Survey Corps - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Reunited (part 1)

Levi Ackerman x reader

You knew Levi before he was in Scout Regiment(Wings of Freedom). You knew him when he was part of the underground city. You where part of his friend group till your mother remarried then you left to move in Wall Rose specifically the Trost District. You missed him the whole time you where away from him. You’ve always had a crush on him but sadly he only thought of you as a little sister since you where a couple years younger. You have heard about the Levi squad and you dreamed of a day you could join his squad.

Time skip

Journal entry number 100~ I finally joined the Cadet Corps and in turn met my new friends Eren Jaeger,Mikasa Ackermann,Marco Bolt, Conny Springer,Jean Kirschtein,Sasha Braus,and Armin Arlet. I have other acquaintances but they weren’t really my so called friends. My closes friend is Sasha we do everything together (even her punishment).

“Hey Y/N you know you dont have to work so hard you got the number one spot.” said Eren.

“ I know Eren, but I want to join the Levi Squad he’s the best of the best.” You said.

“ Why do you wanna join that squad so bad its basically a death sentence” Conny said.

“ You wouldn’t understand. You want to join the military police!” You snapped.

“Actually I wanna join the scout regiment.” Conny said.

Everyone’s eyes widened at his words. You kinda zoned out thinking about mean others changed their and why. You knew the others where talking but didn’t really hear anything. You felt bad for snapping but you’re tired of people asking why you want to join the Levi Squad. Before you could apologize Sasha came up to us and pulled out a giant piece of meat she stole from the officers pantry. Everyone exploded telling her that she’s crazy and needs to return it. You laughed at Sasha explaining to the others about what we could do with it. Everyone calmed down after awhile. Then all of a sudden the colossal titan showed up with a flash of lighting.The steam knocked us all of the wall but we used our ODM gear to stop ourselves. You looked up in aww and horror but you knew you had to kill it to prove your worth but before you could cut its neck it disappeared right in-front of your face. We all regroup and listen to Woermann give orders for us to slit into different groups. During this Jean and Eren get into an argument about fighting vs being safe inside the walls. I walkover Sasha because she looks like she’s about to faint.

“ Hey are you okie Sasha?” You asked. She looks at me with tears in her eyes and shakes her head.

“ I’m scared but I shouldn’t be I needed to be strong.” She sobbed.

“ Sasha look at me it’s ok to be scared honestly it would be scarier if you weren’t. Plus I’ll be by your side the whole time.” You said with a smile.

“ Thanks.” Sasha whispered. Before I could say you’re welcome Ian Dietrich came over to us.

“ Actually Y/N you have been specially assigned to the rear squad with Mikasa. Sorry.” He said. You looked at Sasha with an apologetic look. She just smiled and mouthed that it was ok. You nodded and left.

Time skip (Sowwy)

You couldn’t believe Eren was a titan a titan that kills others at that. You and Mikasa where in charge of protecting Eren while he was supposed to put a boulder in front of the hole, but that went sour when he attack you both. You both quickly dodged only getting a couple scratches. Ian told the both of you to retreat but ya’ll weren’t having any of it he was family. Before you could protest mire Armin showed up and told us he could handle Eren so you left to help the others. A short time later we saw a giant titan carrying a boulder on it’s shoulder the titan being Eren and he’s finally doing his job thanks to Armin.

“You must protect Eren at all cost even if it cots you your life!” Ian shouted.

You all nod and head out. While protecting Eren you see so many people getting eaten by the titans. Eeren made it though it was a win but we still have to kill the rest of the titans. You look over and see Eren still attached the the titan body. Mikasa had to cut him out and when you looked up two titans had closed in on you, but within a flash they where dead. You looked to see who it was and your heart stopped because right infront of you was Levi……

Part 2??

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1 year ago
AOT With A S/o Who Has Powers Like Scarlet Witch:

AOT with a s/o who has powers like Scarlet Witch:

Genre: fluff??

Characters: Levi Ackerman, Erwin Smith, Hange Zoë.

Summary: You are Scarlet Witch but a squad leader in the Survey Corps. You are also their s/o.

Warnings: None.

Levi Ackerman:

Knowing him, he'd probably think that you were joking when you told him.

But after you actually showed him face to face, he stood there shocked.

All his life, he didn't believe magic was real.

Somehow it made him feel submissive?

But once he saw you use it in missions, he wanted to get in his knees right then and there.

You looked so competent and badass.

Confusingly turned him on.

Once you got back to your room, he went down on you immediately.

ALSO, he rubs your hands and does a whole skincare in them if they start to hurt.

Erwin Smith:

Immediately saw this as a help to the Corps.

Asked if you were comfortable in using your powers in missions before ordering you to first.

