Gladstone Gander - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

Ducktales meets Spies are forever headcannon

SPOILERS FOR SPIES ARE FOREVER BY TCB! (and i guess indirect spoilers for “You Only Crash Twice”)

Darkwing and Double-o-duck starring in “Spies are Forever”

Starring: ~ Darkwing Duck as Agent Drake Mallard [Curt Mega]. SHUSH’s top field agent who’s back in the game after a 4 year grieving period because of the death of his parter (boyfriend) ~ Double-o-Duck (as seen in “You Only Crash Twice) as Launchpad (Lawrence?) McQuack [Owen Carvour]. The dead partner of Agent Mallard who worked for PEEP [MI6?]. But all is not how it seems, as a revenge plot Launchpad takes up the mantle of the Deadliest Man Duck Alive. ~ Bentina Beakely as head of SHUSH [Cynthia Houston]. Agent Mallard’s no nonsense boss that just wants him to get his sh*t together so he can do his job properly ~ Fenton Crackshell-Cabrera as Fenton/the informant [Susan]. Playing both Beakley’s assistant and the bane of Agent Mallard’s existence (in Drake’s words “a completely and utterly unprofessional agent) ~ Flintheart Glomgold as Dr. Flintheart Gold [Dr. Baron Von Nazi]. A bumbling moron working under a higher power (FOWL?). But unbeknownst to him, he is being manipulated by the Deadliest Duck Alive from behind the scenes ~ Panchito Pistoles or José Carioca as the family man bomb dealer [Sergio Santos]. A husband just trying to provide for his family/husband (Most likely Donald)

Roles still needing casting/roles i’m not completely sure of yet (feel free to give ideas) ~ Tatiana Slozhno ~ Richard Big (possibly Gladstone?) ~ Mrs. Mega [in this case Mrs. Mallard] (for some reason all I can think of is Della?) ~ Barbara Lovernor ~ Vanger Borschtit (Dewy?)

Casting can change but this is just the first ideas that popped in my head after watch “you only crash twice”

Feel free to use this idea for your own headcannons and fics (though credit would be nice)

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2 years ago

After the Gearlooses, It's time to go bigger ! I present to you the Donald Duck family tree 😆😆

After The Gearlooses, It's Time To Go Bigger ! I Present To You The Donald Duck Family Tree
After The Gearlooses, It's Time To Go Bigger ! I Present To You The Donald Duck Family Tree

As you can see though, it mostly based on Don Rosa's tree, with the addition of Sir Simon McDuck. Specifically, it's based on Rosa's second tree which he would give to fans (especially the colors). Hope you like it !

There more to this though, so keep reading

Okay, the thing is that I'm planning to do an extended version of this. Aside from the characters above, I have already finished some non-Rosa characters. To name a few, they are Gideon McDuck, Rumpus McFowl, Dugan Duck, Douglas McDuck, Moby Duck, Kildare Coot, and Bhaltair McDuck. I'm thinking of adding more characters and dividing the tree into parts unlike Gilles Maurice's tree which has all characters in one picture. Also unlike Gilles Maurice's tree, I won't be having to include all family members from across all Duck media. As such, I made myself some rules so that I won't have to exhaust myself with too many characters. These include only focusing on the comics canon (especially the Barks-Rosa canon) and excluding relatives from other media unless they are integrated into canon.

There are two problems though. The first is that I can't really access all information of all family members of Donald in Duck comics. All the research that I get is through Wikipedia, INDUCKS, Feathery Society Proboards,, fan scanlations and the Fandom wikis. I don't really have any comics to my name, as there is no one publishing a Donald Duck comic here in the Philippines (that I know of). I only read comics through online sites. So, if you can share some information on some relatives that I don't know of please let me. If you ever get to tell me their personalities or the INDUCKS code to their debut story, that would be great 😃

Now onto the second problem which is really a big one. You see, I'm not always active and I don't really take this whole thing a top priority of mine. I see this thing as some kind of a hobby. I mean, the tree above took me months to finish(with my fingers and Autodesk). This? A very long time maybe or even never. So I'm not sure if this would even come to being. To summarize : "I'm not really sure if I could do this so I'm putting it in Keep Reading. I'm only asking if you might know any Duck relatives that I might not know."

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2 years ago

Reading Rosa's "Sign of the Triple Distelfink" and this particular scene with Hortense caught my attention.

Reading Rosa's "Sign Of The Triple Distelfink" And This Particular Scene With Hortense Caught My Attention.

So :

Reading Rosa's "Sign Of The Triple Distelfink" And This Particular Scene With Hortense Caught My Attention.


