One Direction Preferences - Tumblr Posts

9 years ago

#1 -  Life Of The Party (Harry Styles One Shot)

Music Inspiration : Life Of The Party - Shawn Mendes

Words: 1,851 

Harry Styles One Shot : Summary - Explanations of a past mistake which requires an apology. 

“You know…I don’t understand this. I’m going to leave, see you later,” I picked up all my books and walked out of the library. I couldn’t take it anymore. Mitchell’s want of wanting to be better than everybody else and then, flirting with me wasn’t an ideal atmosphere to study in. Not that I had any other options, I was stuck with them for a long time, changing study groups has never been a good idea.

“Can I get the chicken roll, please?” I asked the cafe owner.

“Sure Harry, what would you like to drink with it?” He asked. He was the kindest man at this place. He had this want of feeding people, taking care of them, like a mother.

“Isn’t it too late? I thought asking for a roll was too much…” I shook my head. I didn’t want to be trouble.

“Oh nonsense, what do you like? You like chamomile tea, right?” I nodded. “It’s coming right up.”

I smiled, I couldn’t be more thankful, this is the only place I can expect a good meal. I walked to my usual seat and kept my satchel on the table. Scrolling down my Facebook page, which honestly never made me happy; I mean, I saw my ex-girlfriend with her new boyfriend kissing, my sister uploading more cat photos at home where as I was sitting miles away, my college friends partying last night while I was studying diligently to get the Oscar internship. I just shook my head smiling and kept my phone away, tapping on the desk.

“Could you heat this up, again? I slept off…I’m sorry,” I heard a voice apologizing to the server, Mac, I think.

“No worries, you’re working too hard, why don’t you go home, sleep and then, study?” He asked.

“No, No, I’m fine…have to finish this before I leave. You close in thirty minutes, right? I should be done by…” her voice was so tense and still, so polite.

“Love, it’s okay, take your time, I have the kitchen to clear too, I’ll get this heated,” Mac replied.

She muttered a thank you as he walked away, and I could see her better. It was Rhea, oh my, I tried hiding my head. It was stupid, I was in her direct sight and, changing seats would have been too obvious. She looked up…she recognized me, shit. She gave me a little smile. My eyes met her as she raised her small hand up, to say hi and I looked away, pretending to look at the kitchen. When I turned my head, her head was down, shoulders slumped. I didn’t want to be rude; I don’t have it in me to face her.

“Here’s your food, Harry,” Mac broke the awkward moment and kept my order in front of me. “Anything else? We are closing the kitchen…”

“No, thank you, this…this is enough…” I smiled. He nodded and walked towards Rhea to give her food.

“Please eat it, this time,” He chuckled and walked away. I couldn’t help looking at her again. Blaming it on my seat choice, I saw her taking small bites while she finished her work. Her cheeks were deep red, she didn’t look up once. I finished my food and quickly went to the cashier to pay. I saw her walking out the door quietly, thanking the owner, and not giving me another look.

I thanked him too and walked out into the cold. I had to follow her. Our dorms were in the same building, on the same floor too. She hugged herself close, it was very cold. She had a very nice figure, why didn’t I notice this earlier? God, I’m an idiot. I should talk to her, maybe apologize. I didn’t mean to do it, it wasn’t my fault. Things peer pressure can make you do.

“Hey listen!” I called out to her. Seeing her stopping, I ran up to her. Her eyes met mine, and I couldn’t feel worse. They were wet, her nose a little red. Please tell me, I didn’t cause this. She tucked a flick behind her ear and waited. Oh. “Umm, I was wondering if we could, umm…walk together…it’s late and well, umm…we have the same place to go too.”

She shrugged her shoulders and I took that as a yes. “I wanted to congratulate you! I heard you won the cooking championship.”

“I didn’t actually,” She replied. Oh-oh. “I won the Karate Championship.”

“You know Karate?!” She just raised her eyebrows. Was she always this pretty? Yes, of course she won it, Harry! “Well, sorry, congratulations!”


“How have you been?” I asked again.

She shrugged her shoulders again. “I don’t see you around lately,” What? “I meant, like…you used to be quite enthusiastic right…I meant, like in doing stuff! I don’t see you anymore…”

“Does it matter?” she asked.

“Doesn’t it matter to you?”

“Certain somebody kinda crushed it.”

“Oh, well, don’t let some douche bag define what you do or don’t do.

“Really?” She stopped in her tracks and faced me. “Coming from a guy who does everything according to his friends, you’re one to speak.”

I was questing my decision of calling her, now. “Well, you ar-aren’t me.” She started walking again.

“Hey stop. Look, I wanted to apologize…”

“Go on.”



“I didn’t mean to do it. It was just this phase, you know. Where you want to be liked! I hadn’t ever had to work this hard for people to like me. I was completely out of my zone, here!” I tried, explaining. I’m not positive about this. “And, there you were, and then, my friends asked me to, and, they didn’t like you. You don’t care what people say. You do what you say and whatever you did – they didn’t like it. I was stupid. I’m not with them, anymore. I realise my mistake.”

She started walking faster. “Hey, please wait,” I pulled her arm and made her stand in front of me. She was crying now, tears rolling down her cheeks, her lips pouting a bit. “I’m sorry. Look but, you’re different. You are something else. You are not ordinary like all these other idiots. You stand out, unapologetic for who you are, don’t let these people keep you down. Let me keep you down.”

