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Read Forbidden Vows on wattpad by Humairah Khan.
-Arranged marriage
-Best friend's brother

Read this is good shit
#52 - Playing the Intermediary (Harry Styles)
Where Y/N plays the intermediary in a breakup and is stuck with the ex-boyfriend.
“So, it is just this. I don’t know how to do it,” She shook her head.
“But, you are sure that he loves you?” I asked.
“That’s the only thing I’m sure about. You know, how it is, it’s just after the death, it’s like he clings to me. And we have been together for three years, I just don’t want to make it a four. God, just make me break up!” She moaned.
“I feel you’re the first person who wishes to get rid of someone who loves you. Here, nobody loves me and I would love a boyfriend!” I laughed.
“I wish he cheats on me. Like I don’t see us together. I don’t see any part in the future where our ideologies match, or our interests. It’s like I grew up and he never did!” She went on explaining, “I think, he is just used to me, and then he calls it love. Because I don’t spend more than five minutes talking to him. I hardly respond to his texts and he still doesn’t get the clue. I told him I don’t want to get married until I am 28 while he does, and he still doesn’t get it!"
"Why don’t you just break up? Like just lay it out. All clear."
"You think I haven’t tried? I have done it repeatedly. REPEATEDLY. He doesn’t understand, then starts crying and then, it’s just - you have to help me. Tell him, that I am depressed with him. I can’t deal with this anymore. I can’t marry him. I never will. Our minds don’t match, our nothing matches and I don’t want him. He will be happier with anyone else other than me. Tell him!” She groaned.
“Alright, I am sending this recording to him."
"Wait, what? You recorded it?” She played it again, “Yeah, as proof. Poor guy should hurt now than when you make it four years, you know. So, promise he won’t come running after me if I send him this and ask him to lay off?” I asked.
“I have a feeling, that he won’t believe it. Like he will just be like, you’re joking."
"Not after, I have spoken to him…” I dialled his number. “Hello? Is this Harry?"
"Yeah, it’s Harry. Who is this?"
"Not important. What’s important is that I’m Sara’s friend.”
“What? Is everything alright? Is everything fine? Is she hurt.” My heart broke for him. But, this was good for him. They were both breaking each other.
“Well, not really. Look, Sara is depressed. And, I have been seeing her for months now. She is not happy. At all. She wants to get rid of you. She doesn’t want you in her life anymore. She doesn’t care for you. Doesn’t see any future with you, and I feel you should stop embarrassing yourself and live your life and let her live hers."
"What? Who the fuck are you? Give her the phone."
"No, Harry. I know you are better than this. I know you have been together for a long time, but you have to see she is miserable and if you do truly claim to love her, then you will leave her, cause she doesn’t want you or have any respect left for you. I mean, she made me call you. Made me do it because you don’t even acknowledge her words when she tells you the same. This is toxic. I have sent a voice message. That’s her begging me to tell you. Give it up, Harry. Let her go. You are not worth each other."
There was pin drop silence on the other side for the next 10 seconds. Long enough, I cut the call.
“What did he say?” Sara looked at me hopefully.
“He played the recording according to my notification.” My heart was breaking for him. No one should be hurt like that. But, he did call for it.
“God, I hope it works,” She groaned and checked her phone. He has sent a ‘why would you do this to me?’. Cause I want to get rid off you, you fucker! I have texted - we are over, to him. Hope it’s final this time!”
“You really don’t love him, do you?” I asked.
“Never did. I don’t even know why I was with him. Promise me, don’t ever be in a relationship where you can’t say why are you together. It’s the worst thing.”
“It happened!” Sara called cheering the next day. “We are over! You did it! We did it!” She yelled. I was back home since I was just visiting her place.
“Oh wow, that’s great for you! You are the first I have seen this happy as well!”
“I am rejoicing my freedom!”
“Yeah, umm is he alright? He won’t go and hurt himself or anything right? I don’t want to go to prison,” I tried to laugh.
“No, he is heartbroken. But, he will be fine. I am not the bad person here. You know that right?” She asked, looking for my approval.
“There is no right or wrong here, Sara. I just hope you don’t regret it.” I smiled.
“I don’t think, I will. I have wanted it for so long. More than a year, and it feels right. Anyway, got to go, I have a class! Bye baby!”
I didn’t get relationships. People were just confusing, and this case just confused me so much more. How does love become a noose around your neck, and why do we let it get it to that stage.
It had been a month since that day. Sara was happy, and getting better. She looked much more relaxed than before, and I knew it was because she didn’t have him in her life. She had less stress and she was finally getting into herself. I wondered at times about Harry. How was he dealing with it? Dealing with wholly believing that his love loved him, only to be absolutely shattered in the end by it.
I thought about him a lot. More than a lot, at times. It felt wrong, but as much as I understood Sara, the more I tried to understand Harry. Why did he lead himself to that stage? And why did he do that to himself and her?
“Hi, can I have a Latte, size medium, please?” I needed a coffee.
“No, thank you. I am trying to get rid of it!” I laughed.
I sat down on the side table with my coffee, ready to work, when I felt someone staring at me. I looked up and, I was right. Only I didn’t expect to stare back. He was beautiful. His eyes were so big, and his face looked as if it was carved to perfection. He was frowning though, “Can I help you?” I asked.
“It’s you.” He whispered.
“Umm, me?” He got up from his table, and came and sat in front of me. I looked around, finding this weird.
“You’re the one who broke up with me.”
“Excuse me?” I frowned.
“I mean, broke up with me for my girlfriend, ex..girlfriend,” he stared, his face not giving any other emotion. His voice sounded so much better in person. Shut up, Y/N.
“You must have me mistaken?”
“No, I can’t. I have tried. I can’t forget that voice. I can’t forget your voice. I don’t remember anything hurting me more. And, I think I have seen you in one of Sara’s pictures, I have a good memory.”
“Yeah, fuck. I’m Harry,” He put his hand forward, and I just looked at it.
“How are you?” I asked, my curiosity getting the better of me. He pulled his hand back and got comfortable in his seat.
“How do you think I am?” His voice was so straight, deep and sharp.
“I don’t know.”
“You broke my heart, shattered it.”
“Excuse me, but your girlfriend shattered it.”
“And, you approved?” He asked, his eyes were watery.
“I didn’t have the say. It wasn’t about me.”
“Then, why the fuck were you in it?” He raised his voice, and moved forward as I pushed back.
“I was asked a favour, and I did it.”
“Were those your words or hers?”
“Shouldn’t you be over her?”
“After you humiliated me?” He pointed.
“I didn’t do anything. You were both doing it to yourself,” I should shut up. At least bite my tongue.
“I thought I was having a new start, until I heard your voice,” He looked to the window. There was something wrong with him.
“I would still recommend it,” he looked at me. “This is a great place to have one. It should be easy.”
“Are you in a relationship?” He asked, and I shook my head. “Ever been?” I shook my head again. “Then, you don’t know what you’re talking about, so stop advising.” He sneered.
“Right, why are you at this table? I did nothing to you. I have nothing to do with you. I was the intermediary, a mere messenger…”
“Do you like playing the intermediary in places?” He asked. Why was he so beautiful? Why hadn’t I asked to see his picture before? Sara had put me off him, that I was sure there would have been something rotten about him. He just looked broken to me..
“I like helping.”
He looked at me, then shook his head. “Well, then Y/N - help me.” He said smirking.
Request a Part 2?

Super Junior Vampires with a human girl by TashaMonell (on Wattpad) This is a new fan fiction story is all about Super Junior Vampires Kpop boy group and a human girl is in love with the super junior members also it does involves with love triangle and sex. this fan fiction short story will have two chapters.

Super Junior Vampires with a human girl by TashaMonell (on Wattpad) This is a new fan fiction story is all about Super Junior Vampires Kpop boy group and a human girl is in love with the super junior members also it does involves with love triangle and sex. this fan fiction short story will have two chapters. This is Rated R my own short fanfiction story.
