Louie - Tumblr Posts

9 months ago
Why Must There Always Be War
Why Must There Always Be War

Why must there always be war

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1 year ago
Luigi Getting Short Changed On The Whole 'alternate Universe Doppelganger' Thing.
Luigi Getting Short Changed On The Whole 'alternate Universe Doppelganger' Thing.

Luigi getting short changed on the whole 'alternate universe doppelganger' thing.

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1 year ago

Epic Dandori battles of history

ADHD vs Autism!!

Epic Dandori Battles Of History

Okay yes, I have developed an obsession with pikmin, can you tell?

And in this sketch I’m just trying to figure out their suits

Extras + sketch undercut

Epic Dandori Battles Of History

He’s just like me fr :)

Epic Dandori Battles Of History
Epic Dandori Battles Of History

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8 months ago
I Drew Something Incredibly Cursed Because Of Splatoon 2 And Pikmin 2 Plot Paralells

I drew something incredibly cursed because of splatoon 2 and Pikmin 2 plot paralells

COLLAB WITH: @hyliaphora-cecropia, who drew the thumbnail sketch/initial concept!! thanks man I couldn't have made Louie such a slut without you <2

hyliaphora's sketch and my wips/details/unhinged ramblings under the cut!

I Drew Something Incredibly Cursed Because Of Splatoon 2 And Pikmin 2 Plot Paralells

hp's sketch. I turned olimar's head to be facing Louie and slightly altered lou's positioning

I Drew Something Incredibly Cursed Because Of Splatoon 2 And Pikmin 2 Plot Paralells

my first sketch!

I Drew Something Incredibly Cursed Because Of Splatoon 2 And Pikmin 2 Plot Paralells

flat colours! I had sooo much fun designing olimar's kimono (note the Onion pattern on the jacket and the spaceship dangly!!) also note louie's titan dweevil tattoo, where Callie's octopus tattoo was in splatoon


I Drew Something Incredibly Cursed Because Of Splatoon 2 And Pikmin 2 Plot Paralells

for all wondering, this is the image that this was inspired by! (screencap from Caitlin koi's tidal rush music video; art is from the Splatoon 2 concept art book.)

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3 years ago
I Miss The Good Old Hocotate Ship

I miss the good old Hocotate Ship

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1 year ago
Trying To Figure Out How Tf Do Draw Them Still. But Enjoy This Doodle

trying to figure out how tf do draw them still. but enjoy this doodle

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3 years ago

Some things about the AU Actors

I'd like to share with you some ideas that were left out in the brainstorming so I'll make a list below:

— The idea that Webby was the daughter of Scrooge came from the same actors, they convinced the rest of the staff and Frank and Matt, consequently the script and the final chapter was modified.

—Webby's mother is a renowned actress who was the guest star in several chapters.

—Webby and Lena got on badly.

—Lena hit a staff member when this duck intervened in one of their fights.

—Louie acted as young Donald.

—The triplets used to use their own cell phones in the recordings where they hung out with them.

—The triplets used their cell phones to view the script between recordings and during recordings for which they were sometimes reprimanded.

—Donald has a total of four children, the youngest being him in the Flashback with Gladstone.

—Fenton once got stuck in Gizmoduck's suit for over 10 hours.

—Launchpad accidentally ripped Gizmoduck's suit during the final chapter and keeps the broken piece at his house.

—Magica was characterized for her character (as Gamora in Guardians of the Galaxy).

—Magica accidentally hit Webby and Scrooge during the fight scenes in the Shadow war chapter.

—Donald and José are part of a band.

—The actor of Panchito is the grandson of the actor who played Panchito in the film of the three caballeros.

—Della when she was wrong in her performance she blamed the green stocking that she had to wear on her left leg during the recordings because she hated wearing it.

If something is not understood or does not make sense I apologize, I use Google translate for this haha

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3 years ago

Headcanon I’ll later try to turn into a fic when I have time:

When Webby calls to check in with May and June while they’re on their trip with Donald and Daisy, the girls refer to Donald as ‘Dad’. HDL just so happen to in the room and all have a reaction to that!

However Donald went through his grief of losing his sister and having his fight with Scrooge and having to be the responsible voice of reason for the sake of the triplets and take on full responsibility of their well beings, had it’s toll on him. He had to balance what he told the kids as they grew up. He could have accepted the role of their father and let them call him dad but his loyalty to his sister wouldn’t let him do that. Donald may be an omitter but he’s not a liar. So he told the boys as they grew up the difference and that he was their uncle.

It was a whole thing for them growing up, but in the end they all accepted that he was Uncle Donald despite the fact that he worked his tail feather off so make sure they were fed, dressed, and had a roof over their heads! He made sure they were loved. He did everything a father should do! He was basically their dad who just didn’t get to claim the title of it.

So I can imagine that (not only would they all have reactions and feelings when they learned Donald was gonna go off with Daisy.) when they hear May and June call Donald ‘dad’ they all have a reaction. A reaction that’s maybe amplified when either of them or both call out to Donald as ‘Dad’ to inform them they’re on video call with everyone at the McDuck Manor, and he responds and shows up in view and doesn’t correct them!

I have feelings. I have ideas. Hopefully I’ll have the time to make a proper fic….

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6 years ago
Huey Dewey And Louie And Webby. I Had Drawn A Different Webby On The Right, But I Thought Her Beak Was

Huey Dewey and Louie and Webby. I had drawn a different Webby on the right, but I thought her beak was too long, so I drew her at left. Im still improving my drawing habilities with these ducks, their beaks always come out different than i expected. Still, I hope you enjoyed my work

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5 years ago

Please accept me into this fandom, I come bearing dumb jokes and fanart.   (also don’t you love vines? they relate to so many different things haha)

Ko-Fi  Redbubble

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1 year ago

So Cute!X3

Idk What Going On In This Pic, I Just Wanted To To Draw Them In Suits Lol

idk what going on in this pic, i just wanted to to draw them in suits lol

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1 year ago


Well!! :3 I loved drawing this boy! it's cute! ^^

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4 years ago
Finally Pikmin 3 Is Coming To Switch, Finally The Drought Of Pikmin News Is Over! :)

Finally Pikmin 3 is coming to switch, finally the drought of Pikmin news is over! :’)

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3 years ago
Louie’s Top Surgery, organized by Louie Didcott
I’m Louie, I’m 19 and transgender. I’m really hoping to save money for top surgery and other transi… Louie Didcott needs your support for Louie’s Top Surgery

This was shared with me today and I have already donated but I would be appreciative if you all could either share or donate (or both) as every little bit helps. This as it would mean a lot to me and him if you all did that, as no one could really describe what it means to go through this type of experience (unless you have/are already).

thank you for reading this and help Support Louie!

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7 years ago

So? i WaS WoNDeRiNG iF i’LL CoLoR HiM? 🌈🙃

aNYWaYS!? MeeT “Louie” aN oLD aNiMe CHaRaCTeR FRoM “RuNe SoLDieR” (aN aNiMe WHiCH i uSeD To WaTCH WHeN i WaS a KiD) 😋   Louie © RuNe SoLDieRS © Ryo Mizuno

BaCKGRouND & STiCKeRS © Photo Grid

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