He nearly squealed in happiness when you agreed.

Looking at your powers made me fall deeper in love.

The red complimenting your skin and flowing with your body.

Would help you massage your hands when they got sore and tense.

Basically loved your ability to produce such magic.

Hange Zoë:


This girl definitely experimented on you and your ability.

She loved the way it looked and moved.

Probably got a tiny tiny sample of it when you weren't looking and used it to test it.

Begs to see it more.

She would stare at you with admiration whenever you actually use it in missions.

Kisses your hands when they are painful.

Just loves it (and you) unconditionally.

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1 year ago
They Unnecessary Raise Their Voice At You.

They unnecessary raise their voice at you.

Genre: angst, hurt/comfort (fluff if you squint)

Characters: levi ackerman, erwin smith, hange zoe

Summary: they stupidly raise their voice at you.

Warnings: swearing, mention of neglect, insulting and lack of sleeping

They Unnecessary Raise Their Voice At You.

Levi Ackerman:

They Unnecessary Raise Their Voice At You.

It was an argument about his lack of sleep, you were concerned about it and decided to confront him. It wasn't that you were scoolding him, you wanted to help him or find a way to make sure that he was calmer. Healthier. That's all you want to do. Take care of him.

You were a squad leader yourself and you knew how hard it was to be a superior. Every day, you have to deal with it too. But over the years you found a way to be at peace with yourself and your body so you are better. It made you happier and more comfortable. And you know that I'll help him too.

That's how it started, you explaining your point the best you can, in a comforting way. But it didn't go as planned.

.You take a deep breathe and try to cooperate with him. Your tone soft and understanding but he didn't observe that. No way did you want to stress him out so you came to him when he was free and with a cup of tea.

"Listen Levi, all I'm trying to say is-"

You were interrupted.

"Oh my gosh, just shut the actual fuck up! I'm sick and tired..." He yelled and yelled as you stood there in front of his office, silently listening to what he was saying. He went on and on until he somehow got tired of shouted and straining his voice; another thing that can be solved if he listened to you

Once he finished, he sighed and ruffled his hair. Talking a deep breathe, he cursed under his breathe and held his desk. His head was hung low, black silk hair strands hovering over his face. You sighed and tilted your head, giving him a look of disappointment.

"Done?" You asked, unbothered, staring at him with annoyance in your eyes. To him, it felt like his mother scolding him and he somehow felt a little bit intimidated, only because he was in the wrong.

"..yeah.." He whispered and lowered his head in shame. His hand rubbed against his forehead as he realised his actions that he displayed.

"Did you feel better now? Did shouting at me for no reason make you have some type of dominance over me?" You stood your ground and stared him down with anger in your tone and face.

"Because if so then it was a very fucking pathetic attempt, Levi." Your words went straight to him as you put a hand on your hip. Your lack of submission was really showing in this one moment.

He stood, frozen as he realised his mistake. But he was also shocked at your sudden dominance over him. It felt unreal.

Your tone was no longer calm as you looked at him, angered. But he just stood there, having too much guilt to speak.

Erwin Smith:

They Unnecessary Raise Their Voice At You.

This one never yelled, no matter the situation he never shouted at you or anyone. Today, everything went wrong and he came home to you, preparing dinner. He sat down on the sofa as you finished off the food.

It took you down to the big pot, that contained a delicious meat stew, you heard Erwin groan and you turned around. Without hesitation, you forgot about the pot and it grazed against your forearm, burning the skin harshly. You yelped and held your arm. In the process, some food spilt onto the floor.

As you got a paper towel to clean up the mess, you heard someone storm over. Suddenly, you were pushed away and you fell onto your butt. Agonised whimpers came out of your mouth.

"Gosh, your so useless! I can't believe I'm married to someone so fucking clumsy."

Erwin, practically, spat at your face with annoyance. You sat there shocked but also pissed off? What?

"Excuse me? I'm useless?" You back chatted, not letting a man talk about you like that. Standing up, he stormed to the sofa again.

"Yeah, you are. Now hurry up and make my dinner. I'm hungry."

He yawned and put on a movie to watch on the TV. You scoffed and laughed. Your legs moved on their own as you went up to him. Grabbing his hair, you pulled it hard so he was face to face with you.

"Am I your fucking slave? After I waste my time to shop for groceries with my OWN money, cook for you by my OWN, do your laundry by MYSELF, help with YOUR assignments, help do YOUR hair, give YOU massages. But oh?"

You gripped harder as he was met with a dominant glare.

"I burn my fucking arm and i'm useless? Who do you think you're talking too?"

You let go off his hair and took off your apron. Throwing it onto the kitchen table, you storm upstairs giving him the middle finger.