She kept her head down. “ I know, I’m late, I should’ve come faster, to be honest, I’ve always been a little slow…”

She let out a giggle, and wiped her eyes.

“C’mon. I still remember you dancing at the fresher’s party,” I smiled at the memory.

“It was a horrible party.” She laughed.

“You were the only reason people started dancing. Life of the party, you are.” I picked her chin up. “Don’t let people like me, pop a bubble like you.”

“A bubble?” She frowned.

“Yeah, cause you’re bubbly.”


We started walking again. I was waiting for her respond to my apology. We climbed up the stairs and walked towards our rooms.

“So do you?” I asked, before she could enter her room.


“Forgive me? Do you?”

“I kind of forgave you a long back actually.”

I frowned at that. What I did was… She cut me. “I mean, you won’t realise the amount date requests I’ve received since then. I still get letters because, they heard me saying I like them.”

“Yeah but…”

“I know, I know, something about a seeing a girls boob which drives them crazy.”

“Don’t remind me.”

“Really, I thought they’re quite nice. I have had poems written on them. Do you want to see?” She frowned and then, led me inside her room.

“I don’t want to see the poem. And as nice as they are, they should’ve never been seen by people, especially the way I…”

“Yeah, I know. Can’t keep crying about it! I get occasional slut calls too, which is quite strange cause you’ve been the only guy I’ve kissed and that too, wasn’t exactly an ideal first kiss…”

“I was your first kiss!” I stared at her. I couldn’t feel worse about this.

“Yeah, exactly, kinda makes you question the entire idea if girls can actually stand together if they keep using these terminologies which were basically made to degrade women.”

“I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have. God, I’m so sorry.” I sat down on her bed, head down in shame. What did I do!

“Well, I’m over it. So, you’re forgiven, whatever.”

“I can’t reverse it back, can I?” I looked up at her.

“Gosh, are you crying?” She sat down beside me. “Don’t cry, it’s alright, I guess, everybody needs an awaken-er in their life. That was mine. And isn’t this supposed to be the time to make the best mistakes. I was a little too enthusiastic. It doesn’t work that way…”

“No no! That’s it right! You should not be sorry for all of this, for being you. You’re an inspiration, to me at least. You’ve taken the shot, despite it being scary. Remember when you spilled pasta of Mitchell because she was being mean to that guy, umm…Ronald. I knew that wasn’t a slip! That was intentional. You’re not meant to be caged by the rules of this fucking society we are part of! You’re free!” I explained. I think I shouted a bit. “I’m so sorry!” I hugged her. I had to, I had ruined so much for her. I cried into her neck, for the first time not being afraid of breaking down in front of someone. This was her effect on people, her aura was so safe.

“It’s alright,” she combed her fingers through my hair. “I’m alright now. I’m glad you realise your mistake. I’m glad you’re away from those peeps now.”

“Please tell me this won’t cage you, I can’t take the blame…” I muttered keeping my head between her neck and shoulder.

“It won’t. You healed me a lot today.”


“Shh…it’s okay. Are you alright?” She asked, pulling my hair.

“Hmm…” I pulled away and wiped my face.

“Good,” She smiled.

“I’m sorry, I stole your first kiss too…”

“It’s okay, it was from a guy I quite fancied so, I’m alright. I’ll make the second one better,” She giggled.

“If it helps, I fancied you too, although, I don’t think I’d be able to describe your boobs in a poem.”

She laughed. At least, her laugh was the same.

“You know, because they’re indescribable,” She raised her eyebrows again. “Maybe, you’re lips…”

“Well, if you do…write a poem about any of my body parts, you’ll have to wait in a line. They’re a lot of letters in front of you.”

“Shit!” I banged my head against my hand. “Hmm, am I still second in for a kiss though?”

“I just forgave you so, the line is closed for now.”

“Oh.” I looked down disappointed. Moving too fast, Harry!

“If it opens again, I’ll let you know.” She nudged.

“So, I’ll wait then.” I nodded, giving her a serious confirmation of my standing first in line, still.

“Yeah, you do that.”

Requests are open. Open to smut, too. 

Also, I’m open to Hi! I believe, I’m a nice person who really loves One Direction and other fandoms, too. 

Okay, hit me up if any requests or comments or feedback or just a hi. Okay. 

- theStylesproject

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7 years ago

#50 Only Angel (Harry Styles)

This is well, different. 

Word Count: 4,000 words

Summary: Faye breaks into the hotel floor to get the angel back to where he was needed.  —

There are many acts of desperation all around the world. You saw a couple hundred every day if you had the eye to look for it. Desperation, it is the worst feeling of helplessness that one can come across, where one can do anything if just given a way, just one way. Getting to him was that for her. There was nothing positive in the air, nothing at all. Her research paper was due. This one was supposed to be sent a week ago, but the professor understood her troubles and gave her the extension. Not that many could understand her troubles, sympathise maybe, but what lay in front of her was a life of living alone with no one. So, when she saw his video on the news, and that he was in the same city, she ran to him.

The fans were good at this. They knew exactly where to find him, where he will be for the night. There weren’t many places to hide in this big city, especially if you were famous. You always went for the best. She had the money, she could fit in. But she knew money meant nothing. All the money wasn’t leading to anything, it was all failing. Walking into the biggest hotel establishment in the city, she didn’t know where to go to first. She didn’t want a room, she didn’t want food. To be honest, she looked a bit distraught at the moment. So she did the next big thing, she sat down in the visitors area and waited. Waited for him to come down or, to just see if anything could lead her to him before the staff threw her out.

