Hiro Will Ruin Your Everything If You Tease His Boyfriend - Tumblr Posts

Has Henry ever seen Little Shop of Horrors? It feels like something that might have caught his attention at some point. (To be clear I’m talking about either the musical or the 1986 movie adaptation.)

🎁 Gift Anon 🎁

Henry: I don’t usually watch scary movies and that one has the name “Horrors” in it.

James: Seriously?! It’s probably one of the least scary movies out there! A little dark, but for crying out loud Henry it’s got a singing plant!

Henry: Just because I like plants doesn’t mean I would watch a scary movie about them.

James: Camille loves animals and she’s watched Pet Cemetery.

Camille: It was boring, do not recommend. But I also like spooky stuff.

Gordon: Henry’s also afraid of literally just about anything.

Henry: I am NOT!

Gordon: Leaves.

James: Elephants.

Gordon: Chicken Pox.

James: Rain!

Hiro: ENOUGH!!


Hiro: Is it so wrong that he has short comings? Should we point out your own? James? How you wouldn’t pull a train for a VIP due to the tiniest scratch that no one would have noticed without a microscope? Or Gordon? The amount of times your pride has had you come back to Sir Topham Hatt groveling for your position while my Henry did a fantastical job?

James: I… er…

Gordon: …. *ahem* I apologize Henry.

*Camille and Edward giving their boyfriend/husband a dirty look*

Henry: I wouldn’t mind watching it with you, Hiro.

Hiro: If that is what you wish, my flower.

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