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7 years ago

#27 The Last Stick Standing Part 2 (Harry Styles)



(It’s quite long so, I hope you like the story!)


Maybe, time has a way of healing things. Maybe it is like a balm on a wound, and slowly it helps heal the cut. Slowly stop the blood from flowing, slowly start making a net to stop it. And, my life was like a sharp nail, that kept scratching at the wound till the blood started flowing again. I wanted to stop now. I couldn’t get myself to jump off the cliff. I couldn’t, and I wanted a fresh start now. So, I cut all my nails. It was time to start fixing myself before I blamed myself. It was time to redo. 

More time was spent by me. For the first time, in a long time, I didn’t look for the company that always wanted to surround myself. I grew up with the idea that having a group of people around you led to happiness, and Matthew had it. I just didn’t fit in that group. I visited the library, reading the self-help books which helped me a lot. Just to find peace at times, and for the time to go away. It hurt initially, I wanted what my brother had, what people around me had, but maybe I wasn’t meant for it. And that was okay. I didn’t have to conform according to the world around me, I could form a new path. 

It was difficult in the start. Keeping to myself, not crying, but it had been better lately. I was feeling better. I was taking care of myself now. I liked my body, my hair, my eyes, I was falling in love with myself for a start. Figured that was wrong, I had this need to always hold on to people to validate myself, first Matthew, then Harry. I had myself now, and it felt wonderful. I was laughing more. I was happy. I had a few people who I talked to in class, or some were library specific. Some were from the coffee shop I went to, but I kept a distance. Not till I was ready would I let them close, and I wasn’t ready yet. 

I didn’t go back home in the summer. I got myself an internship instead, and they paid me quite well. My parents weren’t pleased, but it was Matthew was upset. 

“You don’t have to work to run away from me,” He slammed his hand on the door. 

“I’m not running away from you or anyone for that matter,” I smiled. I smiled at him lately. No, I didn’t talk to him. It wasn’t healthy at first, I knew. But no one treated their family like that. And, I didn’t have to give respect when I didn’t receive any in return. He chose his girlfriend, his friends repeatedly over me. When I was treated like shit, he said nothing and, then expecting me to be all love and care, when we are alone was some shit. 

“Yes, you fucking are! I know you! You just want to ignore me like a punishment,” I rolled my eyes, “Like some revenge, and then blame all your shit on me in front of Mom and Dad like you always do!” He screamed and, I dropped my stuff I was holding in my hands. 

“Is that it then? You don’t want to be blamed for me not coming back home?” I folded my hands. 

“That’s not what I meant,” He tried to correct himself, but I knew better. 

“Well that’s shit, but don’t worry. I didn’t tell mum and dad anything about us. I want to work, and therefore I am. Not everything in this world is about you, you know.” I folded my arms,  “And, as far as my dealing with my shit goes, I don’t want anything to do with you anymore.” 

“Giselle…” He came forward, and I stepped back. “You’re my sister, my twin…”

“You’ve lost all your rights to call me that. It shouldn’t matter to you. It isn’t going to make any difference to your life,” I got back to my work. “You should be glad I’m not coming back with you. The perfect child can be with his perfect parents who love him all alone!” 

“You don’t mean that,” He shook his head. 

“Why because it hurts you? Because it is finally being stated? You are the perfect child, the perfect little boy they wanted to have while I just came along with the package. Don’t tell me you haven’t felt me being treated like that, oh wait, you won’t know! Because you spent all your time gloating about how you got the better! It’s so in your face in everything. For people outside, we must be a family that provides equal chances to everyone, but we know it’s not. So, why don’t we accept it and move on. I will not live in this illusion that my parents love me like they love my brother, and then live in this complex my entire fucking life!” I yelled. 

“Gissy…” He tried to hold my hand. 

“You couldn’t even be there for your sister when she was actually in grave danger. What sort of a family is this? Did I tell you, I don’t get a call from mom, every Saturday. I call her, while she calls you! Thank fucking god, I got a scholarship for this place, or they wouldn’t have even sent me here while you weren’t even pressured to get one! Where were you during all this, Matthew? You don’t have the right to call yourself a brother. Go to your fucking girlfriend and family!” I screamed, it all came out. I couldn’t control it. There was so much that was never said, so much hidden, I couldn’t let it all out, no, this wasn’t right. “Get out!” 

Was he going to cry? He ran out before that, and I couldn’t help myself from following him. I didn’t see him, but I saw Harry standing in the hallway. He looked at me with shocked eyes, “What? Enjoying the show?” I slammed the door before he could answer. 

The good thing was that I saw none of them during the summer. It was a relief and a good escape. My internship was hectic but brilliant, and I earned quite a bit while my spending wasn’t much. It was good for me, mentally and emotionally. After I didn’t call mom for two weeks, she finally did. She screamed at me for not calling and about how worried she was, but couldn’t say much after I told her that she didn’t hear from me for two weeks, and dad didn’t send the money so, there wasn’t much worrying happening. The ‘enjoy with your son’ was another thing that stopped her. All my life I was treated like the second best. Like I wasn’t important, made to feel that way, if I wanted to stop pretending and get over this competition and want for attention, I had to start afresh. 

Today, I was soaking in the sun. My body was toned now by all the running and workouts I put in every day. My hair was longer, and I for the first time in a long time, felt happy in myself. I had made a few friends as well, and was hanging out with them when I saw him. 

He was tanned now, and I could see the muscles that developed over the summer. His eyes widened as they took me in, I did look different. 

“Hey Gissy, let’s go get those pancakes now. I’m sure they’re ready!” I offered Nick my hands, and he pulled me up. I felt his eyes follow me as I got up and walked to the stall. 

“Giselle,” I turned around knowing it was his voice. I smiled, “You look different.” 

“I grew my hair,” I nodded. “This is Nick,” I introduced my friend, and they greeted each other. 

“I’ll meet you there,” Nick nodded and I turned to Harry. 

“So, how was summer?” I asked. 

“Fine, yeah how was yours?” He asked. 

“Quite lovely, hectic but lovely,” I nodded, “So, I’ll see you around, yeah…”

He held my arm, “Where were you?” 

“What?” I asked. 

“You didn’t come back home. Why? I know you were mad at him, but he is your brother,” He frowned. “And, being as righteous as you claim you are, I expected you to be there.” 

“What are you talking about?” I frowned.

“Wait, you don’t know?” his eyes in shock. “Matthew, he met with an accident…how do you not know?” 

“What? How? When?” I took out my phone to see if I missed any call or message. I had nothing. 

“A week ago, he is bad, Giselle.” 

“I wasn’t…I didn’t…fuck!” 

“If you’d like, I’ll be leaving to see him in about an hour, I can give you a ride,” He said, and I nodded wiping my tears. He was my brother after all, and I couldn’t believe mom hadn’t mentioned anything! Not much could be expected out of them, though. 

Rushing back to my room, I packed my things and met Harry outside. It was a four-hour ride back home, and I couldn’t wait. “You know, that night when I had asked you out…” 

“I really don’t want to talk about this, Harry.” 

“Fuck! Why? Why can’t you give somebody else a chance to explain themselves! You did the same with Matthew when he constantly tried to reach out to you. He can’t help being who he is, but I have seen him fight every person who said shit about you. But he couldn’t always protect you! I don’t know what you guys had while growing up, but I know he genuinely does love you and care about you! Fuck, I saw him howling in the car after you slammed the door that night!” He yelled. 

“That night, I called him up to pick me up, the night you left me, remember? He switched off his phone to have sex with his girlfriend and came knocking at the door three hours later…” 

“He wasn’t having sex with his girlfriend, by the way,” Harry cut me off. “She had taken his phone, and thrown it across the room. When he went to fix it, it was broken. He then went to replace the model so, he could contact you. Meanwhile, that bitch hid his keys, and then after arguing for a long time, she finally gave it. He looked for you the entire night, I looked for you with him because for some reason he thought you weren’t safe. We finally gave up and reached your dorm where you were, thank god!” 

This was a perspective that I didn’t know. All this while, I thought he had left me alone, but he hadn’t. I had misjudged the situation so bad. 

“And as for me, if you’d let be explain myself,” He waited for me to interrupt. I didn’t. “I really liked as you as well. I still do for fucking’s sake, knowing how impulsive you are, and such a pessimist! I told you I was caught up with Ally and the gang. They had my book in their hand. Fucking never using a typewriter again in my life! And, all my books as well. They threatened to burn it, they actually did burn a few chapters to prove a point. Ross had my things which he was so ready to pour oil on and burn. Earlier, the plan was to mess around with you, and I thought fine. I will go with it, and then tell you everything they did so, you’ll understand and we’ll have our date!” 

I looked at him, wanting to know more, “But, it didn’t happen that way. Then, she didn’t stop the car when we went forward. Drove all the way to the pub and took me and kept me the entire time until Matthew came to look for you. He beat Joss up and, I handled Tyler and we rushed outta there.” 

“Why didn’t you tell me this before?” I asked, now crying. 

“I was so guilty for the longest time, Giselle. Knowing what had happened, knowing how you weren’t talking to Matthew, knowing I could lose you forever with one wrong word because you weren’t listening to anyone,, I just couldn’t do it. I loved you and I was so guilty. On your birthday when you went back home, I planned to tell you everything. But you were so broken, I didn’t know what to say to fix it. And then, you thought I liked Ally and hated you and, I was so guilty Gissy,” Harry shook his head. 

“Thought time would give me a chance, and when I built up the courage to tell you, you threw Matthew out, slammed the door, I couldn’t reach you with the wall you’d created.”

“Oh god, this is such a mess,” I cried into my palms. 

“It is,” he said. 


We reached the hospital in my town and I rushed to reception. Asking for his room, I ran up the staircase and Harry followed me. I reached the room and stopped when I saw our parents outside. 

“Giselle, what are you doing here?” Mom asked me. Dad looking at mom accusingly. 

“How could you not tell me?” I asked them. 

“You were working, Giselle. We thought better not to distract you!” Dad cut mom. 

“Bullshit! She knew I finished work last week!” I yelled. 

“Do not raise your voice at us, young lady!” Mom spoke in the voice she used whenever she wanted to make me disappear. 

“Then stop coming between me and my brother!” I told her. “If you want me out of the family, say it to my face instead of creating a divide between us!” 

“Giselle!” She yelled. 

“Enough mother. I have had enough,” I said, pushing his door open. Walking inside I saw the doctor giving an injection to Matthew. Matthew oh god, his hand and his left leg was broken, he had bruises on his face. His upper body was covered in bandages, his head was hurt. I wanted to cry. 

“Gissy, hey…” he tried to smile. I stood away from his bed. “Please come here.” 

I wiped my tears and slowly walked to him, sitting on his bed. The doctor gave his last pain killer and left. “What have you done to yourself? You didn’t have to get so bad to get my attention.” 

He laughed and then grimaced in pain, “Don’t make me laugh, it hurts.”

His left hand which was better pulled me closer, and he kissed my cheek, “I missed you.”

“I missed you, too,” I said, crying into his neck. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. I didn’t know, I thought you hated me, I’m sorry.” 

“Hey, you’re my twin. We’re basically the same. I could never hate you in my life! I’m sorry for not noticing the differentiation earlier. I’m such an idiot, but you should have mentioned this before and not hid it from me.” 

“It was what I was taught,” I shrugged. “Does this hurt?” I asked, touching his ribs. 

“I broke two,” he whined. “You’ll have to take care of me now. I can’t live in this town anymore!” 

“The jailers should let you go,” I laughed. 

“I think we should shift into that apartment you saw. It seems like the perfect opportunity!” 

After talking a bit more with my brother, Harry came in and they talked for a while before he slept from the pain killers. Dad walked with me outside leaving mother behind. “Your mother loves you too,” he said. 

“But loves Matthew more. You do too. It is not exactly hidden,” I said. 

“It’s not like that, Giselle. You are as precious to us and Matthew. Yes, we have been harder on you, but that’s because your mother faced a lot of problems being a woman and, she wanted to prepare you for that. Yes, maybe a son is seen as more important, but we don’t want to lose you for it.” He said. Maybe some wounds take time to fill, but slowly with time, everything becomes alright and I could only hope for this to become better.

“So, you like me?” I ask, handing Harry a coffee. 

“Pretty much,” He said, taking some time. “You know, there is a very good restaurant down the road.”

“Hmm, I grew up here,” I said, sarcastically. 

“I’d like you to take me on a date there then. Right now would be nice. I’m starving,” Harry said, standing up. 

“You’re driving me. To cancel all the chances of a repeat, you know!” I laughed. 

“Shut up!” He said, pulling me as we walked towards the car. 

Please tell me what you think about this. I’m posting my last few imagines…would love some feedback!

