Gravity Falls Reference - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago

Roman and Remus: * are winding down from yet another sibling fight *

Ro: Awkward sibling hug?

Re: Awkward sibling hug!

Both: * hug and then pat each other’s back * Pat! Pat! 

Ro: * sticks a “kick me” sign to Remus’ back with a mischievous giggle *

Re: * just straight up stabs Roman in the back with a knife *

Patton: * pops up into the commons room * Did somebody say Pat? : D

Patton: * upon seeing Roman on the floor again * You killed him! : O


* later in a hallway *

Virgil: * passes by Remus and sees the “kick me” sign on his back *

Virgil: * snickers and just kicks him down the stairs *

Remus: * rolls pathetically down the stairs before he spins around on the floor at the bottom like some kind of break-dancer and strikes a pose as if he’s on top of some lavish piano * Oooh, harder daddy~

Virgil: * throws hands up in exasperation * Oh my god, why does nothing f*ck*ng work on you???

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