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I don't think Metaton chose to make Aziraphale the new Supreme Arch Angel just because he knew so much about the way humans did things, but also because he was very, very close friends with Crowley.
I don't think it's because that gives Metatron a vantage point if Hell tries to step in and stop the Second Coming, but simply because he doesn't like Crowley.
We know Crowley was once a very high ranking angel, between creating the stars and being able to look at Gabriel's file when he needed high ranking clearance, it's obvious. The show, at first, makes us assume Crowley asked God his questions before he fell. But later on during the whole Job flashback, near the end we see God talking to Job. Aziraphale looks surprised to see God talking to someone, which is fairly understandable, but Crowley is also surprised. Now, this may not seem like much at first, but then Crowley says
"But just to be able to ask the questions."
It sounds like Crowley never made it to God with his questions, so who did he go to? Well, in the last episode, right after Crowley leaves the bookshop and the Metatron comes back, he says about Crowley
"Always asking damn fool questions, too."
Crowley didn't get to ask God his questions. They only got as far as Metatron it seems. Assuming Metatron is the one that pushed him from heaven, coupled with the glare he shoots Crowley before going to talk with Aziraphale, I believe he found out about how happy Aziraphale made Crowley and couldn't stand it. As a result, he purposely chose to rip Aziraphale away from Crowley to force Crowley back into that loneliness he mentioned back in the Job flashback in episode 2.
Metatron wants nothing more than to make Crowley miserable just because he questioned a few things 6,000 years ago. Metatron can't stand to see Crowley happy, and the best way to make it stop is by taking away the one thing that truly makes him happy. Aziraphale.
Crowley/Nanny Ashtoreth Headcanon

After rewatching the show and focusing more on the character(mostly Aziraphale and Crowley) instead of the plot. I realized that Aziraphale and Crowley switched jobs that they would presumably do much better. Angels are usually perceived as kind, loving, and nurturing so it would be assumed that Aziraphale would do well taking care of a child. While Crowley, whose hobby is taking care of plants, would work well as the gardener. That made me wonder why their roles were switched. Maybe Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett thought it would be a funny thing to write or if there was something deeper.
Personally, I think Crowley made the decision to be the nanny because he had a natural connection with kids. Compared to most demons, Crowley is more mischievous with his work, similar to children that play pranks. I also headcanon that Crowley has unresolved trauma from his Fall because he saw God as a parent. This further convinces me of my opinion. Maybe Crowley sees himself in children- innocent and curious who are susceptible to “bad crowds” and suffering. With Aziraphale, I think he likes kids but would feel uncomfortable taking care of them because he seems to prefer being on his own reading books or enjoying a meal with Crowley. Plus, taking care of plants would be easier since he can miracle them to be healthy if he messes up.
Aziraphale is legitimately a fascinating character to me, especially considering how the narrative deals with his fear specifically.
Think about it. Six THOUSAND years. That is an UNFATHOMABLY long time. We cannot even begin to conceive of it as humans. And he has been looking over his shoulder (as has Crowley), because at any moment someone could walk up to him, decide he isn’t good enough, and permanently take him away from his home. This goes as I said for both, because they can’t get new bodies on their own. If they’re taken out, living as they were becomes pretty much impossible, which is horrifying.
But Aziraphale specifically I find really interesting because of his situation. Consider this. You are presented with your creator. The person who designed you down to your very molecules, and they tell you the meaning of life. And they tell you you were created to be good. And you watch as all these people, created same as you, fail, and are taken and burned and warped into monsters and you are told they are evil.
And then you meet one of them. And he is kind, and he helps, even better then Heaven can, sometimes. And that is terrifying, because you are told he is evil. So either they, those that created you and everything you have always been meant to do, are wrong, or you cannot yet see how evil he is. And both terrify you. So you spend years waiting for the trap to spring, and it never does, and that can’t be right because he is no longer supposed to be good, he is fallen, and none of that makes any SENSE.
Throughout Good Omens, we see even how Crowley identifies with the role Hell has assigned him (“I’m not NICE.”) but Aziraphale is in a totally different position. Because Crowley has already fallen, he can avoid Hell. And Hell, like Aziraphale learns Heaven is, is fallible. But unlike Crowley, Aziraphale is still an Angel. Aziraphale can still Fall.
And no matter how fallible Heaven is, God is all knowing. He has to live with the fact that God is watching, all the time, and judging his actions. And if She sees them, and decides he has indulged too much, that his love of a demon is wrong, that he is no longer good, he will Fall. And he has spent thousands of years shaping his identity around the word “Angel”. If he falls, he will no longer get to be nice, and kind, and himself, and he is terrified.
Aziraphale is so black and white about things because he is so terrified of what grey means. Because if grey exists the way he thinks it might, then his whole existence for thousands of years might have been wrong. And that is fascinating to me.
It surprised me that I've never seen this theory anywhere, BUT-
Let me quote God in S1 E1, right in the beginning: "It starts, as it will end, with a garden. In this case, the Garden of Eden."
WHAT IF, at the end of GO S3, in the very last scene, we will see Azi and Crowley together in a garden again? It is not Eden, but God implied it'd end with a garden. Their own garden in a nice cottage in which they'll spend the rest of their lives? A sort-of new paradise? We can only speculate, but just imagine them standing together in a garden, like in the beginning, but now with millenia worth of shared memories, pain, struggles, love,... Imagine God narrating the very last scene like the very first. Imagine God recapping about their history, and talking about how they will finally, freely and in peace, be able to spend the rest of their lives together. In the beginning, the Garden of Eden was the paradise of Adam and Eve, in the end, the new garden may be the paradise that is the rest of Aziracrow's finally happy, immortal life together.
ALSO; waiting for 1650 for the reveal of the reason for the very first apology dance!!
This is brilliant!!! 😭 I'm getting emotional over this.
burn (hamilton) x good omens
Hi. Good omens mascot here. I'm doing fine. It's fine. Here's burn, from aziraphale to god and heaven. I kind of imagine it during the apocalypse in season 1, when Heaven/the Metatron denied him help.
I saved every prayer you taught me From the moment I read them, I knew you were mine I thought you were mine You said you were mine Do you know what Crowley said When he saw your first order arrive? He said, be careful with Heaven, love They'll believe what it takes to survive You and your words flooded my senses Your sentences left me defenceless You built a religion out of paragraphs You built cathedrals I'm rereading the prayers you taught me I'm searching and scanning for answers in every line For some kind of sign And when you were mine The world seemed to burn... You published the prayers they wrote you You told the whole world How you brought peace into our lands But in spreading your name, You've ruined lives... Do you know what Crowley said? When she read what you'd done She said, they call it ineffable But they know what it is they've become You and your words, obsessed with your great plan Your sentences border on senseless And you are paranoid in every paragraph How they worship you... You, you, you I'm erasing myself from the narrative Let future theologians wonder How Aziraphale reacted when you let him Fall You have ruined all I'm watching it burn I'm watching it burn Heaven has no right to my heart Heaven has no place in my head They don't get to know what I said I'm burning the prayers, burning the stories That might have redeemed you You forfeit the place in my heart You forfeit all right to my faith You're as real as a fairytale With only the memories of when you were mine I hope that you burn.