Good Doggo - Tumblr Posts

10 months ago

Thissss [REBLOG]

my dog otherlink has two sides.

i am a canine:🦴🖤🥀🔥🌕⚠️

My Dog Otherlink Has Two Sides.
My Dog Otherlink Has Two Sides.
My Dog Otherlink Has Two Sides.
My Dog Otherlink Has Two Sides.

and i am a canine:✨🍂🌼🐾💕🧸

My Dog Otherlink Has Two Sides.
My Dog Otherlink Has Two Sides.
My Dog Otherlink Has Two Sides.
My Dog Otherlink Has Two Sides.

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1 year ago
Ghost Wolf

Ghost Wolf

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2 years ago

Internal dialogue of Nellie Nelson from Heartstopper season 1

I'll lay on bed with you. Comfy. Snooze making. OH, Your face sad. I'm here My Nick. I got you. Its ok. I'll rest my head here. Oh kisses! Yay! You happy now? Good! My Nick pillow nice. I pup nap now.

Internal Dialogue Of Nellie Nelson From Heartstopper Season 1


Doorbell! Borf! Postman?! Get the door. Get the door. Getthedoor!... Oh? Are you a cat? I'm not cataphobic, I'm an ally.

Internal Dialogue Of Nellie Nelson From Heartstopper Season 1

Hello! Yes! YES, I am adorable! I like you. We going for a walk? My Nick happy. You must be a good boi! He pats my head when I good gurl! So you must be very good boi. No walk? Oh OK.

Internal Dialogue Of Nellie Nelson From Heartstopper Season 1


*Nellie!* My Nick summons me! I'm here! I'm here! We walking now

Oh wow! SNOW! Wow! Look! I catch some! Wow! You can make balls! BALLS! You are clever hooman! I catch balls! Why you not catch them? 'Cause you cat? I get petted when I'm good. My Nicks Charlie thinks I am good. My Nick thinks he good to! He good boi! He make happy. He smells like My Nick now. Magic. We lie down? I keep you warm! My Nick pillow. My Nick and My Nicks Charlie. We happy!

Internal Dialogue Of Nellie Nelson From Heartstopper Season 1


Hmmm. I dont like. She make your face look odd. Look! Theres My Nicks Charlie! He good cat boi.

Internal Dialogue Of Nellie Nelson From Heartstopper Season 1

Wait! Borf! MamaSarah home! Ask MamaSarah about gurl. Oh...she lost her good boi? That's sad. Poor ImmyJen. I says that right? I still prefer My Nicks Charlie. He cat but good. He good boi.


That ImmyJen? Yes, I'm Nellie. Hi ImmyJen.

Internal Dialogue Of Nellie Nelson From Heartstopper Season 1

Sorry you lost your good boi. I like ear scritches. Did your good boi like them to? I sit and looks at you. It's ok. You sad? Poor ImmyJen. Now my Nick sad. So much sad. I sits and supports you both. I good gurl. You should have My Nicks Charlie here. He makes happy. He good boi.

Internal Dialogue Of Nellie Nelson From Heartstopper Season 1


We watch big magic picture box?! I wants to see Eight Below. No? Bolt! No? Scooby Doo?

Oo! Pizza? I like pizza! Does it have anti-homophobia cheese? Can I have some? Please? I good gurl! MamaSarah looks! I tippy toes for pizza!

Internal Dialogue Of Nellie Nelson From Heartstopper Season 1

I like cuddles in front of big magic picture box. My Nick sometimes watches little magic picture book. I likes being with him, wherever. Sometimes he confused when on magic picture book, so I stays near him in case he needs cuddles. I love My Nick.

Internal Dialogue Of Nellie Nelson From Heartstopper Season 1


HE HURT MY NICK! My Nick! I bite bad boi Haarree. Haarree was bad to My Nicks Charlie? I bite and...No. I good gurl. I will chew his trainers when he not looking. Sneak(er) attack.

I good support. My Nick needs me. I will sits and waits. It's OK My Nick. I'm here. I'm here for you. MamaSarah, make happy. MamaSarah? *sigh* It's OK I got this. I good support now, then My Nicks Charlie make happy. He good boi. He makes happy.

Internal Dialogue Of Nellie Nelson From Heartstopper Season 1

My Nicks always happy with My Nicks Charlie. I think, My Nicks Charlie is My Charlie.

I love My Nick and My Charlie!

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1 year ago

They are adorable little helpers

Very good boys

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7 months ago

I'm going through my phone gallery and deleting a lot of stuff because my phone is a 6 year old android and is being wonky, so I get a new phone tomorrow.