Tmnt bayverse Story idea!
I would love to see a tmnt fanfic where us as the female protagonist is about to get married by another guy, but the turtle of our choice stops the wedding, and confesses his love for her, and the crazy plot twist would be, the groom himself is the son of the shredder as an army of foot soldiers surrounds everyone in the church and a battle ensues.

@tmnt-would2 @tmntspidergirl @memes-in-a-half-shell @kokokatsworld @selfless1978 @the-ninja-in-blue @the-second-circle-of-shell @tmnt-fangirl101 @mikeys-girl-tmnt2016 @donnies-icing @donnielover27
Staying in the Shadows. (A Naruto Fanfic) Chapter 1 - New Mission.
She was walking through the forest, her left arm injured. A kunai had struck it when she ran into some bandits on her way. She was never really good at fighting, but she knew enough to protect herself. Luckily she couldn't feel the pain her body was in or else she would have collapsed already from it. The bandits had done a good number on her. The sun started setting and she decided to rest under a tree. Her body gave up as soon as she was under the long shade of a tree caused by the setting sun. She removed her lunch box from her bag. The old lady of the inn was kind enough to pack her lunch for her long journey. "You helped my family, it's the least I could do," she had said. She opened the box thanking the lady in her thoughts for her generosity and dug into the curry and rice. Forgetting her manners, she gulped the food down her throat. She couldn't help it though, she was hungry and the state she was in made her even more so. She needed energy to heal. After finishing with a burp, a look of content spread across her features. She packed her stuff and laid her head on her bag, looking at the starry sky above her. Amongst the star she saw a face of little boy no more than the age of eight smiling down at her. His laugh played in her ears. She smiled slightly thinking she would meet him soon. Her eyes began drooping and she slept with thoughts of the boy who she thinks as her son.
She woke up as soon as the sun hit her eyes and started her journey again. Not a few hours later, she reached the place she now called home. It wasn't a home to her before, it was a mere house she could stay in and learn. That was until he was born and she felt like her life had meaning again. She smiled for the first time after many years when she first held him in her arms. He was no bigger than her forearms when he opened his eyes and looked at her the very first time. His eyed held resemblance to his father, only his were filled with emotions and his father's were cold.
She reached the door and started walking down the stairs further into the house. The house was silent. No one came to greet her. I wonder what happened, she thought. He always rushed to greet her whenever she cane back from her missions, wondering what bought him this time. She walked into a room which was filled with chemicals and computers attached to machines which were further attached to humans. She saw the black haired man near a "specimen" as he likes to call it and walked to him. "Lord Orochimaru," she bowed.
Orochimaru was her sensei, kind of. He had been training her in medical jutsu for years now. However this took a lot of begging of course. She didn't like the man per se, but he had helped her when no one else had. He gave her hope in her times of despair. He was helping her do the impossible and she was desperate enough for any sliver of hope. Sure, it came with a price but the price brought even more joy in her life. She didn't mind.
"Hn, did you bring what I asked you to?" his calm, pompous voice asked. "Yes, my lord."
"Good," he said turning around to face her and raising his palm towards her. She placed the herb she brought from the Land of Tea on his palm. He turned back and continued his work. "How did you gather it, my dear, hm?" he asked knowingly. "I, uh, bought it my lord. From a lady living in an inn near the mountains," she said looking down, ashamed of herself that she didn't carry out the mission as it was instructed to her. He had asked her to steal it as the herb was expensive and the use of it was forbidden. He didn't want any one looking into the matter as to who would buy such herb, especially not the sixth Hokage and his students. "You are as weak as ever. You paid her off with the travel money didn't you?" he looked back at her. She didn't reply, her head still down. "I keep telling you Jinko, you need to train more. You need to get stronger. Remember last time when you couldn't protect yourself?" She didn't reply still, the memory floating in her eyes. Her jaw clenched as she tried hard not to cry, not in front of him. "You cost the man's life," he continued. He saw her body tense, he knew she would cry as soon as she left his presence. He sighed, "You need to learn to fight, Jinko. You have the capability. What you know isn't enough to save your life let alone some one else's. I would have Log train you but I can't. You have another mission."
She looked him in the eye now. "Mitsuki, he ran away, to Konoha," he said simply. "Why?" she exclaimed. He shrugged.
"And you didn't stop him?"
"He became too powerful."
"This was bound to happen! After all the things you put him through!"
"He became stronger didn't he?" he sighed. "That's what I wanted."
"Do you want me to follow him?" she asked. Orochimaru shook his head.
"No, I want you to be with him."
Jinko's eyes widened. "B-but what about him?" she asked, looking at the body beside them.
"I'll take care of him. You look after Mitsuki and I will help you, that was the deal wasn't it?"
Jinko looked at her feet. She wasn't sure if she should trust this man. She wanted to go after Mitsuki but she wanted to stay here too. What if he does something wrong to him? She looked at the body again. The body of her love. Tears filled her eyes. She was torn between going after Mitsuki, who was like her son or staying here with the man she loved the most, instead. Orochimaru saw the unsureness in her eyes.
"Jinko." He chastised her. "I told you I'll hold my end of the bargain if you hold yours. Nothing will happen to your beloved. You could come every week if you want to."
"But won't you need my assistance?" she knew she was kidding herself when she asked him. He wouldn't need her.
"Do you think I need to depend on someone?" he asked harshly. "Besides, you won't be of any use to me now that the next step has begun. It is beyond your scope now. As far as your training goes, you could do it your self. Take the scrolls with you if you want, but remember to guard them with your life. No one should lay a hand on it."
She had no choice but to leave it at the hands of fate. If it was in her destiny that she could see the love of her life again, she would. Reluctantly, she agreed. She walked towards his body, seeing him for the last time. His hair that she loved so much looked dead. His skin pale, and his breathing shallow. "Good bye, my love," she said as a tear slipped down her cheek. She quickly wiped it away and nodded towards her sensei. She went to her room and grabbed her stuff and some of Mitsuki's too, she knew he would need them.
She walked out of the compound of the hideout, and started in the opposite direction she came in not an hour ago, in the direction of the village hidden in the leaves. Konoha.
"I'm coming Mitsuki."
Staying in the Shadows (A Naruto fanfic). Chapter 2 - A Promise Made.
Jumping through the trees, Jinko hoped to catch up with Mitsuki as soon as possible. What if he gets into some trouble? She hurried, making her legs work beyond their capacity to increase her speed. All those years of running away had paid her off. Even though her legs where cramping and her lungs were straining for oxygen, she couldn’t stop. Not only because she didn’t want to but to her this pain was nothing. She was used to this. Years of being hunted down and fearing for her life, this pain was nothing compared to the dread of being caught. Jinko could feel his chakra getting stronger and soon she sighed in relief as she saw a grey haired boy sitting under a tree eating some berries. “Mitsuki!” she called.
Jinko landed in front of him, gracefully. “What are you doing here?” Mitsuki asked her incredulously. “You think I could let you go alone?” she smiled. Mitsuki’s eyes widened, “You’re not here to bring me back?”
Jinko shook her head and gave him a smile. Mitsuki visibly relaxed after hearing the words leaving her mouth. He was expecting someone to follow him and take him back. He expected it to be Log but he was glad that it was only Jinko, who wasn’t there bring him back to Orochimaru but to be with him. If Mitsuki was to be honest, he would admit that he was worried of moving to a new place. Would they accept him for being Orochimaru’s son? Will he meet Boruto ? These questions plagued him. Being away from the lab for the first time was nerve wracking. Sure, he enjoyed the freedom but he didn’t how to act among people. The only people he held a conversation was with Orochimaru, Log and Jinko. What if the people think he is weird?