Please send in your requests for all my stories and even new ones if you think you want a work from me.

Thank you for all your support and love!



xx. theStylesproject.


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7 years ago

#52 - Playing the Intermediary (Harry Styles)

Where Y/N plays the intermediary in a breakup and is stuck with the ex-boyfriend. 

“So, it is just this. I don’t know how to do it,” She shook her head. 

“But, you are sure that he loves you?” I asked. 

“That’s the only thing I’m sure about. You know, how it is, it’s just after the death, it’s like he clings to me. And we have been together for three years, I just don’t want to make it a four. God, just make me break up!” She moaned. 

“I feel you’re the first person who wishes to get rid of someone who loves you. Here, nobody loves me and I would love a boyfriend!” I laughed. 

“I wish he cheats on me. Like I don’t see us together. I don’t see any part in the future where our ideologies match, or our interests. It’s like I grew up and he never did!” She went on explaining, “I think, he is just used to me, and then he calls it love. Because I don’t spend more than five minutes talking to him. I hardly respond to his texts and he still doesn’t get the clue. I told him I don’t want to get married until I am 28 while he does, and he still doesn’t get it!" 

"Why don’t you just break up? Like just lay it out. All clear." 

"You think I haven’t tried? I have done it repeatedly. REPEATEDLY. He doesn’t understand, then starts crying and then, it’s just - you have to help me. Tell him, that I am depressed with him. I can’t deal with this anymore. I can’t marry him. I never will. Our minds don’t match, our nothing matches and I don’t want him. He will be happier with anyone else other than me. Tell him!” She groaned. 

“Alright, I am sending this recording to him." 

"Wait, what? You recorded it?” She played it again, “Yeah, as proof. Poor guy should hurt now than when you make it four years, you know. So, promise he won’t come running after me if I send him this and ask him to lay off?” I asked. 

“I have a feeling, that he won’t believe it. Like he will just be like, you’re joking." 

"Not after, I have spoken to him…” I dialled his number. “Hello? Is this Harry?" 

"Yeah, it’s Harry. Who is this?" 

"Not important. What’s important is that I’m Sara’s friend.”

“What? Is everything alright? Is everything fine? Is she hurt.” My heart broke for him. But, this was good for him. They were both breaking each other. 

“Well, not really. Look, Sara is depressed. And, I have been seeing her for months now. She is not happy. At all. She wants to get rid of you. She doesn’t want you in her life anymore. She doesn’t care for you. Doesn’t see any future with you, and I feel you should stop embarrassing yourself and live your life and let her live hers." 

"What? Who the fuck are you? Give her the phone." 

"No, Harry. I know you are better than this. I know you have been together for a long time, but you have to see she is miserable and if you do truly claim to love her, then you will leave her, cause she doesn’t want you or have any respect left for you. I mean, she made me call you. Made me do it because you don’t even acknowledge her words when she tells you the same. This is toxic. I have sent a voice message. That’s her begging me to tell you. Give it up, Harry. Let her go. You are not worth each other." 

There was pin drop silence on the other side for the next 10 seconds. Long enough, I cut the call. 

“What did he say?” Sara looked at me hopefully. 

“He played the recording according to my notification.” My heart was breaking for him. No one should be hurt like that. But, he did call for it. 

“God, I hope it works,” She groaned and checked her phone. He has sent a ‘why would you do this to me?’. Cause I want to get rid off you, you fucker! I have texted - we are over, to him. Hope it’s final this time!” 

“You really don’t love him, do you?” I asked. 

“Never did. I don’t even know why I was with him. Promise me, don’t ever be in a relationship where you can’t say why are you together. It’s the worst thing.”

“It happened!” Sara called cheering the next day. “We are over! You did it! We did it!” She yelled. I was back home since I was just visiting her place. 

“Oh wow, that’s great for you! You are the first I have seen this happy as well!” 

“I am rejoicing my freedom!” 

“Yeah, umm is he alright? He won’t go and hurt himself or anything right? I don’t want to go to prison,” I tried to laugh. 

“No, he is heartbroken. But, he will be fine. I am not the bad person here. You know that right?” She asked, looking for my approval. 

“There is no right or wrong here, Sara. I just hope you don’t regret it.” I smiled. 

“I don’t think, I will. I have wanted it for so long. More than a year, and it feels right. Anyway, got to go, I have a class! Bye baby!” 

I didn’t get relationships. People were just confusing, and this case just confused me so much more. How does love become a noose around your neck, and why do we let it get it to that stage. 

It had been a month since that day. Sara was happy, and getting better. She looked much more relaxed than before, and I knew it was because she didn’t have him in her life. She had less stress and she was finally getting into herself. I wondered at times about Harry. How was he dealing with it? Dealing with wholly believing that his love loved him, only to be absolutely shattered in the end by it. 

I thought about him a lot. More than a lot, at times. It felt wrong, but as much as I understood Sara, the more I tried to understand Harry. Why did he lead himself to that stage? And why did he do that to himself and her?

“Hi, can I have a Latte, size medium, please?” I needed a coffee. 


“No, thank you. I am trying to get rid of it!” I laughed. 

I sat down on the side table with my coffee, ready to work, when I felt someone staring at me. I looked up and, I was right. Only I didn’t expect to stare back. He was beautiful. His eyes were so big, and his face looked as if it was carved to perfection. He was frowning though, “Can I help you?” I asked. 

“It’s you.” He whispered.

“Umm, me?” He got up from his table, and came and sat in front of me. I looked around, finding this weird. 

“You’re the one who broke up with me.” 

“Excuse me?” I frowned. 

“I mean, broke up with me for my girlfriend, ex..girlfriend,” he stared, his face not giving any other emotion. His voice sounded so much better in person. Shut up, Y/N. 

“You must have me mistaken?” 

“No, I can’t. I have tried. I can’t forget that voice. I can’t forget your voice. I don’t remember anything hurting me more. And, I think I have seen you in one of Sara’s pictures, I have a good memory.” 


“Yeah, fuck. I’m Harry,” He put his hand forward, and I just looked at it. 

“How are you?” I asked, my curiosity getting the better of me. He pulled his hand back and got comfortable in his seat. 

“How do you think I am?” His voice was so straight, deep and sharp. 

“I don’t know.” 

“You broke my heart, shattered it.” 

“Excuse me, but your girlfriend shattered it.” 

“And, you approved?” He asked, his eyes were watery. 

“I didn’t have the say. It wasn’t about me.” 

“Then, why the fuck were you in it?” He raised his voice, and moved forward as I pushed back. 

“I was asked a favour, and I did it.”

“Were those your words or hers?” 

“Shouldn’t you be over her?” 

“After you humiliated me?” He pointed. 

“I didn’t do anything. You were both doing it to yourself,” I should shut up. At least bite my tongue. 

“I thought I was having a new start, until I heard your voice,” He looked to the window. There was something wrong with him. 

“I would still recommend it,” he looked at me. “This is a great place to have one. It should be easy.” 

“Are you in a relationship?” He asked, and I shook my head. “Ever been?” I shook my head again. “Then, you don’t know what you’re talking about, so stop advising.” He sneered. 

“Right, why are you at this table? I did nothing to you. I have nothing to do with you. I was the intermediary, a mere messenger…” 

“Do you like playing the intermediary in places?” He asked. Why was he so beautiful? Why hadn’t I asked to see his picture before? Sara had put me off him, that I was sure there would have been something rotten about him. He just looked broken to me.. 

“I like helping.” 

He looked at me, then shook his head. “Well, then Y/N - help me.” He said smirking. 

Request a Part 2? 




Tags :
7 years ago

#52 - Playing the Intermediary (Harry Styles)

Where Y/N plays the intermediary in a breakup and is stuck with the ex-boyfriend. 

“So, it is just this. I don’t know how to do it,” She shook her head. 

“But, you are sure that he loves you?” I asked. 

“That’s the only thing I’m sure about. You know, how it is, it’s just after the death, it’s like he clings to me. And we have been together for three years, I just don’t want to make it a four. God, just make me break up!” She moaned. 

“I feel you’re the first person who wishes to get rid of someone who loves you. Here, nobody loves me and I would love a boyfriend!” I laughed. 

“I wish he cheats on me. Like I don’t see us together. I don’t see any part in the future where our ideologies match, or our interests. It’s like I grew up and he never did!” She went on explaining, “I think, he is just used to me, and then he calls it love. Because I don’t spend more than five minutes talking to him. I hardly respond to his texts and he still doesn’t get the clue. I told him I don’t want to get married until I am 28 while he does, and he still doesn’t get it!" 

"Why don’t you just break up? Like just lay it out. All clear." 

"You think I haven’t tried? I have done it repeatedly. REPEATEDLY. He doesn’t understand, then starts crying and then, it’s just - you have to help me. Tell him, that I am depressed with him. I can’t deal with this anymore. I can’t marry him. I never will. Our minds don’t match, our nothing matches and I don’t want him. He will be happier with anyone else other than me. Tell him!” She groaned. 

“Alright, I am sending this recording to him." 

"Wait, what? You recorded it?” She played it again, “Yeah, as proof. Poor guy should hurt now than when you make it four years, you know. So, promise he won’t come running after me if I send him this and ask him to lay off?” I asked. 

“I have a feeling, that he won’t believe it. Like he will just be like, you’re joking." 

"Not after, I have spoken to him…” I dialled his number. “Hello? Is this Harry?" 

"Yeah, it’s Harry. Who is this?" 

"Not important. What’s important is that I’m Sara’s friend.”

“What? Is everything alright? Is everything fine? Is she hurt.” My heart broke for him. But, this was good for him. They were both breaking each other. 

“Well, not really. Look, Sara is depressed. And, I have been seeing her for months now. She is not happy. At all. She wants to get rid of you. She doesn’t want you in her life anymore. She doesn’t care for you. Doesn’t see any future with you, and I feel you should stop embarrassing yourself and live your life and let her live hers." 

"What? Who the fuck are you? Give her the phone." 

"No, Harry. I know you are better than this. I know you have been together for a long time, but you have to see she is miserable and if you do truly claim to love her, then you will leave her, cause she doesn’t want you or have any respect left for you. I mean, she made me call you. Made me do it because you don’t even acknowledge her words when she tells you the same. This is toxic. I have sent a voice message. That’s her begging me to tell you. Give it up, Harry. Let her go. You are not worth each other." 

There was pin drop silence on the other side for the next 10 seconds. Long enough, I cut the call. 

“What did he say?” Sara looked at me hopefully. 

“He played the recording according to my notification.” My heart was breaking for him. No one should be hurt like that. But, he did call for it. 

“God, I hope it works,” She groaned and checked her phone. He has sent a ‘why would you do this to me?’. Cause I want to get rid off you, you fucker! I have texted - we are over, to him. Hope it’s final this time!” 

“You really don’t love him, do you?” I asked. 

“Never did. I don’t even know why I was with him. Promise me, don’t ever be in a relationship where you can’t say why are you together. It’s the worst thing.”

“It happened!” Sara called cheering the next day. “We are over! You did it! We did it!” She yelled. I was back home since I was just visiting her place. 

“Oh wow, that’s great for you! You are the first I have seen this happy as well!” 

“I am rejoicing my freedom!” 

“Yeah, umm is he alright? He won’t go and hurt himself or anything right? I don’t want to go to prison,” I tried to laugh. 

“No, he is heartbroken. But, he will be fine. I am not the bad person here. You know that right?” She asked, looking for my approval. 

“There is no right or wrong here, Sara. I just hope you don’t regret it.” I smiled. 

“I don’t think, I will. I have wanted it for so long. More than a year, and it feels right. Anyway, got to go, I have a class! Bye baby!” 

I didn’t get relationships. People were just confusing, and this case just confused me so much more. How does love become a noose around your neck, and why do we let it get it to that stage. 

It had been a month since that day. Sara was happy, and getting better. She looked much more relaxed than before, and I knew it was because she didn’t have him in her life. She had less stress and she was finally getting into herself. I wondered at times about Harry. How was he dealing with it? Dealing with wholly believing that his love loved him, only to be absolutely shattered in the end by it. 

I thought about him a lot. More than a lot, at times. It felt wrong, but as much as I understood Sara, the more I tried to understand Harry. Why did he lead himself to that stage? And why did he do that to himself and her?

“Hi, can I have a Latte, size medium, please?” I needed a coffee. 


“No, thank you. I am trying to get rid of it!” I laughed. 

I sat down on the side table with my coffee, ready to work, when I felt someone staring at me. I looked up and, I was right. Only I didn’t expect to stare back. He was beautiful. His eyes were so big, and his face looked as if it was carved to perfection. He was frowning though, “Can I help you?” I asked. 