It had been two hours already, and the staff at the reception were looking at her in a weird manner. She wasn’t used to this look. Usually, they were all around, and they would be if they knew her name. Her last name was enough to make the hotel feel like their pockets will be full soon with her presence. But, she didn’t want to use her name. It wouldn’t lead her to him, and even though she had the fund, she didn’t want to put it into luxury. Two years ago, this wouldn’t have been the case. She would have been commanding the place like she owned it. She could own it, but things have changed, and so has she.

Thirty minutes later, she saw his designer walk in, with his hair stylist. She took a deep breath and called for a table for two at their restaurant. The server recognised her, as she used to be a regular customer. She nodded and then, told him that she would be right back as she followed the two into the lift. Keeping herself hidden behind another man, she heard their conversation. He was leaving for a party in thirty minutes. She got off on the 19th floor where the lounge was, and saw the other two get down on the 20th where the private suites were.  She needed a card to get in. She waited for an opportunity and then took the elevator and pretended to have lost her key card. The server knew her name, and got her off on the 21st where she thanked him as he opened an empty room for her. She let out a deep breath, thanking her luck because she didn’t look the part at the moment. Silently shutting the door, she waited on one of the sofa chairs in the lobby, waiting for the thirty minutes to get over so, she could meet him.

“Where are you?” Her phone rang, and the little voice spoke.

“I’ll be there soon, sleep for a while. I’m going to cut the call okay?” She whispered. Taking a photograph out from her pocket, she traced the face with her fingers, trying not to cry. It felt so easy these days.

“I don’t think it’ll be that bad. It is usually never that bad, you guys just exaggerate it and then, my mind forgets,” she heard his voice down the corridor. He walked up with his designer, his stylist and his manager and someone else, from what she remembered seeing online.

“Mr Styles?” Her voice called out before she processed it.

His eyes looked her up and down, “yes?” he said with a frown.

“Could I please have a minute?” She asked.

“Umm, we are kind of in a hurry,” his manager spoke first.

“Yes, I know. You have a very busy schedule, I know. I won’t take more than a minute,” She pleaded, her eyes watched the manager press the lift button a couple of times.

“You know, you really shouldn’t even be here. C’mon Harry. Please leave before I call security,” His hair stylist spoke up. She wasn’t even talked to like this before, but she was desperate.

“Please Mr. Styles!” She begged. “You once said that you are where you are, because there are people praying for you every day. Well, I have a little girl, and she calls you her angel because you make her smile in the worst of moments and I don’t know how. But, she prays for you every day when she prays to God. Before she does for herself, and I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t critical.” She cried, “Look this is her, her name is Anya, she has Ewing sarcoma, it’s a bone cancer. She is very critical and she calls you her angel.” He turned around to look at her, and raised his hand to shut up his manager who was going to speak again to push him into the lift. She saw this as hope, “she has never talked about dying Mr Styles, never, she has been positive in whatever her little soul has gone through, and she doesn’t complain a lot or ask for anything, but she did…last week. She asked for you.”

“Me?” He questioned. This woman in front of him had her hair long like a mane spread out in a mess around her face, if she didn’t look that distraught, he would have thought that was her style, cause they looked beautiful. She was a little shorter than him and shivering at the moment. What made him stop was her voice, there was something about it which made him stick to his place.

“I know, I know you’ve a very tight schedule, but if you could just take out five, just five minutes to come meet her. She really believes in you and,” she wiped her tears. “I’m sorry for stopping you like this, I’m just, I’m begging you,” She folded her hands, and bowed her head. “Please, just five…” Her phone began to ring, and she shakily took it out her pocket. “Hello, yes, I’m just – what? No, I’m just there. No, I’m coming, take her in. I’m coming!” She cut the call, “Could I use that lift with you?” She didn’t wait for a response and got in, while everybody just stared at her. “Please come in,” They nodded and climbed in. Dialling another number, “Charlie, the car, front door, we have to rush.”

Her breathing was increasing by the second, as she looked bewildered at the numbers going down. “So, where is she?” He asked her.

“Huh?” She looked at him in question, absolutely lost. “Oh yes, Rose Artemis Hospital, it’s fifteen minutes away from here. Her name is Anya Kingsley. I’m Faye Kingsley,” She kept her hand on her chest.

“Faye Kingsley,” his stylist repeated.

“Yes, I’m begging you, Mr Styles,” She held his hand. They were ice cold. “Just five minutes, and maybe she can be happy again. Thank you for giving me your time.” And saying that, she ran to the front door, where she had her car and her driver waiting to take her to the hospital. He saw her run, he couldn’t take her eyes out of her mind. Big eyes with so much pain, and helplessness in them.

“Faye Kingsley! I knew that name was familiar! She is the well ‘said’ owner now, of Kingsley Industries!” His stylist – Lou spoke up, looking at her phone, showing a picture of the same girl, he had just seen almost break down in front of him, standing in the picture in a beautiful gown. “They own like the entire city! I could have never guessed it was her. She looked so well, plain at the moment. Anyway, ready for the party, Harry?”  He didn’t think he felt like that anymore.  

Faye’s Butler Arnold met her at the entrance of Anya’s room, “they gave her the injection so, she should be sleeping for a while,” he told her. “Where were you, my child? What were you doing?”

“Trying to give her everything I possible can if I can’t save her,” she answered. Arnold didn’t say anything. He knew better, he knew that once the little one was gone, if she was gone, Faye would be all alone. He knew how much Anya meant to her, and he didn’t want to say anything which took the hope away even if he could see it fading.

