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Gotard in Dailymotion; The GOTARD project is available not only on YouTube. We also invite you to visit websites that will be an alternative to YT, including: Dailymotion :)
GOTARD-Astrolabium (2010)
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This is where it all started... Thanks to the creator of images and animations, Attave (Oskar Rakowski), a clip was created that strengthened the project on the Internet and consolidated our direction
GOTARD-Hope Never Dies
The clip from 2014 was a summary of the current activities of the GOTARD project and a thank you to all fans and friends.
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The story of an ancient lost civilization in the clip is inspired by the flood theory... The parable of Noah is similar to records in the culture of India and Persia. The global flood is also remembered by the indigenous people of Australia, the aborigines. Civilizations of South and Central America even speak of multiple global floods. The global flood (end of the world - Armageddon) is present in every culture and religion. From Gilgamesh to the Mayan records, the world may have suffered partial destruction even multiple times. Today, archeology redefines the time of existence of human civilization. Older artifacts that do not match earlier visions are being found. "Gelung Masa" (Time Loop) is a piece by the Gotard project inspired by the theory of infinity of time - because can it be certainly denied that the global civilization has already existed many times, just as the records of ancient American civilizations say?
GOTARD: LP. "Dharma"(Full album)
Full album "Dharma" by the GOTARD. Vocals: S.T.Lamia, T.M. ,A.S.Darkgrace. Download:
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The message of "Era" is the need for change in global society, a break with everyone, which makes it difficult for man to learn to live in harmony with his own species and the world around him. "Era" comes from the last album 'Dharma'. The song was also inspired by the work of Balladyna De Tempete. Originally, the clip were supposed to consist of real shots of the war from Gaza and Ukraine, but in the end we decided that at a time when we are many with so much drastic information every day, only a symbolic, simple animation is enough; a visual that creates many languages that speak to what inspired the piece; It is the desire to live in a world where humanity can live in harmony with itself and the world around it. Music: Gotard Animation: J.K.Gotard
GOTARD - Alsahwa (video AI)
(Eng) The new clip for the song "Alsahwa" from the latest album of the GOTARD project "Dharma" is a short story about the search for higher truth, the purpose of existence and the ultimate break with cultural and social limitations to listen to the voice of one's own mind and heart.
(Pl) Nowy klip do utworu "Alsahwa" z ostatniej płyty projektu GOTARD "Dharma" jest krótką opowieścią o poszukiwaniu wyższej prawdy, celu egzystencji i ostatecznym zerwaniu z ograniczeniami kulturowymi i społecznymi by posłuchać głosu własnego umysłu i serca.
New single: "Destination 2.0"
Thank you for your support! This single it is also a farewell to the album "Dharma", which turned out to be a successful return of the GOTARD project after many years of break. We are very grateful for a successful return!
GOTARD - "Destination 2.0" czyli premiera nowego klipu!
(Eng) Today is the premiere of the new music video "Destination 2.0". The clip uses videos from my own travels in very high acceleration (timelapse/hyperlapse). Railway tracks symbolically refer to the line of life, which can always be changed, just like the direction of the journey called life. Hence the addition of "2.0" to the song's title. The music clip promotes the single "Destination 2.0", which is also a farewell to the last album "Dharma".
(Pl) Dziś premiera nowego teledysku „Destination 2.0”. W klipie wykorzystano filmy z własnych podróży w bardzo dużym przyspieszeniu (timelapse/hyperlapse). Tory kolejowe symbolicznie nawiązują do linii życia, którą zawsze można zmienić, podobnie jak kierunek podróży zwanej życiem. Stąd dodanie „2.0” do tytułu utworu. Klip promuje singiel „Destination 2.0”, będący jednocześnie pożegnaniem z ostatnią płytą „Dharma”.
GOTARD info - Godeonia rodzi się...
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