Fitspo - Tumblr Posts

An update with pics
2 May 2021
TW: Body image
Honestly, I’m really frustrated with myself right now. It’s been incredibly difficult trying to stay motivated during this fitness journey. I feel really discouraged. My clothes don’t fit me anymore. I really hate what I see whenever I look in the mirror. I’ve been trying to adopt the mentality of loving myself no matter what, but it’s really hard. It doesn’t feel genuine. But, I really want to be able to love myself at all stages of this journey. I’m just not sure how to at this moment.
Tomorrow’s a new day and the start of a new week. I’m really hoping I can get back on track, especially with the semester ending soon. Maybe I’ll have more time then to really just focus on myself and my goals.
Question: How do you stay motivated?
Fitness/Fitspo Blog Suggestions?
Hey ya’ll! I’m looking for some more fitness/fitspo blogs to follow. Honestly, I’m not sure if there are a lot of people still using Tumblr for this anymore, but I would like to try.
If you post anything related to fitness/fitspo or even recipes, body positivty/self-love, workout suggestions, motivation, etc, please like this post so I can visit your blog. Or send me suggestions of blogs I should check out. Maybe we can even be mutals and motivate each other :)
17 May 2021
So, it’s been about 2 weeks since my last post. I haven’t really been consistent with working out or anything. I have finals to thank for that lol...However, the semester is now OVER, which means I now have all summer to start working towards my goals again.
This morning, I was able to get out of bed and go to the gym, which I’m really happy about. I decided to try out that workout I’ve seen people rave about on tik tok. The 12-3-30. This is a treadmill workout in which you are walking at an incline of 12 at 3 miles per hour for 30 minutes. EXCEPT, I had to modify it to a 10-3-30 (lol). It was still difficult for me, though. I was able to do the whole thing, plus a 5 minute cool down, but, honestly? I think I might be modifying it a bit more in the future (e.g. reducing the incline more, reducing the time, etc). But, as of now, my plan is to try to do this at least 3 to 5 times a week and see what progress I make in a month or so (maybe even in 2 weeks, who knows?).
Other than all of that, I’m feeling okay. I’m still struggling with my body image, but I’m, at least, feeling a little better in comparison to when I last posted on here. That’s gotta count for something, right? :)
14 July 2021 (Long post ahead. TBH this is mostly for myself, but feel free to read if you want to.)’s been over a month since I started taking my fitness and health journey a little more seriously. I was on top of it for 3 weeks, but idk...After the 30th of June (which is the last time I stepped foot in the gym), I completely lost the motivation to keep working out. I haven’t even been going on walks either, which was something I started to look forward to and enjoy. Granted, the walk thing could be attributed to the weather. It’s gotten so hot that even at 5am, it’s already 95 degrees or higher. However, with the gym thing?...I’m really disappointed in myself. On top of that, my diet has been awful this week.
My body image has been beyond terrible. Monday was the worst I have felt about myself in a while. Even though I was hanging out with one of my lovely best friends, all I could think about was how my body looked in the dress I was wearing and if people were judging my appearance. I ended up wearing a jacket over the whole thing because I was so self-conscious.
Today, I’ve started to get back on track. The first thing I did this morning was meditate and repeat some of the many affirmations I have written down for myself. I have been lacking in keeping up with this and I plan to be more consistent in the near future. On top of this health and fitness journey, I’ve also been on a spiritual journey, which has also had a lot of ups and downs this past year and is a whole other thing that I will not get into today lol
I also ran some errands that I have been procrasting on doing. I had a salad for lunch (go me lol). I cleaned out my fridge, which I needed to do because I have not been home for a while and a majority of the items in there were expired. Now all is left is to go grocery shopping, which I plan to do tomorrow morning. I’m planning to put my dusty crockpot to use (if the food I make turns out good, I’ll share a picture of it).
Sorry for the long post. Again, this was mostly for me. I really want this blog to be a realistic place I feel free to share my journey, both the positive and negative.
This week was more on the negative side, but that’s okay. Tomorrow is another day :)
19 July 2021
Happy (and proud) to announce that your girl made it to the gym today :) Getting back into my routine was, surprisingly, easier than I thought it would be.