"Make your own dinner asshole!"

Before you reached the end of the staircase, he was already calling your name and chasing after you.

"Wait Y/N!"

"Don't Y/N me!"

Hange Zoe:

They Unnecessary Raise Their Voice At You.

It was experiment week, and of course our one and only scientist was tired. Also for the last few months, many civilians have been harassing Hange and calling her survive at the Survey Corps useless since she was a woman.

It has been ages since you saw her in the house so you went to go visits her lab. You knocked, thrice, waiting for an invitation to come inside. After a few minutes, you gave up on waiting and opened the door slowly, seeing your lover on her desk.

"Hange? You alright, love?" Your tone was calming and soothing as you tried your best to approach her nicely. She didn't move and kept on ignoring you.

Your legs moved to her area and you sat down on the chair opposite her. You didn't touch her because she seems irritated. Her head was hung low and her elbows were on the desk, hands clutched together.

You waited before speaking up again, wondering if she was even aware that you were here.

"Hange-" You were interrupted abruptly as she slammed her hand down on the table.

"I'm FINE! For fucks sake your such a bitch! Gosh!"

You were shocked but sort of understood her anger. It could be stressful and even though you don't know exactly how much stress she's in, you had a similar experience in the past.

"Okay, do you want me to leave?-"

Her hand gripped her hair harshly as she scoffed, angrily.

"Yes! Fuck off you prick!" She yelled. All of a sudden, your comforting aura was replaced with a stern one. You narrows your eyes at her choice of words.

"Now tell me, how fuck does that benefit any of us?" You slightly yelled in the middle of your sentence . She flinched at your sudden change and look into your eyes.

"Did you like that? The way I shouted?" Your tone was a little calmer but still dominant and strict. You tilted your head and raised an eyebrow wanting an answer.

"No..." She replied in a whisper, slightly embarrassed as you hummed at her response.

"So how do you think shouting at me will help?" Then it was quiet. Hange stood still and she processed your words. She looked pissed to hear them but you knew that she took them seriously.

"Talk to me when you understood what I said, Hange." You exclaimed and walked to the door, shutting the softly not to startle her. Even though you were vexed, it was better to leave the argument then continue it.

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4 years ago

Survey Corps Commanders:

aren’t only about strength,....


12th, Keith Shadis:


13th, Erwin Smith:


14th, Hange Zoe:


We don’t have to questioning Hange right?

15th, Armin Arlert:


but their brains and judgements too.

They’re voracious learners. The series depicts several moments of their judgments and understandings towards various type of thing, includes their enemies. 



even inhuman creature.

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6 years ago
Saeyoung As A Member Of The Survey Corps From Attack On Titan!
Saeyoung As A Member Of The Survey Corps From Attack On Titan!

Saeyoung as a member of the Survey Corps from Attack On Titan!

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3 years ago

being best friends with armin arlert headcanons

is- IS THIS AN AOT HC?? tbh i haven’t really done aot hcs before but IM IN AN AOT MOOD. gn!reader ofc

taking this into consideration, SOME POINTS MAY BE INACCURATE OR REPETITIVE AND I’M SORRY (literally say that every time) enjoy tho!

CW: some important spoilers so if you haven’t watched up to s3 don’t read! (unless you want to idk 😟) and hint at death. talking about killing titans. happy reading!

Being Best Friends With Armin Arlert Headcanons

takes place in seasons 1-3


you guys would meet at cadet corps. one night, you’d overhear him talking about the ocean with ereh and mikasan.

you’d lowk be amazed but think he’s crazy.

promises you he isn’t and rants about the ocean for ages.

after this, you guys would be really acquainted and hang out from time to time.

our buddy armin IS VERY SMART AND READS A LOT! he’ll always tell you all of the new information he’s learned and you’ll always be be down to listen.

“y/n!!! i was reading this book about (insert topic) and...”

if you also like reading, you’d take turns telling each other about your books (mini bookclub).

ofc, befriending armin includes befriending eremika.

mikasa likes to hang with you in the “talks a lot; listens” dynamic. where she’s the listens.

she’ll also help train with you!!

eren would tell you about how much he wants to kill the titans and why he hates them sm. he’d also ask about your techniques.

they like you tho.

armin will remember his grandpa and get sad sometimes and you will notice.

it’ll take him awhile to open up about that and what happened at shiganshina but once he does you’ll always be there for him when times like that happen.

when levi makes you brats guys clean you’ll do chores together.

armin is not very confident with himself and his strategies at times, so you have to be personal hypeman and be like “no❤️”

and vice versa. he thinks you’re so cool and you think he’s super awesome and smart. you can’t have each other doubting yourselves.

he’d share his tactics and thoughts with you for feedback.