“Visitor’s hours have ended Madam, I will head back home, now,” He told her and she nodded, slowly giving the old man a hug. He had been since her father was just a teenager, and had looked after her always. Nights for Faye were spent reading, writing since, sleeping for her had just become a thing of necessity. She found it hard to sleep thinking any moment, her little one would need her, and she did not want her to ask twice. She finished her research paper, and then watched Anya sleep. A few minutes later, she had her head down on the bed as well.

“Good morning,” the nurse wished little Anya.

“Shh, she is sleeping,” she whispered, and the nurse nodded. After checking the system, she told her that she’ll be back in an hour to take Anya to the washroom. Anya touched Faye’s head, always in love with her hair. She knew Faye was not taking it well, just like she had not taken it well when her first boyfriend broke up with her. But, she always kept a strong face on, not letting anyone in. She never cried in front of anyone. This quality of her had changed now.

Faye’s eyes opened to a little hand on her head, “you’re up? Why didn’t you wake me? Want to go to the washroom?” She asked. Anya nodded, and she pressed the button for the nurse. “I’m sorry, I overslept.”

“You don’t really sleep. Why do we have that bed here if you don’t sleep on it?” Anya giggled. Children were always so happy in the worst of situations. Faye knew the pain she was in, but Anya kept a brave face for her most of the time.

“I slept tonight, I was working.”

“Where were you yesterday? They gave me a big injection. I was scared a little, but Arnold held my hand,” she said holding her teddy next to her, as she sat up straight. The nurse walked in wishing them both, they always tried to maintain is happy and jolly for the kids, wearing bright colours and filling places with toys and other things to hide death in some way. Faye appreciated it. Last two years, she had seen hospitals visits more than anyone she knew.

“I won’t leave you again, I promise. This one was important.” She kissed her hand, as the nurse took Anya to the washroom. Faye wondered if he would come. She didn’t have a lot of hope. He heard her through, but the people around him weren’t very welcoming. It was obvious though, if he paid attention to every fan, he would have no time.

“Faye?” The doctor came in, “Could I talk to you?”

Harry didn’t end up going to the party. He had made his mind. He wanted to go see Anya Kingsley. He wanted to go see the girl who called him her angel. He wanted to ask her what she saw in him. He could see nothing. His self esteem had been falling down lately. He knew that. How? He had ten people around him to tell him that. He was trying to take it in a swing. A phase or whatever they called it. But, he was spiralling down. He couldn’t place what exactly it was that he wanted. He felt alone in a crowd of people. Tried to keep himself clean of all the alcohol, but somehow went to every party to find something, someone. His album was doing amazing. His movie was all over, it was just his head and the loneliness he felt that he couldn’t deal with. He felt like a drama queen. He knew if he told anyone, he’d be called one as well. How could someone stop feelings again?

He was doing perfectly fine that evening. He was ready to enjoy himself. He was acing  the perfect smile and look to show everything was fine, thanks to the interviews and this evening, he was all set to get laid. He needed the outlet. Sex often helped him enough. He had a Victoria Secret model as well, hitting on him since he was declared open by his last fling. He was in the game. He realised how fragile this facade was once it shattered with the girl he met in the corridor.

“Why don’t you guys go to the party? I’m going back to my room,” he didn’t wait for a response. Climbed into the lift instantly, not caring if it was rude and forgot all about his date at the party he was supposed to be at.

I waited for you all night. I expected much more from you Harry. – Camille

He didn’t respond. Which was not like him, he was never this rude. He just didn’t feel like this morning. He was up at 6, down at the gym at 6:30, and ready by 8 where he was down to breakfast searching the way to the hospital he was told about.

“I guess, you’re going to go meet the kid?” Jeff asked him, sitting down with a cup of coffee looking absolutely awful with a clear hangover.

“Yes, can we clear my schedule for today?” he asked.

“Yeah, we can. I’ll ask the driver to leave you, and Matt will go with you. We need someone from security to be with you, please don’t argue. He will not be on top of you, like last time, I promise,” Jeff knew how to get through Harry. Maybe that’s the reason it worked out for them. “By the way, your girl was quite upset to not see you there last night.”

“She is not my girl. I thought she can be my girl but is not my girl. Can you send her a bouquet with an apology note? I don’t want to deal with it right now.”

“That is what I’m here for,” Jeff smiled. He knew something was up with his friend, and if he wanted time out to clear his head, he was all for it.

The Google Map told him the amount of time left to reach the hospital as well, even though he had taken the detour and picked up a bouquet and a little thing he thought kids liked. He didn’t want to go empty handed. They got off in front of the hospitals and Harry stopped for a bit. Last time he was at a hospital, he had lost someone. Matt went in first, “My Client and I are here to see Miss Anya Kingsley?” he asked at the reception.

“Miss Kingsley is on the private floor above. I will have to call them before I give the clearance card, please wait for a moment.

Faye was trying to hold herself together. Anya’s weekly report was here, and it was not good. “But I thought we were improving, she was responding to the treatment?”

“That is what we thought, but it improved a bit, went to a standstill and – Faith and hope go a long way in this Faye,” the doctor stressed.

“I don’t have any faith! Where is it taking us?” she screamed, “Sorry sorry,” realising the doctor couldn’t help here, “I just, we have done everything you have asked us to do. We are following everything. This is a little girl is eight, she is going through the strongest treatments, how can that not lead to anything?”