“It’s you.” He whispered.

“Umm, me?” He got up from his table, and came and sat in front of me. I looked around, finding this weird. 

“You’re the one who broke up with me.” 

“Excuse me?” I frowned. 

“I mean, broke up with me for my girlfriend, ex..girlfriend,” he stared, his face not giving any other emotion. His voice sounded so much better in person. Shut up, Y/N. 

“You must have me mistaken?” 

“No, I can’t. I have tried. I can’t forget that voice. I can’t forget your voice. I don’t remember anything hurting me more. And, I think I have seen you in one of Sara’s pictures, I have a good memory.” 


“Yeah, fuck. I’m Harry,” He put his hand forward, and I just looked at it. 

“How are you?” I asked, my curiosity getting the better of me. He pulled his hand back and got comfortable in his seat. 

“How do you think I am?” His voice was so straight, deep and sharp. 

“I don’t know.” 

“You broke my heart, shattered it.” 

“Excuse me, but your girlfriend shattered it.” 

“And, you approved?” He asked, his eyes were watery. 

“I didn’t have the say. It wasn’t about me.” 

“Then, why the fuck were you in it?” He raised his voice, and moved forward as I pushed back. 

“I was asked a favour, and I did it.”

“Were those your words or hers?” 

“Shouldn’t you be over her?” 

“After you humiliated me?” He pointed. 

“I didn’t do anything. You were both doing it to yourself,” I should shut up. At least bite my tongue. 

“I thought I was having a new start, until I heard your voice,” He looked to the window. There was something wrong with him. 

“I would still recommend it,” he looked at me. “This is a great place to have one. It should be easy.” 

“Are you in a relationship?” He asked, and I shook my head. “Ever been?” I shook my head again. “Then, you don’t know what you’re talking about, so stop advising.” He sneered. 

“Right, why are you at this table? I did nothing to you. I have nothing to do with you. I was the intermediary, a mere messenger…” 

“Do you like playing the intermediary in places?” He asked. Why was he so beautiful? Why hadn’t I asked to see his picture before? Sara had put me off him, that I was sure there would have been something rotten about him. He just looked broken to me.. 

“I like helping.” 

He looked at me, then shook his head. “Well, then Y/N - help me.” He said smirking. 

Request a Part 2? 




Tags :
7 years ago

#52 Playing the Intermediary Part 3 (Harry Styles)

Sorry for the delay! It’s long so I hope it makes up for the wait! 


SUMMARY:  Where Y/N plays the intermediary in a breakup and is stuck with the ex-boyfriend.

Part 1, Part 2 

“I don’t want to love a love like yours.”

“I don’t feel too well,” I said, after a few minutes of silence. “My head’s spinning too fast.” I almost fell on him.

“Okay, okay, here sit down,” Harry made me sit down on the bench.

“No, no I think, I want to go home now,” I stumbled onto him and he caught me.

The next I remember is waking up in my room. I was still in my dress which now had my one boob popping out. I groaned, getting out of my head, noticing the medicine and the glass of water kept on the nightstand.

I hope you feel better.  H.

This was nice of him. Did he bring me back? I walked to the kitchen, stopping when I saw a half-naked man cooking food. I picked up the vase on the side almost as an instinct, as I walked forward.

“Oh hey, you’re up!” He turned around. Harry.

“What are you doing here?” I shouted, and then held my head because of the pain.

“Cooking us breakfast,” He shrugged. I gave him a look. “What? No, thank you? It was some effort carrying you back home. You didn’t expect me to leave and look for a cab at 3 am, did you?”

“Thank you,” I was grateful that I was back home safe.

“You’ve a nice place here,” He complimented and took out two plates.He had made eggs and bacon. He even had the coffee ready. “Did you have your medicine?”

“Yeah, umm, thanks, it belongs to my aunt.”

“This studio? Why does she own studios?” He asked.

“Umm, she had bought it for her daughter, but she, umm she passed away so, she gave it to me since, I was studying here as well. It is difficult to find a place here anyway. I’m fortunate,” I told him. Why did I have to tell him such details?

“You definitely are, it’s a beautiful place, and in the centre. Where do your parents live?” He asked.

“The food looks nice,” I changed the topic. “Thanks for making it.”

I think he got the clue and didn’t push it, “There you go, you have all your supplies ready. It was easy.”

“I like taking care of myself,” I smiled. “Where’s your shirt?” Not that I minded. He was a little too sexy to keep it all covered, and the attraction level for me was at an all-time high. I couldn’t say the same for him.

“Oh, it got wet in the rain. It still is wet.”

I got up and went to a room to take some large sized T-shirt out that I had bought for comfort clothes. “Wear this.”

“Thanks, your boyfriends?”

“I told you, I have never had a boyfriend,” I took a bite of my food. I moaned, “This is so good!” Harry laughed. “So, what did you mean about helping you?” I asked.

“Let it be, I don’t know what I was thinking,” he shook his head.

“No, tell me. You’ve made me feel guilty enough,” I said.

“Don’t you think you should feel that?” His eyes changed. He became so different when he was angry. “You take out the worst in me.” He picked up his plate and started washing it.

“I’m sorry that your heart is broken. But, I really didn’t break it. For the longest time, I knew her, she has never said anything positive about you. Ever. When I first saw you, I kept thinking that there should be something rotten about you which she hated. I still can’t figure it out. But, she detested being with you. I didn’t like seeing her that way, and so I helped her. I thought it was the right thing to do at that time. I thought I was saving both of you…”

“Who are you to save us?” He shouted. I took a step back.

“What do you want me to do now?” I asked, tears falling from my eyes.

“You thought there was something wrong with me? He asked turning around, his hands still clutching the table.

“There had to be, why would you run away from someone who loves you that much?” I thought, “But, maybe it was because you guys didn’t fit. You can now move on, and find your girl!”

“You know, do me a favour and don’t advise me. You cost me a relationship with a girl I wanted to marry. I think I have had enough.” He said, wiping his hands.

“Maybe you should stop blaming me and blame yourself and your girlfriend for having a relationship of hate and disgust. Fine, I am sorry that it was my voice that hurt you, but it was your girlfriend that ended it. It is the girl who you want to marry who danced and rejoiced after she broke your heart,” I took a step towards him with every line. He couldn’t take me as the one at fault. “She constantly cheated on you, started dating other men, almost instantly after she broke up. Said that you were controlling and the worst relationship she has ever had, and worse, Harry. I am sorry if that is the girl you love, but don’t blame me for being a horrible boyfriend that made the love of his life hate him as much as she wished you’d die!” I covered my mouth with my hand instantly. He was not supposed to know this. What have I done?

I saw a tear fall out of his eyes, and my heart shattered into pieces. First, it was this physical calling that I couldn’t get out my mind whenever he was near me, and now this. I instantly wrapped my hands around him and hugged him tightly. This wasn’t supposed to happen. I shouldn’t have said this to him. It was like holding a rock, cause he didn’t move. I apologized profusely, into his chest, told him that I didn’t mean it, this he wasn’t supposed to know. I repeated I’m sorry again and again.

Time passed, and then I felt his hands wrap around me to only push me away. “Don’t.” That was all he said before he collected his things and left.


I didn’t talk to Harry for the next entire month. It was getting hard for me because against all my rational thinking, my heart had developed a crush on him. He was everything I admired about a guy put into one. It was a joke on me. Not being in a relationship ever, and then finally finding someone I admired at every step was horrible, especially when he used to turn around and walk away whenever he saw me.

I was at an art exhibition today. He was studying Media and Management, but he was an artist on the side, and his work was up today. We had common friends, and he had invited them. I paid for my ticket. I tried to look as pretty as I could. I knew his standards were high, and he never saw me. I was a lovesick idiot who hoped against all my beliefs that this would never work out.

Keeping to myself, I looked at the all the artists, slowly making my way to his work. It was a portrait of a girl sleeping. What shocked me was that it looked so much like me from that night, and then not. The dress was similar, and she was half covered with the blanket wrapped around her. I felt invaded, I felt heartbroken because he wasn’t showing any beauty in this. I walked to the next one. It was a girl sitting with a pile of books in what seemed like a cafe. She had my specs, she had my tattoo, she looked like a sick version of me. I saw the third, the last one. It was an image of a girl, looking as if she was getting off, on a log of wood. It was the worst. She was holding a knife that she had plunged into the wood. The work was called “heartless”.

I took a step back. Is this what he thought of me? This was me. It was no doubt. He must have seen my tattoo, and he had clearly used it. If there was any other sign, I would have believed otherwise. He projected the entire hatred he should be feeling for his girlfriend on me. My heart broke into pieces and tears fell down from my eyes. Wrapping my palm around my mouth, and my hand on my stomach, I tried to calm down. I had always been emotional, so connected and this broke me. I turned around and saw him standing in a suit with his hands in his pocket, his face blank, just looking at me. My hands fell down defeated, and I ran away.


I felt sick. I had never had anyone hate me like this before. And, to be hated by the guy I really liked crushed me. Sara didn’t have anything to say. She told me that after I had told her about his work, she contacted him. And he replied with,

Not everything is about you. Anyway, you mean nothing to me.

At this moment, I felt nothing for Sara. She seemed hurt and, it really didn’t matter anymore. I don’t know if it was her being selfish, or him being irrational, but I had had enough, and I needed to step away from this duo. This time it was me who was running away from him in the corridors. I was hanging with a different set of group, trying to at least not take his friends away. My heart was broken, and I didn’t want anything to do with him or his issues.

The time I couldn’t ignore was when our common friend, Matthew threw his birthday party. I tried keeping away most of the time, trying to get drunk and talk to other guys, trying to Chanel some part of myself which could be attractive. I was suddenly, pulled in a game that I didn’t know, and I sat down lost, as the bottle rotated in front of me and it stopping between Harry and I. Everyone cheered, and Harry rolled his eyes. I was confused. What was happening? He crawled on his knees cutting the circle, as my eyes met his. Before I could turn away, his hands held my face and his lips were on mine. I couldn’t react. It was my first kiss. I didn’t want it to happen this way. I didn’t want him to have it. His power on me, made me respond and he put his tongue in as people cheered and shouted. It was then I pushed him away. I knew I looked bewildered, and he looked at me like, “what is the big deal?”

I could cry, I think I was crying. I got up, and walked away, pushing through the crowd as I heard my friends call me. I quickly booked a cab and stood in front of the gate. “Five mins, just five mins,” I whispered to myself.

“What the fuck happened?” I heard his voice, and a chill went down my spine. I turned around, knowing my makeup was all wet. His eyes seemed greener under the lights. I didn’t respond, and I turned around, trying to check how far the cab was now. “You made a scene back there, I deserve to know the issue since I was the one kissing. And, I am definitely not a horrible kisser.” He almost laughed.

“You are not. Is that enough for your ego? You can go now,” I said, trying to control my shivering.

“What’s wrong Y/N?” He asked again, trying to make me turn around. He pulled harshly the second time and, I yelled.

“It was my first kiss, you fucking asshole!”


“And, no! I didn’t want it to be in a party, in a game, in front of people treating it as a joke with a guy who thinks I get off at hurting people!”

Harry came forward, “That’s not what I was trying to show-“

“I don’t care. I have never felt so invalid, worthless, and pathetic as you made me feel. You could have just written my name along with it because everyone knows it’s me. Everyone who has seen my tattoo knows that I am a sick human being who hurt you, while your pathetic girlfriend can go scot free. You are just using me because I am here to take your anger! You are screwed up!” I hit his chest, “You win! I get it I am horrible and ugly and pathetic and just wrong, and I don’t have any right to help people because I have never been loved. Not by parents, not by my friends, and it will never be by the guy I liked because he sees me as sick and disgusting. I saw it, and you win! Are you happy to see me as miserable as you?”

“Madame, did you order a cab?” The driver cuts us off, and I turned around.

“Yes, thank you,” I opened the car door, and turned to look at him. He was just staring at me. I shook my head and sat inside, asking the person to drive.

Request for Part 4? Please send some ideas? What you think about the Harry and Y/N? Who do you guys think is in the wrong? I need help with the plot a bit. 




Tags :
6 years ago

New concept: Y/N doesn’t expect a lot when it comes to Harry expressing his feelings for her when they’re with people. The most she has heard him say is, ‘yeah, it’s going really well. Love her loads,’ which was too much as well because before that it was just, 'it’s going good. Thanx,’ before he changed the topic.