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2 years ago

I'm still thinking of making on the extended Donald Duck family tree. Though, that is if I get to finish all the portraits. To say, I only do the portraits when I want to and this is more like of a hobby of mine so it'll take days to finish a set. In the meantime, have this two sets of portraits I've made 😁

I'm Still Thinking Of Making On The Extended Donald Duck Family Tree. Though, That Is If I Get To Finish
I'm Still Thinking Of Making On The Extended Donald Duck Family Tree. Though, That Is If I Get To Finish

In # 1, we have Donald Duck, Della Duck, Fethry Duck, Abner Duck, Huey, Dewey and Louie's father, Gladstone Gander, Scrooge McDuck and Gideon McDuck. In #2, we have Matilda McDuck, Ludwig Von Drake, Rumpus McFowl, Dugan Duck, Goostave Gander, Daphne Duck, Eider Duck and Lulubelle Loon.

Note : Some of the portraits here were previously used in my other tree though if look closely, they're different. It is because I've changed it a bit. There's a chance that I might do it again which means that the portraits here are not the final version.

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2 years ago

the 9th set ! 🤩

The 9th Set !
The 9th Set !

Back with some more character icons and this time, it's characters you might not even know. If you're not familiar with them, keep reading 😊

For this set, we have :

1.) Dudly D. Duck - Donald's cousin. First appeared in the comic story "Why All the Crabby Ducks?" by Vic Lockman and Mike Arens.

2.) Cousin Nancy - another one of Donald's cousins, a photojournalist. Appeared in a Bob Gregory story, "A Likely Story".

3.) Aunt Eider - the aunt of Scrooge McDuck and John D. Rockerduck, described as a weird character in INDUCKS. First appeared in "Most Helpful Aunt Eider" by Dick Kinney and Al Hubbard.

4.) Dimwitty - a relative in the Duck family, mostly known as a companion of Moby Duck. First appeared in "The Vanishing Banister" by Vic Lockman and Tony Strobl.

5.)-6.) unknown Duck elders - known as the "the elders of the Duck clan" alongside Scrooge McDuck. The two appeared in the story, "The Giant Of Duckburg" by Vic Lockman and Tony Strobl.

7.) Gran'daddy Daniel - an anscestor of Donald who is known to be the one who spotted the great hurricane of 1878 which saved many lives. Is shown in the same story that featured the unknown Duck elders.

8.) Shamrock Gander - a nephew of Gladstone Gander. First appeared in a Daisy Duck story, "Family fortune" by Tony Strobl.

Note : The portraits here may be changed a bit at anytime which means that the portraits here are not the final version.

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10 months ago
I Tried To Make Some Digital Art It Didnt Turn Out Amazing

I tried to make some digital art… it didn’t turn out amazing 😅

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5 years ago


(This isn’t the full draft btw) But I finally finished the draft for this animatic so I thought I’d share a little bit more with you guys while I do my best to ink and line it and finish it asap! 

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4 years ago
Edit: Reposting This Again Because Of Quality? It Was Looking Pretty Pixelated
Edit: Reposting This Again Because Of Quality? It Was Looking Pretty Pixelated

edit: reposting this again because of quality? it was looking pretty pixelated

anyway yeah, i wasn’t to sure about this comic but i spent the whole evening finishing it so here you go :>

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4 years ago

What if Gladstone won a submarine trip and found the research lab a new just? Took Fethry?


“Hi Fethry.”

“Oh, look I’m super tall now that you’ve picked me up!”

“Yes Fethry.”


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4 years ago

Fethry: Hey guys guess what I have a boyfriend now. Scrooge, Ludwig, Donald, Gladstone, Della, HDLW, Grandma, Jose, Panchito, Mickey, Goofy *starts putting weapons in their pockets* That's great Fethry! Hey could you tell your boyfriend to turn on his location, we just want to talk to him!

Fethry: I have a boyfriend

Family and friends: *pulling out weapons and rolling up sleeves* Congrats! Who is it?

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4 years ago

A jock, an emo, a prep and a nerd go on a different sort of adventure over the weekends’ two nights (Please click for better resolution and please don’t tag as incest)

These were all made on seperate days so the proportions are very off

Bonus “hey watch the kids alright”:

A Jock, An Emo, A Prep And A Nerd Go On A Different Sort Of Adventure Over The Weekends Two Nights (Please

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3 years ago

Some things about the AU Actors

I'd like to share with you some ideas that were left out in the brainstorming so I'll make a list below:

— The idea that Webby was the daughter of Scrooge came from the same actors, they convinced the rest of the staff and Frank and Matt, consequently the script and the final chapter was modified.

