Golden Ratio - Tumblr Posts

aventio nation we keep winning

i love them.

Do stay alive. I wish you the best of luck.
I imagine that after Merventurine goes back to the ocean in the future, Ratio will find himself still making two servings of cooked, seasoned tuna for days. He'll convince himself it was for the best, and in the same train of thought turn his gaze towards the sea just in case. Hence, I named this piece Reluctant Farewell. Brrt don't know how to paint caustic effects on underwater skin yet. Thanks again to the man, the myth, the spoinky, @havanillas for providing us with brainrot good food for this AU.
Fun little math trick I find really helpful: the ratio of a mile to a kilometer is within 1% of the Golden Ratio. That means that if you have a good memory for Fibonacci numbers (1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89) you can convert pretty accurately by taking consecutive Fibonacci numbers.
For example, 89 kilometers is really close to 55 miles (55.3). Or, say you need to convert 26 miles to kilometers: 26 can be written as 21 plus 5, so taking the next Fibonacci number up gives 34 and 8, meaning it should be around 42 kilometers. Sure enough, it's 41.8 km!

Dancing in zero gravity 🗿🦚

The Endlessly Zooming Golden Spiral - Made with Processing.
I uploaded this anyway even though I haven’t figured out how to make faster animations yet.

Image by Tiffany Ford
Double Dactyl XXXVIII
Higgledy-piggledy Leo Fibonacci Pisan math genius born Century Twelfth. With Arabic-Hindu Number-sequences, he Surely evinces his Place on the shelf.

drunken confessions 🍸✨
I wanted to see some more soft ratio asdfjkll but the man can only do it when he's inebriated
I really wanted to see this, until I remembered that I’m an artist, and I could draw whatever i want, so here you go:

@umeuyenicorn’s Duck-tor Ratio and a ducky Aventurine
I bet that Dr. Ratio is always operating on this fear he never voices that one day he won't be enough for Aventurine to keep on living. In a way he probably chases after Aventurine in the same way he chases after Nous' gaze. However Aventurine IS in reach, IS looking at him, and maybe if Ratio holds on just tight enough he won't slip away. In between times when they're together, does he quietly offer a prayer to the Amber Lord that Aventurine will come back to him safe and alive? Does he press his lips to Aventurine's forehead when he's asleep in his arms, wondering if it'll be the last time? Amongst all of his thoughts of a possible end to the man he adores, is there hope for the future, or is he forever trapped in the present, hoping his efforts are enough?
… victor……role-swapped…….

Aventio thoughts…
Mmm clingy Ratio, worried Ratio. Ratio who is stressed. Ratio is stressed because of Aventurine’s self destructive behavior. Ratio who can’t take it anymore, slapping the damn gun out of Aventurine’s hands when he’s about to play another game of Russian Roulette and hugging him.
Aventurine who just stands there, dumbfounded, but accepts the embrace anyways.
(my inability to use italics for this killed me)
“Any reason why you wanted to hug me, Doc?” The gambler asks, genuinely confused.
“Shut up.” The other replies, words getting caught in his throat.
“Ratio-“ a pause. “Are you worried about me?”
The doctor grimaces, although based off his position, Aventurine can’t see it. Nevertheless, he grips onto the fabric of the others suit a little tighter.
“What made you finally realize that?” He scowls.
Aventurine lets out a surprised laugh.
“I guess it’s just more unexpected than anything.” Aventurine admits.
Another silence.
“I’m sorry for scaring you, Veri,” he whispers.
“Don’t do it again,” Ratio replies, voice muffled by Aventurine’s neck.
Oh if they move to a nearby couch. Oh if Aventurine peels Ratio off of him only to see his eyes rimmed w tears. AAAAAUGHHHH.
Aventurine who realizes just how much he scared the other man with his behavior, and the guilt from finally comprehending that is killing him more than the gun would. Aventurine who realizes that the racing of his heart might not be from the adrenaline, but because of Ratio- his FEELINGS for Ratio.
Aventurine who pulls him close once more, and allows the doctor to hold him for as long as he wants, for as long as he NEEDS
i spent an hour debating whether I should post this or not and decided fuck it we ball
drops this and runs

Final victor in @havanillas’ role swap AU
“But if our partnership is to remain amicable, then you need to catch up to speed on how I do things around here,” he purred, drawing out a revolver and emptying its cylinder, leaving a single shot in the chamber. He pushes the weapon into the smaller doctor’s hand, aiming the barrel at his own chest.
“Let’s see how far this “divine luck” of yours goes~”
@syadoodles here’s the wip that’s been glaring at me for weeks as I procrastinated on other stuff here you go okbye