Jinko knew Mitsuki was worried. It was evident on his face. She couldn’t think of anything to say to make him feel better. Not when she was worried herself. The thought of stepping into that village again and see those people she once knew, made her palms sweat. To see them moved on where as she was still stuck in her life, since the day she left the village. To see them happy while she was a miserable mess, just like before. Jinko let out an audible sigh. She shouldn’t be thinking of herself right now, Mitsuki needed her more. She sat beside him, placing her hands on her raised knees. “Why Konoha?” she asked looking at him.
Mitsuki looked up at the sky. “I want to meet him. The son of the Nine Tails Jinchūriki. Boruto Uzumaki,” he said wishfully. Jinko remembered the conversation she had with Orochimaru before she left.
“Jinko.” Orochimaru stopped her before she stepped out the doorway. She turned around and bowed her head. “Make sure he meets Boruto Uzumaki.”
Jinko looked confused. Orochimaru smirked before explaining, “I want him to forge his own path in life. I hope I don’t have to erase his memories for the seventh time. I want him to be a light in the darkness. I didn’t think it would be possible. After all, both him and Log are my children.”
Jinko’s eyes widened when a realization hit her. “You intended him to leave. This was all your plan?”
“If he can find a Yang who will always be at his side and illuminate his path, then just maybe..” Orochimaru paused, his eyes glowing with the glimpses of his past. “And with the Yin at his side, that child will become the Yang and surely illuminate the darkness. He is no longer a cracked vessel of earth, but a brilliant moon who illuminates the bright sky,” he smirked. “That sounds about right.” Jinko saw a ghost of a smile across his face. Though only for a moment.
“I want you to look after him and help him find his Yang, Jinko. I can’t ask anyone better than you for this job. I believe in you.” Jinko’s eyes widened at his words. Her lips trembled, as she heard words that never left even her lips let alone someone else’s. His words touched her heart and fueled determination in her. That moment she promised herself that she will make sure that Mitsuki find his Sun, no matter what.
Jinko smiled at Mitsuki fondly while he explained how he will be a great ninja and he will be better than Orochimaru. ’Oh, how he have grown,’ she thought to herself. It seemed not very long ago that he was throwing a tantrum because she didn’t bring anything for him from her mission.
“Okay, enough resting!” Mitsuki stood up suddenly. “We have to get to Konoha as soon as possible. I can’t wait to meet him.”
Staying in the Shadows (A Naruto Fanfiction) Chapter 3 - Part II.
Part I Chapter 1 Chapter 2
Jinko remembered the next day to be the worst survival training she had ever done and that's saying something.
Kakashi sensei instructed each of them to grab a bell which were hanging from his jacket. The problem was there were only three bells rather than four. Meaning one of them was going back to the Academy. All they had to do was to attack him with the intent to kill. Everyone hid themselves amongst the trees and the bushes. Everyone except of Naruto. "Okay you and me right here!" he charged at Kakashi. Jinko pinched the bridge of her nose annoyed. Baka!
Before Naruto did any harm, (not that he could have), Kakashi sensei got behind him and poked him in the butt. "Thousand years of death!" he yelled and Naruto was sent flying into the pond. Seeing this everyone got into action and attacked Kakashi. But Kakashi wasn't a layman, he was a Jonin. The four genins were not even in the same league as him even if combined. Each of them tried their best to catch hold of those bells but none succeeded. Although, Sasuke came quite close. Jinko saw from her hiding place in the bushes that he almost had it. His fingers graced them but Kakashi sensei was fast, he moved away quickly. Jinko thought it was now her chance to attack him as he would be caught off guard. She jumped out with her hands balled in a fist. "Hyaaa!" she yelled, but Kakashi quickly blocked her punches with his mere palms, while still focusing on Sasuke. "You're punches are pathetic," he chastised her. Jinko's mouth opened and a gasp left her lips. Jinko had given all her energy into that punch but he didn't even flinch. Jinko put her other hand in her sachet and pulled out a kunai. Her hand moved towards his arm which was holding her fist but Kakashi simply slapped her kunai away. "You expect such attacks to hurt me?" he sighed. He straightened up and let Jinko's hand go. Jinko fell on her butt with a thud. She looked around and found that Sasuke had taken this opportunity to run away. "I'm giving you one more chance," Jinko looked up at Kakashi. "Hide wherever you want. You take this seriously and attack me with all your strength. If you are going to just play around then don't waste your breath." Kakashi then disappeared leaving Jinko on the ground. Jinko couldn't believe he thought she was not taking this seriously. She really wanted to hurt him and take those bells. What did he mean 'stop playing around'? She wasn't. She came at him with the intention to kill, like he asked them to. Suddenly Sakura's scream was heard through the forest ground. Jinko stood up and ran in her direction. She saw Sakura lying on the ground and rushed forward, however Kakashi sensei jumped out of nowhere and aimed his fist at her. Jinko couldn't block his punch and fell to the ground.
This happened many times. Jinko tried to attack Kakashi and he didn't even need look up from his book to block her. She made a clone and attacked him but the clone was as good as her. She couldn't block the attacks of Kakashi either. She had been hit in the stomach twice and once in her upper arm. Kakashi had disappeared and Jinko was heaving. She didn't have anymore chakra left for another attack. She fell to the ground. The sun was above her head and Jinko could hear the faint ringing of the timer. She got up and started walking towards the stumps where they had began their training. It took all of Jinko's strength to not fall over. As she reached the stumps, Jinko saw Naruto tied to one of them. Sakura and Sasuke sitting on his each side of Naruto and Kakashi sensei was standing before them.
"There you are Jinko!" Naruto said as he saw her walking towards them. "I was wondering where you were. We've all been waiting for you." Suddenly, Naruto's stomach growled. "Uh oh, stomach's growling huh? That's too bad," Kakashi said. "Oh by the way, about this exercise, I've decided. I won't send any of you back to the academy."
Jinko couldn't believe her ears. He's not going to send us back, she thought. "I'm going to drop you from the programme. Permanently." Kakashi finished. Naruto and Sakura yelled in disbelief. Sasuke got up and attacked him with a kunai. Kakashi flung him to the ground and stepped on his body with his foot on Sasuke's head and his arm holding Sasuke's behind his back. "You can't step on Sasuke like he is some kind of bug!" Sakura yelled.
Jinko couldn't hear all the commotion around her. All her brain was capable to think currently was that she wasn't going to be a ninja ever in her life. Jinko wasn't surprised. She was pathetic today no wonder he is dropping her.
"You all think it's a game. Did you determine what's the point of this exercise? Why are all of you put in a team and not individually?" Kakashi explained calmly. Not individually? Because a team is supposed to act together. Otherwise they are no good. "Team work," Jinko said looking down at her feet.
"Yes. Team work. If you all had figured that out and worked together you might have taken the bells."
"Wait a minute!" Sakura yelled. "There were only three bells and four of us. If we had worked together only three of us would have the bells and that would lead to group conflict and fights!"
"Exactly. I pitted you against each other. I wanted to see if you could over come that and put your team ahead first. But it didn't even cross your mind," he explained. "Sakura! You were so obsessed with Sasuke when he was gone but you didn't help Naruto who was right in front of you."
He then addressed Naruto, "You, Naruto, do everything alone. Everything." Kakashi then angled his foot which was rested on Sasuke's head, pushing it more against the ground, "And you Sasuke, you think others are so far beneath you they were worthless. Arrogance." Kakashi hissed.
He then looked at Jinko and his eyebrow crease eased. "As for you Jinko," Jinko looked up. "For not having any Ninjutsu or Genjutsu I expected your Taijutsu to be strong. Unfortunately, it wasn't." "I have ninjutsu! I can produce a shadow clone!" Jinko defended herself. Kakashi was taken aback. "Oh. Well. You are too weak then." He scratched the back of his head. Jinko looked down. She remembered what she had said the other day on the rooftop. She wanted to be the best kunoichi. Guess she was just aiming too high.