Y/N didn’t mind it, but she surely didn’t like when he went on and on about the new model who was with him in his Gucci photoshoot. Too much was said about her work ethics, her laughter, their pictures which came out so natural and great, all from a guy who had said 6 words about his relationship with her for 2 years. Insecure? Yes, she was no gucci model and that she made him laugh was a win. What threw her off was that he acknowledged it. A stranger really, and he had no problem going on an on about her. She coughed, raised an eyebrow, said, “excuse me,” a little too loudly before she walked away, and now Harry is spending hours between her legs, wetting his fingers, sliding them in and out of her as she falls apart, letting his tongue apologise to her for he will be on his knees for no one else, and Y/N should know better than be insecure.


Tags :
6 years ago

#54 Know Us Better - Our History till Today (Harry Styles)

Hello! Thank you so much for waiting for me and liking all my little concepts! 

Here is the first part of the first one! 

CONCEPT:  Y/N had a life of her own before Harry and there was no reason why she wouldn’t have one when she was with him as well. But, what people loved about these two were how they were able to create space for themselves and have their own personality after 5 years of being together but, also how they worshipped each other to the core.

Harry followed her around like a puppy, kissing on her, doting on her and she did the absolute same and she loved on him in front of and when they were away not knowing they were being watched.

It felt unreal, but these two did it so well, that people hated them for it - and they were still clueless about it.

“I think, I want to get this today, so I can process these forms tomorrow before I leave. Also, could you look into the scene list for me? See if I’m missing something?” Y/N told her co-worker.

“Yeah, don’t worry about it. The project doesn’t start for like two months. Enjoy your time off!” Y/N had been working so hard for the last four months. She worked as an Assistant Director and her last film had finally wrapped up, and they were free for the next two months before the next project started. Not that she really was on an off. She also owned an online business with her best friend. She was the business brains, and her friend handled the designing and the manufacturing. They promoted native culture from three different countries and put it forward in the world. They were still small, but for a company that started about a year and a half ago, they were doing exceedingly well, and they both thanked their stars every day.

Y/N like it though, she liked owning a business and following her passion, and even though her life sometimes got a little too crazy, she managed it well. She gave her boyfriend that benefit though. He kept her sane, and she’d like to say she did the same for him. He usually based himself around her whenever he was off stage, and whenever she was off, she followed him around with her laptop.

Y/N’s aim was to start her own film, but she was still finding her perfect story, after a fallout with the writer of her last one. It was a difficult thing to overcome, but the girl was constantly all over her boyfriend, and when he had to push her off him, Y/N had had enough with that trick, and finally listened to her boyfriend’s advice on how her friend was not the right person to work with. She was fine for the moment though, she loved working as an assistant director, and learnt the most she could from working with the greats. It took all her strength to be where she was, and she was still young. Very young, only 22 and it had been just a year before that she had completed her masters in direction.

It had been longer with her boyfriend though. They met when she was still doing her under graduation. Actually, she met him when she started it, in her first week. He was friends with her flatmate and had come to see him in secret. No one knew he was on campus, nor it would have gone a bit crazy. One Direction had come out with their third album, and he out of a horrible relationship. She still doesn’t know how it came to be what it was, but it was rocky at the start. He was in a phase of being heartbroken, and an asshole, and he still says, how he doesn’t recognize himself when he sees that year. He played her for a long while, a long long while that Y/N for the first three years of their relationship refused to acknowledge that period in their timeline. He, on the other hand, wanted her in the good and especially, in the bad. So, it was five years now.

But, he had played her for that year. He knew she was gullible enough to fall for him, and do anything for him. But, he also, liked her. For the longest time chased her around to finally get her. She was young as well, and he was her first proper relationship. So, he messed around with her, and messed around with other people, not calling it a relationship when it clearly was one, and she was putting herself in one with a guy who was hardly in the city, never around her to hold her hand, or show her off. It was until in the third month, when she found out about the other girls, realised it was not a relationship, and freaked out. He broke her heart, and she called him the worst human in the world. She called him a lot worse, but what broke his heart was, the fact that this girl wanted everything in a relationship that he had wanted. And now that he broke her heart, she’ll turn into him, who just thought he could live like how he was. And he hated seeing her cry. So, he chased her again, and opened up to her in every way he could, as he presented his heart to her for keeping this time.

She has kept it safe with her, believing him after almost eight months of them being together again to make sure he was here to say, and he was. He was an incredibly committed guy. That was what he also called his vice. Cause, he committed himself to something only after fully believing in it. So it was always a 100% or nothing to him. Y/N had his 100% in his heart criteria. They made it through her graduation, the band hiatus when he became a mess, and through his solo career, and her starting in her career. She can’t say it had always been strong, cause they had their fallouts, but Y/N wasn’t taught to give up, and Harry was too strong headed to ever not be able to get through a bad period and come back in her arms.

Y/N was on the flight to Australia now. She was supposed to meet him after his Australian tour ended, but she had wanted to surprise him, and Jeff made all her dreams come true. She knew he adored her. She was his way through any difficult idea with Harry. She was going to meet him in Sydney after his concert there, and she couldn’t wait.

She was managing all her appointments on the flight so she could take three days off her online business to give all her time to him before she had to divide her time between him and her work. He knew how busy her work life was, knew how she processed, and he admired how strong she was. It was one of the first things he fell for with her, her passion for things. Her passion for the littlest to the largest thing and he knew her passion for him.

They had a deal. They knew their life was hectic, but after the third year fight about not giving each other time, they had decided about how they had to make time for each other regardless of how crazy it got. This was through his hectic concerts, and crazy writing periods to her shooting and managing her business. This got them through all the long distance, and all the space they needed to know themselves to be stuck to each other when they were together. It was tough, it required a lot of effort from both of them, equally. Especially when people around them always thought how they could do better, and how could they do it with the distance, and how they are better for them than their current relationship. They got through all of it, because Y/N loved him with passion, and Harry did not have it in his functioning to love anything else apart from her.

Jeff had it all arranged, and she didn’t even have to worry about her stuff reaching wherever her boyfriends was, and she was handed a drink while she freshened up, looking the best for him. Always trying to look the best for him, like he tried to for her. Jeff came and hugged her, telling her some crazy instances they faced in the tour so far, and about his family, catching up with her. He was still performing, and Y/N didn’t want to watch the concert halfway. She had missed all his previous ones, hating how she wasn’t there with his family in London. But, she was here now.

And in a dress, she knew he would love. He loved backless dresses - said it messed up his head when he saw is his angel in a short dress in which she already looked like a sin, but when her back was completely bare for him to touch…well, it made him go insane. She wanted him to go absolutely berserk today.

He came off stage, high on energy, thanking everyone involved for making it amazing today. He was sweaty, and took off his jacket, giving it to the assistant who had a hanger ready for him, as he made his way towards his dressing room. Jeff came out of his room, stopping him in the track, and hugging him congratulating him on the crowd. “Why weren’t you watching me?” He pretended to be offended, but Jeff lied about some complication for tomorrow which needed sorting out to not give away anything. He nodded, “let me get changed and then, leave yeah?” He opened the door to his room. Locking it behind him, he didn’t notice any presence in his room, as it was usually empty, and Y/N was hiding behind the door. He proceeded to take his pants off, before Y/N repeated a dialogue which he usually said to tease her, “I have no idea, how you think you’re allowed to go out in the public looking like that?” he turned around, his eyes meeting hers, and taking her in, “and then, you don’t even show off to me so -“ she didn’t get to finish as, he smashed in his body into hers, “Harry…” she breathed out, as his arms wrapped around her body, making her fit into him, like she always has, like she knows this is her home. Her, attached to his body, his lips on her shoulder, breathing her in.

He held her for a long time before he let her go, kissing her neck, her cheeks, her forehead, her jaw, before she held his face to make him kiss her lips. Wrapping her arms around his neck, Harry bent down, picking her up by making her wrap her legs around him, and sitting on the couch, so he could do this longer, and make her comfortable. No words were spoken. They had really pushed it this time. Four months of not being able to see each other, with just two days in between where they could meet. He usually, made time to come to her, but because of her direction in a major film this time, she couldn’t meet anyone. She held his face in her hands, as their kiss got deeper and they tasted each other properly, with Harry’s hands going all over her body with a stronghold to actually know she was there.

“I love when you surprise me,” He kissed her one more time before pulling away. “Baby,” one more time, and he could stop himself. Maybe a couple more, as he kissed her again, making her laugh. “Did you plan this?”

Y/N nodded, “Jeff helped,” She took the liberty to make her hands go through his hair, which was much longer than the last time she had held it. It brought tears to her eyes, as one fell down, making Harry frown, “I’m sorry for staying away for this long. And also, not talking for a week in between,” She kissed his cheek.

He wiped her tear away, “hey, this was an amazing opportunity. More than amazing, this was fantastic. And, this is the time where you take your risks. I don’t regret it. I love our FaceTime sessions,” He laughed, knowing he loved her in her arms more.

“Okay, I’m yours for the next two months though,” she gave him big smile, finally telling him the duration of her break.

“Two months? Wait until the end of the tour? What?” He kissed her, “really?”

“Yes, and then the shoots in L.A. for The Last Sunshine,” Harry raised his eyebrow, knowing the entire drama about selecting the location, “I know, out of every place in the world, they chose L.A., but whatever, that means -“

“That means we have more than two months together before it gets crazy busy again,” Harry finished her sentence, “Gosh, how will we ever manage? What if I can’t stand you?” he teased.

“I can buy new lingerie every month?” she said, innocently pretending to play along. Harry made an extra eager-excited face, making her laugh all over again before they heard a knock, and Harry brought her closer, covering half her back with his arm, protectively, as the door opened.

“Hey!” Jeff walked in, “Happy, my man?”

“Happiest,” he smiled.

“That smiles worth it,” He gave Y/N a high five, as he walked towards them. “Okay, here are the keys to the car. Please be safe, don’t stay out the entire night and come back to the hotel so, that you can rest up for tomorrow’s performance.”

“I was thinking, we could just go to the hotel. Start all our adventures tomorrow,” Harry winked looking at her. They liked to take off in the night and explore the city, so Harry knew what the city looked at night, and sometimes they messed up his schedule. Jeff became the dad then, setting both of them straight, while they acted like teenagers. It had happened often enough for him to start with a warning.

“That’s new,” Jeff laughed, and Harry made a face. “Okay now get off each other, and let’s make a move.” He walked towards the door, as Harry bent placing a kiss on the skin showing between Y/N’s breasts, “Guys now!” Harry groaned, as he licked that spot making Y/N shiver.

“This dress,” he kissed her shoulder, “should be illegal.”

“You should be illegal,” Y/N said, before she crashed her lips to his.

“Lie down on the bed fo’me,” harry mumbled in the kisses. He had stripped her completely naked, ruining her bra, and tearing her panties, saying sorry baby, it was too delicate, but Y/N knew better to know he loved doing it.

“Don’t know how long you lasted without me,” Y/N picked up her body, resting on her elbows, her legs open wide apart, as Harry shook out of his pants, and his underwear.

“It’s your voice, and your abilities to get me off through a camera baby, maybe we could invest you in porn,” Y/N hit him, before he held her arm, making her hold it above her head before he got her other arm in his hold. Holding her with his one hand, he used his other, to feel her out. Slowly, taking in what he had missed for the past four months. Touching all that he wanted to touch over their sessions only to be not able to.

“Harry,” Y/N moaned, has his fingers entered her mouth, and she sucked on it with full attention, letting it go with a pop, as his now, wet fingers went down her neck, to those fucking nipples, which were so sensitive, he had made her come just with his tongue on it once. He loved finding out new pressure points in her body so, he could play her properly in his hands.

His fingers reached her pussy, as he entered two fingers inside her, making Y/N roll her eyes so far in her head, and making her take a breath.

“Harry please,” she let out his name like a chant out of her tongue. They didn’t have it in them too much to continue the foreplay. It had been too long, and he was already leaking out, while she had been drenched since the dressing room.

“I’m going to push in, yeah?” He said, “babe?”

Y/N nodded, as Harry let go of her arms, as one grabbed the pillow, and other his arm, as he slowly pushed inside of her. Pumping slowly, teasingly so, that Y/N felt the chill rise up from her legs on to her stomach, curling her foot. “Oh god,” She moaned out, as Harry quickened his pace, balls deep inside of her, his dick slamming into her hard and fast. He bent down, kissing her lips, and her neck, as she squeezed him so tight, making him want to stay buried in her forever. Y/N came so fast, it was incredible how much she missed his body. It was so good, that she couldn’t help tears fall out. She rolled them, so Harry was on her back, continuing to bounce on him, knowing he was so close. He held her hips and thrusted so hard and fast, as he came so deep inside of her, coating her walls with his release, making Y/N feel sedated. He stilled inside of her for a while, holding himself there, as Y/N crashed on his body, nuzzling her head into his chest. She could feel his cum inside her, warm knowing it’ll put out of her onto the sheets when he pulled out.

