Uncle Scrooge - Tumblr Posts

August 13th - Adventure
I tried on it the longest

August 14th - Celebrations
Idk this is Halloween
August 15th - Meddling

August 16th - Hurt/Comfort
Well idk this is comfort or only hurt?Who knows

August 17th - Physical Affection
Well, I'm done. This is not perfect, but I tried 🤷♂️
Participate in this was interesting. I know that someone else has not 17, but I have.
(my english bad, just a fact)

Movie number 60: DuckTales the Movie: Treasure of the Lost Lamp (Bob Hathcock, 1990).
Inspired by Carl Barks’ Uncle Scrooge and Donald Duck comics from the 1940s to 1960s, Disney’s DuckTales was a weekday animation series that premiered on US TV in 1987. The show proved a massive hit with audiences and critics, running 4 seasons and 100 episodes and spawned the 1990 theatrical feature film DuckTales the Movie: Treasure of the Lost Lamp.
The long form adventure stories of Barks formed the basis of many DuckTales episodes and would seem ideally suited to feature length adaptation. However for DuckTales the Movie an original story was created that drew upon both Barks and the stories of the Arabian Nights.
While treasure hunting in the Middle East, Scrooge McDuck and his nephews, accompanied by pilot Launchpad, housemaid’s grandaughter Webby and dubious guide Dijon stumble across a lost, sand covered pyramid in the Egyptian desert, resting place of the fabled Lost Treasure of Collie Baba. Among the riches is a seemingly worthless lamp which Scrooge discards but is rescued by Webby. Dijon, meanwhile, is in the employ of evil sorcerer Merlock who steals the treasure, minus the lamp and sends Scrooge home empty handed. On arriving home in Duckburg, Webby and the nephews discover the lamp contains a magical genie and before long Merlock and Dijon are back to secure the lamp for the sorcerer who wishes to use it for his evil doings.
The Barks-esq opening scenes of DuckTales are easily the movie’s best. The story lags somewhat in the Duckburg bound middle act but is back on form for an exciting climax drawn from the Arabian Nights and similar in execution to Disney’s own contemporarily produced adaptation of Aladdin (Ron Clements and John Musker, 1992).
The animation, while perhaps a step down from the classic Disney features is a notch up from the TV series and the voice work, particularly Alan Young as Scrooge and Christopher Lloyd as Merlock is excellent.
Underperforming slightly at the box office, there was to be no feature length sequel. The DuckTales franchise continued for a number of years, fittingly, in comic book form and was successfully rebooted for TV in 2017.
While DuckTales the Movie is not quite the adventure that Carl Barks aficionados may have hoped for, it is still an exciting, well executed fun movie. Treasure of the Lost Lamp is, indeed, a gem.

ROCK & RULE (Dir: Clive A Smith, 1983).
Rock & Rule is a futuristic, dystopian sci-fi rock musical from Canadian animation studio Nelvana.
On a post apocalypse planet Earth in which mutant rodents have displaced extinct humans as the dominant species, evil genius rock god Mok (voiced by Don Francks with singing by Lou Reed) plots to summon an inter-dimensional demon, presumably in pursuit of world dominance. In order to fulfill his maniacal plan he must engage the talents of Angel (Susan Roman with singing from Blondie's Deborah Harry), a young, ambitious singing mouse with the desired vocal frequency to open up a portal to the demon's domain. Kidnapping Angel and whisking her off to his lair in Nuke York, the pair are soon perused by Angel's fellow band members on a daring rescue mission. Yeah, I kinda lost the thread of the plot a couple of times, but what the hey? Hallucinogenics may help...
Read the full review on my blog JINGLE BONES MOVIE TIME! Link below.

From playstationallstars’ Scrogeley headcanons https://www.deviantart.com/playstationallstars/journal/Scrooge-x-Mrs-Beakley-2017-headcanons-702907281
Headcanon n°10: When having nightmares about Della that send him breaking down in tears, Beakley doesn’t hesitate to hug him, kiss him in the forehead, and tell him it will be okay.
@helloplaystationallstarslove I hope this is what you were asking for.
If it’s not (or you want more) , please don’t hesitate to ask again 😉
(also, R.I.P the drawing’s quality, I swear it looks much better on the paper)
Should I do a digital version?