Kakashi then demonstrated how during a mission the enemy can take someone hostage and one of them can get killed if they didn't follow team work. He also mentioned the heroes who were K.I.A. but Jinko wasn't listening. She was focused on not letting her tears slip from her eyes. She felt hopeless.
"Alright. I'll give you all one more chance," he looked at them. Jinko looked up, her eyes red. "I'll give you three hours to get those bells. Eat your lunch to build up strength but Naruto won't have any. It's your punishment." Kakashi then walked away leaving them with their lunch boxes.
Everyone sat down and opened their lunch. Jinko was staring at her nails. Naruto's stomach growls again. Jinko sighed. "Here. Take it," Jinko offered her lunch. "No. Jinko it's your food, I can't take it," he protested.
"Take it. I'm not hungry anyway." It was true. Jinko wasn't hungry. Her stomach was churning with her need to cry. She felt as if she had even a bite of food, it wouldn't pass through her throat. She held her dumpling towards his mouth. Naruto opened his mouth and took it in whole. Tears flowed down his face and he was being dramatic about how she cares about him and she is his only best friend. Sakura argued that she was going against Kakashi's instructions and might fail the test.
"Let him." Jinko said adamantly. A surge of anger and rebellion was flowing through her. She was angry at herself, her luck and maybe even Kakashi. Jinko didn't know why she was so angry even when it was true and Kakashi didn't mean her any harm. He was just doing his job.
"Jinko is right. We need to work as a team and for that Naruto needs his strength," Sasuke sided with Jinko. He offered his rice balls to Naruto. Seeing this Sakura gave her food too claiming she was on a diet. Naruto began sobbing earnestly about how wonderful friends they are and he was grateful to have them.
The atmosphere changed quickly. There were black clouds surrounding them. Thunder rumbling. Sakura tumbled back with fright. Naruto, Jinko and Sasuke stood still with their eyes wide. "You!" Kakashi jumped out of nowhere. His face to the closest proximity of Naruto's. "You all passed." He said with a closed eyed smile.
"What?" Naruto yelled.
"Yes, you all passed. You helped your team mate when he needed you," Kakashi replied.
"But you said not to feed him?" Sakura asked incredulously.
"Yes. In the shinobi world, you're required to follow your instructions and those who don't are considered scum. But those who leave their comrade behind are even worse than scum," Kakashi explained calmly.
And hence, Team 7 was formed.
Jinko's reminiscence was interrupted when the door to the office opened and the guard from earlier stepped out. "You can go in," he said, holding the door for them.
Mitsuki and Jinko walked in. The room looked quite modest. Almost nothing had changed since she last saw it. The office looked as bland as it did in the earlier days when she used to come with Team 7 for her missions. Two guards were standing near an office desk. Jinko eyed the masked man sitting on a chair in front of the desk, with his signature bored expression. Jinko felt nostalgic for her childhood days but then she remembered those years and how even breathing was painful and the hair on her neck stood up. Mitsuki had shrunken behind her, clutching the obi of her dress.
Jinko bowed her head. "My lord," she said. Jinko hoped she looked presentable. She wanted to make a good impression. Perhaps, to wipe out her first those many years ago. She slid her hand on the sides of her houmongi, hoping to straighten any crease.
Kakashi's eyes never left her. He looked at her from top to toe. The last time he saw her she was only thirteen. And now she stood, seventeen years later, a full grown woman. She turned out good, he thought. After all, the family was of a feudal lord. The yellow colour of her houmongi brought out her black eyes. Her black, silky hair was tied in a bun. His eyes fell on Mitsuki who was clutching her hand. Look at that, she is a mother now.
"Jinko Eguchi."
"Lord Hokage," Jinko bowed. Eguchi? Mitsuki wondered.
"What brings you here?"
"My lord, I wish to admit Mitsuki—," she placed a hand on Mitsuki's back and nudged him forward. "— into the Academy. They don't have ninja schools from where I come from and he has great potential, my lord. I wanted to place him into the guidance of a Leaf shinobi so that he could be great ninja someday."
Kakashi looked at Mitsuki. His pale skin and snake like eyes looked nothing like Jinko at all. "Is he your son?" Kakashi voiced his suspicion.
Jinko looked down, "No, my lord. I'm his guardian." Kakashi kept his stoic face.
"And is that all you want?"
Jinko shook her head. "There's one more thing, lord Hokage. We wish to settle here, me and Mitsuki. If Mitsuki gets admitted in the Academy, I wish to stay with him. It is the duty that I've been assigned and also for personal reasons," Kakashi looked at the floor. "I hope what we ask isn't too much." Jinko finished.
"I need to counsel this with the others. As you can see, you are outsiders. Though you were a Leaf shinobi Jinko, you aren't now seeing as you don't have your headband. Also, this is a matter of security. It's nothing personal. The elders will discuss it and we will inform you as soon as possible. Till then you could stay in the village as visitors," Kakashi laid back in his chair.
"I understand, my lord." Jinko bowed and turned back to leave. "Oh, and Jinko," Kakashi stopper her. "If the decision is a negative, then you'd have to leave the village the very day. I'd would escort you myself to the village gates."
"Yes." Jinko replied firmly and left the room.
It was clear that he didn't trust her. He would have an ANBU to tail me. I bet he already asked for a background check on us by now, she thought.
"Jinko where will we go now?" Mitsuki asked looking up at her as they walked out of the building.
"We will stay in a hotel till the decision comes," she replied.
"What if they don't allow us to stay?"
"We will cross that bridge when it comes. But for now let's go find Ichiraku ramen shop!" Jinko tugged at Mitsuki's hand and dragged him to the streets of Konoha.
"that's just the way he is and that's why I love him."

Kubard hated it, he hated it when someone criticized him for something that wasn't wrong. He hated it when people thought he was stupid or that he never thought about his actions. He hated it and especially hated it when the person was Shapur. Ever since they knew each other, Kubard couldn't shake off the feeling that Shapur looked down on him. Maybe because he thought he was better than him or because he was the illegitimate son of a bandit, Kubard didn't know. He would claim that he didn't care, but Kubard was no liar. However, if he was honest, he and Shapur would probably never get along. But sometimes these views can change over a jug of wine or two, and with a little help Kubard might understand Shapur a little better.
Peshawar Citadel, Pars Era 321
"This was stupid, impulsive and risky" Shapur's sharp words cut across the courtyard of Peshawar. Torches lit up the area in front of the great main gate, where until moments ago the Turanian army had laid siege to the citadel. The night sky was covered with dark clouds, which barely let a ray of moonlight through. In this pitch-black night, the Turanian army had tried to enter the Peshawar fortress. Fortunately, the Parsi army, under the leadership of Crown Prince Arslan and thanks to the foresight of Narsus, had been prepared.
Nevertheless, it was not easy for the soldiers to keep the enemy army at bay. The Turanian horsemen, had hidden in the darkness of the night and ambushed the soldiers. The young Lord Zaravant had also been caught, and only through the quick intervention of Daryun and Kishward, the lord of the fortress, could he be brought into the protective castle.
It had been grueling and the men, who fought under the command of Daryun, Kishward and Shapur, at the gates of the citadel had been defenseless against the enemy. Only through a trick and the intervention of Kubard had the Parsians been able to achieve victory.
But this was not seen by all present. On the contrary, Shapur was furious, not to say pissed off.
In the glow of his reddish torches he now stood in front of Kubard, who only stared at him tiredly and annoyed from above. Shapur, at six feet tall, was certainly not small in stature. But Kubard towered over him by almost a full foot. Any other human would have avoided any confrontation with the one-eyed giant due to the size difference alone, but not Shapur.