“We are all trying Faye, I will come back in an hour to check her. Please give her food, and smile…for her,” The doctor nodded walking away, and all Faye could do was give herself a pep talk of how everything will be alright, and walk back inside. Anya was on her bed now, looking at the animals carved fruits they sent for her.

Faye picked up the phone, “Ma’am, there are visitors here to see you. Can I send them up?” She asked.

“Visitors? I’m coming downstairs,” she kissed Anya and went down to see who had come to visit her. They literally had no body, not counting the socialites and people they knew through money, who wouldn’t care. “People here to see me?” she asked at the reception, and the lady pointed her to the person standing behind her.

She was wearing the same clothes she wore last night. She looked tired, and like she had just cried. He hair was in a bun, which now showed her face clearly than before, and Harry could say she was pretty either wise. To say Faye was shocked to see him here was an understatement. She had lost all hope, and he was standing there which made her feel so much better. “Thank you so much,” She cried with happiness. “Please come,” She led them to the elevator.

“Thank you for coming. Really this means a lot. So much! Oh, thank you!” She repeated in the elevator.

“I’ll be right outside, Boss,” Harry’s security stayed outside the door of their room.

“Is she inside?” Harry asked, and Faye nodded wiping her tears.

“Let me just see if…”

“Yeah, just call me, and I’ll come in,” he smiled.

Faye walked in to see Anya sipping her juice as the nurse put another round of medicine in her tube. Arnold sat reading the morning newspaper, making faces at Anya so she could laugh. She was in pain this morning, Faye could see that, but she hoped this surprise made her feel better. “You need to close your eyes Anya,  I have a huge surprise for you!”

“Oh gosh! Okay!” She closed her eyes.

“Please come in!” Faye called out.

Harry walked into the room to see a little girl sitting on the bed, with machines surrounding her. He could cry just thinking about the pain she was in, “I heard you wanted to see me,” he laughed. The look on the child’s face was more than anything he had every received ever in his life. He was sure of it. Her face went from Ecstatic, to looking at Faye, and then almost crying as she almost threw herself hugging Harry as tightly as she could. “I can’t believe you’re here!” She cried.

Faye could give everything away to see that look on Anya’s face forever. Arnold came back and stood beside Faye for support as he looked at her with pride. He figured where she was yesterday, and wondered what she had to face to get him here.

“Did my sister get you here?” Anya asked. So, Faye was her sister. He nodded, and Anya opened her arms to welcome Faye into them. “You’re the best person in the world!”

“I’m glad you’re happy,” She kissed her and whispered a thank you to Harry. She didn’t need to, her eyes said it all.

Harry spent the next hour talking to Anya. She hadn’t talked as much as she did for quite a while, and Faye felt so relieved. The doctor checked on her, trying his best to make her laugh, but nothing could overpower the look she gave to Harry. He felt like the luckiest person in the world. Faye left to get ready and Anya talked about how special he was to her, her little hands holding his, as she told him about how made her laugh. Her sister used to play his songs to her since she could remember, and she knew all of them. She told him how he calmed her down, and how he was so special and she was like him because she had two dimples just like him. Harry fell in love. He fell in love with this little one, as she held his hand as he sang her to sleep. Faye sat in a corner, just looking at them not saying a lot.

“Thank you for doing this for us. It has given us the energy to fight the battle ahead,” Faye thanked him again, as Harry stood up, still looking at Anya sleep.

“You have no idea what you’ve given me. I never thought…would you like to eat some food?” He asked her suddenly.

“Yes, oh yeah I have ordered lunch for us, it’s right in the lobby outside for us,” she said, as they walked outside. Arnold took the seat next to Anya, calming Faye’s anxiety about leaving her alone.

“This is nice, you got this complete area for yourself?” He asked.

“We’ve been fortunate enough to take care of ourselves in times of need,” Faye replied. “I hope you like Italian,” she asked.

They talked about Anya’s condition, and how severe it was. Faye felt a bit hopeful now, something about Harry was calming her, and she was quick to appreciate that feeling. “I’d be lying if I didn’t confess the same. I have been just misplaced for quite some time. It feels a bit settled now, I don’t really know how?”

They laughed a bit, and she apologised about breaking into his floor. He stayed with Anya the entire day until it was time to leave. “You will go now?” she asked. He had met many kids before, but this little one had captured his heart.

“I don’t want to, to be very honest, would you like me back here?” He asked.

She nodded her head, with as much energy as she could and gave him the biggest smile. He kissed her forehead and promised he’d see her tomorrow. Faye walked him down to where his car stood to wait for him. “Did she tell you why she calls you her angel?” She asked him.

“No, she called me that a couple of times though,” he said. “Tell me?”

“When she was about four, I told her that you’re one of the luckiest people in the world. And you could see well, ‘god’ whoever it is, sit right beside you. I meant that in a way…that you were gifted, but she took you to be an angel in disguise and used to pray to you, and then for you, she never stopped.”

“That is quite surreal. I’m only human.” He said.

“I know, but sometimes humans do miracles as well. What you did today, it’s been an year since I have seen her so happy, and that is something I could have never done. I know, what you told her about coming tomorrow. But what you did today was-“

“I’ll be there tomorrow. Probably in the evening, I have a meeting for an apartment tomorrow so, once that gets done, I’ll be here. I hope you wouldn’t mind?” He asked.

“Never. Thank you,” She smiled.