Inktober Day 2: Tranquil
@helloplaystationallstarslove @missmystical12 thought you had seen the last of Demon!Beakley? Ha, think again :3💕
🎊🎊HAPPY BIRTHDAY @helloplaystationallstarslove!!!! 💕🎊🎊
Enjoy this little present I did for you ^^
(click for an extra surprise 7w7)

Scrooge would look amazing in a dress.
Where are they going? Who knows. But let me tell you something. They never make it to the door 7w7
I'm so sorry I didn't post it sooner >w<
Please, accept this shitty doodles as a bonus💕

To @helloplaystationallstarslove, @missmystical12, @cybra-sensei and every other Scroogeley shipper out there:
We all know how Scrooge and Beakley met in canon. How did they fall in love?
Was it a slow-burn? Mutual pinning?? One-sided pinning? Friendship to lovers?? Friends with benefits + "Oups, they got feelings"???? Love potions???
There's a milion different ways to explore love❤
Also, got any AU? Demon/angel AU? Werewolf/vampire AU??? Soulmate AU??? HOW DID THEY MEET THERE? Where there curses?? FIGHTS??
(It's Sea. Hi!!) may I be so humble as to request: Scrooge McDuck, existential crisis, 9a?

Unfortunately I don't have the resources to make the color palette at hand, but hope you like it!
ducktales fandom i have a confession to make. i have been telling people in my classes with utter and complete confidence that scrooge mcduck is canonically transgender. i am not remorseful i just think all of us should start doing this
Day Fuvno: Scottish

Day Suno: Family

i refuse to believe glomgold only ever ate his hat for scrooge when they placed the bet
Hey, another Ducktales AU!
This one is a bit different, I'll admit. But dang I love myself some mob au's. They aren't my cup of tea but I wish they were! We'll just be stereotypical I guess.
So, let's first get the cast set up.
Scrooge McDuck, the boss of the operation.
Scrooge is the riches crimelord the world has ever known and prefers to keep it that way. He's even more egotistical, more greedy, and sharper than ever. He trusts no one but knows he can't run the world alone. So logical he started an empire early in his career and chose his heirs.
Donald Duck, the heir of the family.
Donald was born into being the heir of the clan. He thought they chose wrong because of his bad luck and getting his sister "killed". So when he was old enough to take over he ran away with his sisters babies. He raised them alone for a good ten years until an unfortunate "accident" happened and he had no choice but to go back to Scrooge, bringing the kids with him.
Bettina Beakley, Scrooge's right hand woman.
Beakley is who Scrooge trusts the most out of his whole criminal empire. She tells him everything that's going on and the important news of the world. She acts as his maid, making all the less noticeable that she's Scrooge's deadliest henchman. Best try not to get on her bad side.
Launchpad McQuack, the personal chauffer for Scrooge and his family.
Launchpad originally only asked for the job thinking it was an innocent summer job that normal people had. Nope. He got roped into some dangerous adventures and surprisingly loved the thrill. He asked to stay on the team and Scrooge said he wouldn't have it any other way. Now he's one of the most loyal members of Clan McDuck.
Webby Vanderquack, the innocent.
Despite the name, she's not innocent. Being the granddaughter of Mrs. Beakley, she knew more than a few tricks. She was sent in for spy missions or to steal anything without being caught. She was Scrooge's own personal ninja, and because she was only allowed on the manor grounds outside of work, she didn't think anything else mattered. Scrooge McDuck came first and everything else came last.
Huey, the second in line.
Huey, being the oldest of the triplets, was the caretaker when Uncle Donald was trying to keep food on the table. He did most of the chores and read none stop. He is extremely intelligent but lacks the ability to understand much outside of books. When he meets Scrooge he's the one Scrooge would want the most to be a henchman for himself.
Dewey, the popular one.
Dewey is always out on the town, talking to whoever catches his eye and trying to be the next biggest thing. He loves the thrill of adventure, and the pumping of adrenaline excites him. He's the most athletic of the brothers and surprisingly the most musically gifted. He loves attention and will stop at nothing to get it, even if he sometimes plays the bad guy. He's the one Scrooge is the least concerned about when they meet.
Louie, the insider.
It scares Donald how alike Louis and Scrooge are. There are a few differences though, one being that Louie has a heart and cares for his family. Louie can see patters and predict most things a mile away. He can come off as manipulating but he tries to use his natural charisma to help others out of a slump. He's the best actor of the three brothers and the most trusting. He thinks it's his duty to change the world and help everyone he can. When him and Scrooge meet, well, let's just say Scrooge is a little terrified of being replaced.
That's all the main ones! I wanted to turn everyone to their extremes and decided to change, for lack of a better example, their alignment. I wanted each character to seem like the same character in a different world. Louie is still cunning and charming, Scrooge and Huey are still smart and obsessive, and Donald is still and angry dad. I just turned specific traits up a few notches.
I was thinking that it would be set around the great depression and the family would run a casino ring (if that's even the right term). Scrooge wouldn't be as old as he canonically is, being at a more realistic age of aroud maybe sixty or something. There are loads of other characters that I can expand on that would be part of this. I haven't even touched the side characters yet. Now this is supposed to be closer to a swap!au rather than the normal Ducktales, so be prepared for usual villains to become like police officers or some crap.
Well anyways, I hope you have a good day and enjoy my au. More ideas to come!