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Crowley fanart
Might as well start posting to tumblr! I always thought this was a neat little website. The first post is a digital painting of Crowley I made, my most recent piece! Made with clip studio paint.

Aziraphale sketch (it’s gonna be a painting)

you will find that there is no reference of Aziraphale at this specific angle with his halo, I combined multiple images to do this one because I couldn’t find a reference. This is my 3rd attempt at using Clip Studio Paint.
I have a really cool idea for this that you’ll just have to wait and see…I couldn’t sleep when I saw the idea for this painting in my mind!! I was just so excited for it~
for now I sleep (I worked on this sketch for 3 hours because I kept messing up the anatomy send help💀)
Aziraphale portrait update 😇🪽

Fixed him up and I’m ready to paint! Next update will be when I get a good portion of him painted

Not done quite yet but I'm pretty darn close! just gotta do his wings and correct some stuff.
Even angels have their demons.

After many, many hours of work he is complete! Finished him with a week til my birthday, too. It was so exciting to see my concept come to life as I worked on him. This is part of a painting pair in which one will be of Aziraphale and the other of Crowley!! Stay tuned!!
Let me start by saying I'm amazed by your art, especially after reading you are still so young!
I've never dared to request anything, but since you're asking... I have this headcanon that when aziracrow are properly in a relationship, Crowley will be one of those cringe people who walks next to their partner with his hand in their partner's back pocket. Aziraphale will have to miracle a pocket on for that purpose.
I know it's weird, but it's also ineffable and this picture is stuck in my head. Maybe it speaks to you.

A like this, but Aziraphale will obviously do no such thing. He will complain, but find it endearing in secret.
Sending lots of love for your future endeavors ❤️
Thank you for the ask & compliments!! I’ve been waiting for like 3 days to post this, I’ve been so busy with schoolwork that this challenge I may have already failed… but I think I’ll be able to draw the next one faster (that’s what it’s about anyway!) I ABSOLUTELY LOVE YOUR HEADCANON!! They would totally do this so I present to you

If I have time, I’ll make a version without the dialogue too and add it to this post as an edit. Again thank you for your request @ohmyspacesailor!! Let me know anything I should change with this new style I’m trying out!!
On to the next one! (THERE ARE SO MANY REQUESTS LOL)
After watching Good Omens season 2, I wanted to talk about this :

A lot of people did recently said that Season 2 Episode 2 was a great episode, but didn't understand the food scene, or found any reason this is here. Well, as far as I am concerned, this is actually the best scene of this episode, even better than the end, and I wanted to talk more about it.
Here is the summarized main topic of this flashback : GOD IS "TESTING" JOB WHILE CROWLEY IS "TESTING" AZIRAPHALE ON DIFFERENT LEVELS
This episode has a big flashback about Aziraphale and Crowley that can't be ignored at all, thanks to all of the elements that we learn about how the Heaven/Hell/World work in this story and about our ineffable duo. We can list those like this :
Demons always do the bad jobs. Nothing new, but what it is new is the "permit" that Crowley has from God to destroy Job possessions and family. An angel can't react against this kind of permit. Usually, angels just watch demons do their thing and rather think about the happy ending than the process, according to Gabriel's justification :

If angels let demons do and just stare, Aziraphale couldn't let Crowley do that, even after knowing about the bet. At first, he was not aware about the permit nor the bet, and although he's informed after asking, he just comes back to Earth to avoid the killing of the children by trying to convince Crowley to stop, just after the killing of the goats. It doesn't go too well at first :

In front of this apparently crualty, Aziraphale gives up and is about to leave, BUT notices that the crows around there do not go CAW CAW CAW. He turns toward Crowley and gets from him the REAL staring and honesty he was asking before at this very moment, without any words spoken.

It's important to notice that Crowley turned (twice) toward Aziraphale, so the angel can have his real answer behind the devilish acting he's got to play. Crowley lets the birds go baaaaa on purpose to see what reaction he would get from the other side, or at least, he waits to see the reaction of the angel instead of just leaving. Aziraphale understands that Crowley didn't kill the goats, and assume quickly that the children will be safe.
Crowley is not naive and knows that Aziraphale misunderstands the true meaning of his decision. But he's also enough smart to understand that Aziraphale has a weird behaviour for an angel : no angel would come to Earth reflecting on a decision from God by trying to convince a demon to stop it. It requires at least to have enough consideration toward humans and kids to act like that, which even Gabriel does not have in this story... Aziraphale does have it, and we all know who has it too but doesn't want to show it too much then constantly fails anyway...