He got into his car, “you guys might just be the angels in my life,” he said, finally feeling a sense of purpose and a renewed energy in himself.

Should I make a PART 2?

Please tell me if you liked it and what do you think about it! It will mean a lot. Thank you so much!




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7 years ago

#52 Playing the Intermediary Part 3 (Harry Styles)

Sorry for the delay! It’s long so I hope it makes up for the wait! 


SUMMARY:  Where Y/N plays the intermediary in a breakup and is stuck with the ex-boyfriend.

Part 1, Part 2 

“I don’t want to love a love like yours.”

“I don’t feel too well,” I said, after a few minutes of silence. “My head’s spinning too fast.” I almost fell on him.

“Okay, okay, here sit down,” Harry made me sit down on the bench.

“No, no I think, I want to go home now,” I stumbled onto him and he caught me.

The next I remember is waking up in my room. I was still in my dress which now had my one boob popping out. I groaned, getting out of my head, noticing the medicine and the glass of water kept on the nightstand.

I hope you feel better.  H.

This was nice of him. Did he bring me back? I walked to the kitchen, stopping when I saw a half-naked man cooking food. I picked up the vase on the side almost as an instinct, as I walked forward.

“Oh hey, you’re up!” He turned around. Harry.

“What are you doing here?” I shouted, and then held my head because of the pain.

“Cooking us breakfast,” He shrugged. I gave him a look. “What? No, thank you? It was some effort carrying you back home. You didn’t expect me to leave and look for a cab at 3 am, did you?”

“Thank you,” I was grateful that I was back home safe.

“You’ve a nice place here,” He complimented and took out two plates.He had made eggs and bacon. He even had the coffee ready. “Did you have your medicine?”

“Yeah, umm, thanks, it belongs to my aunt.”

“This studio? Why does she own studios?” He asked.

“Umm, she had bought it for her daughter, but she, umm she passed away so, she gave it to me since, I was studying here as well. It is difficult to find a place here anyway. I’m fortunate,” I told him. Why did I have to tell him such details?

“You definitely are, it’s a beautiful place, and in the centre. Where do your parents live?” He asked.

“The food looks nice,” I changed the topic. “Thanks for making it.”

I think he got the clue and didn’t push it, “There you go, you have all your supplies ready. It was easy.”

“I like taking care of myself,” I smiled. “Where’s your shirt?” Not that I minded. He was a little too sexy to keep it all covered, and the attraction level for me was at an all-time high. I couldn’t say the same for him.

“Oh, it got wet in the rain. It still is wet.”

I got up and went to a room to take some large sized T-shirt out that I had bought for comfort clothes. “Wear this.”

“Thanks, your boyfriends?”

“I told you, I have never had a boyfriend,” I took a bite of my food. I moaned, “This is so good!” Harry laughed. “So, what did you mean about helping you?” I asked.

“Let it be, I don’t know what I was thinking,” he shook his head.

“No, tell me. You’ve made me feel guilty enough,” I said.

“Don’t you think you should feel that?” His eyes changed. He became so different when he was angry. “You take out the worst in me.” He picked up his plate and started washing it.

“I’m sorry that your heart is broken. But, I really didn’t break it. For the longest time, I knew her, she has never said anything positive about you. Ever. When I first saw you, I kept thinking that there should be something rotten about you which she hated. I still can’t figure it out. But, she detested being with you. I didn’t like seeing her that way, and so I helped her. I thought it was the right thing to do at that time. I thought I was saving both of you…”

“Who are you to save us?” He shouted. I took a step back.

“What do you want me to do now?” I asked, tears falling from my eyes.

“You thought there was something wrong with me? He asked turning around, his hands still clutching the table.

“There had to be, why would you run away from someone who loves you that much?” I thought, “But, maybe it was because you guys didn’t fit. You can now move on, and find your girl!”

“You know, do me a favour and don’t advise me. You cost me a relationship with a girl I wanted to marry. I think I have had enough.” He said, wiping his hands.

“Maybe you should stop blaming me and blame yourself and your girlfriend for having a relationship of hate and disgust. Fine, I am sorry that it was my voice that hurt you, but it was your girlfriend that ended it. It is the girl who you want to marry who danced and rejoiced after she broke your heart,” I took a step towards him with every line. He couldn’t take me as the one at fault. “She constantly cheated on you, started dating other men, almost instantly after she broke up. Said that you were controlling and the worst relationship she has ever had, and worse, Harry. I am sorry if that is the girl you love, but don’t blame me for being a horrible boyfriend that made the love of his life hate him as much as she wished you’d die!” I covered my mouth with my hand instantly. He was not supposed to know this. What have I done?

I saw a tear fall out of his eyes, and my heart shattered into pieces. First, it was this physical calling that I couldn’t get out my mind whenever he was near me, and now this. I instantly wrapped my hands around him and hugged him tightly. This wasn’t supposed to happen. I shouldn’t have said this to him. It was like holding a rock, cause he didn’t move. I apologized profusely, into his chest, told him that I didn’t mean it, this he wasn’t supposed to know. I repeated I’m sorry again and again.

Time passed, and then I felt his hands wrap around me to only push me away. “Don’t.” That was all he said before he collected his things and left.


I didn’t talk to Harry for the next entire month. It was getting hard for me because against all my rational thinking, my heart had developed a crush on him. He was everything I admired about a guy put into one. It was a joke on me. Not being in a relationship ever, and then finally finding someone I admired at every step was horrible, especially when he used to turn around and walk away whenever he saw me.