when reiner and bertolto reveal they’re the colossal and armored titan you’re there to comfort him during that confusion and mix and jumble of emotions.

and then the whole pretending to be historia act our poor boy 😔.

he needs a break.


like if you’re not feeling yourself he’ll notice like *snap* that. and give you a hug.

will listen if you wanna talk but if not he’ll just be there to get your mind off of it.

on free days, you guys will do picnics!

really great way to wind down and bond at the same time 😌

if he’s in town and sees a random object that reminds him of you he’d get it and show it to you.

when levi squad finally go to the ocean, everyone is speechless (obvs like in the scene)

while everyone is splashing around armin would be like

“i told you it was real” and get excited at all the things he finds that the book listed. (my wording is so bad i’m so sorry)

omg having a shell collection together

TO SUMMARIZE: armin loves sharing things with you, and is really happy he has another person in his life he cares about :D

aot masterlist

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3 years ago

best friend to crush with jean kirstein scenario/headcanons

i literally didn’t know what to title this LMAO PLS HELP IF IT MAKES NO SENSE 🙏🏼

this one is for my one beloved jean <3

(sorry for saying this aGaiN but might be inaccurate at parts sorry 😣😣)

gn! reader as always. enjoy!


warning: language and mention of death

Best Friend To Crush With Jean Kirstein Scenario/headcanons

you guys were both in the 104th cadet corps, but he only started talking/interacting with you after marco died.

he wouldn’t show his emotions about marco’s death around the others, but you just found him breaking down in his room, away from the others while going back for something you forgot.

you recognize him as the guy that fought eren every night someone from the 104 cadets, crouch down, and ask him if he’s okay.

he wouldn’t say anything, but he just keeps letting the tears fall while you’re comforting him by rubbing his back and doing the arm around shoulder hug.

he’d look up at you after he’s calmed down and be like

who is this person comforting me rn

he wouldn’t open up right away bc you guys literally interacted for the first time and he doesn’t wanna share personal shit so soon

he’d clear his throat, thank you with a light blush, and offer you help off the ground.

afterwards, you’d follow him and eat dinner together. he’s lowk confused but he doesn’t shove you away.

you make light conversation with him to try and cheer him up even if he responds in short sentences or not at all bc he’s still upset.

before he goes to his room, you tell him you’ll be there if he ever needs someone and if he wants a friend.

ever since that day, you guys have been hanging out and becoming friends. he really appreciated what you did for him despite lowk being known as an ass and barely knowing him.

he’d tell you about why he was crying about 5-7 months into your friendship, but you didn’t mind how long it’d take or if he mentioned it at all. it was personal and you didn’t want him to feel forced to tell you.

he’d train with you, beat his ass sometimes, and he’d say you cheated.



playful banter and teasing between you two is a regular thing.

you’d be his closest friend after marco and basically spend every day together.

you’d always be the one pulling him away to stop picking fights with eren. even hitting him sometimes so he wouldn’t fight him further.

telling each other everything and anything about your days or whats pissing you off. kind of like your shit talking buddy but not towards people. only eren for him.

him telling you jokes he thinks are funny when he comes up/hears a new one even tho they’re so corny.

he’d have competitions with you when you have cleaning duties on who can clean better.

he never wins and levi just looks at him like “you really don’t know atp?” so you help jean clean his part.

waking each other up bc you both tend to sleep in sometimes.

when he beats you at something he defs brags to you how awesome he is and better he is at said topic the rest of the day.

if you’re both really busy on some days, he’d always look forward to seeing you during your everyday dinners.

and then one night

you were eating dinner together like you always did chatting about the same old things like how your days went, how much a certain training exercise is a pain in the ass, ya ya ya.

when jean rants about eren and how much he gets on his nerves, he makes expressive faces, and excessive hand gestures that make you laugh so hard.

and then he realized

how much he loved your laughter

how you always made sure to intently listen to what he wanted to talk about

how bright your smile was compared to the dimly lit room.

how god damn attractive you were with the ceiling lights beaming your face.

and most importantly, how he’s slowly falling for you.


i’ll make a pt. 2 with general crushing hcs so look out for that!

update: it’s out now if you click here.

aot masterlist

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3 years ago

general crushing jean kirstein headcanons

continuation of best friend to crush hc with jean k. (which you can find here.)

gn! reader. enjoy :)

CW: A HINT AT S1 SPOILER (the same one in pt1), mention of injuries, mention of fights.