As for what I’ve been doing for my routine, I’ve been continuing with my slightly modified version of the tik tok famous 12330 workout. If you’re not on tik tok or just haven’t heard of the workout, the 12330 workout is a treadmill workout that was created by Lauren Giraldo. Basically, you walk on the treadmill on an incline of 12, speed of 3, for 30 minutes. I’ve been doing a 10330 (Incline 10, speed 3, for 30 minutes). I plan on working my way up, incline wise. I also plan on incorporating additional forms of cardio, such as the stairmaster and elliptical, just to switch things up and to make sure working out doesn’t get to tedious for me.
I also started incorporating weight training last month. Mind you, I am not an expert. I just do what each weight machine says and I pick the ones that target the muscles I’m trying to work.
I’m sure there will be more days and weeks where I have little to no motivation. But, I will just try to push through them, as I did this time around, and listen to my body and gauge how I feel as time goes on.
For now, what I’m doing works for me. I will post more details (e.g. types of weight lifting, diet, etc) when I start to see the results I’m aiming for and when I become more confident with sharing. :)
Stay well, friends.
27 September 2021
Hey ya’ll.
It’s been a while (over a month to be exact). Sorry for the really inconsistent posting. Everytime I feel like I finally have it together again, something else happens or gets in the way. That’s life, I guess...
Anyway...I’ve been doing a lot of reflecting this past week. This post is going to be another one of me ranting/rambling, so feel free to scroll on (or read on).
I really want to get back into my fitness routine again. I’ve been feeling so sluggish, lately. I know that’s partly because I have not done a lot of physical activity since the last time I posted. The most I move around is when I’m on campus for class, which still counts for something, given how awful I have been feeling, but still...I know can do better. Though, I also know it’s important to not put so much pressure on yourself, but sometimes that’s easier said than done.
I’m just really tired of always feeling this way...always feeling like I’m not good enough and that all my problems would be solved if I finally just lost the stupid weight already...but I have to remind myself that, even when I was thinner, life was not necessarily made any easier. My self-worth should not be so closely tied to my clothing size...
Last week, I made the decision to start focusing on myself. I deleted some contacts (and blocked some others). I decorated my room, which I’ve been wanting to do for the past year now. I caught up on my school work. I hung out with one of my best friends (we got Thai food and talked for hours).
I even made a whole “glow up” plan for myself. However, when I say glow up, I don’t mean just my appearance.
I want to glow up as a person in general. I want to be content with myself and be content with being alone. I want to connect more with myself more. I want to take myself on dates. I want to be more consistent with my spirituality. I want to meditate more and pray more. I want to start and end every day with reciting affirmations. I want to start writing in my journal again. I want to stop comparing myself to other people. I want to learn how to love myself. I want to validate myself without needing other people to do so for me. I want to do things I’ve always been afraid of doing because of posssible judgement (e.g. pierce my nose, get a tattoo (or several), change my hair, etc). I want to feel good about myself. I want to stop feeling like there is something wrong with me everytime a guy I fall for treats me horribly, leads me on, leaves me for someone else, or, simply, changes their mind about me. I want to stop always feeling like everything is my fault and that I don’t deserve to be happy. I want to do all of these things and more.
I’m going to do all of these things and more.
I have, honestly, lost myself. I can’t really pinpoint the exact moment this started, but, over the past few years, I have really lost myself...
Here’s to finding her again.
18 May 2022- Another Life Update (This time a happy one)
Well, I did it ya’ll. I have, officially, graduated.
These past couple of years have been rough, but I’m really proud of myself. Grad school is already hard on its own. Grad school with a pandemic AND a bunch of negative things happening in your personal life? Don’t get me started...
Anyway, I’m (cautiously) looking forward to what my future holds. So far, I’ve been able to cross off a few things from the vision board I made on New Year’s Eve. I’m determined to cross off more soon.
Also, with school out of the way, I think this is the perfect time to get back on track with my health and fitness goals. I haven’t stepped foot inside a gym in MONTHS. I’m actually looking forward to restarting tomorrow.
I know I’ve done this several times already. I used to feel embarrassed every time I would post about having another setback on here. But, you know what? I’ll restart 100 times if that’s what it takes to get to where I want.
So, here we go again :)

