Rhaella Targaryen - Tumblr Posts
Jon Snow is quite literally narratively haunted by the dead:
His bio dad got his chest smashed in by his cousin's hammer because he stole his lady love.
His mother, he dosen't know about, died giving birth to him.
His stepdad got beheaded as a traitor, which set off the War of the five Kings.
His girlfriend died in his arms after telling him he knows nothing. ironic.
His sister Rhaenys was stabbed to death, and his brother Aegon got his head smashed in by the Mountain. His other brother/cousin Robb went out via Red Wedding style, as did his wolf, whom Robb likely warged into after his death, so technically he died twice. All of them died because of Tywin Lannister.
His two stepmothers (Elia and Catelyn) were brutally murdered on the Lanaisters behalf, with one of them currently haunting the narrative as the Walking Dead via Lady Stoneheart.
His grandfather, Rickard, was killed by his grandfather, Aerys, as was his uncle Brandon, which set off a rebellion.
His grandmother died giving birth to his aunt, Daenerys.
His uncle Viserys was crowned by his uncle Drogo, who later got an infected wound and was mercy killed by his aunt Dany.
His cousin, Rhaego, was killed by a Maegi during a blood ritual to save his uncle. Their deaths were later used by auntie Dany to bring dragons back into the world.
His great-uncle, Aemon, died on a voyage to Oldtown, which Jon sent him on. On his last journey, Aemon at last saw the truth. His last act was trying to send help to his great-niece, Daenerys, to bring her home safely and make her understand that she and her dragons are the only hope against the coming great war for the dawn.
And now Jon Snow is dead as well, stapped by his own man, pending to be ressurected.
Wherever you look, death touches this character. If Daenerys Targaryen is the daughter of death, then Jon Snow is the son of death. Death shaped these two characters into who they are today. It's also why Jon is destined to be the King of Winter, with his Bride of Fire by his side. Together, they will defeat death and bring about the dawn of a new age.
“Old powers waken. Shadows stir. An age of wonder and terror will soon be upon us, and age for gods and heroes.“ -AFFC (GRRM)

All Daenerys' appearances in the Game of Thrones Histories & Lore (including Rhaella pregnant with Dany and giving birth to Dany)

by jota.saraiva.art on instagram
featuring: King Aerys II/Queen Rhaella (1) and Jon Snow/Queen Daenerys (2)

Did some fanart for Rhaella since there really doesn't seem to be much of any of her. Did this during the summer and I'm currently working on a piece that'll feature her and Joanna, so aye ;) -Stay tuned!

After about 6 months I was finally able to finish this piece of fanart! At first it was only supposed to be a Rhaella and Joanna piece, but over time I decided to add the Princess of Dorne into this fa as well. Decided to have them outside in one of the sections within the royal garden. I still plan on making more fanart of Rhaella but I'm currently working on Joanna piece which I'm aiming to post by the end of this month.

Oh wow, am I finally posting something after a 2-3 month hiatus? Why yes, yes I am. Now even though this is a sneak peek and not the full piece, Rhaella has always had a sweet spot in my heart when it comes down to ASOIAF characters. Still have one-two more things to touch up on this piece, but hopefully I’ll be able to post it up before the end of this month!

Here we go! I’m finally done with this sketch dump, granted it took longer than I thought it would to complete this. I’m just happy I actually finished this and didn’t end up adding it into my WIP folder. With that aside this mainly consists of fem!Lucerys (yea I fell hard, but then again when do I never fall hard for a genderbent character, especially with what could’ve been). There is some Rhaella though (yay to that, I just really love Rhaella) so that’s a plus! We also got a little Arrax so woo-hoo to that too! :D
Besides that though, I also have a little family tree of any hypothetical children Lucemond might end up having in this AU of mine.

Women of Ice and Fire Part I + Mother’s daughters

As Robert’s army marched on King’s Landing, the mad king sent his own wife and child away, but kept my sister and hers inside.
Viva Bianca as Rhaella Targaryen
Sonam Kapoor as Elia Martell

Women of Ice and Fire Part I + Mother’s daughters

The queen your mother was always mindful of her duty.

“Lannisport was the end of our voyage,” Prince Oberyn went on, as Ser Arron Qorgyle helped him into a padded leather tunic and began lacing it up the back. “Were you aware that our mothers knew each other of old?”
“They had been at court together as girls, I seem to recall. Companions to Princess Rhaella?”

Consorts to the Iron Throne ♕ Queens of House Targaryen

I am my mothers daughter

Daenerys Targaryen Appreciation Week
↪ One quote
Dany hungered and thirsted with the rest of them. The milk in her breasts dried up, her nipples cracked and bled, and the flesh fell away from her day by day until she was lean and hard as a stick, yet it was her dragons she feared for. Her father had been slain before she was born, and her splendid brother Rhaegar as well. Her mother had died bringing her into the world while the storm screamed outside. Gentle Ser Willem Darry, who must have loved her after a fashion, had been taken by a wasting sickness when she was very young. Her brother Viserys, Khal Drogo who was her sun-and-stars, even her unborn son, the gods had claimed them all. They will not have my dragons, Dany vowed. They will not.

Queen Rhaella had been crowned queen of love and beauty in her youth, and queen of love she indeed was for she cared deeply for those around her, ladies-in-waiting and children alike.

“… She was once smitten with a young knight from the stormlands who wore her favor at a tourney and named her queen of love and beauty. A brief thing. […] He put away his lance the day your lady mother wed your father. Afterward he became most pious, and was heard to say that only the Maiden could replace Queen Rhaella in his heart. His passion was impossible, of course. A landed knight is no fit consort for a princess of royal blood.” - A Dance with Dragons, Daenerys VII // naomi watts as rhaella targaryen