theyellowroseofsodor - The Yellow Rose of Sodor
The Yellow Rose of Sodor

Welcome to blog that will follow and add to The Yellow Rose of Sodor series found on FanFiction.Net and archiveofourown.orgShe/Her | | Married and Mother of 2 Heathens | Nerd | Writer | Cosplayer| 30 years young

285 posts

Has Henry Ever Seen Little Shop Of Horrors? It Feels Like Something That Might Have Caught His Attention

Has Henry ever seen Little Shop of Horrors? It feels like something that might have caught his attention at some point. (To be clear I’m talking about either the musical or the 1986 movie adaptation.)

🎁 Gift Anon 🎁

Henry: I don’t usually watch scary movies and that one has the name “Horrors” in it.

James: Seriously?! It’s probably one of the least scary movies out there! A little dark, but for crying out loud Henry it’s got a singing plant!

Henry: Just because I like plants doesn’t mean I would watch a scary movie about them.

James: Camille loves animals and she’s watched Pet Cemetery.

Camille: It was boring, do not recommend. But I also like spooky stuff.

Gordon: Henry’s also afraid of literally just about anything.

Henry: I am NOT!

Gordon: Leaves.

James: Elephants.

Gordon: Chicken Pox.

James: Rain!

Hiro: ENOUGH!!


Hiro: Is it so wrong that he has short comings? Should we point out your own? James? How you wouldn’t pull a train for a VIP due to the tiniest scratch that no one would have noticed without a microscope? Or Gordon? The amount of times your pride has had you come back to Sir Topham Hatt groveling for your position while my Henry did a fantastical job?

James: I… er…

Gordon: …. *ahem* I apologize Henry.

*Camille and Edward giving their boyfriend/husband a dirty look*

Henry: I wouldn’t mind watching it with you, Hiro.

Hiro: If that is what you wish, my flower.

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More Posts from Theyellowroseofsodor

Traintober 2023!

So excited to be here! I’m going to be writing this for the next month so it may be a bit for the next Yellow Rose update, but don’t think that it’s going away forever! It’s being written too! Enjoy!
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Day One - Free Day!

Gordon was surprised to say the least when he returned to Tidmouth Sheds and the adjacent manor that night. When he first left the manor that morning there was nothing out of the ordinary. Now? There were cobwebs hanging across each doorway of the roundabout shed. He slowed to a stop at the turntable, letting his driver and firemen out, who looked equally surprised. He shifted to his human form and rolled his head, a light crackle of his bones feeling excellent after a long day, and he waved goodbye to his team. As he approached the manor’s door he could hear music getting increasingly louder, till he opened the door was blasted with a loud bass. He winced, growing irritable at the sound and it was making him increasingly cross at the assault. The manor looked the same as always as he walked through the door and found himself following the sound as he walked up the steps to go upstairs.

Spooky scary skeletons

Send shivers down your spine

Shrieking skulls will shock your soul

Seal your doom tonight

As Gordon reached the upstairs living room, he found Camille dancing by herself to the music as she placed a few skeletons on the mantle of the upstairs fireplace. With her back to him, he found the Bluetooth speaker and began pushing the button rapidly down to a lower volume. She quickly turned around as the volume died and she grinned at him.

“Gordon! You’re home!”

“And my ears have never been so assaulted in all my life. What on earth, Camille?” He looked at her admonishingly.

She only grinned back at him and held her arms out to the room, “It’s spooky season!”

He cocked an eyebrow at her, “Spooky season?”

“Yeah, you know, Halloween.”

He looked at her not understanding, “Halloween is one day and it’s at the end of the month. Today is only the first.”

She walked over to him and took his hand, spinning herself though he found himself aiding her, “But it’s my favorite time of year and there’s no harm in decorating now.”

Gordon looked over at a small tote of decorations and rolled his eyes, but her smile was contagious. He smirked down at her and shook his head, “Fine, but keep the volume down at least. For me?”

She tiptoed to kiss him and he leaned down to his lips, “Of course. I know you like to watch the news or crime shows when you get home. I lost track of time. I’ll turn my music back to my earbuds.”

Gordon grunted in response and moved to his favorite blue recliner to turn on the TV. He eyed the little box once again and shrugged. There had never been many decorations for the Halloween holiday at Tidmouth or anywhere on the island that he could recall. A few decorations could do little harm.

