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1 year ago
Pepper Grit Cakes

Pepper Grit Cakes

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2 years ago

💞💕Spoken word is magical. Adam, you are brilliant. 🕉️🌠✨✨

“Tomorrow we will wake wounded still, fevered on our worries in the light but listen to the sigh of dawn, young brothers and sisters, to the quiet breath of tomorrow’s crowning, a timorous promise in a small clear voice: remember wild children, even broken you are radiant.”

— Adam Kamerer, from “Young Brothers, Young Sisters”

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1 year ago

Grit Cakes with Spicy Cheese Sauce

Grit Cakes With Spicy Cheese Sauce

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Grit Cakes With Spicy Cheese Sauce

Grit Cakes with Spicy Cheese Sauce

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1 year ago
Do What You Can't

Do what you can't

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4 years ago
You Might See Only A Leg In The Air And Wonder, Whats The Point? Did You Happen To Notice That The Other

You might see only a leg in the air and wonder, “What’s the point?”… Did you happen to notice that the other leg is balancing on a big ball? Do you know what a challenge that is?... What I see in this picture is perseverance, commitment, and SO much progress!... 😀... . When my client Catherine first came to me, she was in so much pain. Our first several sessions had to be done while she was seated in a chair, and she required a cane to walk in and out of the studio.... . She stayed consistent, through hip surgery and recovery, and many months later, look what she can do! 😀 Her strength and stability has grown so much because she stayed CONSISTENT. With the shutdown she did not falter; Catherine pivoted directly to online sessions with me to keep and grow on the gains she’d achieved. I’m SO PROUD of her! Her commitment to do what she can inspires me! 😍. . So if you’re feeling like it’s just too much, like there’s nothing you can do, like “why even bother,” remember Catherine who could barely walk and who now can go for bike rides! Even when she was impatient for progress she STILL took those micro steps, CONSISTENTLY... I believe in you,too: YOU can find something, no matter how small, and start building on that, every day, even when it’s boring, even when you wish you were further along. Yes! You! Make us both proud. ❤️ . . #juststart #keepgoing #keepmoving #consistency #babysteps #motivation #dosomething #recovery #hope #grit #determined #fitatanyage #fitover40 #fitspo #inspo (at Pilates Northwest)

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