General Crushing Jean Kirstein Headcanons

look at my baby awww

ahem soooo i have a feel he’s a hopeless romantic.

he doesn’t do anything too noticeably different, but he’s way more attentive towards you.

like if you just had a really tough spar, or been going at it with practicing on the ODM gear, he’ll give you water or tell you to take a break, good job, and eat with him

(definitely would give you his water if yours is empty)

you guys are obviously really close with sasha and connie.

this means TEASSSINGGGGG they’d both tease you guys in front of each other like dude they have no chill.

he’d rant about you to both of them, but mainly connie.

you’d rant mainly to sasha and she’d just gush on how cute your crush on him is.

if you’re not together he does that thing where he rests his chin on his palm and looks at you from a distance omgggg

he tries to impress you ALL THE TIME and fails sometimes

“hey y/n! look what i can do *zips away*”

*crashes into wall*

then you have to fix his injuries.

his heart beats 500 miles an hour bc of how close you guys are and the contact.

gets increasingly protective over you. like he knows you can fight for yourself, but he doesn’t want another marco situation so he’s at your side a lot.

he’s generally a flirty guy so he tells you so many corny pick up lines throughout the day.

every time he’s around you/talking to you, he’s lightly blushing.


active “rubbing back of his neck when he’s nervous around you” person.

he’d def be jealous if you’re around eren.


hands you his jacket/cape if he notices your cold during evening trainings.

teasing also increases ☝🏼

“you didn’t see that jean”


“shut up”

“don’t go falling for me now y/n *winks*”


he’s honestly so smooth when he unintentionally flirts but when he actually tries he stumbles over his words and gets super red.

connie face palms and when you aren’t around both him and sasha burst out laughing.

they are most definitely your wingman and wingwoman on both ends though.

they have gotten frustrated so many times bc of how oblivious you guys can be.

always walks you to your room when it’s time for curfew even if levi threatens him to give him extra cleaning duties.

likes to carry you on his back if you’re exhausted from training.

“look how strong i am *throws you over his shoulder*”

“JEAN LET ME GO *laughing*”

god he’d do anything to hear you laugh.

except embarrass himself. he still has a reputation 🤚🏼

every time he fights with eren and eren brings up how he likes you, he’d blush sm but be so quick to deny it even if he knows everyone else knows.

the thing is, you still think he likes mikasa EVEN IF SASHA IS LIKE “just confess already he probably likes you back”


“oh yeah, ma, remember y/n? the person i told you about from cadet corps? i think i’ve fallen in love with them.”

from his letters, his mom loves you already and she can’t wait to meet you.

aot masterlist

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3 years ago

attack on titan masterlist

 Attack On Titan Masterlist
 Attack On Titan Masterlist
 Attack On Titan Masterlist
 Attack On Titan Masterlist
 Attack On Titan Masterlist

"i'd rather die than become a burden."

- armin arlert

 Attack On Titan Masterlist

💕:scenario | ✨: headcanons | 🎼: playlist

 Attack On Titan Masterlist

armin arlert:

being best friends with him✨

connie springer:

being in a friend group with him, sasha braus, and jean kirstein ✨

hange zoë:

being best friends with them ✨

jean kierstein:

best friends to crushing 💕✨

general mutual crushing ✨

being in a friend group with him, sasha braus, and connie springer ✨

artist/painter!jean kirstein boyfriend ✨

levi ackerman:

being in a relationship with him ✨

mikasa ackerman:

her being your older sister ✨

sasha braus:

being in a friend group with her, connie springer, and jean kirstein ✨

 Attack On Titan Masterlist

main masterlist

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3 years ago

being best friends with hange zoë headcanons


in these headcanons, imma make the reader also a commander.

CW: minor spoiler up ahead! (from S1) and light language. possible trigger warning: quick mention of migraine.

gn! reader. happy reading :)

Being Best Friends With Hange Zo Headcanons

i love hange san sm pls look how cute they are 🥺🥺 ^^

they would greet you every morning with updates on their new experiments

if you’re a late riser, hange definitely is your alarm clock and wakes you up


you and moblit have to comfort them after sawney and bean die </3

you three bond so well pls

levi thinks you two are the most annoying brats ever. you guys give him migraines worse than ones he gets after late nights without tea. (he still deeply cares for you two, but won't admit it.)

hange is extremely smart and innovative! they’d make you random things that help with whatever’s troubling you as a gift or just out of the blue. (did that make sense??)

ie. if you were cold at night they’d make you a heated blanket to heat you up.

since commanders do hella paperwork and stuffs late at night, they would visit you to make sure you’re pacing yourself and taking breaks.

they love stopping in when they’re taking a break themselves, and appreciate if you do too.

you guys train your squads together and you guys partner up a lot for personal practice too.

you guys definitely have bets/competitions like who can get to the other end of the field with their ODM gear quickest, and who can pin the other to the ground in a spar first, etc.

is very affectionate towards their friends! they love hugging you throughout the day. i also think they'd like to hold your face in their hands and squish your cheeks.