—Webby's mother is a renowned actress who was the guest star in several chapters.

—Webby and Lena got on badly.

—Lena hit a staff member when this duck intervened in one of their fights.

—Louie acted as young Donald.

—The triplets used to use their own cell phones in the recordings where they hung out with them.

—The triplets used their cell phones to view the script between recordings and during recordings for which they were sometimes reprimanded.

—Donald has a total of four children, the youngest being him in the Flashback with Gladstone.

—Fenton once got stuck in Gizmoduck's suit for over 10 hours.

—Launchpad accidentally ripped Gizmoduck's suit during the final chapter and keeps the broken piece at his house.

—Magica was characterized for her character (as Gamora in Guardians of the Galaxy).

—Magica accidentally hit Webby and Scrooge during the fight scenes in the Shadow war chapter.

—Donald and José are part of a band.

—The actor of Panchito is the grandson of the actor who played Panchito in the film of the three caballeros.

—Della when she was wrong in her performance she blamed the green stocking that she had to wear on her left leg during the recordings because she hated wearing it.

If something is not understood or does not make sense I apologize, I use Google translate for this haha

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3 years ago
The Unofficial Sequel To This
The Unofficial Sequel To This
The Unofficial Sequel To This

The unofficial sequel to this


Scrooge: “You kids have grown too complacent… so I signed you all up for speed dating! A relationship would do you kids some good! (Fethry, you’re excused. There’s an aro/ace meeting across the hall.)

Della: "Blegh!”

Fethry: “lol bye”

Donald, whispering to Gladstone: “Magica?”

Gladstone, whispering back: “In Romania rn. José and Panchito?”

Donald: “Gig in Brazil.”

Gladstone: “Odds of them not finding out about this?”

Donald: “Fifty- fifty?” *spots Magica and José in disguise* “oooooh scratch that. Zero. Zero percent chance.”

Magica: “I hate this. I’m going to KILL-”

José: “Actually, I like this dress :)”

Gladstone: “Ok. Uh, odds of Scrooge making it out of here alive?”

Panchito: *kicks in the door with a BAM*

Donald: “Oh, None. He’s a dead man.”

José: “Oh there he is! I thought he got lost <3”

Magica: “Just wait til I get my hands on that son OF A-”

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5 years ago
May We Have More Good Family Relationship
May We Have More Good Family Relationship
May We Have More Good Family Relationship
May We Have More Good Family Relationship
May We Have More Good Family Relationship

May we have more good family relationship



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5 years ago
Gladstone And Donald Raised The Boys Together For A While Till Donald Got Back On His Feet Au AKA Self-care
Gladstone And Donald Raised The Boys Together For A While Till Donald Got Back On His Feet Au AKA Self-care

gladstone and donald raised the boys together for a while till donald got back on his feet au AKA self-care is gladstone

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4 years ago
I Really Liked These Two Posts (1 And 2) So I Decided To Make A Mini Comic. I Hope You Don't Mind Me
I Really Liked These Two Posts (1 And 2) So I Decided To Make A Mini Comic. I Hope You Don't Mind Me

I really liked these two posts (1 and 2) so I decided to make a mini comic. I hope you don't mind me replacing Drake with Scrooge?

Your whole blog is a masterpiece, thank you for it. And I don’t know what else to write so hold this little heart 💜


Aaaand a little bonus with Uno, who has his own list:

I Really Liked These Two Posts (1 And 2) So I Decided To Make A Mini Comic. I Hope You Don't Mind Me

(Yes, I don’t know how to draw ducks and what will you do to me? I’m in another country)

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4 years ago

A jock, an emo, a prep and a nerd go on a different sort of adventure over the weekends’ two nights (Please click for better resolution and please don’t tag as incest)

These were all made on seperate days so the proportions are very off

Bonus “hey watch the kids alright”:

A Jock, An Emo, A Prep And A Nerd Go On A Different Sort Of Adventure Over The Weekends Two Nights (Please

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4 years ago
Comfort Characters Being Stupid And Anatomically Incorrect (I'm Back Yall)
Comfort Characters Being Stupid And Anatomically Incorrect (I'm Back Yall)
Comfort Characters Being Stupid And Anatomically Incorrect (I'm Back Yall)
Comfort Characters Being Stupid And Anatomically Incorrect (I'm Back Yall)

Comfort characters being stupid and anatomically incorrect (I'm back yall)

I also forgot to draw Fethry's plankton so pretend they're there please

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