Asexual Representation - Tumblr Posts

I just cling on to any aroace headcannon character i can find

...Welp Y'know What I Should Consider Myself Lucky I Mean I Legitimately Didn't Think I Would See Any

...Welp y'know what I should consider myself lucky I mean I legitimately didn't think I would see any ace rep in my lifetime when I was a teen

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8 years ago

I am so FreAkiNg HAPPY right now, because I just found out that Jughead from Riverdale is asexual He is the first asexual character I know about and it makes me sooo happy and excited🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉😍😍😍😍🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌😄😄😄😄😄😄 Well at least in the comics

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1 year ago

Hey y'all just a reminder for Pride Month â€ïžđŸ§ĄđŸ’›đŸ’šđŸ©”đŸ’™đŸ’œđŸ€ŽđŸ–€đŸ©¶đŸ€đŸ©·

Asexual people:

Can be extremely charming and charismatic

Can fall in love

Can "Get Bitches"

Can be in a steady relationship

Can enjoy physical intimacy with their partner

Can be attractive to the opposite sex

Literally every single fucking other trait that applies to every single other sexuality 🙃

The only thing that separates us from the other sexualities is simply: we do not experience sexual attraction to other people (and honestly even THAT has some nuance to it, we aren't a fucking monolith)


(I swear to fucking God on high if I see one more fucking post saying "this person/character can't be Asexual" because any of the above reasons I'm going to fucking set something on fire)

Hey Y'all Just A Reminder For Pride Month

(and yes, I DO headcanon Wednesday as Ace, fucking come at me for it)

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5 years ago
[ID: The Tom And Jerry Pie Meme. In The First Panel, Tom, Labelled Me,looks At A Piece Of Paper. The

[ID: The Tom and Jerry pie meme. In the first panel, Tom, labelled “me”, looks at a piece of paper. The second panel shows that the paper says “they’re making a tv show out of a comic with an ace character”. In the third panel, he looks up excitedly. In the fourth panel, he’s hit in the face with a pie, labelled “the ace character is straightwashed”. End ID]

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1 year ago

Okay but like you don't get it. Unless you really do.

Issac wanting to believe in romance. Issac reading romance books nonstop. Issac not knowing how he feels toward James. Issac feeling out at parties cuz everyone is making out. Issac hurt eyes when everyone runs down the hallway with their partner and the way his eyes shine when Tara looks after him. Issac's voice when he asks James if he has a crush on him. Issac running away when James kissed him. Issac's one tear right after that. Issac losing it with his friends cuz everyone has romantic expectations about him. Issac admiring the aroace piece and connecting with it without knowing what it means. Issac holding that book against his chest as if his life depended on it.

Just. You don't get it. Unless you really do.

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1 year ago

Surprise to no one, it’s definitely a sexuality

Reblog if you think asexuality is a legitimate sexuality.

I'm trying to prove something.

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7 months ago

Reminder that not every Asexual is sex repulsed :)

I like to say Asexuality is an Umbrella term, it’s a spectrum. Someone can be asexual, but still like sex. Someone can be asexual, and only have sexual attraction towards someone after they have gotten to know them better. Someone can be asexual and be very uncomfortable with any concept of sex. 

Every Asexual is accepted and valid <3

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2 years ago

hate when ships get super popular and then become prioritized over aspec headcanons, and i don’t just mean ppl think their interpretation is correct and everyone else is wrong, im talking about extremely toxic and hateful vitriol that pollutes fandom spaces and makes them unfriendly and even hostile toward aspecs. i hate this especially when the character has very clear aro/ace coding and subtext and everyone will just be like “no you’re wrong AND homophobic they have CHEMISTRY” yeah sometimes that’s called friendship. like idk how to convince people that if a character is all but canonically aroace and the only ambiguity is that they just haven’t said the word aloud and you just. erase that aspect of their identity, that’s aphobic. idc if you’re like “yeah they’re aspec and in a relationship” or “i think they’re gay but i respect your interpretation” that’s all fine and good. but im just asking y’all to stop acting like aro-ace characters are somehow lesser or that your interpretation will “fix” them.

anyway im just tired of romantic relationships being positioned over platonic ones. i like shipping as much as the next person (okay, maybe a bit less than the next person) but sometimes they’re just friends. let aro/ace people have some sort of rep and stop acting like all of our headcanons are wrong or bad. you’re ruining fandom for all of us <3

