Grand Canyon - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago


Town of Tusayan 

P.O. Box 709 | 845 Mustang Drive

Tusayan, AZ 86023 PHONE +1 (928) 638-9909 


Mayor Craig Sanderson 

Vice-Mayor Becky Wirth

Councilor | Brady Harris

 Councilor  |  Al Montoya 

Councilor  |  Robb Baldosky 

if you don’t have time to write an email, here’s a pre-written letter: 

just copy, add your name, and send the email to a town member!

Please do! Corporations are the biggest criminals of climate change, environmental damage and pollution. Capitalism is rooted in destruction. 

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1 year ago

Большой Каньон в Гренландии. Grand Canyon in Greenland.

 . Grand Canyon In Greenland.
 . Grand Canyon In Greenland.
 . Grand Canyon In Greenland.
 . Grand Canyon In Greenland.
 . Grand Canyon In Greenland.
 . Grand Canyon In Greenland.
 . Grand Canyon In Greenland.
 . Grand Canyon In Greenland.
 . Grand Canyon In Greenland.
 . Grand Canyon In Greenland.
 . Grand Canyon In Greenland.
 . Grand Canyon In Greenland.
 . Grand Canyon In Greenland.
 . Grand Canyon In Greenland.
 . Grand Canyon In Greenland.
 . Grand Canyon In Greenland.
 . Grand Canyon In Greenland.
 . Grand Canyon In Greenland.
 . Grand Canyon In Greenland.

Большой Каньон в Гренландии — самый длинный каньон на Земле, расположенный подо льдом Гренландии. Впервые о Ледяном Каньоне было опубликовано в августе 2013 года учёными из Бристольского, Калгарийского и Урбинского университетов.

Ледяной Каньон – холодная, но притягательная достопримечательность мира. Ледяная река несет холодную и удивительно прозрачную воду из древних ледников прямиком в океан, образуя на своем пути фантастические каньоны.  Большой каньон Гренландии расположен на северо-восточном побережье острова, вдоль берега Медвежьей бухты.  Он берет свое начало в центре острова и тянется до его северного побережья. Протяженность каньона – больше 750 километров. Глубина расселины достигает 800 метров, а ширина – 10 километров (масштабы напоминают Большой каньон в Колорадо). V-образные стены и плоское дно каньона говорят о том, что его создала вода, а не лёд. Как считают исследователи, примерно 4 млн лет назад гренландский мегаканьон мог быть руслом реки. Его образование позволяет объяснить, почему подо льдом Гренландии не возникли подледные озера, как это произошло в Антарктиде.

В сезон северного сияния, Большой ледяной каньон превращается в волшебное место, где ледяные образования отражают свет северного сияния, создавая неповторимое световое шоу в ледяных пейзажах.

The Grand Canyon of Greenland is the longest canyon on Earth, located under the Greenland ice. Ice Canyon was first published in August 2013 by scientists from the Universities of Bristol, Calgary and Urbino.

Ice Canyon is a cold but attractive landmark of the world. The icy river carries cold and surprisingly clear water from ancient glaciers straight into the ocean, forming fantastic canyons along its way. The Grand Canyon of Greenland is located on the northeast coast of the island, along the shore of Bear Bay. It originates in the center of the island and stretches to its northern coast.The length of the canyon is more than 750 kilometers. The depth of the chasm reaches 800 meters and the width is 10 kilometers (the scale is reminiscent of the Grand Canyon in Colorado). The V-shaped walls and flat bottom of the canyon indicate that it was created by water, not ice. According to researchers, about 4 million years ago, the Greenland megacanyon could have been a river bed. Its formation helps explain why subglacial lakes did not arise under the ice of Greenland, as happened in Antarctica.

During northern lights season, the Grand Ice Canyon transforms into a magical place where ice formations reflect the light of the northern lights, creating a unique light show in the icy landscape.

Источник:,/, /, /,

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2 years ago
Havasu Falls, Grand Canyon, Arizona

Havasu Falls, Grand Canyon, Arizona

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6 months ago

Not my usual content, but here are a few of my favorite pictures from my recent trip to the Grand Canyon (part of the reason I haven't really posted in a while).

I don't have a super fancy camera, but I'm pretty happy with how a lot of my shots turned out, especially after a bit of editing, so I figured I'd share a few.