“I love you, did I say that?” He asked.

“I love you,” She whispered to his heart, as he wrapped his arms around her.

Harry proceeded to fuck her twice more, once on the bed again, and then in the washroom before she entered the shower. He liked seeing him fuck her in the mirror, and this room had three all around them to give him all the angles to see her fall apart in his arms.

He did end up missing his morning gym session, but he ordered breakfast in bed for her. He wanted to see her eat, he wanted to see her do everything around him, for now, he wanted to sit with him between his legs in nothing, and eat her toast telling him about the time, the actor got locked in one of the rooms, and the shooting getting cancelled because everyone thought he went home. 

— Please tell me what you think about it? What do you like about Y/N or Harry that I can end in the next part? Oh also, 

Want the nextpart? Let me know?



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6 years ago

#54 How Do They Do It? (Harry Styles)

Hello! Thank you so much for waiting for me and liking all my little concepts! 

Here is the first part of the first one! 


Y/N had a life of her own before Harry and there was no reason why she wouldn’t have one when she was with him as well. But, what people loved about these two were how they were able to create space for themselves and have their own personality after 5 years of being together but, also how they worshipped each other to the core.

Harry followed her around like a puppy, kissing on her, doting on her and she did the absolute same and she loved on him in front of and when they were away not knowing they were being watched.

It felt unreal, but these two did it so well, that people hated them for it - and they were still clueless about it.

“I think, I want to get this today, so I can process these forms tomorrow before I leave. Also, could you look into the scene list for me? See if I’m missing something?” Y/N told her co-worker.

“Yeah, don’t worry about it. The project doesn’t start for like two months. Enjoy your time off!” Y/N had been working so hard for the last four months. She worked as an Assistant Director and her last film had finally wrapped up, and they were free for the next two months before the next project started. Not that she really was on an off. She also owned an online business with her best friend. She was the business brains, and her friend handled the designing and the manufacturing. They promoted native culture from three different countries and put it forward in the world. They were still small, but for a company that started about a year and a half ago, they were doing exceedingly well, and they both thanked their stars every day.

Y/N like it though, she liked owning a business and following her passion, and even though her life sometimes got a little too crazy, she managed it well. She gave her boyfriend that benefit though. He kept her sane, and she’d like to say she did the same for him. He usually based himself around her whenever he was off stage, and whenever she was off, she followed him around with her laptop.

Y/N’s aim was to start her own film, but she was still finding her perfect story, after a fallout with the writer of her last one. It was a difficult thing to overcome, but the girl was constantly all over her boyfriend, and when he had to push her off him, Y/N had had enough with that trick, and finally listened to her boyfriend’s advice on how her friend was not the right person to work with. She was fine for the moment though, she loved working as an assistant director, and learnt the most she could from working with the greats. It took all her strength to be where she was, and she was still young. Very young, only 22 and it had been just a year before that she had completed her masters in direction.

It had been longer with her boyfriend though. They met when she was still doing her under graduation. Actually, she met him when she started it, in her first week. He was friends with her flatmate and had come to see him in secret. No one knew he was on campus, nor it would have gone a bit crazy. One Direction had come out with their third album, and he out of a horrible relationship. She still doesn’t know how it came to be what it was, but it was rocky at the start. He was in a phase of being heartbroken, and an asshole, and he still says, how he doesn’t recognize himself when he sees that year. He played her for a long while, a long long while that Y/N for the first three years of their relationship refused to acknowledge that period in their timeline. He, on the other hand, wanted her in the good and especially, in the bad. So, it was five years now.

But, he had played her for that year. He knew she was gullible enough to fall for him, and do anything for him. But, he also, liked her. For the longest time chased her around to finally get her. She was young as well, and he was her first proper relationship. So, he messed around with her, and messed around with other people, not calling it a relationship when it clearly was one, and she was putting herself in one with a guy who was hardly in the city, never around her to hold her hand, or show her off. It was until in the third month, when she found out about the other girls, realised it was not a relationship, and freaked out. He broke her heart, and she called him the worst human in the world. She called him a lot worse, but what broke his heart was, the fact that this girl wanted everything in a relationship that he had wanted. And now that he broke her heart, she’ll turn into him, who just thought he could live like how he was. And he hated seeing her cry. So, he chased her again, and opened up to her in every way he could, as he presented his heart to her for keeping this time.

She has kept it safe with her, believing him after almost eight months of them being together again to make sure he was here to say, and he was. He was an incredibly committed guy. That was what he also called his vice. Cause, he committed himself to something only after fully believing in it. So it was always a 100% or nothing to him. Y/N had his 100% in his heart criteria. They made it through her graduation, the band hiatus when he became a mess, and through his solo career, and her starting in her career. She can’t say it had always been strong, cause they had their fallouts, but Y/N wasn’t taught to give up, and Harry was too strong headed to ever not be able to get through a bad period and come back in her arms.

Y/N was on the flight to Australia now. She was supposed to meet him after his Australian tour ended, but she had wanted to surprise him, and Jeff made all her dreams come true. She knew he adored her. She was his way through any difficult idea with Harry. She was going to meet him in Sydney after his concert there, and she couldn’t wait.

She was managing all her appointments on the flight so she could take three days off her online business to give all her time to him before she had to divide her time between him and her work. He knew how busy her work life was, knew how she processed, and he admired how strong she was. It was one of the first things he fell for with her, her passion for things. Her passion for the littlest to the largest thing and he knew her passion for him.

They had a deal. They knew their life was hectic, but after the third year fight about not giving each other time, they had decided about how they had to make time for each other regardless of how crazy it got. This was through his hectic concerts, and crazy writing periods to her shooting and managing her business. This got them through all the long distance, and all the space they needed to know themselves to be stuck to each other when they were together. It was tough, it required a lot of effort from both of them, equally. Especially when people around them always thought how they could do better, and how could they do it with the distance, and how they are better for them than their current relationship. They got through all of it, because Y/N loved him with passion, and Harry did not have it in his functioning to love anything else apart from her.

Jeff had it all arranged, and she didn’t even have to worry about her stuff reaching wherever her boyfriends was, and she was handed a drink while she freshened up, looking the best for him. Always trying to look the best for him, like he tried to for her. Jeff came and hugged her, telling her some crazy instances they faced in the tour so far, and about his family, catching up with her. He was still performing, and Y/N didn’t want to watch the concert halfway. She had missed all his previous ones, hating how she wasn’t there with his family in London. But, she was here now.

And in a dress, she knew he would love. He loved backless dresses - said it messed up his head when he saw is his angel in a short dress in which she already looked like a sin, but when her back was completely bare for him to touch…well, it made him go insane. She wanted him to go absolutely berserk today.

He came off stage, high on energy, thanking everyone involved for making it amazing today. He was sweaty, and took off his jacket, giving it to the assistant who had a hanger ready for him, as he made his way towards his dressing room. Jeff came out of his room, stopping him in the track, and hugging him congratulating him on the crowd. “Why weren’t you watching me?” He pretended to be offended, but Jeff lied about some complication for tomorrow which needed sorting out to not give away anything. He nodded, “let me get changed and then, leave yeah?” He opened the door to his room. Locking it behind him, he didn’t notice any presence in his room, as it was usually empty, and Y/N was hiding behind the door. He proceeded to take his pants off, before Y/N repeated a dialogue which he usually said to tease her, “I have no idea, how you think you’re allowed to go out in the public looking like that?” he turned around, his eyes meeting hers, and taking her in, “and then, you don’t even show off to me so -“ she didn’t get to finish as, he smashed in his body into hers, “Harry…” she breathed out, as his arms wrapped around her body, making her fit into him, like she always has, like she knows this is her home. Her, attached to his body, his lips on her shoulder, breathing her in.

He held her for a long time before he let her go, kissing her neck, her cheeks, her forehead, her jaw, before she held his face to make him kiss her lips. Wrapping her arms around his neck, Harry bent down, picking her up by making her wrap her legs around him, and sitting on the couch, so he could do this longer, and make her comfortable. No words were spoken. They had really pushed it this time. Four months of not being able to see each other, with just two days in between where they could meet. He usually, made time to come to her, but because of her direction in a major film this time, she couldn’t meet anyone. She held his face in her hands, as their kiss got deeper and they tasted each other properly, with Harry’s hands going all over her body with a stronghold to actually know she was there.

“I love when you surprise me,” He kissed her one more time before pulling away. “Baby,” one more time, and he could stop himself. Maybe a couple more, as he kissed her again, making her laugh. “Did you plan this?”

Y/N nodded, “Jeff helped,” She took the liberty to make her hands go through his hair, which was much longer than the last time she had held it. It brought tears to her eyes, as one fell down, making Harry frown, “I’m sorry for staying away for this long. And also, not talking for a week in between,” She kissed his cheek.

He wiped her tear away, “hey, this was an amazing opportunity. More than amazing, this was fantastic. And, this is the time where you take your risks. I don’t regret it. I love our FaceTime sessions,” He laughed, knowing he loved her in her arms more.

“Okay, I’m yours for the next two months though,” she gave him big smile, finally telling him the duration of her break.

“Two months? Wait until the end of the tour? What?” He kissed her, “really?”

“Yes, and then the shoots in L.A. for The Last Sunshine,” Harry raised his eyebrow, knowing the entire drama about selecting the location, “I know, out of every place in the world, they chose L.A., but whatever, that means -“

“That means we have more than two months together before it gets crazy busy again,” Harry finished her sentence, “Gosh, how will we ever manage? What if I can’t stand you?” he teased.

“I can buy new lingerie every month?” she said, innocently pretending to play along. Harry made an extra eager-excited face, making her laugh all over again before they heard a knock, and Harry brought her closer, covering half her back with his arm, protectively, as the door opened.

“Hey!” Jeff walked in, “Happy, my man?”

“Happiest,” he smiled.

“That smiles worth it,” He gave Y/N a high five, as he walked towards them. “Okay, here are the keys to the car. Please be safe, don’t stay out the entire night and come back to the hotel so, that you can rest up for tomorrow’s performance.”

“I was thinking, we could just go to the hotel. Start all our adventures tomorrow,” Harry winked looking at her. They liked to take off in the night and explore the city, so Harry knew what the city looked at night, and sometimes they messed up his schedule. Jeff became the dad then, setting both of them straight, while they acted like teenagers. It had happened often enough for him to start with a warning.

“That’s new,” Jeff laughed, and Harry made a face. “Okay now get off each other, and let’s make a move.” He walked towards the door, as Harry bent placing a kiss on the skin showing between Y/N’s breasts, “Guys now!” Harry groaned, as he licked that spot making Y/N shiver.

“This dress,” he kissed her shoulder, “should be illegal.”

“You should be illegal,” Y/N said, before she crashed her lips to his.

“Lie down on the bed fo’me,” harry mumbled in the kisses. He had stripped her completely naked, ruining her bra, and tearing her panties, saying sorry baby, it was too delicate, but Y/N knew better to know he loved doing it.

“Don’t know how long you lasted without me,” Y/N picked up her body, resting on her elbows, her legs open wide apart, as Harry shook out of his pants, and his underwear.

“It’s your voice, and your abilities to get me off through a camera baby, maybe we could invest you in porn,” Y/N hit him, before he held her arm, making her hold it above her head before he got her other arm in his hold. Holding her with his one hand, he used his other, to feel her out. Slowly, taking in what he had missed for the past four months. Touching all that he wanted to touch over their sessions only to be not able to.

“Harry,” Y/N moaned, has his fingers entered her mouth, and she sucked on it with full attention, letting it go with a pop, as his now, wet fingers went down her neck, to those fucking nipples, which were so sensitive, he had made her come just with his tongue on it once. He loved finding out new pressure points in her body so, he could play her properly in his hands.

His fingers reached her pussy, as he entered two fingers inside her, making Y/N roll her eyes so far in her head, and making her take a breath.

“Harry please,” she let out his name like a chant out of her tongue. They didn’t have it in them too much to continue the foreplay. It had been too long, and he was already leaking out, while she had been drenched since the dressing room.

“I’m going to push in, yeah?” He said, “babe?”

Y/N nodded, as Harry let go of her arms, as one grabbed the pillow, and other his arm, as he slowly pushed inside of her. Pumping slowly, teasingly so, that Y/N felt the chill rise up from her legs on to her stomach, curling her foot. “Oh god,” She moaned out, as Harry quickened his pace, balls deep inside of her, his dick slamming into her hard and fast. He bent down, kissing her lips, and her neck, as she squeezed him so tight, making him want to stay buried in her forever. Y/N came so fast, it was incredible how much she missed his body. It was so good, that she couldn’t help tears fall out. She rolled them, so Harry was on her back, continuing to bounce on him, knowing he was so close. He held her hips and thrusted so hard and fast, as he came so deep inside of her, coating her walls with his release, making Y/N feel sedated. He stilled inside of her for a while, holding himself there, as Y/N crashed on his body, nuzzling her head into his chest. She could feel his cum inside her, warm knowing it’ll put out of her onto the sheets when he pulled out.