Got on a #paddleboard and took some photos for the wonderful and talented #Yoga instructor @charityjoymovement who is currently in #Barbados. Follow her IG for info on her classes, also her Azonto dance classes, inspiring images of her travels all over the world and some inspiration for your own #practice. #yogi #water #ocean #fit #fitspo #morning #paradise #PaddleBoardYoga

Model: Maurice Arthur IFBB Men's Physique Pro
Photographer: Khalil Goodman

#2014 fit inspo

Dat Switch got everyone shook. So here's a beefy, swole bara Mario I illustrated to celebrate.
Shirt available here!

Happy Hump Day 💙 “In geometry, a golden spiral is a logarithmic spiral whose growth factor is the golden ratio”. I made a sketch of @hatts17 perfectly round bum and used Fibonacci’s golden spiral diagram to help illustrate it’s beautiful shape! Happy Hump Day everyone! Illustration sketch of @hatts17 follow @hattshealth for fitspo too! #humpday #thirsttrap #chrishatton #chrishattonbutt #butts #booty #happyhumpday #fitnessgoals #fitspo #hattshealth #goldenspiral #fibonnacispiral #malefigureart #malefigureillustration #makefiguresketch #geometry #perfectbutt

"If you can beat fear, do it scared." JLo ⭐️ #Legday 😱 . . . #Aurhum1994 #love #gainz #tbt #cute #sixpacks #workout #followme #fitfam #fitness #fit #fitlife #treadmill #beastmode #muscle #shredded #boy #gay #instagay #beautiful #gym #xcorenutrition #proteindynamix #beyourbest #fitspo #mcm #wcw #gymtime #bodybuilding (presso Fribourg, Switzerland)

After a few months, some results can be seen. Dedication, passion, determination... this is the key. And never ever give up, even when everything seems to fall apart. The most beautiful part of a person can be seen in the hard times, not in the good ones, when everything goes well. . . Thanks to @jossmooney for the personalized plan and all the advices. It is really worth it! Keep on the wonderful work, Joss. . . #fitfam #instafitness #beastmode #gym #instafit #fitnessaddict #hot #muscle #sixpack #fitnessfreak #health #healthylife #6pack #twelveskip #hotbody #cuteboy #shredded #pecs #gay #instahealth #instagay #ripped #aesthetic #biceps #training #workout #motivationforfitness #muscles #fitspo #physique (presso Fribourg, Switzerland)

My Bachelor Thesis: "How physical activity protects the well-being from daily stress". Physical activity energize our mood through the ancestral connection between body and mind. An additional reason to work out!! Come on guys!! . . #fitfam #instafitness #beastmode #gym #instafit #fitnessaddict #hot #muscle #sixpack #fitnessfreak #health #healthylife #6pack #twelveskip #hotbody #cuteboy #shredded #pecs #gay #instahealth #instagay #ripped #aesthetic #biceps #training #workout #motivationforfitness #muscles #fitspo #physique (presso Université de Fribourg)

No pain no gain. #results 🤘🏼💙💪🏼 . . . . #fitfam #instafitness #beastmode #gym #instafit #fitnessaddict #hot #muscle #sixpack #fitnessfreak #health #healthylife #6pack #twelveskip #hotbody #cuteboy #shredded #pecs #gay #instahealth #instagay #ripped #aesthetic #ifbb #training #motivationforfitness #muscles #fitspo #physique (presso Fribourg, Switzerland)

A little break from driving 🤘🏼 returning to Ticino to work. 375 km from Fribourg. When you really love something, there are no distances. 💙 . . . . #selfie #boy #me #driving #fitspo #ifbb #fitness #fit #gay #instagay #instafit #smile #smiling #car #switzerland #necklace #tank #bodybuilding #workout #motivation #job #love #body #muscle #training #sport #eyes #beauty #biceps (presso Raststätte Neuenkirch)

🔹Blue Body🔹 part 2. #befit . . . #fitfam #instafitness #beastmode #gym #instafit #fitnessaddict #hot #muscle #sixpack #fitnessfreak #health #healthylife #hotgay #twelveskip #hotbody #cuteboy #shredded #pecs #gay #instahealth #instagay #instagay #biceps #gay #workout #motivationforfitness #muscles #fitspo (presso Maroggia, Switzerland)

#MyTrasformation⭐️ The key is Perseverance and Consistency... mind and heart, together, always... strategy and motivation.. body and spirit. Always ❤️ . Write me if you need a personalized plan pr just some motivation 😉 . . #trasformation #trasformationtuesday #fit #fitfam #fitspo #love #chest #gains #abs #guy #muscular #body #sexy #handsome #fitness #muscle #boy #me #cute #gay #gayfitness #swole #muscles #gym #gymlife #6pack (presso Everywhere I Go)