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3 years ago

gaming chair

Gaming Chair

summary : “You make me smile, even when I don’t want to.” — jk feels awful these days and he plays video games a lot to distract himself. But this time.... it’s not cutting it no more, and he definitely needs real help. So he calls the only person that knows how to soothe his heart no matter what : you.

pairing : college student! jk x college student! black fem reader

genre : fluff + a bit angst bc jk has some mental health issues. but dw there is loads of comfort

word count : 3769

warnings : description of anxiety, description of a slight panic attack, talk about mental health issues, light mention of suicidal thoughts, light swearing

author’s note : I wrote this while struggling myself with the problems jk is facing, so this will be very therapeutic for anyone needing some support right now đŸ„ș Jk and reader are asexuals so no smut or anything is implied ! when they hug, it’s just that— a hug lmao. And reader has braids :) Enjoy loves <3

Another average game.... sigh.

He’s been at it since, like,,, 1 PM. It’s already 8 PM.

God... this is awful. I can’t just spend my days like this instead of actually dealing with my emotions.

It’s what he tells himself every time, yet he can’t seem to act on it and actually get better.

He definitely needs some help.

It’s hard when you’re dealing with constant anxiety, you know. Because you’re afraid of failure, you’re afraid of disappointing people, you’re afraid you’re not working hard enough, that you’re not giving you’re all every single day.... and it paralyzes you.

You literally cannot do anything anymore because you’re too afraid. You’re frightened by the unstable and unpredictable future.

And it’s oh so exhausting.

The worst thing isn’t even the anxiety itself; it’s when you’re completely aware of it, yet you can’t seem to help yourself. You can’t seem to be able to pick yourself up and get it together. You just can’t because you’re already talking down on yourself so much every single day since you’re not able to function properly, that you manage to convince yourself that you don’t even deserve help. You don’t deserve to heal, you don’t deserve a redemption arc. And it sucks, to say the least.

When he finds himself too lost in his thoughts and rummaging too much in his own misery; he just needs distraction. He needs it to stay afloat, to give himself a semblance of mental care.

He found a bit of comfort in video games. Online, he is praised for his concentration, his tactic decisions and his sharp reflexes. It’s an instant rewarding activity : when you win, you are respected and looked up to. People always wanna play with you and there is no unnecessary long preparation to get better. It’s no secret : play more, win more.

At the beginning it was somewhat healthy : he only played a few hours on weekends so he could work on all the college shit he needed to do during the week and not interfere with his studies.

But, as time passed by, with college getting more complicated and exams coming up,,,, he couldn’t endure the pressure. All he did was play everyday, all day long. Even during the night.

Yes, it sounds very stupid, but when games are a way of escaping reality and relieving the constant pain in your head as much as the constant pull on your chest caused by all this pressure he felt,,,, it was a lot more than needed.

He could ask for help from friends or family or maybe some classmates. But he knew how judgemental people could be, and how tense and optuse they were when it came to dealing with mental health issues. He would just get remarks saying that he was being lazy or some other bullshit like that ; and he really didn’t wanna deal with none of this.

So he doesn’t talk to anyone about this.... except with you.

You’re the only person he always confides to and seeks support from. Your simple presence soothes his heart and calms his overwhelming thoughts.

Now,,, don’t get it twisted : you two were not a couple.

You met on campus.

He already noticed you walking around, and he did found you beautiful, but he never said anything to you and kept his distance, just admiring from afar. Nothing big.

One day, while he was visibly struggling over some dumb assignment that was due the day after, he did not notice when you sat next to him to study because the college library was packed and the only available chair was the one he used for his bag. He also did not notice when you looked over what he was doing and the way your eyes lit up when you realized you two were studying the same subject; meaning you were in the same course. He only became aware of your presence when you tapped on his shoulder and proposed to finish the assignment together.

Eventually, you grew closer and closer to each other. Ever since then, you’ve both always tried your best to help each other and stay by your side.

(He will never openly admit the crush he has on you though.)

You were truly and sincerely a really good friend, and it’s not the crush talking.

You were genuinely a great person : always offering a hand to help, always offering an ear to listen, and always offering advices to get through the hard times, only when he asked. You never judged him. You would never give unrequired mean comments and passive aggressive ‘motivational speeches’ or whatever the fuck his parents called the awful messages they were sending him.

He definitely needed a shoulder to cry on.

