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Targaryen Month || Week One: The Conquest ↳ Rhaenys, youngest of the three Targaryen Conquerors, was all her sister was not: playful, curious, impulsive, given to flights of fancy. No true warrior, Rhaenys loved music, dancing, and poetry, and supported many a singer, mummer, and puppeteer. Yet it was said that Rhaenys spent more time on dragonback than her brother and sister combined, for above all things she loved to fly. She once was heard to say that before she died she meant to fly Meraxes across the Sunset Sea to see what lay upon its western shores. Whilst no one ever questioned Visenya’s fidelity to her brother/husband, Rhaenys surrounded herself with comely young men, and (it was whispered) even entertained some in her bedchambers on the nights when Aegon was with her elder sister. Yet despite these rumors, observers at court could not fail to note that the king spent ten nights with Rhaenys for every night with Visenya. – The World of Ice and Fire

house of ladies week 2020 →day 2: house targaryen
On one occasion in 10 AC, Aegon and Visenya were both attacked in the streets of King’s Landing, and if not for Visenya and Dark Sister, the king might not have survived.

top 20 pre-asoiaf characters as voted by our followers: → #15: visenya targaryen (99 votes)
Visenya, eldest of the three siblings, was as much a warrior as Aegon himself, as comfortable in ringmail as in silk. She carried the Valyrian longsword Dark Sister, and was skilled in its use, having trained beside her brother since childhood. Though possessed of the silver-gold hair and purple eyes of Valyria, hers was a harsh, austere beauty. Even those who loved her best found Visenya stern, serious, unforgiving, and some said that she played with poisons and dabbled in dark sorceries.

top 20 pre-asoiaf characters as voted by our followers: → #9: daena targaryen (116 votes)
Daena was Targaryen to the bone; strong, beautiful, willful.

top 20 pre-asoiaf characters as voted by our followers: → #12: rhaenys targaryen, the queen who never was (103 votes)
Beloved daughter of Lady Jocelyn Baratheon and Prince Aemon Targaryen, faithful wife of Lord Corlys Velaryon, mother and grandmother, the Queen Who Never Was lived fearlessly, and died amidst blood and fire. She was fifty-five years old.