He's so bad at being bad that when he sets the children's house on fire, Aziraphale sticks to his positions and remains sure of the idea that the children won't die by Crowley's hand. Icing on the cake : Aziraphale doesn't give up nor go away again : he even goes real close to Crowley this time, sure there is no danger at all for anyone's life, sure that Crowley can't lie anymore or hide under his role if he does that.

Right after in the cellar, Crowley just sees that for once, he's not alone during his duty, and tries to get comfy with what he has in front of him : a wine jar and an angel who has trusted him. Crowley invites Aziraphale to try drinks then food. At first, the angel thinks about temptation from a demon, but the real thing was only about curiosity. Common angels don't have enough curiosity to understand humanity : they often base their knowledge on only ONE experience (like the "birth" of Eve for Gabriel, who considers he's now an expert about human reproduction) or things they've been told since the beginning. From Aziraphale : "demons are bad, angels are good" without nuance. And THIS IS WHY he's not able to understand Crowley completly while they talk about "sides" at the first time.

Aziraphale sees the world as two sides only, but he has this empathic side that can bring him to understand humans, but also and over all Crowley. The thing is Aziraphale never really had the chance to get more interested in something that's not about his own duties, because angels usually are not curious. This is why he mixes up curiosity and temptation. He can't make the difference if he doesn't try anything.

Now, we have Crowley, who doesn't like being a demon at all, who loves questions and curiosity, who CRAVES for answers he might never have... He's on Earth for a long time and do not take his devilish work seriously, because he doesn't understand the point of choosing between demons or angels. He wants to be HIMSELF only. He wants to do what HE thinks is good, and for so long, he never had the chance to think objectively "I'm the one who's right, because I'm just myself and it's okay" without having Heaven or Hell arguing with his way of living. When Aziraphale just came in his life, it’s as if the world has finally laid out a little something, another curiosity, and this curiosity was curious about him as well, even if this curiosity is irritating. But until then, Aziraphale meets several criterias that angels don't have and that Crowley loves.