if they're done updating you on the rest of their titan research, the conversation won’t stop there.

hange will find something else to talk about. they never run out of conversation topics, which makes conversing and being around them easy. think of it as the "talks a lot; listens" dynamic.

they really love and appreciate that you listen to them every time esp since others don’t really want to listen to what they have to say.

of course when you aren't busy, you'll help hange out with research in the late hours of the morning.

you guys would do sleepovers too. they'd prepare so many sleepover games, have stories, and sneak in some snacks for the two of you.

helping them clean their room (you doing most of it) because you have to side with levi, it's really bad.

loves to make you smile and happy! especially if you're feeling down, they'll do ANYTHING to get you to laugh :)

likes to prank you a lot. however, if they aren't pranking you, you're helping them play pranks on other comrades.

gives BOMB advice. like if something is troubling you and you tell them about it, they'll be really helpful, offer advice, and support you in your decisions.

they care for you sm. if you're sick or hurt they're literally travelling at the speed of light to get you medicine, bandages, or anything to make you feel better.

all in all, hange is the bestest friend ever and is always there for you no matter what you need :)

aot masterlist

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3 years ago

dating levi ackerman headcanons

dude i shamelessly had a huge phase for him but it’s okay bc now i have tumblr content

implied commander/higher up reader;

CW: spoiler from levi’s ova (no regrets), hits of trauma and death (in levi’s life).

enjoyyyy gn! reader

Dating Levi Ackerman Headcanons

before dating, he fell in love very gradually. he probably didn’t notice at first.

he was probably in denial about his feelings too

hange teased him about his crush, and he told them to shut up bc “he doesn’t know what they’re talking about”

hange def made a bet with erwin on how long it’d take you two to date

OKAY NOW TO THE NITTY GRITTY 😩 (what even is nitty gritty???)

hange is literally your guys’ biggest shipper. they go around yelling MY SHIP FINALLY SAILED while hugging you two for the first two weeks they find out.

they always ask, “when will i get mini levis and y/ns??”

levi: *hits them*

BUT if you guys did want to keep it on the down low, i feel like they’d keep it to themselves + moblit/erwin. and then let it slip one day by accident 💀

you guys are the cadets’ parents pls.

some of them accidentally called you their parent once

is not a pda person. he loves you, but he does hold a reputation and also thinks affection is more of a “behind the doors” things. but he does give occasional head pats and a forehead kiss when no one is looking.

in private he’ll give into your touches and kisses tho bc let’s be honest, he’s touch starved af.

he’ll be stiff with the affection and not be the one to initiate at first, but over time he’ll warm up to it and start initiating.

he loves when you play with his hair tho. it’s super relaxing to him. AND MASSAGES OMG PLS MASSAGE HIM WHILE HE DOES WORK HE’LL TELEPATHICALLY THANK YOU SM.

loudly “tchs” if you stop as a hint to keep doing what you’re doing.

he isn’t very vocal so you gotta read the man real well. ie: he doesn’t say when he wants attention or directly ask for something.

work “sleepovers”. you guys will do work in each other’s offices and end up falling asleep on the desk.

you’re the only one who can make tea the way he likes 😛😛

you guys eat lunch together/have lunch dates :,)

temple kisser 🤚🏼🤚🏼

holding you extra close when either of you get nightmares to remind each other you two are together.

speaking of nightmares, you comfort each other during the early hours of the morning.

he’s not a big sharer and he’d open up once in a while. not that he doesn’t trust you, it’s just v personal.

if you’re a messy person he’d help you clean your room/office and reprimand you for being messy.

if you’re a clean/tidy person, he’ll compliment your cleaning every now and then.

often thinks about how farlan and isabel would’ve loved you :,(

ofc he’s overprotective, considering the amount of people he’d lost and the childhood he went through. he doesn’t want you to leave him like everyone else in his life did.

he’d make sure you’re near him during missions and watch you v closely.

he needs assurance at times esp with everything that has happened to him.

shows love through acts of service

he cares for you sm will do anything to make sure you’re okay and healthy (but is so tsundere about it)

like he’ll be super aggressive with it but it’s just how he is. it’s all out of love and care 😌

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3 years ago

mikasa ackerman as your older sister


mikasa best girl time 😌😌 CW: language (bc i curse in literally every single headcanon post), mention of (minor character spoiler) death, argument mentions, light wound/injury mentions, combat.

gn! reader. enjoy :)

Mikasa Ackerman As Your Older Sister

we can get an idea of how she’s like as a sibling bc of eren, but i have a few headcanons on how else she’d act as a sister.

you guys wouldn’t have too big of age gap. you guys are probably a year and like a couple months apart.