"What are you all so upset about?" Kubard asked, bored, scratching his three-day beard. "You know exactly what I'm upset about" hissed Shapur, crossing his arms in front of his chest. Kubard eyed his counterpart more closely, Shapur seemed genuinely upset, Kubard could tell by his malingering jaw and deep frown lines. Also by his right index finger, which seemed to twitch nervously. Kubard sighed resignedly and then shrugged his shoulders "I'm sorry, but I don't know what you're getting at" he replied calmly, because if he was honest he really didn't know. But Kubard should have known better. He should have just agreed with Shapur and left it at that. But that's not who he was, and if he was going to be accused of something, Kubard at least wanted to know why.
"Are you really serious?" Shapur gritted his teeth in frustration and looked sharply at Kubard. In this dark night with only the flickering shadows of the burning fires, Shapur looked like a wild animal already making for the attack.
"Brother please let it be" whispered Isfan, grabbing his older brother by the arm to calm him down.
"Don't you tell me what to do" Shapur's voice thundered across the courtyard, making everyone present cringe. The soldiers, who until recently had been watching the scene between the two Marzban, hastily retreated. Even the moans and groans of the wounded seemed to fall silent. Shapur turned to his younger brother and glared angrily at him. Even though Isfan was a little taller than his older brother, under his angry gaze he suddenly felt like a ten-year-old who had been caught trying to steal cookies.
"As for your behavior, we'll talk about it later," Shapur hissed between clenched teeth, and Isfan looked guiltily to the side.
"Don't you think you're going a little too far?" Kubard asked, looking thoughtfully at Isfan, who looked aside, concerned, to avoid his brother's gaze. "I'm going too far?" Shapur wheeled around angrily "your behavior almost cost hundreds of lives, this advance was rash and arrogant, if you're already out for glory then" "Wait a minute" Kubard interrupted Shapur's moral lecture and took a step closer to his counterpart. "From my point of view, the offense stalled and that's why I decided to intervene. We would have lost the hundred men sooner if you had continued this stalling, tactic." "You disregarded the existing strategy with your intervention and brought unrest to the troops. We had everything under control out there until you showed up and acted like a wild ox." "You dare insult me?" Growled Kubard and his sword hand twitched menacingly "no I'm not insulting you" replied Shapur "I'm just telling the truth." Kubard gritted his teeth and ground his jaw, he clenched his right hand into a fist and raised his arm. Shapur also shifted his weight and prepared to ward off the coming blow.
"That's enough!" A voice thundered across the court, cutting through the tense atmosphere like a sword stroke. Kubard lowered his fist in astonishment and Shapur also loosened his stance.
The men's eyes wandered to the other side of the courtyard, in the direction where the makeshift hospital was being set up. A young woman approached the three men. She had tied her red hair into a loose knot, from which occasional strands came loose and framed her face with its many freckles. The glow of the torches was reflected in her green eyes. She wore linen pants with a short sword attached to her right hip. As she approached, she wiped her hands on a cloth that was already red with the blood of the wounded.
Kubard had already noticed the young woman at the Battle of St. Emmanuel, when she had tended to the injured soldiers. She was from Prince Arslan's retinue and Kubard had heard a few stories about her, but he had not yet the opportunity to speak with her personally. However, he had already heard her name from the other men.
Kayra stopped in front of them and looked sharply at Kubard and Shapur before turning to Isfan. "Lord Zaravant has regained consciousness. Apparently the healing herbs are kicking in. I think you should go check on him." Isfan seemed relieved at her words, and with a quick nod of his head, the young man turned and disappeared across the courtyard into the fortress.
Shapur and Kubard watched him go, each avoiding eye contact with the other.
Kayra sighed "I've treated enough wounded in the last few weeks" she began, looking back and forth between the two men, each still avoiding eye contact with the other. "I think the Turanian army has already given us enough injured soldiers tonight, then we don't need another fight between friends inside the walls." Kubard scratched the back of his head "mmh there is some truth to that" he grumbled and looked at Shapur. The black haired Marzban was still standing in front of him with his arms crossed, but his look seemed less gloomy and upset "as you say" was his curt reply addressed to Kayra and Kubard was almost willing to retort with a biting comment that he should be a bit friendlier with a beautiful woman when he noticed the smile on Kayra's face.
To Kubard it seemed like an understanding, almost affectionate smile, was there any truth to the rumors that circulated among the soldiers?
"Lord Daryun and her majesty the crown prince would like to speak to you" Kayra began to address Shapur again "they are waiting for you at the wall by the big main gate" Shapur mumbled something unintelligible, which sounded like a thank you, then he turned around and disappeared across the courtyard in the direction of the main gate.
Kubard stood a little puzzled and watched Shapur disappear into the darkness of the fortress, he noisily let the air out of his lungs and then shook his head in disbelief "you think he's ungrateful, don't you?" Kayra asked in a soft voice and the Marzban looked at the young woman who was also looking in the direction Lord Shapur had disappeared. "Mmh" Kubard just grumbled and ran the flat of his hand over his face "ungrateful, mmh maybe more like stubborn, intransigent, straightforward but in a bad way" "you mean rule-loving?" she asked. "Yes maybe" he paused "he's a good fighter and besides Daryun probably the only one I consider his equal but" "but you don't understand how he can always live by the rules and never take a risk?" Kayra asked him amused and Kubard looked at her in amazement.
"You know Lord Kubard I think you and I should have a talk, I think we will get along wonderfully. How about I buy you a mug of wine?" This statement now completely blew Kubard's mind, this woman was really interesting, but in a different way than the women he had known so far. He watched as she untied the knot from her hair, the red curls falling over her shoulders, dancing around her face like little flames. "A jug of wine in the company of a beautiful woman? That's an offer I can hardly refuse." He said, and his laughter thundered across the court of Peshawar.
The tavern in the cellar vault of the citadel was of low ceiling height, so Kubard had to duck his head at his height. The wine barrels were lined up against a long stone wall, in front of which stood a long wooden counter with wooden stools. A few tables were scattered around the room, with only the occasional soldier still sitting at them, drinking their wine and talking in hushed voices.
Kayra nodded briefly to the innkeeper as they entered, a short man of slender build and shaggy white hair. He returned the nod before turning, pulling an earthenware jug from under the counter, and filling it with wine from one of the barrels. Kayra sat down on a stool, at the other end of the counter, Kubard taking a seat next to hers.
The innkeeper joined them with two mugs and the filled jug of wine in his hand. The redhead placed a few coins on the wooden counter and accepted the jug. The innkeeper thanked her with a nod of his head, took the coins and went back to the other end of the counter, where he continued cleaning mugs with a cloth.
Kayra handed Kubard one of the two mugs and raised her "Here's to putting the Turans to flight!" she said and took a sip. Kubard raised his cup as well and took as well a sip, the wine burning pleasantly in his throat and feeling very invigorating after the long and rather cold night.
"So Lord Kubard, what do you want to know?" Asked the young woman suddenly, snapping Marzban out of his thoughts. Somewhat irritated, he looked at her, her green eyes twinkling with amusement and small dimples had formed on her cheeks as another smile played around her mouth. Kubard was caught completely off guard for a brief moment. Kayra laughed out loud at the sight of the baffled man, which only made Kubard more so at that moment. More confused. For one thing, a woman had never, and by that he meant never, laughed at him, and for another, Kayra, quite unlike in his imagination, did not have an angelic laugh.
No her laugh was rather deep and raspy and was accompanied by small grunting noises in between. If Kubard had not witnessed this laughter himself at that moment, he would not believe that this laughter belonged to the young woman next to him and yet, this laughter was contagious and before he knew it, his own thunderous laughter echoed through the cellar vault. The other soldiers and even the innkeeper looked irritated as their collective laughter echoed through the tavern and filled the entire room.
Slowly Kayar and Kubard calmed down again and each took another big gulp from their cups. Kayra was the first to speak again "so what do you want to know?" She asked again, looking expectantly at the Marzban. The latter scratched his chin a little sheepishly before he began to speak "well," he began "say, are the rumors I herar about you true?"