It was a bit complicated because... he never asked for this much before. He never asked for more than just some quick help, but you would provide him with way more than what he expected, every single time. He couldn’t deny your support, even if he wanted to.

So he pressed your contact name and sent you a message, asking to come to his place to help him get back to work.

Wait what time is it— 09:24 PM already ?!

Before he could tell you to forget it and come back another day, you already answered〈I’m on my way â˜șïžă€‰

Guess he just has to buy you pizza now.


10 minutes or so later, you knocked on his door.

He just finished tidying up his room a little bit, to occupy himself before facing you. He musters up all the courage he has, and comes to the door.

Usually, he’s never nervous to see you and stuff, but this time,,, it was different.

His hands starts to sweat and he begin struggling to breathe.



After calming the pounding heart in his chest as much as he can, he finally lets you in.

You’re too taken aback by his obviously tired posture to notice the slight blush tainting his cheeks as he greets you.

“hi [y/n], thank you so much for coming. I needed you.”

Even though he tried his best to conceal it, the exhaustion he felt was dripping from his voice. And the rawness of it betrayed him by showing that it must be his first time speaking out loud to someone in a while.

He started to feel self conscious of his miserable state.

But, his concerns faded away as soon as you spoke up to him.

“hi jeon. don’t worry about it : I’ll always be there to help you.”

His heart skipped a beat.

As you took off your shoes, there was a huge silence between you two. While you’ve been passed the stage where silences are awkward, it still feels heavy.

When you were done getting rid of all your layers, you broke it.

“ok, you know that I know that you don’t really need me for some homework stuff. What’s going on jeon.... please, tell me everything that’s on your heart. I’ll try to help you deal with it.”

You took his arm and tried to bring him to sit on his couch, but he stayed stiff. When you looked back at him, he was looking at his feet and playing with his fingers. It caught you a bit off guard.

“uuh...... can we please go to my room instead..? I’ll feel, um, more comfortable.”

it was not the first time you went to his room so why was he acting funny right now ? You really started to think that something very bad happened, seeing how fidgety and unsettled he was.

When in the room, both of you sat onto his bed, and you patiently waited for him to tell you what was actually going on.

He took a deep breathe, and started to talk while looking at his hands and playing with them.

“I’ve been stuck in such a bad place lately. I can’t do anything. All I do is sleep all day and play. I’m not even good at it too, like my level is getting worse than ever everyday. And don’t get me started on my fucked up sleeping schedule. I’m a mess.” he chuckles, a humorless laugh leaving his lips.

He was still clearly uncomfortable, his voice not louder than a brittle, as if he was just talking to himself.

You nodded, signaling that you were listening. Even though he wasn’t directly looking at you, he got the message, and kept going.

“I... I struggle so much with concentration. I can’t focus on shit for more than 5 minutes. It’s driving me insane. Can you imagine not being able to concentrate on something else that video game or scrolling on social media for more than 5 mf minutes ?! Gosh, I feel so lazy and useless.” he said, rubbing his eyes furiously.

He was clearly getting heated, and usually you would’ve immediately jump in to tell him that he was wrong, that he was such an intelligent, very creative and overall wonderful human being.

But you understood that he only needed an open ear to listen to him for now, as he confides all his bottled up feelings.

So you stayed silent.

He continued.

“And, I know it’s not my fault, right ? like,,, it’s just a rough time, I’m just supposed to tell myself that I’ll be ok, that it’s all gonna be ok, and I’m supposed to magically feel better and keep it pushing. It’s how it must be, right ? ....but I feel like it completely is my fault. I feel like I’m giving up on myself, that I’m not taking the responsibility to care for me. [y/n]... I don’t want to push anymore. I don’t want to do anything anymore— I don’t have the energy to. I- I cannot stand the constant pain in my chest and... I cannot stand the chills that run down my spine when I realize a deadline is getting closer and closer while I still didn’t start an assignment, because I don’t have any motivation to do so. I cannot stand the everlasting fear of failure that lingers in my mind and keeps me from touching a textbook during weeks— because working frightens me. I’m- I’m... broken. I am literally broken.” As he unfolded more and more, his rambling became jerky and messy.

You could feel the pain in the way his voice cracks and the way sobs were falling out of his mouth.

“I’m so anxious about the future and about how I completely lost control of my life, that I can’t even sleep. I don’t eat much either. I’ve given up on life. I feel empty, worthless and tired. So tired. [y/n]... I’m tired of living.” he said, the last sentence almost too quiet to be heard.

