner for a week.
Belief is often more important than truth. Our reality is shaped by our perceptions, and our perceptions in turn shaped by our reality. We are products of our own design.
“Power struggles seem to be omnipresent in every field of human endeavor, extending all the way up and down society. We assume that power has a certain reality. Apart from comic books, where Superman has the power to fly, the only power real human beings have is the power they think they have. You see that sometimes in the collapse of a society. Why did the Soviet Union fall? Because one day the Kremlin gave orders and the soldiers said no, and the whole thing fell apart. It’s a fundamental truth that I think Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr. , hit on, that power depends on the obedience of the less powerful. A leader is powerful only when he says jump and people jump. He has no actual power to make them jump. It’s their belief that he has power. It’s an illusion, a shadow on the wall. And sometimes people stop jumping, and then the world changes.”
— George R.R. Martin (x)
Shout out to MY favourite quote from George’s blog:
“I have no idea what Ryan has planned - If indeed he had been planned anything”
“I have no idea what Ryan has planned — if indeed he has planned anything.”
- George R. R. Martin

quote: source
image: source
Cersei’s the type of person who would tattoo her own name on herself