with mikasa, you get a mom and a sibling in one person. esp since your parents died when you guys were young, and eren’s parents did too.

she makes sure you eat at designated times, and stay hydrated.

if there’s not enough food for both of you, she’d give her food to you 🥺

makes sure you look presentable like wearing your clothes right and your hair isn’t randomly sticking up.

is super observant to your actions to make sure you aren’t hiding something from her (like if you’re feeling sadder than usual, are under the weather, in pain, etc.)

when joining the scouts, she’s super scared to lose you, but doesn’t show it. she just vows to protect you like she did to eren.

even if you do turn out to be strong as HELL she still feels a need to protect you and will do anything to keep you safe.

during training and sparring, she’ll teach you fighting techniques and self defense to help you stay safe.

(if you’re an eremika shipper) you tease her about his crush on her/her crush on him.

she would fight anyone that flirts with/likes you.

you guys are best friends. you tell her everything and vice versa.

teasing her about her scarf and how she never takes it off. you have to make her wash it sometimes.

she loves to spend time with you as siblings when you get days off.

you guys will go to town at a bakery and café and do some teen stuff like gossip and talk about life.

if she trains too hard, you have to pull her away bc she’s an ackerman and she’s stubborn.

if she gets hurt you tend her wounds and take care of her. vice versa.

she expresses her gratitude and love for you when you stay up late together.

if you’re a person that shows physical affection, she likes your surprise hugs throughout the day and always softly smiles at them.

sasha is one of mikasa’s best friends so she’s one of your close/best friends too.

when she isn’t with connie and jean, you guys have your own lil trio.

armin is also one of your closest friends! he’s great company and sm more things. (pst! if you want separate bestie armin hcs go here ;))

i feel like armin might have had a crush on you at some point. but it was only a small phase.

if you ever get hurt she’s on edge the whole time and will take care of you while you heal.

listening to her rants on how annoying jean flirting with her at first was 💀💀

i feel like mikasa has sm shit to talk out of frustration and she’d always talk to you about it. (lowk shit talking together LMAO)

when you guys have your sibling fights, she’d be really aggressive towards anything.

like she punches/kicks harder during training, and more quiet than usual.

but your fights don’t normally last very long so it’s all chill.

it’s safe to say as your sister, she’ll always have your back, and you’ll always have hers :)

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3 years ago

@ohrintarou submitted: HIIIII CASSIEIEEIE i’ve been trying to think of an aot request and i’m thinking of being in a friend group with sasha connie and jean PDHF IT WOUDL BE SO CHAOTIC BUT KEEP DOING WHAT UR DOING ILYY AND TAKE CARE OF URSELF!!<3333

SHO SHO!! this is actually such a cute idea i’m living. ty for encouraging me to start writing on tumblr and being such a sweet friend ilysm <3

gn! reader (ofc) CW: language. again. lol.

being in a friend group with sasha braus, connie springer, and jean kirstein headcanons

@ohrintarou Submitted: HIIIII CASSIEIEEIE Ive Been Trying To Think Of An Aot Request And Im Thinking


if you’re also chaotic like sasha and connie, you’d join in on their bullshit and levi would scold you guys

he’d scold jean too even if he didn’t do anything bc he’s also apart of the group 💀

levi: oi shut up brats why’re you so loud so late in the night

jean: yeah guys settle down you’ll get extra chores and i don’t wanna hear you guys complain

levi: tch you too jean

jean: ?!?!?

if you’re more lowkey, you help jean settle the other two down when it comes to training so they don’t get in trouble 💀💀

one of them prolly had a short, tiny, crush on you at one point.

staying up late at night talking about anything and everything together

also trying to muffle your guys’ laughs in the pillows to avoid getting caught past curfew.

sasha steals everyone’s food so you all collectively have to restrain her to get your food back

speaking of which ^ during that scene in the gif i used, you guys would be laughing so hard at the same time when trying to get the meat out her mouth.

you still save her a couple slices of meat for when she wakes up bc you guys feel a little guilty.

connie likes to talk to you when something is bothering him and vice versa. i feel like he’s a great comfort person.

jean like to help you train if you wanna train more or need tips but he’ll be so cocky.


you guys will always have each other’s back no matter what.

one of you are in trouble during a mission? someone is there to assist and save the other. can’t sleep? someone will be there to talk until you both fall asleep.

someone is pissing one of you off? you’re all ready to beat someone’s ass. stuck doing extra chores? they’ll be there either to keep you company or help you out.

you guys are really comfortable too. atp, you’re family and can go to each other for anything.

to rant, a laugh, share a story that happened the other day, literally anything.


omggg and then hysterically laughing if the pranked person falls for it badly.