Shiera Seastar cause I love drawing her🪷
Please don’t repost without credit
Demi-Gods of Valyria
Ok, so this is the idea. Valyria was meant to be based around the old Roman/Greek empires and their mythos included. Now a fun fact about Some Greek Demi-gods is that sometimes women prayed to give them a child and the gods would do so, but in some instances they would possess the husband of the woman and create a child that way.
This means the kid has a godly parent, Mortal Father and Mortal mother.
Now do you see where I’m going with this.
Rhaenyra Targaryean, future Queen of Westeros, has been married to a man who is mourning and, after some attempts, cannot give her the children they both want and need.
Laenor tries and tries and and Rhaenyra tries and tries. They both want a child, they both need a child.
Desperate and ardent worshippers of the 14 Gods of Valyria, they pray to their ancestral Gods for help, desperate and pleading.
And the Gods answer.
They give the two a option, one as fantastical as it is a blessing. They tell them that each of them will come in turn, to give Rhaenyra and Laenor a child, that each one of them will ‘sire’.
They immediately bring in Rhaenys, Corlys and Laena, who brings along Daemon as well. After proving this exsists both agree full heartedly to the deal.
Needless to say Corly’s is stupendously excited and Daemon has to be stopped from exalting his gods in public by Laena. Rhaenys is just happy her son and Rhaenyra get what they want.
Arrax of course comes first. King of the Gods, creator of the first Valyrians, he possesses Laenor that night and sires upon Rhaenyra the future King that night.
Jacaerys Targaryean is born 9 months later. His skin the hue of his father’s, with golden-silver curls and Violet eyes brighter than any Valryian before him. Upon his shoulder is affixed the birthmark of a Crown.
When the topic of the heir of Driftmark is brought up there is much debate amongst the gods but eventually, Caraxes is chosen to sire Lucerys Velaryon. Born with skin almost as dark as his granfathers, silver and onyx curls like his grandmother. His hand marked with the sign that mimics a rolling wave.
Syrax fights her way next, having let her brothers sire the childs to be heirs she claims the right to sire her favourites, the child who named her dragon for her, third child. Joferys Velaryon is born with a mark of crawling vines on his neck.
Despite their arguments Vhagar and Meraxes agree to sire the next two children with Rhaenyra together. The Twin’s Rhaenys and Visenya are born from this union. Rhaenys, child of Meraxes, is born with a twisting wind mark on the back of her neck whilst her twin Visenya, child of Vhagar, is born with the mark of the sword in the same place.
Their Darling Aemma is conceived barely 2 months after by Meleys, a reminder of Rhaenyra’s dear mother who Meleys had adored. Aemma is born with the mark of a heart over her very own heart.
The Triplets come next. Monterys, Sired by Vermax with high Valyrian marked on his right bicep, Daenaera, sired by Vermithor marked with a smiths hammer on her right bicep, and Valaena, sired by Tyraxes and marked with a bird in flight on her right bicep.
Another set of twins comes two years later. Daenys, child of Tessarion, marked with an eye upon her wrist and Naerys, child of Shrykos,marked with a rising sun in the same place.
Then finally their last triplets. Aenys, born of Aegarax with the mark of a dragon between his shoulder blades, Aemon, Child of Gaelithox and born with a burning star between his shoulder blades, and finally He who comes at the end, Balerion, sires thier final child Baelon, born with a skull between his shoulder blades.
Jacaerys born: 112 AC
Lucerys: Born: 114 AC
Joferys: Born 115 AC
Rhaenys and Visenya: Born 117 AC
Aemma: Born 118 AC
Monterys, Daenaera and Valaena: Born 120 AC
Daenys and Naerys: Born 121 AC
Aenys, Aemon and Baelon: Born 123 AC
Rhaenyra and Laenor are happy, they are beyond at peace with this offer. Laenor gets to go to sleep and wake from a peaceful sleep knowing his best firend and wife carries their new child (He consents to this by the way, just saying it now and long as he isn’t in the drivers seat he is fine.)
Rhaenyra is able to have the children she so desires without hurting her husband and best friend, or seeking elsewhere for seed for her sons. With Daemon and Laena in on it she eventually takes them on as lovers and Laenor does the same with Ser Qarl.
They are happy, especially when Alicent enters the room after Jacaerys is born and see’s the dark skinned curly haired little boy with a crown shape emblazzoned upon his shoulder and nerly faints on the spot. It is not long before Corlys and Viserys both scream of his right to be king to the realm, celebrating the birth of the heir’s heir, born marked by the crown he was destined to wear.
Otto nearly has a seizure back in Oldtown, it unfortunately does not kill him.
Rhaenys is hardly seen without her first born grandchild, often holding him whilst she trains Rhaenyra in the art of ruling and power or simply showing him around the castle that will ‘One day will be his.’
Alicent is screaming somewhere, I don’t care honestly fuck her. Viserys just continues to die somewhere building his model, again don’t really care.
It is the day of Jacaerys birth that the Dragonkeepers find Syrax and Seasmoke with 14 eggs. Every colour of the Rainbow, another sign of Jacaerys and Rhaenyra right to rule they claim. Rhaenyra herself picks a egg of pure red veined with gold for her son and heir, within a month it Hatches into a Dragon named Arrax, for his father. The other 13 are kept in warmers, guarded and precious.
Alicent tries once to claim one for Aegon, still without a dragon, and it burns him in his crib fiercely. She does not try again.
Here is my current list of dragons, and yes I know Jace had Vermax and Luke had Arrax but we are switching things up.
Jacaerys - Arrax. A pure Targareyan red dragon
Lucerys - Caraxes II. A sea green dragon.
Joferys - Syrax II. A deep royal purple dragon.
Rhaenys - Meraxes. A bright sky blue dragon.
Visenya - Vhagar II. A rust red dragon.
Aemma - Meleys II - A pale purple dragon.