Soon enough, he was crying. It was very hard for him right now. Still he tried to repress it, as he promised himself not to breakdown in front of you. But it was useless.

Way to go ! Now you look even more of a mess than you already are.

You reached out, and took one of his hands in yours while softly wiping his cheeks with your other hand. With the softest voice you could manage, you encouraged him to let go as much as possible.

“.... let it out. Let it all out. Cry as much and as loud as you want to. Please Jeon allow it to yourself.” you told him with a small smile.

And he did just that. He cried, and cried, and cried. And you stayed, patiently rubbing his hands and his cheeks.

Seeing him like this was breaking your heart so much, you felt your own tears coming up. You wanted to be there for him and protect him as much as you possibly could. You would never give up on him.

After a little while, he calmed down. You felt relieved because he seemed to feel a bit better as he has finally been able to open up and get rid of all these thoughts clogging his mind.

He felt the same, noticing how such a big weight has finally been lifted off his shoulders.

But still, he felt uneasy about what he was about to ask.

He started to fidget with his fingers again, and realizing that’s the body language he has when he feels nervous about what he’s about to do or say, you tried your best to ease him.

“Do you have something else you wanna talk about ? You know you can tell me anything. You know I’ll always be there for you.”

You kind of regretted the way the last sentence sounded a bit much but oh well, honesty has never killed anyone. Your feelings were genuine and you wanted to make sure that he knows there is someone there for him.

It visibly helped him loosen up a bit. So, he musters up all the courage left in his body, and he decides to request this one thing he’s been needing the most : “well hum... can you give me a hug please..?”

You almost immediately answered of course, and started leaning into him— but... it wasn’t exactly what he wanted.

“wait! no- not like this.”

You leaned back in your place and couldn’t help your eyebrows frowning, your confusion showing very hard on your face. You guys would hug sometimes so you didn’t quite understand his reaction.

why was he acting suspicious about it now ?

He saw the frown on your face, and it stressed him out even more. The last thing he would ever do is to make you mad or uncomfortable.

“ok, it’s not that I do not want to hug you, but can we do a different hug..? Like uuh... you hug me but like,,,, you cradling me on my, um, gaming chair.”

He wanted to tell you that basically he would liked to just... be spooned. But it was hard enough to get this request out of his chest, and he didn’t wanna startle you even more.

He didn’t see your reaction because he was looking at his hands instead of you, but sensing how you didn’t say anything, he looked up to you.

You were silent — fairly surprised — still processing what he just asked you.

But he, on the other hand, couldn’t really read your face ; and he started to panic because he got really scared that he ruined your relationship.

Like,, he knew you were asexual because you talked to him about it several times and it was no secret for the both of you ; but you didn’t really know about him being ace too.

You didn’t know that you sharing the ups and down of your journey on finding out about your asexuality to him made him realize that he felt the same thing and that he may be ace too.

You didn’t know how comforting it was for him to hang out with you, because he didn’t have to not be himself in front of you and that you would never have triggering discussions about subjects that were not interesting the both of you.

He never really talked to you about it, not because he wanted to hide this from you ; but because he was still finding out about himself more and more everyday, at his own pace. Even though he was practically sure by now.

So he felt like he kind of betrayed your trust in him, and that he betrayed himself too because,,, what if you think that he wanted to force you into a sexual setting when he obviously knows it will clearly make you uncomfortable ?

And other than that... even though he had a crush on you and he would definitely enjoy being linked to you in a romantic way.... you two were really good friends and he cherished the connection you already had with each other so much. You meant a lot to him. He would not handle losing this. Losing you.

What if you reject him ?

Just thinking about it made him feel incredibly dizzy.

His mind was spiraling so much that he didn’t even notice he started shaking because of all the overthinking ; until you grabbed one of his hands with both of yours and rubbed your thumb slowly on his skin.

The truth is you were silent because it startled you a bit. It’s not everyday that the guy friend that you have a soft spot for asks you to cuddle with him in his room.

And if you were being honest...

You lowkey (highkey) needed some sort of comfort yourself.

College life is very exhausting and draining, both physically and mentally. Showering Jungkook with all that support and help, and seeing that it was effectively making him feel better, was giving you the courage to try actively apply your own advices to deal with your own mental health issues.

Helping him was so beneficial to you both, you would never pass an occasion to do it. Plus, you’re hardly ever seeing anyone these days and you trusted him. So... a hug will not hurt anyone.

