Gordon The Big Engine - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

A comic prompt I can't get out of my head. Just Spencer being a prick to Edward and Edward not having it.


Spencer: "Speechless in my presence~?"

Edward: "💢...."

Spencer: "I don't blame you.. Being around an engine like me is quite the experience, isn't it~?"

Edward: "You can experience this ass whoopin'..."

Thomas: "snrK-"

James: "HAH-"

Gordon: *WHEEEZE*

Henry: "HHHAHAH-"


I told you, Edward is scary when he is angry. If he has a good enough reason he will jump guys three times his size and he will go for their egos and their knees.

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2 years ago

wait a sec. In the ask when Henry kissed Gordon. I see bite marks on Gordons neck. You aint slick, Henry, i see you. 👀

Gordon: "Y-you can-? I-I- don't know what you're talking about, you must be seeing things-"

Henry: "Well... That's not the only place.. <3"

Gordon: "HENRY!! /////"

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2 years ago
When Gordon And Thomas First Met, Thomas Probably Kept Trying To Make Himself Look Bigger While Hissing

When Gordon and Thomas first met, Thomas probably kept trying to make himself look bigger while hissing and snorting.

Edward’s probably watching closely to make sure Thomas doesn’t pick a fight with the new big engine.

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2 years ago

Siblings Reunited, Part 2

As the months flew by, the engines raced back and forth, hauling trains of whatever was requested by the workmen in the Steamworks during the restoration of the A3 Pacific purchased from Doncaster Works, later identified as former LNER No. 2560, Pretty Polly. As she was repaired, over time she got stronger and stronger, no longer falling into the realm of unconsciousness, and looking more and more like an actual engine every day. Gordon had noticed the strange uptick of freight going to the Steamworks recently, however no matter how much he asked, he could never get a straight answer out of anybody. His frustration only grew as he continued to try and find out what was going on. "Henry, what on earth is going on with you lot recently? You have been running at all hours of the day AND night, pulling trains to the steamworks!" Henrys eyes widened in shock as he looked at Gordon. "Well.. you see.. Uh.." Henry racked his smokebox for an excuse that was just dumb enough to work. "They.. Havent told us what theyre doing either! They just tell us what they need, we take it to them, and thats that!" Gordons eyes narrowed at his friend as they sat in the station. "Then why havent they asked me?" "They.. Uh.. They realize youre awfully busy with the express, and.. That you have a certain dislike of pulling freight.. So.." Henry hoped that Gordon couldnt see the nervousness in his eyes as they sat in silence for what seemed like forever. Thankfully, the express engine heaved a sigh and looked away. "Thats probably the straightest answer ive gotten out of any of you since all this nonsense began." He huffed, pulling out of the station with his express. Henry let out a breath he didnt know he was holding in as he watched Gordon leave. "That was close.." He groaned. "Too true." Came a new voice. Henry jumped as his eyes panned over to the other line, where Edward had silently pulled in. "Edward, you scared me!" Henry smiled. "any word on how her repairs are going?" He asked, looking to the 4-4-0. "Last i heard, she looks like an actual engine now!" Edward grinned. "Shes still unable to properly communicate with us, but once we get her back up to operational condition, we'll be in business!" Henry and Edward shared excited looks. "Thats wonderful! Do they have an estimated time of completion? August is coming up on us awfully fast.." The big green engine asked, his internal worry shining through his voice as his smile quickly turned into a worried frown. "They cant say for sure.. Theyre working practically 24/7 trying to get everything done on time.. Polly was in terrible condition when she arrived, you know!" Edward sighed, his own worries linking with Henrys. "Dont worry, Edward. If we keep going like we are now, we'll get done in no time. We've made remarkable progress in just a few months already." Henry gave his friend a gentle smile. "We'll pull through. Even if its by the paint on our boilers, we'll get done in time."

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2 years ago

Siblings Reunited, Part 4

When August finally rolled around, Polly was still in the steamworks, getting a final once over before going to surprise her eldest brother. Her new Brunswick Green paintwork seemed to glow as the light from a nearby window reflected off of her boiler. "I wish Scotty could be here.." She sighed. "I know, but hes getting his boiler overhauled and recertified in preparation for his 100th next febuary." Her new driver said, hopping into her cab. Pollys eyes followed various people as they walked around her. "So? Whats the verdict?" The engine asked nervously. "Am i mainline certified?" Her eyes lit up when she was given the all clear. Her driver and fireman looked equally excited. "We knew you would be!" Cheered her fireman. "For an engine who was left to rust for almost 60 years, you ran like an absolute dream!" Her driver beamed. "And my boiler was recertified about a week ago..- huh?" She looked up as she heard her name called. "Yes sir?" It was Sir Topham Hatt, coming to see if Polly was given the green light. "So! How is everything going?" He asked. "We're good to go, sir! I've just been mainline certified!" Pollys eyes sparkled in excitement. "Wonderful!! And im assuming your boiler is certified?" "It sure is!" The railways controller grinned, stepping up into her cab. "Most excellent! With all the formalities out of the way, let us be off! Everyone is waiting!"