“I love you, did I say that?” He asked.

“I love you,” She whispered to his heart, as he wrapped his arms around her.

Harry proceeded to fuck her twice more, once on the bed again, and then in the washroom before she entered the shower. He liked seeing him fuck her in the mirror, and this room had three all around them to give him all the angles to see her fall apart in his arms.

He did end up missing his morning gym session, but he ordered breakfast in bed for her. He wanted to see her eat, he wanted to see her do everything around him, for now, he wanted to sit with him between his legs in nothing, and eat her toast telling him about the time, the actor got locked in one of the rooms, and the shooting getting cancelled because everyone thought he went home. 

Please tell me what you think about it? What do you like about Y/N or Harry that I can end in the next part? Oh also, 

Want the nextpart? Let me know?



Tags :
6 years ago
Credits Given*

Credits given*

I feel like this one is a bit self aware as well. Like he knows what he is doing. He knows that smile will get him all the votes in the President Election. No one is going to care about your agenda against him. People are going to vote to see him give the morning update every Monday. He knows it. He is using it. “Don’t take it personally, love. You know you’ll vote for this look.”

It isn’t everything, you say? That he’ll have to work for his post, you say? “Oh, don’t kid me darling. Why do I have you as the general secretary then?” He smirks, and then goes and stands at the podium accepting his award.

Tags :
6 years ago

#54 How Do They Do It? (Harry Styles)

Hello! Thank you so much for waiting for me and liking all my little concepts! 

Here is the first part of the first one! 


Y/N had a life of her own before Harry and there was no reason why she wouldn’t have one when she was with him as well. But, what people loved about these two were how they were able to create space for themselves and have their own personality after 5 years of being together but, also how they worshipped each other to the core.

Harry followed her around like a puppy, kissing on her, doting on her and she did the absolute same and she loved on him in front of and when they were away not knowing they were being watched.

It felt unreal, but these two did it so well, that people hated them for it - and they were still clueless about it.

“I think, I want to get this today, so I can process these forms tomorrow before I leave. Also, could you look into the scene list for me? See if I’m missing something?” Y/N told her co-worker.

“Yeah, don’t worry about it. The project doesn’t start for like two months. Enjoy your time off!” Y/N had been working so hard for the last four months. She worked as an Assistant Director and her last film had finally wrapped up, and they were free for the next two months before the next project started. Not that she really was on an off. She also owned an online business with her best friend. She was the business brains, and her friend handled the designing and the manufacturing. They promoted native culture from three different countries and put it forward in the world. They were still small, but for a company that started about a year and a half ago, they were doing exceedingly well, and they both thanked their stars every day.

Y/N like it though, she liked owning a business and following her passion, and even though her life sometimes got a little too crazy, she managed it well. She gave her boyfriend that benefit though. He kept her sane, and she’d like to say she did the same for him. He usually based himself around her whenever he was off stage, and whenever she was off, she followed him around with her laptop.

Y/N’s aim was to start her own film, but she was still finding her perfect story, after a fallout with the writer of her last one. It was a difficult thing to overcome, but the girl was constantly all over her boyfriend, and when he had to push her off him, Y/N had had enough with that trick, and finally listened to her boyfriend’s advice on how her friend was not the right person to work with. She was fine for the moment though, she loved working as an assistant director, and learnt the most she could from working with the greats. It took all her strength to be where she was, and she was still young. Very young, only 22 and it had been just a year before that she had completed her masters in direction.

It had been longer with her boyfriend though. They met when she was still doing her under graduation. Actually, she met him when she started it, in her first week. He was friends with her flatmate and had come to see him in secret. No one knew he was on campus, nor it would have gone a bit crazy. One Direction had come out with their third album, and he out of a horrible relationship. She still doesn’t know how it came to be what it was, but it was rocky at the start. He was in a phase of being heartbroken, and an asshole, and he still says, how he doesn’t recognize himself when he sees that year. He played her for a long while, a long long while that Y/N for the first three years of their relationship refused to acknowledge that period in their timeline. He, on the other hand, wanted her in the good and especially, in the bad. So, it was five years now.

But, he had played her for that year. He knew she was gullible enough to fall for him, and do anything for him. But, he also, liked her. For the longest time chased her around to finally get her. She was young as well, and he was her first proper relationship. So, he messed around with her, and messed around with other people, not calling it a relationship when it clearly was one, and she was putting herself in one with a guy who was hardly in the city, never around her to hold her hand, or show her off. It was until in the third month, when she found out about the other girls, realised it was not a relationship, and freaked out. He broke her heart, and she called him the worst human in the world. She called him a lot worse, but what broke his heart was, the fact that this girl wanted everything in a relationship that he had wanted. And now that he broke her heart, she’ll turn into him, who just thought he could live like how he was. And he hated seeing her cry. So, he chased her again, and opened up to her in every way he could, as he presented his heart to her for keeping this time.

She has kept it safe with her, believing him after almost eight months of them being together again to make sure he was here to say, and he was. He was an incredibly committed guy. That was what he also called his vice. Cause, he committed himself to something only after fully believing in it. So it was always a 100% or nothing to him. Y/N had his 100% in his heart criteria. They made it through her graduation, the band hiatus when he became a mess, and through his solo career, and her starting in her career. She can’t say it had always been strong, cause they had their fallouts, but Y/N wasn’t taught to give up, and Harry was too strong headed to ever not be able to get through a bad period and come back in her arms.

Y/N was on the flight to Australia now. She was supposed to meet him after his Australian tour ended, but she had wanted to surprise him, and Jeff made all her dreams come true. She knew he adored her. She was his way through any difficult idea with Harry. She was going to meet him in Sydney after his concert there, and she couldn’t wait.

She was managing all her appointments on the flight so she could take three days off her online business to give all her time to him before she had to divide her time between him and her work. He knew how busy her work life was, knew how she processed, and he admired how strong she was. It was one of the first things he fell for with her, her passion for things. Her passion for the littlest to the largest thing and he knew her passion for him.

They had a deal. They knew their life was hectic, but after the third year fight about not giving each other time, they had decided about how they had to make time for each other regardless of how crazy it got. This was through his hectic concerts, and crazy writing periods to her shooting and managing her business. This got them through all the long distance, and all the space they needed to know themselves to be stuck to each other when they were together. It was tough, it required a lot of effort from both of them, equally. Especially when people around them always thought how they could do better, and how could they do it with the distance, and how they are better for them than their current relationship. They got through all of it, because Y/N loved him with passion, and Harry did not have it in his functioning to love anything else apart from her.

Jeff had it all arranged, and she didn’t even have to worry about her stuff reaching wherever her boyfriends was, and she was handed a drink while she freshened up, looking the best for him. Always trying to look the best for him, like he tried to for her. Jeff came and hugged her, telling her some crazy instances they faced in the tour so far, and about his family, catching up with her. He was still performing, and Y/N didn’t want to watch the concert halfway. She had missed all his previous ones, hating how she wasn’t there with his family in London. But, she was here now.

And in a dress, she knew he would love. He loved backless dresses - said it messed up his head when he saw is his angel in a short dress in which she already looked like a sin, but when her back was completely bare for him to touch…well, it made him go insane. She wanted him to go absolutely berserk today.

He came off stage, high on energy, thanking everyone involved for making it amazing today. He was sweaty, and took off his jacket, giving it to the assistant who had a hanger ready for him, as he made his way towards his dressing room. Jeff came out of his room, stopping him in the track, and hugging him congratulating him on the crowd. “Why weren’t you watching me?” He pretended to be offended, but Jeff lied about some complication for tomorrow which needed sorting out to not give away anything. He nodded, “let me get changed and then, leave yeah?” He opened the door to his room. Locking it behind him, he didn’t notice any presence in his room, as it was usually empty, and Y/N was hiding behind the door. He proceeded to take his pants off, before Y/N repeated a dialogue which he usually said to tease her, “I have no idea, how you think you’re allowed to go out in the public looking like that?” he turned around, his eyes meeting hers, and taking her in, “and then, you don’t even show off to me so -“ she didn’t get to finish as, he smashed in his body into hers, “Harry…” she breathed out, as his arms wrapped around her body, making her fit into him, like she always has, like she knows this is her home. Her, attached to his body, his lips on her shoulder, breathing her in.

He held her for a long time before he let her go, kissing her neck, her cheeks, her forehead, her jaw, before she held his face to make him kiss her lips. Wrapping her arms around his neck, Harry bent down, picking her up by making her wrap her legs around him, and sitting on the couch, so he could do this longer, and make her comfortable. No words were spoken. They had really pushed it this time. Four months of not being able to see each other, with just two days in between where they could meet. He usually, made time to come to her, but because of her direction in a major film this time, she couldn’t meet anyone. She held his face in her hands, as their kiss got deeper and they tasted each other properly, with Harry’s hands going all over her body with a stronghold to actually know she was there.

“I love when you surprise me,” He kissed her one more time before pulling away. “Baby,” one more time, and he could stop himself. Maybe a couple more, as he kissed her again, making her laugh. “Did you plan this?”

Y/N nodded, “Jeff helped,” She took the liberty to make her hands go through his hair, which was much longer than the last time she had held it. It brought tears to her eyes, as one fell down, making Harry frown, “I’m sorry for staying away for this long. And also, not talking for a week in between,” She kissed his cheek.

He wiped her tear away, “hey, this was an amazing opportunity. More than amazing, this was fantastic. And, this is the time where you take your risks. I don’t regret it. I love our FaceTime sessions,” He laughed, knowing he loved her in her arms more.

“Okay, I’m yours for the next two months though,” she gave him big smile, finally telling him the duration of her break.

“Two months? Wait until the end of the tour? What?” He kissed her, “really?”

“Yes, and then the shoots in L.A. for The Last Sunshine,” Harry raised his eyebrow, knowing the entire drama about selecting the location, “I know, out of every place in the world, they chose L.A., but whatever, that means -“

“That means we have more than two months together before it gets crazy busy again,” Harry finished her sentence, “Gosh, how will we ever manage? What if I can’t stand you?” he teased.

“I can buy new lingerie every month?” she said, innocently pretending to play along. Harry made an extra eager-excited face, making her laugh all over again before they heard a knock, and Harry brought her closer, covering half her back with his arm, protectively, as the door opened.

“Hey!” Jeff walked in, “Happy, my man?”

“Happiest,” he smiled.

“That smiles worth it,” He gave Y/N a high five, as he walked towards them. “Okay, here are the keys to the car. Please be safe, don’t stay out the entire night and come back to the hotel so, that you can rest up for tomorrow’s performance.”

“I was thinking, we could just go to the hotel. Start all our adventures tomorrow,” Harry winked looking at her. They liked to take off in the night and explore the city, so Harry knew what the city looked at night, and sometimes they messed up his schedule. Jeff became the dad then, setting both of them straight, while they acted like teenagers. It had happened often enough for him to start with a warning.

“That’s new,” Jeff laughed, and Harry made a face. “Okay now get off each other, and let’s make a move.” He walked towards the door, as Harry bent placing a kiss on the skin showing between Y/N’s breasts, “Guys now!” Harry groaned, as he licked that spot making Y/N shiver.

“This dress,” he kissed her shoulder, “should be illegal.”

“You should be illegal,” Y/N said, before she crashed her lips to his.

“Lie down on the bed fo’me,” harry mumbled in the kisses. He had stripped her completely naked, ruining her bra, and tearing her panties, saying sorry baby, it was too delicate, but Y/N knew better to know he loved doing it.

“Don’t know how long you lasted without me,” Y/N picked up her body, resting on her elbows, her legs open wide apart, as Harry shook out of his pants, and his underwear.

“It’s your voice, and your abilities to get me off through a camera baby, maybe we could invest you in porn,” Y/N hit him, before he held her arm, making her hold it above her head before he got her other arm in his hold. Holding her with his one hand, he used his other, to feel her out. Slowly, taking in what he had missed for the past four months. Touching all that he wanted to touch over their sessions only to be not able to.

“Harry,” Y/N moaned, has his fingers entered her mouth, and she sucked on it with full attention, letting it go with a pop, as his now, wet fingers went down her neck, to those fucking nipples, which were so sensitive, he had made her come just with his tongue on it once. He loved finding out new pressure points in her body so, he could play her properly in his hands.

His fingers reached her pussy, as he entered two fingers inside her, making Y/N roll her eyes so far in her head, and making her take a breath.