You answered.

“Don’t worry, it’s completely ok for me Jeon. And please, don’t feel ashamed to ask for help, especially from me. You know I’ll always do it, if it means I can ease you, even just the slightest. ”

After you reassured him, he released a breathe he didn’t even know he was holding. He was so sensitive and vulnerable... His state was really alarming. He did great giving in to his heart and calling you.

He smiled and gave you a small thank you so much.

Seeing how visibly shy he was about all this, you didn’t wanna make it harder than it was for him.

So you got up and took him with you. He followed you from behind like a lost puppy. He was so visibly vulnerable... it broke your heart and seeing his state, you knew you did great giving in to your heart and accepting to come right away.

Then, he sat down on the chair.

And, you got on top of him.

As soon as you settled, he embraced you and held you tight, close to him.

You felt how tense he was and how fast his heart was beating in his chest.

When you hugged his waist in return, he started to loosen up and relax. He even let out a content sigh he didn’t even know he was holding back.

A silence installed between the both of you. A comfortable one.

He started rubbing your back and slowly rocking you side to side.

You stayed like this, just bathing in each other’s presence. You wanted to remain like this with him for as long as you possibly could.

You breathing softly in the crook of his neck, with his heartbeat and the rhythm of his chest rising and falling soothing you.

Him caressing your back and occasionally rubbing circles with his thumb onto you.

It was such a nice feeling....

All of a sudden, your stomach lets out an incredibly loud growling noise. It just had to be right now.

Jungkook started laughing and you swear his laugh is like angels singing to your ear.

He knew he was laughing way too hard for what it really was, but it’s been so much time since he has been genuinely laughing. Genuinely enjoying the moment. Genuinely living life.

“Ah.. I guess it’s the time when I order pizza for you, right ?”

He said smiling. You smiled back a bit embarrassed, and he thought you couldn’t be cuter.

While not letting go of you, he took his phone with one of his hand and ordered the food. When he was done, he went back to embracing you, this time occasionally playing with your braids too.

After a little while, he confessed.

“You make me smile, even when I don’t want to.”

It was obvious he was looking at you, but you didn’t have it in you to look back at him in the eyes. It would be too much for your little heart.

You didn’t answer, you knew you didn’t have to. He knows you feel the same.

You both feel like it is enough just like this : just some soft, comfy, intimate hugs and vibes.

Cool display of friendship,,, between two friends.

Without being ironic, it was actually a very nice moment he was sharing with you. This will always be special to him, and from now on he’ll make sure he spends more meaningful time with you.

He was so happy that he mastered the courage to call you. He absolutely needed this.

Later on, the food arrived, so you parted during the time he went and paid for it. You ate the pizza on the couch, while watching a few episodes of some light hearted anime you were both interested in.

At some point, he looked at the time and— 01:37 AM

shit! I made her stay so late...

“Well it’s ass o’clock right now and I absolutely cannot let you go home, so! you might as well stay. You will sleep in my room and I’ll be on the couch don’t worry! I’ll go give you some shorts and one of my large t-shirt so you can go change and, uh, yeah.”

He was so much more joyful and his eyes glowed with sparkles, compared to just a few hours ago. You were really happy for him.

“Thank you Jeon it’s so nice of you really. Do you feel better now ?”

He replied right on the spot I do! with the biggest smile on his face. Even his adorable dimples were showing.

The butterflies in your stomach were partying right now.


After giving each other one last goodnight hug you both went to bed. While lied down on the couch, he looked back on the night he just spent and.... He realized how lucky he was to have you by his side. His heart warms thinking about you.

How sweet and understanding you were, despite him being so emotionally exhausted. How nice it felt to have you close to him, and to enjoy the comfort of your embrace.

Ah.... He feels so happy and content right now. He almost cries, and this time, his eyes are full of tears of pure joy.

He manages to settle his fast-beating heart, and eventually falls asleep. Needless to say this night was the first time he’s had a good rest in a while.

Masterlist <3

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3 years ago

Happy International Asexuality Day to all of my fellow ace babies !! đŸ–€đŸ€đŸ’œ

Today’s a good day to remind you that POC Asexuals exist !╰(*Ž`*)╯♡

As you know, representation is very important, especially in fictional spaces, to help make you feel validated and also create a safe environment where you can feel comfortable in your identity. Considering as asexuals we’re already marginalized, it’s even worse if you’re a poc.