Henry could hardly conceal his excitement as he and all the other engines sat in the sheds, waiting for the new arrival. Everyone, like Henry, was VERY excited. Gordon, however.. Gordon was annoyed. Everyone was keeping a massive secret from him. Everyone, even his own crew! He felt betrayed, there was no two ways about it. The express engine caught various snippets of his friends' conversations as he looked from one area to another. "I heard she looks more splendid than James!" "Oh, ha ha! Very funny, Thomas. No engine is more splendid than me!" "We'll see about that, James. If my crews reports are right, shes due to arrive any minute!" Everyone was hushed as a new whistle tore through the air. Gordons eyes snapped up at the sound. "What..? That whistle sounds.. Oddly similar to mine.. But.. Its not Scotsmans.." Now he was more confused than mad. That confusion changed rapidly to utter shock as he saw the new engine turn the corner. Memories flooded his mind, memories of past conversations he had with Scotsman about what their little siblings had gotten up to on the mainland prior to the famous engines visit to Sodor. Tears welled in Gordon's eyes as he looked at who sat on the turntable before him. The air felt thick enough you could cut it with a knife, and no engine made a sound as they let Gordon process what was happening. "Polly..?" He finally choked out, his voice hoarse. "Its me, Gordie. Im alive." Polly smiled, beginning to tear up herself. "But how..? You and the others were.. In the 60s, you.." "I know. But i was never fully dismantled. I was also far enough back in the scrapyard that they kind of just.. Forgot about me, and left me to rust. I dont fully understand it myself, but.. I literally owe my life to Henry over there. If he hadn't stopped when i called out to him, this reunion wouldn't be happening." Henry blushed, looking at his buffers. "I was only thinking of my friends, and the wellbeing of a fellow steam engine." He muttered bashfully. Gordon looked at Henry, tears rolling down his face as he just smiled. "Thank you, Henry.. Now i understand why you all were rushing back and forth to the steamworks all the time.. You were racing the clock to get everything done on time." Henry smiled, looking up at the tearful blue express engine. "It wasnt just us on Sodor, Gordon. We recieved a lot help from The Mainland, too. It was a team effort to get Polly's overhaul and recertifications done in time for your birthday." Sir Topham Hatt had by now exited Polly's cab, and was now standing on the turntable beside her. "I couldnt have said it better myself. Well done, all of you. You did an excellent job preparing Gordon's birthday surprise. You all can have the rest of the day off. You've more than earned it." The engines couldnt help but smile, remaining silent as their controller continued his impromptu speech as he stepped off the turntable. "This was by no means a cheap undertaking, but i honestly cannot think of a better way to have spent the money, than on Gordon. He has done so much for us, taking charge of twice daily express services for.. How long has it been? 89 years, at least? I knew we would have to go big for his centenary, and when Henry and his crew gave me their report on what they had heard and seen on their return journey from Doncaster Station, i knew what had to be done. Happy Birthday, Gordon." Gordon sniffled, a huge, tearful smile plastered on his face as all the engines wished him a a very happy birthday. Polly had since been turned around, and had backed into a new shed that had been specially built just for her. "Happy 100th Birthday, big brother. I love you."

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3 years ago

Painting of Humanized Thomas, Percy and Gordon from Thomas & Friends

This picture I'm drawing and painting about Gordon's telling Percy that Thomas had feeling seriously ill because of he has illnesses.

Painting Of Humanized Thomas, Percy And Gordon From Thomas & Friends

Thomas, Percy and Gordon - 28th September 2021

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2 years ago



it's been in development since two months ago. 12 questions, none of them are romance-related however you might sense that it gets funnier the longer it goes. do share your results because I'm curious

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2 years ago
Can I Play Too? I Have An Addition! Its Not The Best But I Couldnt Resist Adding My Own.

Can i play too? I have an addition! Its not the best but i couldnt resist adding my own.

Hey guys

You know those shots of the boards with the engines’ names on them next to their buffers that the model series uses to introduce characters?

Hey Guys

Now imagining those boards with pet-shaming style captions on them instead. With the engine looking disheveled from their latest misadventure, and usually very annoyed.

“I ignore ‘DANGER’ signs.”

“I tried to jam the turntable and got stuck in a ditch.”

“I went sleepwalking and backed through the shed wall.”

“I eat inspectors’ hats and choke on them.”

“I picked a fight with a steamroller.”

“We convinced the Works to give us multi-tone horns and then RICKROLLED Paddington Station.”

“I’m afraid of trees.”

“I told a ghost story and now the twins won’t leave the shed.”

“I blocked a level crossing for 45 minutes.”

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1 year ago

Bracket 1: Round 2, Match 1

Bracket 1: Round 2, Match 1
Bracket 1: Round 2, Match 1

Propaganda under the cut! Please be aware that some may contain spoilers.