Monterys - Vermax. A emerald green dragon.
Daenaera - Vermithor II. A steel grey dragon.
Valaena - Tyraxes. A pale grey dragon.
Daenys - Tessarion. A pale yellow dragon.
Naerys - Shrykos. A bright yellow dragon.
Aenys - Aegarax. A vivid orange dragon.
Aemon - Gaelithox. A bright silver dragon
Baelon - Balerion - A pure black dragon.
All these dragons share golden accents and pure purple eyes. They also grow at a far faster rate than many dragons, think Daenaerys Dragons growth rate. This is especally as Rhaenyra declares the Dragons should roam freely for the first time since Aegon the conquerer.
Jacaerys is pretty much universally loved and the green faction begins to wither especially with Alicent claiming that the children are ‘aberrations’ and that they cannot be trueborn.
Court: looks at Laenor holding baby Jacaerys who looks pretty damn like him.
Court: Looks at Lucerys who resembles his grandfather almost exactly with Rhaenys lovely hair.
Court: Bitch are you crazy??
Otto and Alicent are struggling and I am here for it. They also nag Viserys and give him headaches and I am also here for that. Justice for Aemma Arryn you nasty rotting bitch.
Rhaenyra is just giddy with it all. her kids are Laenors and hers, and if they needed help from their gods well it wasn;t like anyone was going to believe that.
So anyway the young 14 demi-gods grow up pretty much adored by their parents and family. Not to mention their godly parents, by right of helping to conceive them, are pretty much always near them in a spiritual way.
Does Otto and Crispy Cole find a lot of misfortune going their way? Yes. tessarion is a particularly savage goddess in this and makes sure they always manage to catch a wide variety of illnesses and ailments, especially when her own daughter is born.
Are they kind of odd? Do their purple eyes, so unique, pierce your very soul? Does the air simmer around them and luck bend to their whim? Of course, but be damned if you dare say that around any of their parents. Even the Gods have nothing on Laenor and Rhaenyra’s protectiveness over their children.
As they grow older the topic of marriage of course comes up. Whilst Rhaenyra does not get along with Aegon and Aemond, especially after Aemond tried to claim Vhagar despite Laena still being alive which led to him losing an eye to the dragon, she Adores Helaena and Daeron and eagerly plans their marriage to Jace and Baela who adores her cousin.
Of course Alicent then delcares Helaena will marry Aegon and it turns into an argument as Viserys debates because he’s a fucking wet wipe.
Jace does not accept this in any way.
Alicent is horrified when the Prince spirits away Helaena and marries her in the traditions of Valryia before anyone can stop them. She faints when the couple return and Helaena tells her it was her idea and they had already slept together (Jace is 17 at this point and she is 19.)
Rhaenyra is half delighted and hald ‘done with her children’ whilst Laenor immediately begins planning a wedding for the faith with Laena as they both giggle and Daemon howls in the background. Viserys. glad he didn;t have to make a choice, blesses the marriage and declares it done.
(When Alicent tries to wed Daeron to a lady of Oldtown when he is 19 Rhaenys easily spirits him away. They return 6 months later and she is already pregnant and wed. Rhaenyra has to have a strong drink whilst Laenor and Daemon howl with laughter.)
(Daemon finds it less funny when Alicent tries to marry Daeron to a lady of Oldtown and Baela kidnaps him and they come back married and her already 3 months pregnant. Laena and Laenor are delighted and Rhaenyra enjoys her taste of vengeance.)
(Rhaenys, who followed her own Husband for a year on dragonback before she was finally permitted to marry him simply smirks, knowing her genes are strong.)
the other kids also grown up and take either their siblings or other nobility as spouses, as when Rhaenyra becomes queen she declares that any who marry into their family will become Targaryean so replenish their bloodline. It suprisingly is very welcomed.
I have more but this is getting really long. Thank you to the Game of throne roleplaying wiki which gave me the list of gods below so that I could use and abuse it as a reference.
Arrax - Ruler of Gods, law, order, justice, governance, and strength.
Aegarax - God of all creatures that walk, run, swim, or fly. Creator of the first dragon.
Balerion - God of death and the Underworld.
Caraxes - God of the sea, twin of Meraxes.
Gaelithox - God of fire, stars, moon, sun, and the dawn, rival of Meraxes.
Meleys - Goddess of love and fertility.
Meraxes - Goddess of the sky, twin of Caraxes.
Shrykos - Goddess of beginnings, endings, transitions, and doorways.
Syrax - God of wine, fruitfulness, parties, festivals, madness, chaos, drunkenness, vegetation, and ecstasy.
Tessarion - Goddess of music, arts, knowledge, healing, plague, prophecy, poetry, beauty, and archery.
Tyraxes - Goddess of reason, wisdom, intelligence, skill, peace, warfare, and battle strategy.
Vermax - God of boundaries, travel, communication, trade, language, and writing.
Vermithor - God of smiths, crafts, and artisans.
Vhagar - Goddess of war.

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“You’ve already taken an eye. You can take everything else I have to offer.”
Aemond and Aemma based on “Our Violent Delights” by Bikadoo.
Read the fanfiction here:
"I am Daenerys Stormborn of the House Targaryen, of the blood of Old Valyria. Valyrian is my mother tongue"

"You have been slaves all your life. Today you are free. Any man who wishes to leave may leave, and no one will harm him. I give you my word. Will you fight for me? As free men?"

TWOW Jon Snow @ The Night’s Watch If He Wakes Up And Can't Instantly Spot His Femboy Steward/Squire And Their Puppy:

“Woman? Is that meant to insult me?”

Aemon, Baelon, Alyssa and Jocelyn
A couple of traditional portraits just to define how I imagine them
If Targaryens ate a lot of shrimp, would their hair turn pink like flamingos?

"Wherever Prince Aemon went, whatever Prince Aemon did, Prince Baelon would not be far behind."

The Mad Queen, Daenerys of House Targaryen
1 x 01 - 8 x 06

And She Never Wanted To Leave....