He looked at her expectantly and eyed her more closely. She was young, not too young, her features were too mature for that. Kubard guessed that Kayra and he must be about the same age. She was clearly not twenty years more, but certainly not at the end of her thirties, she lacked the wrinkles for that.
So she must be in her early thirties, like him.
"I'll be thirty-one this winter," she said, as if she could tell by Kubard's look that he was trying to classify her age, "so we're not far apart," she added, winking mischievously. She took another sip of the wine before setting the cup down and refilling it for herself and Kubard.
"Your question is very" she began to address again "very imprecise. From what I gather there are many rumors about me, some were others are a bit," she tilted her head and seemed to be thinking "very fanciful I would think." She set the cup again and took another sip. "If you mean the rumor that I am a mage, then that rumor is true. However, I do not eat children, nor do I bring any offerings there. That falls more into the realm of black magic. If you mean the rumor that I am a former slave, then this is also true and yes I served in the household of Lord Shapur at that time. I can also assure you that I am well versed in the art of healing and medicine, I also speak seven different languages. By the way, the rumor that I turn men to stone is also not true."
"And the rumor about you and Shapur?" Asked Kubard "which one? That I was his lover or that we were engaged?" Kayra asked back, but before Kubard could say anything back she was already talking.
"Both rumors are true. We were once lovers, we tried to keep it a secret as best we could but among the other slaves it was an open secret. Many thought I was simply his concubine, but that was not the case. When I turned twenty-one he asked me if I would become his wife. I was naive enough to say yes, but it turned out to be a big mistake. You think Shapur doesn't like you because of your lineage, don't you? Because you are the son of a bandit, but I can assure you that is not the case. Shapur used to believe that everyone could achieve something through hard work and that this should not be the privilege of the nobles only." "But" Kubard continued but fell silent when he noticed Kayra's head shake.
"Shapur seems to be a supporter of the existing system on the outside, but deep down he detests it. It is a system that almost cost his brother his life. A system that condemned Isfan's mother to death for no reason, just because she was a slave." Sadness settled over her face and she clutched her cup a little tighter. "I heard about the story. Shapur saved his brother then, didn't he?" "Yes he did. He set off alone into the mountains to look for him. His mother Lady Ziba arranged for Ashina to be thrown out then. She abandoned her and Isfan in the mountains. I think Shapur has not forgiven her to this day." Kubard looked silently into his cup, when he became Marzban then he had heard the story about Shapur's brother but had not known that he was the son of a slave.
"Lord Kubard" Kayra returned her attention to the one-eyed soldier "you said that Shapur was stubborn, undiscerning and straightforward in a bad way and rules in love. I agree with you, but you must know that this is only a facade behind which he hides. Behind this facade he is less uptight, he does a lot with himself alone, which is why he often seems stubborn and perhaps aloof."
She smiled dreamily "he used to retreat to his study and spend time there working until late at night, sometimes into the wee hours of the morning. He always tried to find a solution to everything on his own because he didn't want to burden others with his problems. He can sometimes be strict and exaggerates in some things but only because he wants you to be prepared for the world that is waiting for you out there. Yes, it is true that he likes to follow rules because he believes that this involves less risk. But he also knows that sometimes it is necessary to break or circumvent the rules, but when he does so, he does so in secret without making a fuss." Kubard listened in silence, when the redhead had finished he looked thoughtfully into his cup, which was empty by now. Kayra noticed this and poured them both another drink before ordering another mug from the innkeeper.
The tavern had emptied in the meantime and only the two of them sat at the wooden bar. It had become quiet and only the crackling of torches on the wall and the clattering of mugs, which the innkeeper collected from the tables, filled the room. Normally Kubard hated silence, especially in a bar. It was too easy to be tempted to indulge in his own dark thoughts. But at that moment, the silence was comfortable, and he wondered if it had something to do with the young woman's presence.
“Shapur has taken risked in his life, he has spoken out loud, he trusts his instincts and followed his gut feeling. Sadly, he has lost already three important people as a result.” The young woman smiled slightly "you think he always criticizes you because you are the son of a bandit, don't you?"
The Marzban nodded in agreement "but maybe it's because you are the disciple of Lord Mert?"
"You knew Lord Mert?" Kubard was surprised to hear the name of his old teacher. Lord Mert was a Marzban of Pars in his time, and it was he who had taken the young Kubard under his wing and trained him. However, he died almost twenty years ago. "How did you know Lord Mert?" He asked in surprise "I knew him because I worked in his household, which became Shapur's household after his death." "Wait a minute Lord Mert was" "he was Lord Shapur's uncle" she answered his question. Kubard was surprised, even caught off guard, but thinking about it he suddenly realized the similarities Shapur had with his former teacher. The facial features, the laugh, the serious look, even his fighting techniques. Kubard suddenly felt foolish that he had not noticed these similarities earlier. "Lord Mert died almost twenty-one years ago I was just ten years old. Shapur had already been in the army for two years, under the command of his uncle. Back in the battle of Gilan, when the troops from Misr marched in there," she paused and it seemed that she was searching for the right words.
"I don't know all the details, but back then Lord Mert lost his life in that battle. Shapur never really talked about it, but he once told me that he and his youthful recklessness were responsible for his uncle's death. I didn´t think that this is true but Shapur has always been critical of himself. You must know he was always closer to his uncle than to his father or even his mother. By the time Lord Mert died, his younger brother, Shapur's father, was already dead. Since there were no descendants, Shapur inherited all of his uncle's possessions. However, he did not want them. His plan had been to manage everything until Isfan was old enough to take over. He never wanted to live the life of a noble, he always said that this life was like a golden cage. So, he didn´t feel worthy enough to inherit the title of his uncle. He was rebellious against his mother and against the system. Much to his mother's displeasure. So she wanted to get rid of Isfan and his mother and had them taken to the mountains. You already know the end. After that, he swore never to break rules again and to act as he was expected to. Straightforward, loyal and locked to others, so that he lets as few people as possible into his life that he can then lose."
Kayra drank the last sip of wine from her cup and smiled slightly at Kubard.
Kubard didn't know exactly how to react, he realized how little he knew about the Marzban. All these years, he thought Shapur was just buttoned up or would avoid him because of his origins, but that was not the case.
He also took one last sip before setting the cup down in front of him. He propped his forearms on the counter. Silence reigned between them for a while, and each pursued his own thoughts. After some time Kubard turned to Kayra "you just said that Shapur had lost three people" "mhm" "but you only mentioned two" "yes the third person" Kayra said, playing with her empty cup in front of her. She looked thoughtful "you know even though Shapur swore never to break rules again there was one person he was ready to break all the rules he knows and leave everything behind. His title as Marzban, his lands, his property as this he wanted to give up but also the person died. She died nine years ago." "Who was this person?" Kubard wanted to know, Kayra just smiled sadly before answering him "Me".
It was getting late when Kubard and Kayra walked through the deserted corridors of Peshawar. Kubard had offered to escort Kayra to her chambers, to his own surprise without ulterior motives. Perhaps because he knew that Kayra already belonged to another man, or perhaps because he knew that Kayra was one of the few women, he had met so far who seemed to show no interest in him.
Both had been silent the whole way, the moon was still hidden behind the clouds and so only sporadic torches lit the way to the different quarters. Kubard was the first to speak again, "I'm not sure if Shapur and I will ever get along, but I think I understand him a little better now." "I think you two are more friends than either of you want to admit." Kubard snorted loudly before scratching his head "we'll see" he muttered.