So please feel free to share your work related to asexuality as a POC ace â˜†ćœĄ

I’ll start : you can read a story here, starring a black woman and an asian male, that are both ace characters (àč‘˃̔᎗˂̔)

You rock my ace baby!!! Don’t forget to eat cake today 🍰💜

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8 months ago

"love is love" until it doesn't include sex

"love is love" until it lives in separate beds

"love is love" until it is queer platonic

"love is love" until it does not comply with compulsory sexuality and amatonormativity

love IS love, for aspecs, for sex sepulsed folk and for platonic relationships

"love is love" apply to more than same-sex relationships in a world where romantic and sexual relationships are considered more valuable

Remember to advocate for Asexuals and Aromantics this pride. Because we are also here, and we are also queer

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9 months ago
Aaand It's Still Part Of The Best We Can Get, Honestly

Aaand it's still part of the best we can get, honestly

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9 months ago
...Welp Y'know What I Should Consider Myself Lucky I Mean I Legitimately Didn't Think I Would See Any

...Welp y'know what I should consider myself lucky I mean I legitimately didn't think I would see any ace rep in my lifetime when I was a teen

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"thank you alice osman" we all say in unison because she gave us the most amazing aroace and ace rep i've seen ever

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1 year ago
Y'all Don't Know How Important This Is To Me. As An Asexual Person Who Absolutely Loves Tori, This Is

y'all don't know how important this is to me. as an asexual person who absolutely loves Tori, this is the most special ace representation to me

she's not sex repulsed and she's also in the aro spectrum which is amazing because SAME. I love her so much and having her finally saying she's ace is completely amazing

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5 years ago

This is awesome!

hey so there’s an app that i’ve found from my friend called ACEapp. it’s a dating and social app made for aces to find other aces. it’s great!

there’s a bunch of customisations that you can do for selecting what you identify as (and if they don’t have yours you can create your own)

there’s three options you can choose from for what you want to use the app for (friendship, a relationship, just chatting)

and honestly a lot more that i won’t get into detail about

but yeah if you’re on the ace spectrum and want to connect with more ace people, i really recommend getting it. go forth and be asexual y’all

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9 months ago

People who are amazing and valid:


sex repulsed asexuals

sex indifferent asexuals

sex favorable asexuals

cake asexuals

garlic bread asexuals

space asexuals

dragon asexuals

people who wear black rings on their right middle fingers

people whose flags are the colors black, gray, white, and purple





aflux people



people on the asexuality spectrum

young aces

old aces

closeted asexuals

open asexuals

alloromantic asexuals

aromantic asexuals

agender asexuals

trans asexuals

cis asexuals

non-binary asexuals

genderfluid asexuals

genderflux asexuals

demigender asexuals

paragender asexuals



Not feeling sexual attraction at all or feeling it less than or experiencing it differently than the societal norm does not make you any less human đŸ–€đŸ©¶đŸ€đŸ’œ

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1 year ago

Okay so I do actually want to make a proper post about acephobia in the Good Omens fandom, just to explain myself further and to clarify a few things. I have made a few posts like this in the past, but I usually came at them from a place of anger, and as a result they were very clumsy and did not explain my points well at all.

So, I’m going to put on my logical and reasonable thinking cap on for this to ensure that this comes across purely as a polite PSA as opposed to just whiny, ineffective complaining.

I want to preface this by saying: I have nothing against NSFW content of the husbands(/wives/spouses), I even enjoy it occasionally because I’m a sex-neutral asexual who finds it pretty fascinating. Like David Attenborough studying a particularly elusive bug. The very nature of the husbands is that they can be projected onto by literally anyone, and everyone has a right to depict them exactly how they wish. This doesn’t just include allosexuals; this includes asexuals who have sex, enjoy sex, enjoy consuming content about sex etc. so I would never want that representation to be taken away from anyone. This is also goes for simply depicting the husbands as sexy or sensual, regardless of whether they’re asexual or not, because there are absolutely asexuals who are sexy and sensual and want to see that represented. Personally, I love sensuality and I want to see it depicted even MORE, especially if the characters are also asexual because!! That’s me!! Woohoo!!

I just want to make it perfectly clear that this has nothing to do with the content itself. The art, the fanfictions, they are all wonderful and they are all beautiful and I am so glad we have a fandom where anyone can project their sexuality and their experiences onto these two characters. I desperately want it to stay that way.

