Someone Should Write A Fic About This - Tumblr Posts

9 months ago

We know that the statements in TMA canon that are true refuse to upload in canon, but I feel like people don’t talk about the not-true, on the institutes files statements.

Like imagine your some uni student who has to listen to a man tell a crackheads nightmare in the most monotone, annoyed, deadpan voice. You don’t even know why they are being recorded, but DAMN this “Jonathan Sims” guy sounds tired.

Also, if the digital statements get interrupted like the real ones do, and they don’t edit them out, I bet some people feel like their watching an office comedy when partway through the statement Martin brings Jon tea nervously, and Jon turns down a trip to the pub for the 60th time.

Also, imagine people seeing that Job got arrested on the news? Like that’s batshit crazy. Sure he’s been seeming a bit more… unstable in recent statements, people talking about shit you have NO IDEA is happening.

Just imagine TMA but you get all the moments that aren’t recorded with literally NONE of the context.

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7 months ago

Aventio thoughts…

Mmm clingy Ratio, worried Ratio. Ratio who is stressed. Ratio is stressed because of Aventurine’s self destructive behavior. Ratio who can’t take it anymore, slapping the damn gun out of Aventurine’s hands when he’s about to play another game of Russian Roulette and hugging him.

Aventurine who just stands there, dumbfounded, but accepts the embrace anyways.

(my inability to use italics for this killed me)


“Any reason why you wanted to hug me, Doc?” The gambler asks, genuinely confused.

“Shut up.” The other replies, words getting caught in his throat.

“Ratio-“ a pause. “Are you worried about me?”

The doctor grimaces, although based off his position, Aventurine can’t see it. Nevertheless, he grips onto the fabric of the others suit a little tighter.

“What made you finally realize that?” He scowls.

Aventurine lets out a surprised laugh.

“I guess it’s just more unexpected than anything.” Aventurine admits.

Another silence.

“I’m sorry for scaring you, Veri,” he whispers.

“Don’t do it again,” Ratio replies, voice muffled by Aventurine’s neck.


Oh if they move to a nearby couch. Oh if Aventurine peels Ratio off of him only to see his eyes rimmed w tears. AAAAAUGHHHH.

Aventurine who realizes just how much he scared the other man with his behavior, and the guilt from finally comprehending that is killing him more than the gun would. Aventurine who realizes that the racing of his heart might not be from the adrenaline, but because of Ratio- his FEELINGS for Ratio.

Aventurine who pulls him close once more, and allows the doctor to hold him for as long as he wants, for as long as he NEEDS


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