Before that though, I found a picture of my dog, who sadly had to be euthanized back in 2011 due to brain damage from puppyhood abuse by some fucker. The damage had always made her have seizures, but it was not often, but when she was about 10-12, it got too frequent to be good for her quality of life.

It was a hard choice, but she went happy. Mom sat on the floor so she could comfortably hold our beautiful girl. Mom was her favorite human and she went with a wagging tail.

She was such a good girl and I miss her horribly.

Our sweet Baby ♡

I'm Going Through My Phone Gallery And Deleting A Lot Of Stuff Because My Phone Is A 6 Year Old Android

She was a dalmatian/black lab mix. She wasn't the smartest dog, but she knew how to count.

In order to help her get over her fear of people, each person who came over had to give her a peanut butter dog treat. It didn't take long for her to figure out how to get treats from EVERYONE and she became quite happy to be around people then.

Sorry for rambling, I'm just missing her.

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2 years ago

The Joys of Dogsitting

The Joys Of Dogsitting
The Joys Of Dogsitting

This is Boaz. He's a very good boy, and I absolutely love him.

That's all. :)

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2 years ago

Doing some more dogsitting

Doing Some More Dogsitting

This is Sofia. She belongs to one of my aunts. I think she's a Maltese. Whatever she is, she's just a spoiled little void. I love her. :)

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2 years ago

I just found this video today. This is Bobi, the oldest dog in the world. I love him. He is a good boy.

I wouldn't be surprised if he's older than half of this site's userbase.

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1 year ago

As of last night, Percy has softened up with one of the other cats.

This is Hermione.

As Of Last Night, Percy Has Softened Up With One Of The Other Cats.
As Of Last Night, Percy Has Softened Up With One Of The Other Cats.

Hermione snuggled with me, Percy, and Guinevere (the dog) last night, and he was a bit apprehensive at first, but he settled down. :)

I think I just met a yandere.

I Think I Just Met A Yandere.

This is Percy. He is a precious baby who snuggles with me and purrs at me all the time. He also hisses at the other two cats in the house if he sees them so much as exist within a foot of me. He's fine with the dog, though.

Cat owners (I don't own Percy, I'm just pet sitting for this family), are cats normally this possessive?

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1 year ago


My family picked up a new puppy a couple days ago. Y'all wanna see him 👀

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1 year ago
Rest In Peace, Bobi. We Love You.

Rest in peace, Bobi. We love you.

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5 years ago

Story Time

Once upon a time, in the ancient Welsh Kingdom of Gwynedd, Prince Llywelyn returned home from a fruitless winter hunt. He had had no luck on his expedition as his best and beloved hound, Gelert, was missing from the pack this day.

Llywelyn was struck by horror upon entering the room of his infant son, for the room was in disarray, the cot was overturned and Gelert, drenched in blood and gore, stood sentinel, his eyes brightening at his master's return.

Enraged by grief for his baby boy, Llywelyn drew his sword and struck Gelert down in a single stroke, only hearing the sound of his son, very much alive, begin to cry. Llywelyn pulled aside the cot and mess of blankets to find his boy, unharmed and laying next to the bloody body of a great wolf.

Upon realising his mistake, Llywelyn's heart was filled with so much sorrow and guilt that he never smiled again as the dying yelp of his brave and loyal dog haunted him. He buried Gelert in a fine cemetery in a town now called Beddgelert, in English, "Gelert's Grave" where a monument to the dog stands today.

As a Welsh man this is a story I've known from childhood, but today I learned of another brave dog of legend which is uncannily similar. In France, a Knight returned home to find his blood stained dog in his infant's nursery. The Knight struck the dog down only to discover his child lived and the body of a snake in his crib. The dog, Guinfort, became Saint Guinfort, the only dog to achieve sainthood, though not recognised by the Catholic Church.

The similarity of these two tales is unsurprising as they are both a variation of the Faithful Hound motif, that actually originated in India in the form of The Brahmin and the Mongoose. Though undoubtedly myths, there is the very true story of Jock of the Bushveld, which is both a book and a film so I won't spoil it.

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6 years ago

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8 months ago
A black and white line drawing comic titled "Bliss" and written by harry Bliss in 2023. Depicts a small, shaggy dog sniffing at a flower and wagging her tail excitedly, and a man with dark hair, glasses, a jacket and long pants pulling at the leash. The man is yelling "It's a weed! Come on--let's go!" while the dog is thinking "It's actually Capsella bursa-pastoris or shepherd's purse, part of the mustard family..."

Me if I were a dog.

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1 year ago

Doggy parenting

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7 years ago
Drawing Exercise Doggo

Drawing exercise doggo

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