Haruyangstudies - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago
- 02/04/2020 - Week One
- 02/04/2020 - Week One

- 02/04/2020 - Week one

I decided to participate in the 2020 Quarantine Challenge of myhoneststudyblr. I am kinda late to it ngl, but I wanted to take part anyway. I will upload the contributions for the last questions and tasks in the following days so I can catch up.

💫 Mon 💫 Have you made a study schedule to help you study at home?

Not really but kind of. I just write down everything I had to do the second the teachers told us and I kinda also sorted everything by date. Now I can just check all the tasks that I finish, though I would not really count it as a study guide.

I will however make a real one for the break. I want to use my time to study and not just watch netflix all day everyday.

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