Good Omens Fandom - Tumblr Posts
Crowley in the 70s vs Freddie Mercury in the 70s

i was falling asleep and thought of this so now it’s like 3am jesus i need to go to sleep ok bye

Made an Eric, aka the disposable demon. Love him sm.
Had to put a watermark there, as recently some scammer on Reddit pretended that they were the artist behind my dolls and I got angry. I hope it will deter them in the future!
✨ Now accepting FanArt requests! ✨
Hey all fans, fanatics, and fellow fandom friends! Kinda nervous to post this but…
Since my most recent post is doing well you probably found me through there. So, what’s this all about?
In celebration of reaching 10 followers (TYSM BTW!! I know some people might think it’s silly but it means a lot to me), and my most recent post doing well, I would like to start doing FanArt requests (through the ask box)! I will draw any character from Sherlock, Good Omens, and any related fandoms in any way in a new style I’m attempting.
It’s part of my 2024 resolution to try different things with drawing, and to try completing a drawing a day for at least a week (that way I hopefully get faster at drawing)!
Keep it mostly SFW. I might be ok with kissing but nothing extremely NSFW please. I mostly want to make cute or funny fanarts!
Ships are okay as long as you know the ship I am drawing may not be the one I ship.
One-panel comics are allowed.
NOTES: My style is highly based on realism/semi-realism, and these will be drawn digitally, so keep that in mind.
If you use the artwork in any way, credit me. I will credit whoever made the request unless it’s requested anonymously! I’m allowed to decline any requests that may be uncomfortable for me to draw, and remember that this is just for fun so keep your requests lighthearted!
✨ Other than that, ask away! ✨
Let me start by saying I'm amazed by your art, especially after reading you are still so young!
I've never dared to request anything, but since you're asking... I have this headcanon that when aziracrow are properly in a relationship, Crowley will be one of those cringe people who walks next to their partner with his hand in their partner's back pocket. Aziraphale will have to miracle a pocket on for that purpose.
I know it's weird, but it's also ineffable and this picture is stuck in my head. Maybe it speaks to you.

A like this, but Aziraphale will obviously do no such thing. He will complain, but find it endearing in secret.
Sending lots of love for your future endeavors ❤️
Thank you for the ask & compliments!! I’ve been waiting for like 3 days to post this, I’ve been so busy with schoolwork that this challenge I may have already failed… but I think I’ll be able to draw the next one faster (that’s what it’s about anyway!) I ABSOLUTELY LOVE YOUR HEADCANON!! They would totally do this so I present to you

If I have time, I’ll make a version without the dialogue too and add it to this post as an edit. Again thank you for your request @ohmyspacesailor!! Let me know anything I should change with this new style I’m trying out!!
On to the next one! (THERE ARE SO MANY REQUESTS LOL)

So…season 2 happened. And I was not at all prepared for it .
Reasons I think Crowley is Raphael:

1: He was high enough ranking that he was given permission to create the Heavens and work within the divine plan.
2. In S2 we see that he has access to Heaven's interface, something Uriel says only high-ranking Angels can do.
3. In an exchange with Shax in season 2, episode 1, she says that a powerful angelic miracle occurred in assumption that Gabriel is in Aziraphale's store and Crowley responds: "How'd you know I didn't do it?"
4. Re that same point: When he and Az do a "half" miracle each it equates to an archangel level one.
5. Raphael is the only archangel not mentioned so far.
6. Raphael is traditionally associated with fostering harmonious unions, love, and marriage. He tries to unite Nina and Maggie through an orchestrated natural phenomenon. When Az questions the easiness of such a thing he dismisses it in a way that implies he knows from experience.
7. Raphael was also known as a healer and Crowley heals the maimed shopkeeper after the demons attack the bookshop, which he didn't have to do.
8. Regarding being a healer, he is extremely outraged that the gravedigger girl wants to kill herself and puts the "fear of God" into her by showing his power to make her swear she'll never try that again and will instead live a good life.
9. He also makes the paintball guns real in season 1 but then also makes everyone miraculously survive each shot, like he doesn't want to hurt them.
10. He doesn't kill Job's flock or children because he didn't want to hurt them either.
11. He hates Gabriel and clearly wants to beat his ass for what he said to Az when he was being sentenced to death. Instead he tells him to jump out of the window but at the last second, as he's obeying, Crowley tells him to stop and looks upset, then leaves in annoyance.
The last 5 points are all things that would go against a healer's nature.
What do you think?

Heaven knows it, Hell knows it, Earth knows it. Only two idiots in love don't know it.
The way I would gorge myself on this if it were an anime in this style. I didn't know I was missing something from the GO fandom because it gives so much, but now there's this! 😭

ineffable wives piece from stream last night! thanks to everyone who dropped in and made my first stream so awesome :v
Since so many of you all liked the light in my other Good Omens drawing, more sunset fluff for you✨

• You and I, shinin' together •
I love them, I love this fandom, I love all of you✨
ok so ..