“Harry please,” she let out his name like a chant out of her tongue. They didn’t have it in them too much to continue the foreplay. It had been too long, and he was already leaking out, while she had been drenched since the dressing room.

“I’m going to push in, yeah?” He said, “babe?”

Y/N nodded, as Harry let go of her arms, as one grabbed the pillow, and other his arm, as he slowly pushed inside of her. Pumping slowly, teasingly so, that Y/N felt the chill rise up from her legs on to her stomach, curling her foot. “Oh god,” She moaned out, as Harry quickened his pace, balls deep inside of her, his dick slamming into her hard and fast. He bent down, kissing her lips, and her neck, as she squeezed him so tight, making him want to stay buried in her forever. Y/N came so fast, it was incredible how much she missed his body. It was so good, that she couldn’t help tears fall out. She rolled them, so Harry was on her back, continuing to bounce on him, knowing he was so close. He held her hips and thrusted so hard and fast, as he came so deep inside of her, coating her walls with his release, making Y/N feel sedated. He stilled inside of her for a while, holding himself there, as Y/N crashed on his body, nuzzling her head into his chest. She could feel his cum inside her, warm knowing it’ll put out of her onto the sheets when he pulled out.

“I love you, did I say that?” He asked.

“I love you,” She whispered to his heart, as he wrapped his arms around her.

Harry proceeded to fuck her twice more, once on the bed again, and then in the washroom before she entered the shower. He liked seeing him fuck her in the mirror, and this room had three all around them to give him all the angles to see her fall apart in his arms.

He did end up missing his morning gym session, but he ordered breakfast in bed for her. He wanted to see her eat, he wanted to see her do everything around him, for now, he wanted to sit with him between his legs in nothing, and eat her toast telling him about the time, the actor got locked in one of the rooms, and the shooting getting cancelled because everyone thought he went home. 

Please tell me what you think about it? What do you like about Y/N or Harry that I can end in the next part? Oh also, 

Want the nextpart? Let me know?



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6 years ago

Concept: “What are you saying Harry?” Eyes wide, ring in her hand.

“This. This is a mistake,” his mind is blurry. “ I’m in love with someone else, then. This is not you.”

“This is me!” She screams.

“No, you’re the one who is spontaneous. You’re the one who wraps everyone around with her tales, making everyone fall for your magnificence. This - This is not you! This is someone else - a role you’re playing!”

“No. Look. I have no idea who you thought I was, but this is me. This is my life.” She tries to hold him.

“Then I’m with someone else Y/N. I don’t know who you are.”

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6 years ago

#55 All Of Me (Harry Styles)

This concept got almost 400 votes and so many requests. Thank you! 


Word count: 4k+

Concept: Y/N never was the girl who could make the guy fall for her in first look. She didn’t have the perfect body, or the ideally pretty face. She was beautiful in her own way, and a hard working girl. Nor did she have one of those personalities that would make guys go crazy and chase her. She was just nice, passionate about her own things, and gave her best everywhere she could.

So, it wasn’t strange to understand that Harry Styles didn’t fall for her when they met. She was a friend of one of his friends, and they had just met on one of the trips she had tagged along too. Everyone had nice things to say about her, and she was successful at her work. But, again she wasn’t like those who would make you turn around again, and her charm wasn’t like those girls who’d spark a fire in you.

Plus, Harry had a girlfriend. They were doing fine. A bit of a lull period, but fine. And, Y/N was just a friend who Harry had never noticed like that. Never thought about her after, or was physically/sexually attracted to, she was just a friend.

But, suddenly, this May, she was everywhere. It started with her getting carrot cake to Harry’s hotel in Hong Kong. She was there on the same day, and she had heard Harry was a bit sad. They had spent the night talking, and he had asked her to stay for his concert before she had to head back to L.A.

You see, Y/N was a person who had to slowly be loved. Loving her wasn’t motivated from her surface, but through time spent with her. Time spent with her made Harry realise how utterly wonderful she is, and he could never understand how he looked over her. He persuaded her to come to Japan with him as well. And, Harry realised that falling for Y/N was falling in deep. Falling completely for her, and never wanting to get out. That loving Y/N came from her depth, and once you had loved her, getting out of it was just not possible.

But, Harry had a girlfriend. And Y/N had always been there. 

Oh god. Oh god. Oh god. He is here. Get it together, you prepared for this. Of course, he’ll be here, it is his sister’s party. Oh god. What if I’m not able to say anything in front of him? What if I freeze? I’ll be the psycho who froze in front of Harry Styles. Or say something stupid or ridiculous? I’ll be that girl who said some random shit in front of Harry Styles. What if I just smile? Like just smile and nod. Okay, that’ll be creepy if someone does just that to me. Why did Gemma want me to meet him anyway? I’ve avoided this interaction for the longest time and now, oh god.

“Over analysing what you’ll say to him when you come face to face,” Miles came and stood beside me, taking a sip of his whisky which I knew he hated.

“You’re revelling in my misery,” I groaned.

“I mean, it’s time! You know most of his friends for what more than a year now, and you have not met the guy. And, everyone knows he is your favourite so,” He went on.

“This is not helping me at all, Miles. Like zero per cent no help!” I looked at him.

“He has heard about you. I’ve talked about you multiple times, mentioned your crush as well. He laughed, don’t worry,” He nudged, knowing he was ruining it further.

“I’m going away. You suck.”

It was true though. I had actively avoided meeting him. He was one of the common friends of many of my friends, and every meeting where I knew he’d be present was avoided by me. It was going strong for a while actually. Until, I met his sister through a common friend on a project, and now, I was here at the completion of the project. Gemma found out about my love for her brother which was awkward as fuck which she found adorable for no reason I could think of, and vowed to introduce me.

“Oh wait, my party! I’ll introduce you guys then!” She chirped.

“Oh no…” I shook my head. “It’s really not necessary.”

“He is not scary at all,” she laughed. “You’ll actually love him. He is not as spontaneous as me though, you’ll see! It’s crazy you haven’t met him yet, you have many common friends. My party it is!”


“Oh yes!”

And, here I was, dreading this meeting because I didn’t want to mess it up. He has been someone I look up to for a long time, and I really didn’t want to put another dynamic to this one-sided relationship. More so because, I will always want something more cause I admired him so much, and found out so much by just hearing our friends talk about him, and I knew it will never play out like that. Less heartbreak if he doesn’t know me altogether.

“Y/N come here,” Susie distracted me for the next 45 minutes talking about the next project in line, and our ideas about where the shoot should take place. I was heavily involved in the conversation so I could escape all thoughts of anything else, which worked for a while, until Gemma excused me from the group, and wrapped her arm around mine, pulling me away.

“Where are we going?” I asked since it was away from the party.

“Come along,” She laughed. We walked into another room, where there were fewer people than the first one.

“Was I in the ‘not close enough people’ room?” I asked.

“Funny. Did I tell you, you look pretty today?” She said, stopping me in my tracks.

“Oh no,  I don’t want to…” I realised why I was being pulled.

“Oh stop it!” She started pulling my hand through people.

“Wait for Gem,” I stopped her, “it feels like I’m using you to meet him, you know.”

She squinted her eyes, and then shook her head, “nice try.”

“It was worth an attempt,” I shrugged.

“C’mon,” She introduced me to her mother first, who complimented my hair and I thanked her. “I think the final project came out so well and I feel like it was completely your creativity which brought it out!” Gemma praised me, and I blushed thanking her. It was nice that my cheeks were already heated because of the praise cause next for meeting him. “Oh, Harry!” She called out, and we turned.

He was in a black coat, a white t-shirt inside with jeans, and that was enough to make my knees wobbly. He smiled big and walked towards up, and I straightened up further. “Hello!” He glanced at me and then his sister and mum. Gemma introduced me, and he turned towards me, shaking my hand. “I’ve heard so much about you and your work from so many people. I’m glad we finally met.” He smiled.

I nodded, not knowing what else to say. I could judge body language, and he was cautious, professional. It was not like a friend meeting a new friend. It was like a celebrity meeting a fan, and that’s what he knew about me. My heart fell, but I was a good actress to not show it. We talked a bit longer, maybe a minute more when Gemma and Anne left us, and then he excused himself to go talk to someone else. I walked out of the room.

At least, I met him.

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6 years ago

#55 All Of Me (Harry Styles)

This concept got almost 400 votes and so many requests. Thank you! 


Word count: 4k+

Concept: Y/N never was the girl who could make the guy fall for her in first look. She didn’t have the perfect body, or the ideally pretty face. She was beautiful in her own way, and a hard working girl. Nor did she have one of those personalities that would make guys go crazy and chase her. She was just nice, passionate about her own things, and gave her best everywhere she could.

So, it wasn’t strange to understand that Harry Styles didn’t fall for her when they met. She was a friend of one of his friends, and they had just met on one of the trips she had tagged along too. Everyone had nice things to say about her, and she was successful at her work. But, again she wasn’t like those who would make you turn around again, and her charm wasn’t like those girls who’d spark a fire in you.

Plus, Harry had a girlfriend. They were doing fine. A bit of a lull period, but fine. And, Y/N was just a friend who Harry had never noticed like that. Never thought about her after, or was physically/sexually attracted to, she was just a friend.

But, suddenly, this May, she was everywhere. It started with her getting carrot cake to Harry’s hotel in Hong Kong. She was there on the same day, and she had heard Harry was a bit sad. They had spent the night talking, and he had asked her to stay for his concert before she had to head back to L.A.

You see, Y/N was a person who had to slowly be loved. Loving her wasn’t motivated from her surface, but through time spent with her. Time spent with her made Harry realise how utterly wonderful she is, and he could never understand how he looked over her. He persuaded her to come to Japan with him as well. And, Harry realised that falling for Y/N was falling in deep. Falling completely for her, and never wanting to get out. That loving Y/N came from her depth, and once you had loved her, getting out of it was just not possible.

But, Harry had a girlfriend. And Y/N had always been there. 

Oh god. Oh god. Oh god. He is here. Get it together, you prepared for this. Of course, he’ll be here, it is his sister’s party. Oh god. What if I’m not able to say anything in front of him? What if I freeze? I’ll be the psycho who froze in front of Harry Styles. Or say something stupid or ridiculous? I’ll be that girl who said some random shit in front of Harry Styles. What if I just smile? Like just smile and nod. Okay, that’ll be creepy if someone does just that to me. Why did Gemma want me to meet him anyway? I’ve avoided this interaction for the longest time and now, oh god.

“Over analysing what you’ll say to him when you come face to face,” Miles came and stood beside me, taking a sip of his whisky which I knew he hated.

“You’re revelling in my misery,” I groaned.

“I mean, it’s time! You know most of his friends for what more than a year now, and you have not met the guy. And, everyone knows he is your favourite so,” He went on.

“This is not helping me at all, Miles. Like zero per cent no help!” I looked at him.

“He has heard about you. I’ve talked about you multiple times, mentioned your crush as well. He laughed, don’t worry,” He nudged, knowing he was ruining it further.

“I’m going away. You suck.”

It was true though. I had actively avoided meeting him. He was one of the common friends of many of my friends, and every meeting where I knew he’d be present was avoided by me. It was going strong for a while actually. Until, I met his sister through a common friend on a project, and now, I was here at the completion of the project. Gemma found out about my love for her brother which was awkward as fuck which she found adorable for no reason I could think of, and vowed to introduce me.

“Oh wait, my party! I’ll introduce you guys then!” She chirped.

“Oh no…” I shook my head. “It’s really not necessary.”

“He is not scary at all,” she laughed. “You’ll actually love him. He is not as spontaneous as me though, you’ll see! It’s crazy you haven’t met him yet, you have many common friends. My party it is!”


“Oh yes!”

And, here I was, dreading this meeting because I didn’t want to mess it up. He has been someone I look up to for a long time, and I really didn’t want to put another dynamic to this one-sided relationship. More so because, I will always want something more cause I admired him so much, and found out so much by just hearing our friends talk about him, and I knew it will never play out like that. Less heartbreak if he doesn’t know me altogether.

“Y/N come here,” Susie distracted me for the next 45 minutes talking about the next project in line, and our ideas about where the shoot should take place. I was heavily involved in the conversation so I could escape all thoughts of anything else, which worked for a while, until Gemma excused me from the group, and wrapped her arm around mine, pulling me away.

“Where are we going?” I asked since it was away from the party.

“Come along,” She laughed. We walked into another room, where there were fewer people than the first one.

“Was I in the ‘not close enough people’ room?” I asked.

“Funny. Did I tell you, you look pretty today?” She said, stopping me in my tracks.

“Oh no,  I don’t want to…” I realised why I was being pulled.