(if you’re a nicosha shipper (niccolo x sasha)) you three are her and niccolo’s wingmen/woman pls. (my grammar is so bad in this post i’m sorry it’s so hard lmao.)

all of you like to poke fun at her crush but you’re all happy she found someone she really loves.


(here come the protective sibling speeches when they do get together)

taking care of each other if someone gets hurt/are in the infirmary.

after missions you always look for each other to make sure everyone else is safe and okay.


when you have off days you guys like to go to town and walk around window shopping.

and treating yourselves to good food bc you guys deserve it.


fights don’t last long (unless it’s really serious). you guys probably make up by the end of the day or at breakfast next morning.

if you’re a short reader, you get mad at them for growing even taller. like damn you tall ass trees.

they will never let you suffer alone and same goes for you to them.

if something is bothering you or you’re upset, they will go through it with you and make sure you know you’re not alone.

lastly, no matter how upset you are with each other, or what time of the day it is, you guys will always let each other know how much you love and care of each other (no matter how cheesy it is) <3


i hope you still enjoyed tho sho sho LOVE YOU SM <3

@ohrintarou Submitted: HIIIII CASSIEIEEIE Ive Been Trying To Think Of An Aot Request And Im Thinking

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3 years ago

artist/painter!jean kirstein boyfriend headcanons

☞ i’ve been having sm jean brainrot recently and this just popped into my head

☞ idrk where the idea of artist jean came from but i’m living off of it.

☞ this’ll be gender neutral, and modern au and with a headcanon in canonverse. also!! in these headcanons, jean is a college student/adult enjoy :)

Artist/painter!jean Kirstein Boyfriend Headcanons

you’re literally his muse. i wish i was joking.

he is so in love with you and you fill up his mind like 24/7 so, a lot of his work would be inspired by you :)

if you guys eat at a restaurant he’ll doodle on a napkin

or just in general. like mail envelopes, school papers, your homework, he doodles on it.

his hands have paint on them 85% of the time

if you aren’t busy he’ll ask you to be his irl reference for like a pose or position of an arm or hand.

when you catch him working you’ll tie his hair back for him 😫😫

in canonverse, i can imagine on off days you guys sitting in a field or a hill and he’ll be painting the landscape while you watch or chat.

if you like traditional art, you guys will have art sessions together just for fun or for dates

in modern au, if you like digital art, you guys would swap art preferences and he’d get so confused on how to draw on a tablet 💀

AGAIN doodles 24/7 and a lot of them are of you which gets you really flustered

“jean you sketch me a lot don’t you get tired of drawing the same old thing over and over again?”

“why would i when you’re so beautiful/handsome/attractive? *smirks*”


for your first anniversary, he painted you something really nice and blushes when you compliment his work.


if you also like art, you and him would do outings where you go to different creative studios to try new types of creative work.

ex. pottery, gouache painting, sculpting, etc.

if you sit next to him while he paints, he’ll smear paint on your face or your arm


if you get him an art supply you saw him scroll by on social media/a shopping site the other week, he’ll treasure it sm and repay you with sm kisses and dinner 😩😩

sometimes he gets so sucked inside his own head, you need to drag him away to take a break

you make him snacks whenever he’s painting/making something for a deadline

reassuring him his art is amazing even if he nitpicks every “flaw” in it like all artists do

hearing him rant about how his sketch during a boring lecture on paper looks better than what he sketched on the canvas 💀💀

“NO BABE LOOK AT THIS *gives you paper sketch* NOW LOOK AT THIS *presents canvas* WHY CANT IT JUST GHHHHH”

connie and sasha also hype him up a lot.

once he gave sasha a painting of a post from her instagram feed and she cried happiness at how beautiful and special it was

connie on his insta story showing a work of jean’s: “my best friend = the best painter. beat that leonardo dicaprio”



marco to me seems like he prefers the colored pencil medium and THEY’D HAVE SM FUN

jean would send you marco’s art and be like “TELL MARCO THIS IS AMAZING HE WON’T BELIEVE ME”

oh my gulay. his art exhibits.


“honey listen to me. it’ll turn out amazing! your art is beautiful and many people will admire and appreciate it at the event :D! so i know it’s hard but try not to worry so much okay?”


he is really calm during the actual exhibit tho.

he gets so flustered from all the compliments and it makes him really happy :)

checking up on him throughout the night to make sure he’s keeping his cool

if someone wants to buy one he’d be so happy on the inside and talk about it for days after the exhibit with you.

near the end of the exhibit he has one covered painting, and when it’s time to reveal, it’s a painting of you!

because how could he have an art exhibit without including you? his main support and love of his life <3

Artist/painter!jean Kirstein Boyfriend Headcanons

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