As they both turned the next corner, they stopped in surprise. In front of them stood Shapur. He looked slightly irritated when he saw Kubard together with Kayra. "there you are" he spoke and came towards them. Despite the dim light, Kayra could see the deep wrinkles in his face "I was looking for you" Shapur stopped in front of Kayra and looked at her. She smiled slightly and grabbed him by the upper arm "you look tired" she noted, Shapur expelled his breath noisily and grabbed the root of his nose "yes" he whispered softly "a little" and looked back at the woman in front of him. A clearing throat made them both move around, Kubard stood a little apart of them and looked a little embarrassed "I think you're in safe hands now" he said and winked at Kayra "I'm going to hit the hay now too." With an exaggerated yawn Kubard turned around to leave. "Thanks Kubard" Kubard stopped and turned slightly, Shapur stood a little in front of Kayra. His arms were crossed in front of his chest, the one-eyed Marzban smiled briefly "you're welcome" he spoke and made his way to his sleeping chamber.
Shapur was most certainly not as simple minded as he always thought. A smile played around the corners of his mouth as he thought of Kayra's words "that's just the way he is and that's why I love him."
Przypadkowe spotkanie
-Sara, spokojnie, nie biegaj tak, bo sobie krzywdę zrobisz. - mówiła spokojnie babcia małej, około dwuletniej dziewczynki, która niczym karaluszek przemieszczała się z miejsca na miejsce
Mieszkanie nie było duże, trzy urządzone pokoje, z czego salon połączony z jadalnią. Telewizor zawieszony w rogu, na ściągnie nad drzwiami do sypialni. Niewielka kuchnia równolegle do łazienki. Wystrój? Raczej chaotyczny, zważywszy na to, że od pewnego czasu pojawiło się małe dziecko. Pocieszne i ruchliwe, jak to dzieci.
Dziadkowie uwielbiali rozpieszczać i zajmować się swoją wnuczką. Za każdym razem pozwalali jej na, aż za dużo. Normalne zachowanie dziadków, połączenie miłości i swobody. Wszędzie dobrze, ale u dziadków najlepiej.
Dziewczynką zajmowali się wspólnie, pod nieobecność mamy, która musiała wyjść do miasta załatwić kilka urzędowych spraw i zrobić zakupy.
Niespodziewanie do drzwi ktoś zapukał. Zdziwiona kobieta podeszła do drzwi, a patrząc przez judasza zobaczyła obladowanego sprzętem strażaka. Teraz nie dość, że zdziwiona, to jeszcze wystraszona otworzyła drzwi.
-Dzień dobry, starszy aspirant Buchanan Barnes, JRG 15 - centrum. Dostaliśmy wezwanie o wydzielanie się dwutlenku węgla w budynku. Musimy sprawdzić wszystkie mieszkania, włączając w to każdy otwór wentylacyjny. Czy mogę? - grzecznie skłonił się wskazując głową w hełmie na wnętrze mieszkania
Kobieta otworzyła szerzej drzwi i wpuściła strażaka. Mężczyzna był w prawie pełnym umundurowaniu. Jasny nomex, z odblaskowymi emblematami Państwowej Straży Pożarnej, stanowił komplet wraz z hełmem. Ciężkie buty wyraźnie zaznaczamy każdy krok. Ciężka butla na plecach oraz maska luźno przypieta do klatki piersiowej były jedynie częścią sprzętu jaki miał przy sobie. Oburącz trzymał miernik. Stopniowo przechadzał się między pokojami, bacznie obserwując ekran miernika.
Dziewczynka niespodziewanie wybiegła z jednego z pokoi i wpadła dokładnie na nogę strażaka. Chwyciła się nogawki, aby się nie wywrócić. Spojrzała w górę i zaniemowiła, a po chwili zaczęła się wesoło śmiać.
-A co to za brzdąc mi się do nogi przykleił co? - zaśmiał się, klekając na jedno kolano i podtrzymując dziewczynkę za plecki
Roześmiane maleństwo dotykało kolejno wszystkich odstających i ruchomych elementów na nomexie. Strażak zdjął swój hełm i dał go dziewczynce do zabawy, była zachwycona.
Nagle drzwi otworzyły się ponownie. Stanęła w nich młoda kobieta, mama dziewczynki. Z niepokojem w głosie od razu zwróciła się do ojca:
-Dlaczego przed blokiem stoi straż?
Strażak wstał z pozycji klęczącej i zwrócił się do kobiety, która rozpoznając jego twarz wypuściła z rąk torebkę, a dokumenty rozsypały się w przedpokoju. Niebieskie oczy zaiskrzyły, a lekko pomalowane usta otworzyły się z niedowierzaniem.
-O dziwo ciebie to się tutaj nie spodziewałem, mimo wszystko. - uśmiechnął się poprawiając odpięte przez dziecko kieszonki
-Buck? Co ty tu robisz? - do kobiety jakby dalej nie docierało co się dzieje, dalej stała w drzwiach ze wzrokiem unieruchomionym na strażaku
-Pracuje, sprawdzam CO2 w bloku, miałem zgłoszenie. Tak ubrany na kawę raczej bym nie przyszedł.
-Halli, jak piętra? - zatrzeszczało z radia przypietego do klatki strażaka
-Odczytów brak, kuchenki standard, brak wycieku. Dalej do góry?
-Nie, właśnie znaleźliśmy winowajce. Przekłamane wezwanie, instalacja jest nowa. Zawijamy się.
-Przyjąłem. - odstawił radio z powrotem na kieszeń i kucnął do dziewczynki, która siedziała wewnątrz jego hełmu - No niestety maluszku, musisz mi to oddać. Może kiedyś dam ci się tym pobawić, ale dzisiaj nie mogę.
Wyciągnął dziewczynkę z hełmu, posadził ją na kanapie pośrud puchatych poduszek, a hełm ubrał na głowę. Pożegnał się grzecznie z dziadkami dziewczynki i ruszył do wyjścia. W przedpokoju stanął twarzą w twarz z młodą mamą. Spojrzał w mocno niebieskie oczy, uśmiechnął się i powiedział spokojnie :
-Do ponownego spotkania.
He is natural, unconscious as he begins to wrestle with his dog, and it seems the most logical thing in the world to grab my camera and begin to shoot them here in uncensored joy.

Son Mektup
Yazdığın son mektup şu an elimde
Okuyup ağlıyorum her kelimede
Demek ki yalanmış aşkın sevginde
Mutlu ol diyorsun sensiz olur mu
Teselli artık neyi değiştirir ki
Elinle kabrimi kazdın demek ki
Ben zaten dünyada gün görmedim ki
Son darbeyi vurdun bu son mektupla
Ayrılsak ta mutluluk dilerim sana
Katlanmak zorundayım göz yaşlarıma
Yazdığın haberin her satırına
Ecelimi kazsan da şu son mektupla
Demek ki sevenler böyle yanarmış
Tanrının verdiği canı kul alırmış
Benim kaderimde de ayrılmak varmış
Her şeyi anladım bu son mektupla
Teselli artık neyi değiştirir ki
Elinle kabrimi kazdın demek ki
Ben zaten dünyada gün görmedim ki
Son darbeyi vurdun bu son mektupla
Ayrılsak ta mutluluk dilerim sana
Katlanmak zorundayım göz yaşlarıma
Yazdığın haberin her satırına
Ecelimi kazsan da şu son

Another day has gone, I'm still all alone How could this be, you're not here with me You never said goodbye, someone tell me why Did you have to go and leave my world so cold
Every day I sit and ask myself, how did love slip away Something whispers in my ear and says
That you are not alone, I am here with you Though you're far away, I am here to stay You are not alone, I am here with you Though we're far apart, you're always in my heart You are not alone Alone, all alone, why, alone
Just the other night, I thought I heard you cry Asking me to come and hold you in my arms I can hear your prayers, your burdens I will bear But first I need your hand, then forever can begin
Every day I sit and ask myself, how did love slip away Then something whispers in my ear and says
That you are not alone, I am here with you Though you're far away, I am here to stay You are not alone, I am here with you Though we're far apart, you're always in my heart You are not alone
Oh, whisper three words and I'll come running, darling And, girl, you know that I'll be there, I'll be there
That you are not alone, I am here with you Though you're far away, I am here to stay You are not alone, I am here with you Though we're far apart, you're always in my heart
That you are not alone, I am here with you Though you're far away, I am here to stay For you are not alone, for I am here with you Though we're far apart, you're always in my heart For you are not alone
You are not alone, you are not alone Said again, you are not alone, you are not alone Not alone, not alone Did you raise for me, girl In the morning, in the evening Not alone, not alone, you and me, not alone Together, together
YOU ARE NOT ALONE - Michael Jackson (1995)

Susmak cümlenin istirahat halidir.