“Oh stop it!” She started pulling my hand through people.

“Wait for Gem,” I stopped her, “it feels like I’m using you to meet him, you know.”

She squinted her eyes, and then shook her head, “nice try.”

“It was worth an attempt,” I shrugged.

“C’mon,” She introduced me to her mother first, who complimented my hair and I thanked her. “I think the final project came out so well and I feel like it was completely your creativity which brought it out!” Gemma praised me, and I blushed thanking her. It was nice that my cheeks were already heated because of the praise cause next for meeting him. “Oh, Harry!” She called out, and we turned.

He was in a black coat, a white t-shirt inside with jeans, and that was enough to make my knees wobbly. He smiled big and walked towards up, and I straightened up further. “Hello!” He glanced at me and then his sister and mum. Gemma introduced me, and he turned towards me, shaking my hand. “I’ve heard so much about you and your work from so many people. I’m glad we finally met.” He smiled.

I nodded, not knowing what else to say. I could judge body language, and he was cautious, professional. It was not like a friend meeting a new friend. It was like a celebrity meeting a fan, and that’s what he knew about me. My heart fell, but I was a good actress to not show it. We talked a bit longer, maybe a minute more when Gemma and Anne left us, and then he excused himself to go talk to someone else. I walked out of the room.

At least, I met him.

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5 years ago

#55 All Of Me (Harry Styles)

This concept got almost 400 votes and so many requests. Thank you! 


Word count: 4k+

Concept: Y/N never was the girl who could make the guy fall for her in first look. She didn’t have the perfect body, or the ideally pretty face. She was beautiful in her own way, and a hard working girl. Nor did she have one of those personalities that would make guys go crazy and chase her. She was just nice, passionate about her own things, and gave her best everywhere she could.

So, it wasn’t strange to understand that Harry Styles didn’t fall for her when they met. She was a friend of one of his friends, and they had just met on one of the trips she had tagged along too. Everyone had nice things to say about her, and she was successful at her work. But, again she wasn’t like those who would make you turn around again, and her charm wasn’t like those girls who’d spark a fire in you.

Plus, Harry had a girlfriend. They were doing fine. A bit of a lull period, but fine. And, Y/N was just a friend who Harry had never noticed like that. Never thought about her after, or was physically/sexually attracted to, she was just a friend.

But, suddenly, this May, she was everywhere. It started with her getting carrot cake to Harry’s hotel in Hong Kong. She was there on the same day, and she had heard Harry was a bit sad. They had spent the night talking, and he had asked her to stay for his concert before she had to head back to L.A.

You see, Y/N was a person who had to slowly be loved. Loving her wasn’t motivated from her surface, but through time spent with her. Time spent with her made Harry realise how utterly wonderful she is, and he could never understand how he looked over her. He persuaded her to come to Japan with him as well. And, Harry realised that falling for Y/N was falling in deep. Falling completely for her, and never wanting to get out. That loving Y/N came from her depth, and once you had loved her, getting out of it was just not possible.

But, Harry had a girlfriend. And Y/N had always been there. 

Oh god. Oh god. Oh god. He is here. Get it together, you prepared for this. Of course, he’ll be here, it is his sister’s party. Oh god. What if I’m not able to say anything in front of him? What if I freeze? I’ll be the psycho who froze in front of Harry Styles. Or say something stupid or ridiculous? I’ll be that girl who said some random shit in front of Harry Styles. What if I just smile? Like just smile and nod. Okay, that’ll be creepy if someone does just that to me. Why did Gemma want me to meet him anyway? I’ve avoided this interaction for the longest time and now, oh god.

“Over analysing what you’ll say to him when you come face to face,” Miles came and stood beside me, taking a sip of his whisky which I knew he hated.

“You’re revelling in my misery,” I groaned.

“I mean, it’s time! You know most of his friends for what more than a year now, and you have not met the guy. And, everyone knows he is your favourite so,” He went on.

“This is not helping me at all, Miles. Like zero per cent no help!” I looked at him.

“He has heard about you. I’ve talked about you multiple times, mentioned your crush as well. He laughed, don’t worry,” He nudged, knowing he was ruining it further.

“I’m going away. You suck.”

It was true though. I had actively avoided meeting him. He was one of the common friends of many of my friends, and every meeting where I knew he’d be present was avoided by me. It was going strong for a while actually. Until, I met his sister through a common friend on a project, and now, I was here at the completion of the project. Gemma found out about my love for her brother which was awkward as fuck which she found adorable for no reason I could think of, and vowed to introduce me.

“Oh wait, my party! I’ll introduce you guys then!” She chirped.

“Oh no…” I shook my head. “It’s really not necessary.”

“He is not scary at all,” she laughed. “You’ll actually love him. He is not as spontaneous as me though, you’ll see! It’s crazy you haven’t met him yet, you have many common friends. My party it is!”


“Oh yes!”

And, here I was, dreading this meeting because I didn’t want to mess it up. He has been someone I look up to for a long time, and I really didn’t want to put another dynamic to this one-sided relationship. More so because, I will always want something more cause I admired him so much, and found out so much by just hearing our friends talk about him, and I knew it will never play out like that. Less heartbreak if he doesn’t know me altogether.

“Y/N come here,” Susie distracted me for the next 45 minutes talking about the next project in line, and our ideas about where the shoot should take place. I was heavily involved in the conversation so I could escape all thoughts of anything else, which worked for a while, until Gemma excused me from the group, and wrapped her arm around mine, pulling me away.

“Where are we going?” I asked since it was away from the party.

“Come along,” She laughed. We walked into another room, where there were fewer people than the first one.

“Was I in the ‘not close enough people’ room?” I asked.

“Funny. Did I tell you, you look pretty today?” She said, stopping me in my tracks.

“Oh no,  I don’t want to…” I realised why I was being pulled.

“Oh stop it!” She started pulling my hand through people.

“Wait for Gem,” I stopped her, “it feels like I’m using you to meet him, you know.”

She squinted her eyes, and then shook her head, “nice try.”

“It was worth an attempt,” I shrugged.

“C’mon,” She introduced me to her mother first, who complimented my hair and I thanked her. “I think the final project came out so well and I feel like it was completely your creativity which brought it out!” Gemma praised me, and I blushed thanking her. It was nice that my cheeks were already heated because of the praise cause next for meeting him. “Oh, Harry!” She called out, and we turned.

He was in a black coat, a white t-shirt inside with jeans, and that was enough to make my knees wobbly. He smiled big and walked towards up, and I straightened up further. “Hello!” He glanced at me and then his sister and mum. Gemma introduced me, and he turned towards me, shaking my hand. “I’ve heard so much about you and your work from so many people. I’m glad we finally met.” He smiled.

I nodded, not knowing what else to say. I could judge body language, and he was cautious, professional. It was not like a friend meeting a new friend. It was like a celebrity meeting a fan, and that’s what he knew about me. My heart fell, but I was a good actress to not show it. We talked a bit longer, maybe a minute more when Gemma and Anne left us, and then he excused himself to go talk to someone else. I walked out of the room.

At least, I met him.

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5 years ago

#55 All Of Me (Harry Styles)

This concept got almost 400 votes and so many requests. Thank you! 


Word count: 4k+

Concept: Y/N never was the girl who could make the guy fall for her in first look. She didn’t have the perfect body, or the ideally pretty face. She was beautiful in her own way, and a hard working girl. Nor did she have one of those personalities that would make guys go crazy and chase her. She was just nice, passionate about her own things, and gave her best everywhere she could.

So, it wasn’t strange to understand that Harry Styles didn’t fall for her when they met. She was a friend of one of his friends, and they had just met on one of the trips she had tagged along too. Everyone had nice things to say about her, and she was successful at her work. But, again she wasn’t like those who would make you turn around again, and her charm wasn’t like those girls who’d spark a fire in you.

Plus, Harry had a girlfriend. They were doing fine. A bit of a lull period, but fine. And, Y/N was just a friend who Harry had never noticed like that. Never thought about her after, or was physically/sexually attracted to, she was just a friend.

But, suddenly, this May, she was everywhere. It started with her getting carrot cake to Harry’s hotel in Hong Kong. She was there on the same day, and she had heard Harry was a bit sad. They had spent the night talking, and he had asked her to stay for his concert before she had to head back to L.A.

You see, Y/N was a person who had to slowly be loved. Loving her wasn’t motivated from her surface, but through time spent with her. Time spent with her made Harry realise how utterly wonderful she is, and he could never understand how he looked over her. He persuaded her to come to Japan with him as well. And, Harry realised that falling for Y/N was falling in deep. Falling completely for her, and never wanting to get out. That loving Y/N came from her depth, and once you had loved her, getting out of it was just not possible.

But, Harry had a girlfriend. And Y/N had always been there. 

Oh god. Oh god. Oh god. He is here. Get it together, you prepared for this. Of course, he’ll be here, it is his sister’s party. Oh god. What if I’m not able to say anything in front of him? What if I freeze? I’ll be the psycho who froze in front of Harry Styles. Or say something stupid or ridiculous? I’ll be that girl who said some random shit in front of Harry Styles. What if I just smile? Like just smile and nod. Okay, that’ll be creepy if someone does just that to me. Why did Gemma want me to meet him anyway? I’ve avoided this interaction for the longest time and now, oh god.

“Over analysing what you’ll say to him when you come face to face,” Miles came and stood beside me, taking a sip of his whisky which I knew he hated.

“You’re revelling in my misery,” I groaned.

“I mean, it’s time! You know most of his friends for what more than a year now, and you have not met the guy. And, everyone knows he is your favourite so,” He went on.

“This is not helping me at all, Miles. Like zero per cent no help!” I looked at him.

“He has heard about you. I’ve talked about you multiple times, mentioned your crush as well. He laughed, don’t worry,” He nudged, knowing he was ruining it further.

“I’m going away. You suck.”

It was true though. I had actively avoided meeting him. He was one of the common friends of many of my friends, and every meeting where I knew he’d be present was avoided by me. It was going strong for a while actually. Until, I met his sister through a common friend on a project, and now, I was here at the completion of the project. Gemma found out about my love for her brother which was awkward as fuck which she found adorable for no reason I could think of, and vowed to introduce me.

“Oh wait, my party! I’ll introduce you guys then!” She chirped.

“Oh no…” I shook my head. “It’s really not necessary.”

“He is not scary at all,” she laughed. “You’ll actually love him. He is not as spontaneous as me though, you’ll see! It’s crazy you haven’t met him yet, you have many common friends. My party it is!”


“Oh yes!”

And, here I was, dreading this meeting because I didn’t want to mess it up. He has been someone I look up to for a long time, and I really didn’t want to put another dynamic to this one-sided relationship. More so because, I will always want something more cause I admired him so much, and found out so much by just hearing our friends talk about him, and I knew it will never play out like that. Less heartbreak if he doesn’t know me altogether.

“Y/N come here,” Susie distracted me for the next 45 minutes talking about the next project in line, and our ideas about where the shoot should take place. I was heavily involved in the conversation so I could escape all thoughts of anything else, which worked for a while, until Gemma excused me from the group, and wrapped her arm around mine, pulling me away.

“Where are we going?” I asked since it was away from the party.

“Come along,” She laughed. We walked into another room, where there were fewer people than the first one.

“Was I in the ‘not close enough people’ room?” I asked.

“Funny. Did I tell you, you look pretty today?” She said, stopping me in my tracks.

“Oh no,  I don’t want to…” I realised why I was being pulled.

“Oh stop it!” She started pulling my hand through people.

“Wait for Gem,” I stopped her, “it feels like I’m using you to meet him, you know.”

She squinted her eyes, and then shook her head, “nice try.”

“It was worth an attempt,” I shrugged.

“C’mon,” She introduced me to her mother first, who complimented my hair and I thanked her. “I think the final project came out so well and I feel like it was completely your creativity which brought it out!” Gemma praised me, and I blushed thanking her. It was nice that my cheeks were already heated because of the praise cause next for meeting him. “Oh, Harry!” She called out, and we turned.

He was in a black coat, a white t-shirt inside with jeans, and that was enough to make my knees wobbly. He smiled big and walked towards up, and I straightened up further. “Hello!” He glanced at me and then his sister and mum. Gemma introduced me, and he turned towards me, shaking my hand. “I’ve heard so much about you and your work from so many people. I’m glad we finally met.” He smiled.

I nodded, not knowing what else to say. I could judge body language, and he was cautious, professional. It was not like a friend meeting a new friend. It was like a celebrity meeting a fan, and that’s what he knew about me. My heart fell, but I was a good actress to not show it. We talked a bit longer, maybe a minute more when Gemma and Anne left us, and then he excused himself to go talk to someone else. I walked out of the room.

At least, I met him.

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