Not My Usual Content, But Here Are A Few Of My Favorite Pictures From My Recent Trip To The Grand Canyon
Not My Usual Content, But Here Are A Few Of My Favorite Pictures From My Recent Trip To The Grand Canyon
Not My Usual Content, But Here Are A Few Of My Favorite Pictures From My Recent Trip To The Grand Canyon
Not My Usual Content, But Here Are A Few Of My Favorite Pictures From My Recent Trip To The Grand Canyon
Not My Usual Content, But Here Are A Few Of My Favorite Pictures From My Recent Trip To The Grand Canyon
Not My Usual Content, But Here Are A Few Of My Favorite Pictures From My Recent Trip To The Grand Canyon
Not My Usual Content, But Here Are A Few Of My Favorite Pictures From My Recent Trip To The Grand Canyon

...and it's probably a good thing I didn't bring a high-end camera, because the one I did take is now full of sand. Lol.

Anyway, click for higher res, etc., etc.

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1 year ago
Gustavio Didnt Become Maybellines First Male Cover Girl For No Reason. He Was Flying High And In Demand.

Gustavio didn’t become Maybelline’s first male Cover Girl for no reason. He was flying high and in demand. Or was he flying, high, and in demand? Maybe he was flying, high and on demand?

It was funny how such tiny things could make a huge difference. It was more peculiar Gustavio still couldn’t place himself anywhere among the three options despite being sober and near the end of a transatlantic flight. Even stranger was how Americans used the term ‘not ha-ha funny’.

Like the rest of the planet, Gustavio didn’t get that. What he did know however, was that he was on his way to America to do a special inside job for Brad and Chris.

The two invited Gustavio to their home in California to drive their piles and then answer some sorted question about make up. Apparently, there’s been a mystery shrouding his employer for decades. The Euro heart throb was always happy to help where it was good and an inside job was where he could shine.

“Maybe it was Maybelline, maybe not. Who can say? Why such a silly thing make a big deal?”

Gustavio admittedly missed the whole controversy and remained strikingly unworried. If anyone could get to the bottom in any situation it was him. Gustavio always came out on top. Always. That was never a question

“To make love well is like a really nice cigarettes, if it was good, I smoked you twice. Thats how you know. But you know this already.”

To that, Gustavio needed a light before landing.

“Gustavio, that’s me, has a craving and is a ready now. It’s no matter I am still on plane. Trust me. I know things. Ok Maybe one, but preferably two guys. No need to know their names.”

Gustavio would prove himself with what’s his head from from the first-class cabin crew and his equally nameless co-worker from economy plus somewhere over Arizona then again in the very brief time over the extreme southern tip of Nevada.

It was true. Only the majesty of the Grand Canyon could carry the echos of Gustavio’s pleasure.

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4 years ago
Towering Castles, Grand Canyon, Dodge MacKnight, 1914

Towering Castles, Grand Canyon, Dodge MacKnight, 1914

Watercolor on paper 45 x 53 cm (17.69 x 20.89 in.) Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, Boston, MA, USA

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1 year ago
Backpacking Tours, Grand Canyon

Backpacking Tours, Grand Canyon

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1 year ago
Grand Canyon National Park In Arizona

Grand Canyon National Park In Arizona

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4 months ago
prettycuteaesthetic - Just Pretty And Cute Things

Havasu Falls in the Grand Canyon

Image Credit: Debra on Indulgy

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2 years ago
Havasu Falls, Grand Canyon, Arizona

Havasu Falls, Grand Canyon, Arizona

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10 years ago
Part Of

part of

we used to be young and travel way back when machine

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1 year ago
Spectacular View Of A Supermoon From Toroweap Overlook, At 910m Above The Colorado River, Grand Canyon

Spectacular view of a supermoon from Toroweap Overlook, at 910m above the Colorado River, Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona, USA

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2 years ago
Havasu Falls, Grand Canyon, Arizona

Havasu Falls, Grand Canyon, Arizona

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6 years ago
The Grandest Of Canyonsgrand Canyon National Park, Arizona2018

the grandest of canyons grand canyon national park, arizona 2018

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1 year ago
Backpacking Tours, Grand Canyon

Backpacking Tours, Grand Canyon

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1 year ago

Havasu Falls, Grand Canyon, Arizona

Havasu Falls, Grand Canyon, Arizona

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