And what did God do when Job met the criterias to make God wins the bet ? God granted him with presents. why couldn't Aziraphale has his own presents from Crowley, just for existing in his way ? Yep ! Eating is not at all an invitation to sin in this scene to me. Crowley's present to Aziraphale is waaaaaaay different that the presents given to Job of course, but it's undoubtedly more important on his scale. It's not about just a piece of meat : Crowley offers Aziraphale the chance and opportunity to find out, experience and enjoy what Earth can offer to him, even when there is a huge storm outside, even when it seems like the end of time ! He gives him the chance to understand why living on Earth can be beautiful and how human creativity can bring a lot of pleasure and good feelings. Food is the big part of it and the first of course, but after that, we can see that Aziraphale learned to dance (another thing that angels don't do), has a huge passion for books and a full collection of them, likes talking about everything, likes living on Earth near humans more than living in Heaven, etc. At last, it's not important that Aziraphale didn't understand the whole Crowley's elaborate morality/way of living. What's important here is that he's interested to understand, not like other people. Job kept his fey, and Aziraphale kept his trust and open-mindedness to the world. This is also a big present for Crowley, to not feel so alone like before, and also being seen as more than a demon.
Please, just mind this is my interpretation of this scene, and that I really thinks it gives a lot more than what people use to see in it.
I know how to recognize a piece of art when I see one.
I don't think I'll have enough time to do it but I'll try my best on my side ! Thanks a lot, Sendarya ! ♥ I hope the fandom will hear your invitation.
Every fan is invited to the First Annual Good Omens Got Talent!
All ages and skill levels welcome. From still art to short skits, from cosplay to knitting, if it's Good Omens themed art or talent, this is the place to show it off!
Spread the word. I'd love to get the entire GO's fan community involved. Check out the official site for rules, and the submissions form.
Good Omens Season 2 finale spoiler
Just watched Good Omens season 2 finale and
What's really hurting me, after thinking constantly about Good Omens 2 since I watched the finale yesterday, is how much pain Crowley is in. He doesn't fit in with the demons, not with angels, not with the humans.
He's all alone.
Except for one being. In all of the world, there is only one, who truly knows what Crowley is going through. His angel.
But Aziraphale isn't alone. He still has a community and colleagues in Heaven.
Or so they both think.
You see, Aziraphale doesn't have a "people". He think Heaven is his people, like a toxic family. Noone in Heaven understands him. Aziraphale is just as alone as Crowley. But he doesn't want to realize that, he would much rather just keep on living his life, believing in the good things. Surely it can't be that bad?
Crowley realized in the finale that Aziraphale doesn't only have Crowley, as Crowley only has him. And when Aziraphale starts talking about how they can go back to Heaven together, Crowley realized Aziraphale doesn't understand how much Heaven hurt him. It makes me him feel so infinetly more isolated. If he doesn't have Aziraphale, he has noone.
You make a lot of really cool observations in this post! I'm going to offer some points of analysis:
1. Who tells someone "I want to offer a position at our company to your spouse, go tell them?"
Rephrasing the Metatron's words in this way made me think of the interaction in a new light. This sort of offer may be strange to OP, but to me, this sort of offer is the norm. In tightnit, rural communities, networking and "knowing-someone-who-knows-someone", is the main way to get new job opportunities. Trust me, I've been job-hunting to no avail for half a year, the only work I HAVE got is through friends and family. This of course means that employees like myself might be more loyal to our employers, which is usually alright in small rural businesses and institutions. But in the corporate world it can be straight up abusive. Think of those BIG companies saying they are "like a family". I think that this offer is made to Aziraphale in an effort to re-familiarize him with heaven, now as an accepting employer who values the people Aziraphale cares about. It is another manipulative tactic, to keep Aziraphale loyal and in line.
Having Aziraphale deliver the news to Crowley, could mean many things. It could be the very common theory that the Metatron knew Crowley would say no. It could be more of a "kill the messenger" type situation, where the Metatron didn't want any harm, physical or reputational, to come to him. It could also be giving Aziraphale a test of loyalty, giving him an objective, he does it, and no matter the outcome: returns to the Metatron. If he hadn't, he wouldn't have been fit for the job anyways. I think all these options hold truth. I personally believe that the Metatron was certain Crowley would say no. Mainly because of the look he sends him before talking to Aziraphale. And also what he says about Crowley and how he always wanted to go his own way, and was always asking damn foolish questions. These three things all weigh into your next observation:
2. Definitely seems like there was something he didn’t want Crowley to hear.
I 100% agree. Both Crowley AND the others in the bookshop. With Crowley I feel like it's fairly obvious. Crowley would not have let the Metatron finish his manipulative offer, and with Metatron knowing of Crowley's tendency to question, he did wise in not letting Crowley hear the conversation. With the angels in the bookshop I believe they would also have objected. Michael ESPECIALLY. Which leads me to the final observation:
3. You’d think if the whole thing was just to keep Crowley and Aziraphale from performing any more 25-lazaari miracles together, then Metatron would have filled Michael in on all that.
I unfortunately don't know what this might tell us about the legitimacy of the offers the Metatron makes (Would love to hear more of your thoughts on it OP! Even if it's spitballing lol), but I do find this observation incredibly interesting! It explains parts of the inner workings of heaven, and what the hierarchy of angels actually means in terms of power: Michael and Uriel don't know who has more power now. It's a running gag in season two. Michael doesn't even recognise the Metatron (Crowley and Saraqael do, which is interesting but unimportant rn), which to me means that Michael does not work directly with him most of the time. So the archangels don't know what to do without a leader, they have power over all other angels, but no purpose but following orders themselves. They are middle managers. The Metatron is CLEARLY above them, and doesn't even loop them into his plan, meaning that he has the ultimate power over heaven. He always gives me absent CEO vibes, and the way he doesn't care to rope anyone in to his crucial and sudden decisions is exactly why. Noone has power in heaven until the Metatron says so, it's fucked up.
Unless they take the power back.
And who might be the one angel most likely to do so? Oh I don't know... Perhaps the one who has experienced the joys and horrors of free will on earth? The one who has defied heavens/Gods will several times already? The one who has formed a "de facto partnership" with a former revolutionaire?
If I were an all-powerful entity, symbolising corporate and culty hell, I would keep such a threat close, and thereby, in line.
Idk what it all means yet, but the Metatron having Aziraphale convey the “restore to full angelic status” offer to Crowley, instead of doing it himself, is definitely significant. Who tells someone “I want to offer a position at our company to your spouse, go and tell them?”
I think the fact that he took Aziraphale away to tell him about the Supreme Archangel offer without Crowley there may be significant too. Definitely seems like there was something he didn’t want Crowley to hear.
I also find it potentially interesting that Michael did not (it appears) know Aziraphale was going to be offered the SA job. (You’d think if the whole thing was just to keep Crowley and Aziraphale from performing any more 25-lazaari miracles together, then Metatron would have filled Michael in on all that. Idk, I’m just spitballing at this point.) Maybe it means either or both of his “offers” was not legit?