Gordon the Big Engine:

Gordon was built at Doncaster in 1920-1921 as an experimental prototype for Sir Nigel Gresley's A1 Pacific design for the Great Northern Railway but had to get rebuilt cause of so many faulty parts around 1922/23 and there are so many Thai gas that happened like he ended up being sent to the North Western Railway he is the older brother of the Flying Scotsman and was understandably grieving where flying Scotsman’s visits him and he pulled the Queen Elizabeth’s II royal train he such a grumpy cat a jerk with a heart of gold

Gordon is literally one of the OG train characters from one of the most well known UK based media properties AND he’s British AND has famous locomotive relatives. He pulls (one of) the most important trains on the island and makes sure to rub it in, he goes through it™️ in the books at the fact that most of his siblings are dead and again at the possibility of two-ish new express engines coming over to the Mainline job, he’s pompous and stuck up a bit of an ass esp when competition is involved even but also he cares. he cares So much for people even tho he’s like on this sort of kind of 50/50 on if he shows it.

There's trains that are FROM Britain, and there's British Trains™. Gordon is a British Train™.

Gary 'Eggsy' Unwin:

Just an average British guy who dresses like a bloke you would see lingering outside Asda. He joins the Kingsman agency, besting all the private school candidates in the process. He is underestimated due to his working class background, but his background is actually what gives him the edge above everyone else. I just think that he epitomises a normal British guy in such a fun way.

Feel free to add your own in the tags!

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3 years ago
Been Working On Drawings Lately.. Especially Trying Myself Various Color Styles. Here What I Drew Not
Been Working On Drawings Lately.. Especially Trying Myself Various Color Styles. Here What I Drew Not

Been working on drawings lately.. especially trying myself various color styles. Here what I drew not too long ago - pompous Gresley Engines’ meeting, and Bartender James in vaporwave/synthwave styled bar.

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3 years ago
Ice Cream! Drew This In The Middle Of Summer When I Really Wanted To Have A Bowl Of Cold And Delicious

Ice cream!🍦🍨 Drew this in the middle of summer when I really wanted to have a bowl of cold and delicious ice cream. Looks like those two best friends were surprised.

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3 years ago
Gordon(and Shooting Star) & Flying Scotsman
Gordon(and Shooting Star) & Flying Scotsman

Gordon(and Shooting Star) & Flying Scotsman

Always feel like even if they make rival-like moments sometimes, yet they support each others. Last picture is based on my small imagination Scotsman cheering up Gordon after the Great Race...

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3 years ago
 Who You Gonna Call?

👻 Who you gonna call? 👻

I drew this not too long ago, as a Halloween special. Strike Trio as Ghostbusters, so you don’t need to be afraid of ghost trains anymore.

Been so busy with projects... I need to get myself some time to work on drawings.

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2 years ago


Inspired by a picture made by @leetaylatuparitaulus

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2 years ago
Tender Cake? Tender Cake!
Tender Cake? Tender Cake!
Tender Cake? Tender Cake!
Tender Cake? Tender Cake!

Tender cake? Tender cake! 🎂

In this year's Bday, I decided to get myself a special custom cake - with my favorite TTTE engine's tender is on top! Surprised how it came out so good. It also has sweet strawberry cream inside! 🍓💙💙

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1 year ago
 Strike Trio!

🚂 Strike Trio! 🚂

Took me days to finish, But I finally managed to do it. Felt like wanted to redesign the old humanization designs I've made 2 years ago. Especially I used to give them similar uniform designs previously, But now I felt like wanted to give different uniform designs for each engines.

Recently working on something more stuffs, so stay tuned!

EDITED - Changed the background color tone back to the first one idk I guess I prefer this one more

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1 year ago



For some weeks, it bugged me a lot after I realized their skintones came out.. way too brighter than my previous flat color I’ve made. Especially Henry’s skin came out too paler than original color palette I’ve decided.

So I decided to edit that drawing closer to the palette I’ve made, so I won’t make the same mistake again - and I’m much more happier with this result.

I’ve also learned that I should be careful more with the colors, because sometimes the result comes out way too pale/making hue of drawing way too stronger than my expectation.

I’m sorry for this, and I’ll try my best not to make this same mistake again.

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 Strike Trio!

🚂 Strike Trio! 🚂

Took me days to finish, But I finally managed to do it. Felt like wanted to redesign the old humanization designs I've made 2 years ago. Especially I used to give them similar uniform designs previously, But now I felt like wanted to give different uniform designs for each engines.

Recently working on something more stuffs, so stay tuned!

EDITED - Changed the background color tone back to the first one idk I guess I prefer this one more

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1 year ago

(!!! Volumn/Sound warning !!!)

🚂🍪 Strike Trio getting Cookies! 🚂🍪

(!!! Volumn/Sound Warning !!!)
(!!! Volumn/Sound Warning !!!)
(!!! Volumn/Sound Warning !!!)

(and GIFs as well)

So my friend recently introduced me a website that I can feed the cookies to the drawings! So I made these chibi sized drawings of Strike Trio humanization design I've recently made, and gave them some cookies 🍪 (Gordon got fortune cookie, Henry got green cookie, James got pink cookie btw)

I'm also working on other engines' humanization(especially Steam Team) as well. would like to make more of these with them sooner! ✨

Also, you can make your own as well here! - http://halotost.dothome.co.kr/cookie/

Music - The Seatbelts - Cats on Mars

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