Which is why I wish the fandom would become just a little bit more inclusive, especially towards asexuals who don’t have or don’t want to have sex, because I feel like we get quite a bit overshadowed in this fandom. Again, not because of the content, but just in the attitudes and the takes that I’ve seen.

There is a difference between Good Omens and shows such as Sherlock: John and Sherlock were never in a canon relationship and the creator got pissed off whenever anyone suggested that they were (he also got pissed off when people suggested that Sherlock was asexual, but that’s neither here nor there). Aziraphale and Crowley, on the other hand, are in a canonical relationship. They do have a love for each other, a love that has been fully confirmed by the creator(s) and this is very much a love story. They are not queerbaiting because they are canonically queer.

People only think the show is queerbaiting because they have a very allonormative/amatonormative view on what queer relationships look like. It is not queerbaiting if Aziraphale and Crowley don’t kiss or fuck or even define their love specifically as romance, this is just aro/acephobic rhetoric. The beauty of the husbands’ relationship is that it can be widely interpreted by anyone, but the baseline always remains that they are in a queer relationship. Physical affection won’t make it “more valid”.

It’s why I am actually quite against the idea of Aziraphale and Crowley canonically having sex, and having that shown/suggested on-screen. I really believe their relationship should be entirely up to fan preferences, because that’s kind of the point. Their relationship is ineffable. It’s everything everywhere all at once, which means everyone can feel represented. It’s actually quite incredible how Neil and Terry have managed to create a relationship that truly encompasses all relationships, and we shouldn’t be trying to force them into labels or boxes that will inevitably leave a lot of people out. It’s like the days of post-s1 when people were demanding that Neil confirm the husbands were specifically gay, but most of the rhetoric they were spreading was incredibly enby-phobic.

They should not be forced into a box that demands they have sex or make out just to prove their relationship. By all means you can draw that or write about it, but you can’t demand to see it on-screen. Frankly, it’s not very fair. This is the only show I’ve ever watched that depicts a relationship that I can relate to, and if they do canonically have sex, then I lose that. A lot of people will lose a representation that they once had, because there are asexual people who don’t have sex at all and we deserve to see that represented sometimes. We also deserve characters that we can project onto. At the moment, we’re all free to do that, but once we start demanding physical evidence for Aziraphale and Crowley’s relationship, demanding that they have sex to “prove” that their relationship is “queer enough”, then that’s when we start entering acephobic territory.

Don’t get me wrong, either, I do want to see them kiss again. That’s not really what I’m talking about, because kissing can convey loads of different things, far beyond anything romantic or sexual, as the kiss in the final fifteen already proves. Sex can do this too, but I still believe it’s less inclusive, if that makes sense. Kissing is pretty much something that everyone does, even if it’s just kissing someone on the forehead or on the hand or on the cheek; it’s a display of affection that is basically universal, and conveys anything from friendship, comfort, excitement, romance, sexuality etc. Like Aziraphale and Crowley’s relationship, it’s ineffable. It has thousands of interpretations based purely on who you ask.

But sex is more exclusive, because there are people who just don’t have it. I am starting to get tired of reminding people that some people just do not have sex or do not want to have sex or have absolutely no libido or feel any sexual attraction towards other people. I would really, really like some representation for once, I would really like to see characters depicted on-screen whose relationship doesn’t depend on sex at all. I’m trying to stay completely reasonable and non-emotional here but I am begging for representation, and seeing posts interpreting every single action between Aziraphale and Crowley as purely sexual is exhausting. Seeing posts saying that Aziraphale and Crowley’s love still needs to be consummated, or that their love isn’t real yet until they fuck is just pushing so many asexual people out of the fandom. I don’t feel like I belong here anymore, because I can’t block or filter this content. People don’t tag their posts as “acephobic” because why would they? A lot of people don’t realise when they actually are being acephobic, because it’s so normalised.

I think what I’m trying to say is
 just check your biases for a second. Why are you so desperate for their relationship to be canonically sexual, instead of enjoying the fact that their relationship has been written in a way that can represent pretty much everyone? I have nothing against fanon or headcanons or anything like that, but please stop pushing for your headcanons to be canon, because it’s just excluding people. The only people I’m directing this at are the people who are demanding that Aziraphale and Crowley “prove” their relationship by physical or sexual actions, because that is just acephobic. They don’t need to prove anything. They are in a relationship, they are queer, and it’s beautiful because it can be interpreted in any way a person desires. Please can we preserve that.

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