The next day, when Gordon returned home, there were skeletons in the yard and hanging around the sheds. Some were full sized, some were small, others were just bones placed around the yard strategically with a few grave stones. Where on earth had she found those? He ignored them as he walked up the path to the house.

The day after, Gordon began to look around in an almost frustrated awe as there were gooey window stickers to spell out the words “HELP” or “BEWARE” with red blood decorating them. There were even a few bloody handprints and he found that on some of the sidetracks that weren’t used in the yard there was caution tape and cones around some fake blood and a dismembered limb.

He chastised Camille about her poor taste, but James and Thomas defended her and talked about how great the décor was. There were even little odds and ends inside the house, including but not limited to skeletal animals (a dragon, raptor, unicorn, and gryphon to name a few), sugar skulls, a few venus flytraps and piranha plants next to Henry’s plants in his indoor garden cabinet lit by their warm lights and also a few decorative orange and black lights, table clothes with spiderwebs and decorative towels, and this was all just in the main room! She had replaced his own blue mattress set for a Halloween themed one. There was a little “trick or treat” block on his desk and a Halloween countdown calendar as well.

But the last straw was when he came home one day and found a tall animatronic witch on the front porch, by the door. She was the stereotypical green, warts and all, in all black clothes with the pointed hat and the broomstick in hand. He glared at the witch and she looked blankly ahead.

Gordon sighed and went to walk right past her when she moved and started cackling in a high pitched laugh. He about jumped out of his skin and turned to scowl at the robot who continued to laugh.

“Hiya, sonny! How about a kiss?! Eeeeeehehehehehehe!!”

Gordon had never wanted to punch something so badly. He looked the witch over in disgust and stomped into the house as she continued to cackle.


“You love me!!” She said laughing from the upstairs.

Gordon shook his head as he removed his shoes and work jacket.

This was going to be a long month.

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Hey everyone! Just wanted to let y’all know I’m taking a little breather for The Yellow Rose. I’ve been writing between 20-30 pages per chapter and we’re about to reach a lot of dramatic points so I’m taking a breather this week. I know I’m usually good for each Monday but I’m real tired and I ended up with the 24 hr flu and so yeah.

But that being said, asks are still totally welcome and I will be trying my hand at the traintober writing prompts. Also, I’m still working on Henry as Venusaur! I’m excited to keep working on things! Just needing a breather! 😁

Hey Everyone! Just Wanted To Let Yall Know Im Taking A Little Breather For The Yellow Rose. Ive Been

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A New BEAUTIFUL Piece Of Artwork From @asktrio516!!!

A new BEAUTIFUL piece of artwork from @asktrio516!!!

LOOK AT IT!!!! AHHHH!!! 🤩🤩🤩🤩

This is the scene from The Yellow Rose of Sodor when Gordon and Camille share their first kiss in the library at the Duke and Duchess of Sodor’s summer home. The outfits are the ones that I had picked out for the story and she did so freaking good with Gordon’s outfit!! Gosh I’m so freaking happy!!

I can’t even begin to describe I’m happy with this! Thanks again, @dilemmaart!!!

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What does Halloween look like for the Steam Team this year? Has everyone chosen costumes yet?

🎁 Gift Anon 🎁

Camille: Decorations EVERYWHERE!

Gordon: Too many if you ask me.

Camille: No such thing.

James: No one asked you for your opinion anyway.

Gordon: Look here-

Camille: We’re doing a costume party with the theme of Villains and Heroes.

Percy: I’m gonna be Mario!

Thomas: I’m gonna be Bowser! 😈

Emily: And I’m Princess Peach!

Henry: I’m gonna be Poison Ivy… a male version but yes…🫣

Hiro: And I’ll be Robin from the Batman and Robin movie. Although I’m not quite sure it fits my personality. But Poison Ivy is one of Henry’s favorites so that’s what we decided on.

James: I’m gonna be venom! 😈

Edward: And I’ll be going as Spider-Man.

Camille: I’m gonna be Christine Daae and Gordon’s gonna be Phantom.

Gordon: *grumbles*

Camille: He doesn’t like to dress up but Gerard Butler’s costume is very gentlemanly and so he agreed.

Gordon: You’re lucky I tolerate you.

Camille: Love you too dear! 🤭

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I made good on my promise and so here is Henry the Venusaur!!!

I Made Good On My Promise And So Here Is Henry The Venusaur!!!

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