I was at an art exhibition today. He was studying Media and Management, but he was an artist on the side, and his work was up today. We had common friends, and he had invited them. I paid for my ticket. I tried to look as pretty as I could. I knew his standards were high, and he never saw me. I was a lovesick idiot who hoped against all my beliefs that this would never work out.

Keeping to myself, I looked at the all the artists, slowly making my way to his work. It was a portrait of a girl sleeping. What shocked me was that it looked so much like me from that night, and then not. The dress was similar, and she was half covered with the blanket wrapped around her. I felt invaded, I felt heartbroken because he wasn’t showing any beauty in this. I walked to the next one. It was a girl sitting with a pile of books in what seemed like a cafe. She had my specs, she had my tattoo, she looked like a sick version of me. I saw the third, the last one. It was an image of a girl, looking as if she was getting off, on a log of wood. It was the worst. She was holding a knife that she had plunged into the wood. The work was called “heartless”.

I took a step back. Is this what he thought of me? This was me. It was no doubt. He must have seen my tattoo, and he had clearly used it. If there was any other sign, I would have believed otherwise. He projected the entire hatred he should be feeling for his girlfriend on me. My heart broke into pieces and tears fell down from my eyes. Wrapping my palm around my mouth, and my hand on my stomach, I tried to calm down. I had always been emotional, so connected and this broke me. I turned around and saw him standing in a suit with his hands in his pocket, his face blank, just looking at me. My hands fell down defeated, and I ran away.


I felt sick. I had never had anyone hate me like this before. And, to be hated by the guy I really liked crushed me. Sara didn’t have anything to say. She told me that after I had told her about his work, she contacted him. And he replied with,

Not everything is about you. Anyway, you mean nothing to me.

At this moment, I felt nothing for Sara. She seemed hurt and, it really didn’t matter anymore. I don’t know if it was her being selfish, or him being irrational, but I had had enough, and I needed to step away from this duo. This time it was me who was running away from him in the corridors. I was hanging with a different set of group, trying to at least not take his friends away. My heart was broken, and I didn’t want anything to do with him or his issues.

The time I couldn’t ignore was when our common friend, Matthew threw his birthday party. I tried keeping away most of the time, trying to get drunk and talk to other guys, trying to Chanel some part of myself which could be attractive. I was suddenly, pulled in a game that I didn’t know, and I sat down lost, as the bottle rotated in front of me and it stopping between Harry and I. Everyone cheered, and Harry rolled his eyes. I was confused. What was happening? He crawled on his knees cutting the circle, as my eyes met his. Before I could turn away, his hands held my face and his lips were on mine. I couldn’t react. It was my first kiss. I didn’t want it to happen this way. I didn’t want him to have it. His power on me, made me respond and he put his tongue in as people cheered and shouted. It was then I pushed him away. I knew I looked bewildered, and he looked at me like, “what is the big deal?”

I could cry, I think I was crying. I got up, and walked away, pushing through the crowd as I heard my friends call me. I quickly booked a cab and stood in front of the gate. “Five mins, just five mins,” I whispered to myself.

“What the fuck happened?” I heard his voice, and a chill went down my spine. I turned around, knowing my makeup was all wet. His eyes seemed greener under the lights. I didn’t respond, and I turned around, trying to check how far the cab was now. “You made a scene back there, I deserve to know the issue since I was the one kissing. And, I am definitely not a horrible kisser.” He almost laughed.

“You are not. Is that enough for your ego? You can go now,” I said, trying to control my shivering.

“What’s wrong Y/N?” He asked again, trying to make me turn around. He pulled harshly the second time and, I yelled.

“It was my first kiss, you fucking asshole!”


“And, no! I didn’t want it to be in a party, in a game, in front of people treating it as a joke with a guy who thinks I get off at hurting people!”

Harry came forward, “That’s not what I was trying to show-“

“I don’t care. I have never felt so invalid, worthless, and pathetic as you made me feel. You could have just written my name along with it because everyone knows it’s me. Everyone who has seen my tattoo knows that I am a sick human being who hurt you, while your pathetic girlfriend can go scot free. You are just using me because I am here to take your anger! You are screwed up!” I hit his chest, “You win! I get it I am horrible and ugly and pathetic and just wrong, and I don’t have any right to help people because I have never been loved. Not by parents, not by my friends, and it will never be by the guy I liked because he sees me as sick and disgusting. I saw it, and you win! Are you happy to see me as miserable as you?”

“Madame, did you order a cab?” The driver cuts us off, and I turned around.

“Yes, thank you,” I opened the car door, and turned to look at him. He was just staring at me. I shook my head and sat inside, asking the person to drive.

Request for Part 4? Please send some ideas? What you think about the Harry and Y/N? Who do you guys think is in the wrong? I need help with the plot a bit. 