... <3

I am left speechless

"Something on my face, dear? 🤨"
[crowley interaction under the cut !! ] im so normal about her HUAWHDJAKSDA (she actually consumes my waking hours) also this is my 1st offering to the folks over @goodomensafterdarkx HEHEHE shameless promo: If you liked this, then please consider tipping or donating to me over on kofi. 💖 Donations will be used for my living expenses as a student studying away from home, while my family and i try to find a more stable way to raise funds for my dad's heart surgery. I also have commissions open, if those are more your style. Just send me a DM. 🥰 Thank you so much!
+ extended cut w/ crowley:

This is so delicious- JUST LOOK AT THIS
THe shading on the dress and the rendering of the skin is on point! She looks so cute and elegant and I absolutely love the effect with the leaves.

POV: You're on a date with the gorgeous Miss Fell
[alt ver under the cut !!] if you were in a date with her, where would u take her? (not that you'd get the chance; she's very taken with a certain snake, yup.)
shameless promo: If you like this, then please consider tipping or donating to me over on kofi. 💖 Donations will be used for my living expenses as a student studying away from home, while my family and i try to find a more stable way to raise funds for my dad's heart surgery. I also have commissions open, if those are more your style. You can check out my rates in my pinned or just send me a DM. 🥰 Thank you so much!

im going insane shes so pretty

"Wait..What...what's Femme Azi Friday?" you ask, staring at your screen like it grew eyeballs.
After a beautiful session of raving over the beautiful and gorgeous Azira Fell/Aziraphale, Femme Aziraphale Friday was born! Femme Aziraphale Friday is a very official day where every friday, we show lover and appreciation for femme depictions of Aziraphale corporation! No matter how you imagine her, no matter how she dresses, every femme Azi is a valid femme Azi! The very first one was today! (Well, yesterday NOW for me , but it's Friday somewhere)
A grin spreads across your face "I love Aziraphale! Can I participate too?"
Anyone can join in whether it be through art, fics, posts, or any other outlet of creation you can think of!
Just use the tag #Femme Aziraphale Friday so all the beautiful creations can go under this tag! It's nothing serious, it's not a bang or something you sign up for. Just have fun!!

To round off this very beautiful first celebration of this joyous day, it's time to do some promo of THE VERY FIRST Femme Azi Friday Content!
If you may, please scurry on over to A03 to check out the lovely fic "Miss Fell" by the even lovelier @forsssnaken! It's very funny, very cute, and features the Ineffable Wives! Check out his other works as well if you have the chance, and check out his Tumblr as well! (I know I will)
The fic features artwork by the magnificent @fawnim! Check out her post, as well as check out her Ko-Fi! to show some support! Get a Comm or send a dono, she's raising money for a very important cause!
Thanks for reading! I hope you had a wonderful Femme Aziraphale Friday! Kisses all around! Toodleoo!

Ms. Fell -- a femme Aziraphale fic where they get together at the end~
collaboration with @fawnim, go check out their lovely post (and commissions!)
Hell 👏🏾 Fucking 👏🏾Yes👏🏾
The Marvelous Ms. Fell (oneshot, 2,330 words, m/m, f/m, f/f, rated T for a suggestive ending, art embedded)

Aziraphale decides to try out a more feminine form, and goes all out. It's no secret she's attractive when everyone turns to stare, and her allure is not lost on the demon who's been in love with her for 6,000 years.
Collaboration with @fawnim, check out her gorgeous artwork, tumblr, and give her some money if you can spare it for her commissions.
Happy Femme Aziraphale Friday!!
I love her so...

If you're unsure of what exactly Femme Aziraphale Friday is, please look to THIS post!

We’re on our side.
(I made this for school a while back, was my first time doing watercolor. Think it turned out well)
Thank you so much! I’m glad I could capture it.