İstirahat bitince çıkan cümle dinç olur.
Çok konuşup cümleyi yorma,
yoksa cümle alem yorulur"
Snippit Saturday [3]
From: Tales That Were Lived
Looking out, Cassie saw Tachi making his way through the dancers and over to where she was. No one else was even in this area so it only made sense to assume he must have been coming over to see her.
Quana was raging inside of Cassie at the bullying her human half faced and this feeling was only met with Cassie’s own emotions as she stared Lia in the face.
“You better tell him you’re not interested and that someone else wants to talk to him, okay?”
Cassie kept her mouth shut, but once her arm was let go, Lia and her friends quickly walked off away from the area. Cassie didn’t even sit back down.
“The hell is their problem?”
“Quana… relax, okay?”
“Relax? How do you expect me to do that?”
Tachi made his way over with a smile on his face.
“Because we’re leaving.”
His smile slightly faded. “Oh, you are? Well, can I at least walk you out?”
“Why?” She asked.
“Just because I don’t feel right leaving you. I tried to find you earlier, but I’m okay just walking you out.”
Cassie shook her head. “No, that’s okay.”
“You sure?”
“I’m sure…” Her voice trailed, but she remained looking at Tachi.
Cassie felt her heart beating rapidly again. She wasn't upset she was being bullied, she was upset that the entire night people had been giving her attention for reasons she disliked. One for being dressed up and two because of jealousy.
Was she so irrelevant on her own…? Her only means of respect was on the arm of a boy or in the eyes of suitors. She did have her own strength and Tachi or her clothes weren’t the gauge of what she could and couldn't do.
The girls had awakened something deep within Cassie and she felt as if she needed to prove herself now.
So, her mind was made up.
"Cassie? You're really warm." Quana now had a quiver in her voice.
Cassie didn't respond. She took Tachi’s hand and pulled him over to a more crowded area. The small clearing on the dance floor made them more visible to anyone who happened to be looking their way.
"Hey, what are you-"
Cassie wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him down. There was only a split second where Tachi couldn't tell what was happening, but the second he felt her lips on his, the rest moved as suited. He was only shocked for a second, as this didn’t feel like the Cassie he was so used to. As they kissed, it didn’t occur to him that that this was the shy girl who barely made eye contact with him. This felt like any other kiss he had and he was eager for more.
Despite the teachers watching out for this exact thing, they—alongside the others making out—were left to do what they wanted. Being vastly different heights, Tachi was leaning down quite a bit to reach Cassie, her own body stretched to ease the difference; but at some point, Tachi pulled Cassie upward a bit, her delicate flats almost lifting off the ground.
Cassie's own hands moved through his hair, making the intentionally messy look he came with more mangled. Tachi's hands were more experienced and brought her body closer to his, but the moment she felt him against her, she pulled away; leaving him wanting more.
This wasn’t the dream moment her memories would hold onto, no, this was a testament to her ability to do what she knew she always could. When the realization hit her that she was actually kissing, Tachi she started to move away.
“I'm going home,” she said, her lips barely ghosting his.
Tachi’s eyes opened, breaking the moment, but Cassie slipped out of his grasp before he could stop her.
“Hey, wait.” Tachi’s shoulders were grabbed. He was pulled back by a few members of the baseball team.
"Dude, is this your way of saying she's yours?"
"You never do anything like that at school!"
"That shy girl's a freak!"
Despite being clamored, he was able to get out of the group, run out of the room and into the hallway looking for Cassie. Knowing he probably wasn't going to find her, he tried to feel around for Quana and found where they were headed.
With fast steps, he jogged over to the back of the school. He was just able to catch Cassie before she exited through the back entrance.
"Cassie!" He yelled, which made her stop.
Right as he was about to get closer, it was like a wall appeared in front of him and he could no longer move.
Cassie let out a small sigh. "I told you I'm going home, just stay here and have fun."
Tachi couldn’t understand why he couldn’t move, but it was like his body and mind were fighting against one another and he remained standing there while Cassie continued to walk out of the school...
Renewed Vows Shaina Tranquilino August 18, 2024

Evie and George Parker had been married for 50 years, a lifetime woven with memories that lingered like the scent of old letters. On the morning of their golden anniversary, George suggested something that caught Evie by surprise.
"Let's renew our vows," he said, holding her hand across the breakfast table. "And let's do it by visiting the places that have meant the most to us."
Evie's eyes sparkled with the mischief of a girl decades younger. "Are you sure you’re up for the adventure?" she teased.
George chuckled. "For you, Evie, always."
The journey began with a trip to the small chapel where they had first exchanged vows. It was nestled in the heart of their hometown, the same town where they had grown up and met at a summer dance. The chapel had aged gracefully, much like them, its stone walls covered in ivy, but still standing strong. As they walked down the aisle once more, hand in hand, they whispered their promises to each other with the same sincerity they had fifty years ago, only this time, the words carried the weight of half a century's worth of love, laughter, and tears.
Next, they drove to the tiny apartment they had rented as newlyweds. The building had changed owners many times, and the paint was peeling, but Evie could still picture their first Christmas tree, small and scraggly, in the corner of the living room. They stood outside, looking up at the window of their first home, and remembered the late-night talks, the dreams they had shared, and the struggles they had faced together.
Their journey continued to the hospital where they had welcomed their first child. Evie squeezed George’s hand as they walked through the parking lot, recalling the overwhelming mix of fear and joy that had consumed them that day. They lingered outside, watching young couples carrying newborns to their cars, and smiled at each other, knowing they had once been those nervous new parents.
Finally, they traveled to the seaside town where they had celebrated their 25th anniversary. The same inn, with its quaint whitewashed walls, still stood overlooking the ocean. They rented the same room and spent the evening on the beach, watching the sunset as they had done years ago. The waves gently lapped at the shore, just as their love had weathered the ebb and flow of life.
On the last night of their journey, under a sky full of stars, they renewed their vows on the very beach where George had proposed so long ago. Evie wore a simple dress, and George, in his best suit, looked at her as though seeing her for the first time.
"I would choose you again," he whispered, his voice thick with emotion.
"And I would choose you," Evie replied, her eyes glistening with tears.
They kissed under the moonlight, the same kiss they had shared in that moment of nervous anticipation fifty years earlier. The world around them seemed to fade, leaving just the two of them, standing side by side, just as they always had.
As they headed home, their hearts were full, not just of the memories they had revisited, but of the promise of many more to come.

En Español: Aquí
"I have waited without remembering, only feeling that one day the other half of the empty part of my life will find you again."
-Dorothy and The Watermelon Man.
My God, I haven't done a background nebula in years (OoO), but hey I achieved the effect I wanted, so I'm satisfied (UuU)
This is my little love story for the month of love \(^w^)/
Here is the video with the animated lyrics:
I hope you like it
And happy Love and Friendship Day!
P.S: Before I forget the lyrics are from the song "A thousand Years" by Christina Perri
Use a variation of the song that I liked

And if instead of stars The sky was pouring daisies Woe Is Us (2018) sophia D. S. wright Composition on #ipadpro Made with #procreate Original 5050x5050px #art #art🎨 #artnow #contemporaryart #digitalart #newmediaart #applepencil #symbolicart #shamanicart #madewithlove #lovestory #daisies🌼 #fairytale #prettyexpressionism #sophiadswright