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9 years ago

Imagine- Harry Styles #1

You're laying on your bed when your best friend Harry runs into your room. "Aaaah!" you cry as he jumps on you. He presses his forehead against yours and smiles. "Am I hurting you?" "Nope!" you reply. You smile back at him and push him off you. He flops down on the other side of the bed, laughs, then looks over at you. "Why's it so cold in here!?" You shrug. "No idea, Haz." "Cuddle with me?" he suggests innocently. You look at his pout and can't help but giggle. "Of course," you say. "Alright, take off your clothes." You look at him, shocked. "What?" he says with a laugh. "If both of us get naked and lie underneath the blanket, the heat of our bodies will-" He is interrupted by you suddenly smacking him on his chest. He winces in pain. "Ouch!" he cries, grinning. "It was just an idea..." He rubs his chest, and you laugh."Yeah, sure." Typical Harry. Always making suggestive comments. But you knew that's not all he cared about. He was a really sweet guy. Just a bit "out-there" at times.You get up and turn on the TV. He watches you and folds his hands behind his head, reclining while you put on yours and his favorite movie to watch together. "Cute little shorts you've got on there, love. But they'd look much better on the floor." You spin around to look at him and place one hand on your hip, then raise an eyebrow. "You do an AWFUL lot of flirting, yanno." "Not my fault you've got a nice bum." "Do you do this with all your girl friends? Hm?" "No....I only do it with my best girl friend." You smile brightly at him. "Right...because I'll never think anything of it, since we're so close. I get it now." You grin slightly, then sit back on the bed. "Yeh..." he mumbles. Harry sits up and pulls you in between his legs. You lean back against his chest.Being in his embrace felt like lying on a big pillow. So warm. So comfy. After a while of watching the movie, it began to rain. The pitter patter of the water droplets in your ears started to get you sleepy toward the middle, so your eyes drooped down. Harry's cell phone rings a few minutes later, and you're awoken, but he does not notice because your eyes are still shut. "Hello? Oh.. hi, Lou.Nothing really. Watching a film. I let Y/N fall asleep on top of me. She looks quite angelic if I'm honest." A soft chuckle followed. "Don't worry, she's a deep sleeper." His voice seemed a bit nervous after that statement. "What? ...No....Oh, God, no. I'd never tell her that." Silently, you're panicking. What would he never tell you? "Lou, it'd ruin everything. Our friendship would go down the drain. What am I supposed to tell her?......Ha, the truth!? Oh, yeh, sure. I'll just wake her up and say 'Hey Y/N, guess what? I'm completely and utterly in love with you!'....That's ridiculous. I could never." You smile bigger than ever, since you've loved him for a long time now. You just never knew what to say to him. Your eyelashes flutter open as you look up into his big green eyes. "You just did," you whisper. He looks down at you, incredibly astonished, but seconds later you turn all the way around to face him, cup his cheeks, and kiss him firmly on the lips. He is so stunned that he drops the phone on the floor and wraps his arms around you, kissing you back. The speaker button on Harry's phone had accidentally been hit when it fell. Both of you hear Louis, but ignore him. "Hello? Harry, are you there? What happened? I heard a thump. Hello!?" Harry slowly breaks the kiss and looks at you. "You sneaky little bird. You were eavesdropping!" "What can I say? I'm a baaad girl," you reply, laughing as you grip his grey t-shirt. He smirks. "Taking after my naughtiness I see." "Harry!" Louis yells. "Who's naughty!? Harry, answer! I want to know who's naughty! HARREHHHHHH!" You start to crack up, but Harry just keeps on staring into your eyes with a smirk that won't quit. "Do I get to call you mine?" he asks. "Yes, Hazza," you answer, blushing. You hear Lou's giggle. "Oooh! I get it now..." Thanks for reading.

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9 years ago

Niall Imagine For Anon

You’d been putting up with the abuse for long enough and you’d finally reached your breaking point. You nervously call Niall and tell him that you need to talk to him about something important. He doesn’t hesitate to tell you to come over to talk. When you get to his house, you can’t make eye contact with him, feeling ashamed of what you’re about to tell him. He can tell you’re tense about whatever it is, so he tries to lighten the mood, but fails miserably. You start crying on the spot. “Ohh, baby, I’m sorry! I was just trying to make you feel better, I didn’t mean to-“ “It’s not that, I swear,” you blubber out. Niall takes you in his arms. “Then what is it?” You sigh, gathering up the strength to just come out with it. “My father… He’s not the nicest person.” “What do you mean?” Niall prompts you to continue. “He’s always angry with me. He screams at me constantly and hits me sometimes too,” you explain through your sobs. “What?? How long has this been going on for? Why??” Niall asks, at a loss for what to say. “For years now. He blames me for my mum leaving him to marry to marry her now husband .” “That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. Does your mum know?” You shake your head back and forth to indicate that he doesn’t. “Well she should. And I’ll go with you to talk to her about it if you want,” he offers. You nod, stepping forward to press your body to his, seeking out comfort in his arms, feeling like burden had just been lifted off your chest. A couple of days passes since you and your mother had "the talk" about your father, and your mother wanted you to live with her. But the problem is that she only have a one bed room apart which her and her husband share. So for the next few days I was staying with Niall until my mum found another house with three bedrooms. She didn't want me to live with Niall that's much because she's scared I will become pregnant by him. But she knows that he's a good boy. It was a year from that day I finally told my mum about my father. When I came from my mother house (now you're at Niall's house) you opened the door to complete darkness where you saw candles and rose petals leading up to the bedroom "Niall !? Where are you" I yelled out " I'm in the bedroom come here" I started walking towards the bedroom when I got there I let out a surprised gasped Niall was there on one knee Infront of me "Before you speak (Y/N) I just want to say that you mean the world to me, I'll do anything just to see that pretty smile of yours with the sparkle of your (color of your eyes), I love your laugh it's music to my ears so what I'm trying to say is (Y/F/N) Will you please do me the honor of becoming my wife?" I fell to my knees nodding to him because I didn't trust my voice at that point.

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