We’re on our side.
(I made this for school a while back, was my first time doing watercolor. Think it turned out well)
Okay so I do actually want to make a proper post about acephobia in the Good Omens fandom, just to explain myself further and to clarify a few things. I have made a few posts like this in the past, but I usually came at them from a place of anger, and as a result they were very clumsy and did not explain my points well at all.
So, I’m going to put on my logical and reasonable thinking cap on for this to ensure that this comes across purely as a polite PSA as opposed to just whiny, ineffective complaining.
I want to preface this by saying: I have nothing against NSFW content of the husbands(/wives/spouses), I even enjoy it occasionally because I’m a sex-neutral asexual who finds it pretty fascinating. Like David Attenborough studying a particularly elusive bug. The very nature of the husbands is that they can be projected onto by literally anyone, and everyone has a right to depict them exactly how they wish. This doesn’t just include allosexuals; this includes asexuals who have sex, enjoy sex, enjoy consuming content about sex etc. so I would never want that representation to be taken away from anyone. This is also goes for simply depicting the husbands as sexy or sensual, regardless of whether they’re asexual or not, because there are absolutely asexuals who are sexy and sensual and want to see that represented. Personally, I love sensuality and I want to see it depicted even MORE, especially if the characters are also asexual because!! That’s me!! Woohoo!!
I just want to make it perfectly clear that this has nothing to do with the content itself. The art, the fanfictions, they are all wonderful and they are all beautiful and I am so glad we have a fandom where anyone can project their sexuality and their experiences onto these two characters. I desperately want it to stay that way.
Which is why I wish the fandom would become just a little bit more inclusive, especially towards asexuals who don’t have or don’t want to have sex, because I feel like we get quite a bit overshadowed in this fandom. Again, not because of the content, but just in the attitudes and the takes that I’ve seen.
There is a difference between Good Omens and shows such as Sherlock: John and Sherlock were never in a canon relationship and the creator got pissed off whenever anyone suggested that they were (he also got pissed off when people suggested that Sherlock was asexual, but that’s neither here nor there). Aziraphale and Crowley, on the other hand, are in a canonical relationship. They do have a love for each other, a love that has been fully confirmed by the creator(s) and this is very much a love story. They are not queerbaiting because they are canonically queer.
People only think the show is queerbaiting because they have a very allonormative/amatonormative view on what queer relationships look like. It is not queerbaiting if Aziraphale and Crowley don’t kiss or fuck or even define their love specifically as romance, this is just aro/acephobic rhetoric. The beauty of the husbands’ relationship is that it can be widely interpreted by anyone, but the baseline always remains that they are in a queer relationship. Physical affection won’t make it “more valid”.
It’s why I am actually quite against the idea of Aziraphale and Crowley canonically having sex, and having that shown/suggested on-screen. I really believe their relationship should be entirely up to fan preferences, because that’s kind of the point. Their relationship is ineffable. It’s everything everywhere all at once, which means everyone can feel represented. It’s actually quite incredible how Neil and Terry have managed to create a relationship that truly encompasses all relationships, and we shouldn’t be trying to force them into labels or boxes that will inevitably leave a lot of people out. It’s like the days of post-s1 when people were demanding that Neil confirm the husbands were specifically gay, but most of the rhetoric they were spreading was incredibly enby-phobic.
They should not be forced into a box that demands they have sex or make out just to prove their relationship. By all means you can draw that or write about it, but you can’t demand to see it on-screen. Frankly, it’s not very fair. This is the only show I’ve ever watched that depicts a relationship that I can relate to, and if they do canonically have sex, then I lose that. A lot of people will lose a representation that they once had, because there are asexual people who don’t have sex at all and we deserve to see that represented sometimes. We also deserve characters that we can project onto. At the moment, we’re all free to do that, but once we start demanding physical evidence for Aziraphale and Crowley’s relationship, demanding that they have sex to “prove” that their relationship is “queer enough”, then that’s when we start entering acephobic territory.
Don’t get me wrong, either, I do want to see them kiss again. That’s not really what I’m talking about, because kissing can convey loads of different things, far beyond anything romantic or sexual, as the kiss in the final fifteen already proves. Sex can do this too, but I still believe it’s less inclusive, if that makes sense. Kissing is pretty much something that everyone does, even if it’s just kissing someone on the forehead or on the hand or on the cheek; it’s a display of affection that is basically universal, and conveys anything from friendship, comfort, excitement, romance, sexuality etc. Like Aziraphale and Crowley’s relationship, it’s ineffable. It has thousands of interpretations based purely on who you ask.
But sex is more exclusive, because there are people who just don’t have it. I am starting to get tired of reminding people that some people just do not have sex or do not want to have sex or have absolutely no libido or feel any sexual attraction towards other people. I would really, really like some representation for once, I would really like to see characters depicted on-screen whose relationship doesn’t depend on sex at all. I’m trying to stay completely reasonable and non-emotional here but I am begging for representation, and seeing posts interpreting every single action between Aziraphale and Crowley as purely sexual is exhausting. Seeing posts saying that Aziraphale and Crowley’s love still needs to be consummated, or that their love isn’t real yet until they fuck is just pushing so many asexual people out of the fandom. I don’t feel like I belong here anymore, because I can’t block or filter this content. People don’t tag their posts as “acephobic” because why would they? A lot of people don’t realise when they actually are being acephobic, because it’s so normalised.
I think what I’m trying to say is… just check your biases for a second. Why are you so desperate for their relationship to be canonically sexual, instead of enjoying the fact that their relationship has been written in a way that can represent pretty much everyone? I have nothing against fanon or headcanons or anything like that, but please stop pushing for your headcanons to be canon, because it’s just excluding people. The only people I’m directing this at are the people who are demanding that Aziraphale and Crowley “prove” their relationship by physical or sexual actions, because that is just acephobic. They don’t need to prove anything. They are in a relationship, they are queer, and it’s beautiful because it can be interpreted in any way a person desires. Please can we preserve that.