Ttte Henry X Hiro - Tumblr Posts

I couldn’t stop thinking about a hypothetical Henry/Hiro wedding after you mentioned it last night. Perhaps a small, intimate ceremony held in a place like a botanical garden would suit them? I also feel like they would want to incorporate some Japanese customs, though I’ve never been to a Japanese wedding so I couldn’t tell you which ones. Not that I would want to! You are the author here, after all, I don’t want to tell you how to write your story!

🎁 Gift Anon 🎁

I also really feel like their wedding would be very private, much like the vast majority of their relationship. Henry isn’t much for the spotlight and Hiro, despite being the King of the Railway, would never impose something like that on his beloved. A botanical garden would make an excellent place for their wedding! I can’t even picture Henry really and truly walking down an aisle like how James and Edward did. I think only their close friends and Sir Topham Hatt his immediate family would be there and it would be short and simple, no reception afterward. I really don’t think they would want anything big or flashy. I think the only real flashy part would be the clothing and that’s because I think Henry would want to wear a traditional Kimono to celebrate his union with Hiro (who would obviously be wearing one as well). I don’t know how I would write it, I’ll have to look further into it, but I think Henry would want the wedding to be traditional Japanese to honor Hiro and Hiro would want to include the western traditions because he’s spent a long time on Sodor and because that’s where he met Henry.

Now I’m coming up with ideas… 🥰🥰🥰

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Wait, oh my god, idea: instead of either of them carrying a bouquet, Henry carries the Amaryllis in its pot!

🎁 Gift Anon 🎁

At first I was thinking in like a clay pot and thought (that’s really silly) but then I got to thinking about it being in a lovely vase and my mind went YES that’s the one!

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Has Henry ever seen Little Shop of Horrors? It feels like something that might have caught his attention at some point. (To be clear I’m talking about either the musical or the 1986 movie adaptation.)

🎁 Gift Anon 🎁

Henry: I don’t usually watch scary movies and that one has the name “Horrors” in it.

James: Seriously?! It’s probably one of the least scary movies out there! A little dark, but for crying out loud Henry it’s got a singing plant!

Henry: Just because I like plants doesn’t mean I would watch a scary movie about them.

James: Camille loves animals and she’s watched Pet Cemetery.

Camille: It was boring, do not recommend. But I also like spooky stuff.

Gordon: Henry’s also afraid of literally just about anything.

Henry: I am NOT!

Gordon: Leaves.

James: Elephants.

Gordon: Chicken Pox.

James: Rain!

Hiro: ENOUGH!!


Hiro: Is it so wrong that he has short comings? Should we point out your own? James? How you wouldn’t pull a train for a VIP due to the tiniest scratch that no one would have noticed without a microscope? Or Gordon? The amount of times your pride has had you come back to Sir Topham Hatt groveling for your position while my Henry did a fantastical job?

James: I… er…

Gordon: …. *ahem* I apologize Henry.

*Camille and Edward giving their boyfriend/husband a dirty look*

Henry: I wouldn’t mind watching it with you, Hiro.

Hiro: If that is what you wish, my flower.

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Oh goodness. I’m sorry, Henry and Hiro, I didn’t mean for my question to cause all that.

🎁 Gift Anon 🎁

Henry: It’s not your fault, gift anon. If anything, I’m watching it tonight with Hiro and Camille. 😊 I’m gonna give it a shot!

Hiro: He’s excited to turn it out. We started with Jaws yesterday with Camille.

Camille: All time favorite movie! 😁

Henry: It wasn’t too bad… Quint’s death was rough though…

Camille: Rest in Peace, Quint.

Gordon: *rolls eyes*

Camille: You can come too if you’re going to behave.

Henry: You’re always welcome, Gordon.

Gordon: *grumbles* …Alright.

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Were you guys able to watch Little Shop of Horrors?

🎁 Gift Anon 🎁

Henry: We did! I loved it, gift anon! 😁

Hiro: It was a great starter movie for Henry, we thank you for your suggestion.

James: I seriously can’t believe you hadn’t watched it before.

Henry: I don’t do horror, but this was delightful. Plus, Camille’s reactions were fantastic.

Camille: I had no idea how many well known actors were in it and it was FANTASTIC! I will never get over Bill Murray’s character. It was fantastic!

Gordon: It was a rather ridiculous movie.

Camille: I want an Audrey 2!

*Gordon looks slightly horrified*

Henry: To be honest… me too kind of… I mean, it was a cool plant…

Hiro: Maybe I’ll just get you a movie prop, flower. 😅

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10 months ago

Hello!! 24 for Henry and Hiro

Oooo, this one is a bit spoiler-y. Shall I do the thing?

Without going into heavy detail, if you’ve kept up with the fanfic, you will know that Henry and Hiro have attacked each other due to the illness that’s on the island. Do they have any recollection of it? No, not really. But the damage is indeed done, as will be revealed shortly, and they will struggle for it. Henry blames himself entirely and when a decision is made for the health of Hiro, Henry is absolutely devastated to the point of severe depression. Henry isolates, stops eating in his human form (not horrible as it’s not exactly life sustaining), but the one thing that’s his telltale sign of depression? He quits tending to his plants. All except his Amaryllis but even that’s neglected quite a bit.

Do they recover from this? Yes. I promised a HEA (Happily ever after) but that doesn’t mean it’s not gonna be difficult.

Let’s have some fun!!
I haven’t actually done one of these before, I’ve seen them fun and you can ask more than one (just one ask at a time). Numbers 1-15 get to

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1 year ago

Incorrect Ttte Quotes 97:

Henry, being stuck in the void and not being able to move his body: Oh, I don't feel so good...

Henry: Why are all of my limbs slack?

Henry: Why can't I move my eyes?!

Henry: Why can't I move my mouth?!?

Henry: Is this an internal dialogue?

Henry: I can't see the end of the horizon-

*Somebody appears in front of him*


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9 months ago

Incorrect Ttte Quotes 261:

Hiro: Oh, right. Henry, do you want to go to "Breakfast at Tiffany's"?

Henry, curled into a ball and crying: I have pink eye.... I can't go....

Hiro: Oh, never mind...

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9 months ago

Which ttte pairings do you like the most?

Well, Edward and Toby are definitely my favorite of course. 😏 I don't really see any content with the two of them that much so I'm here to fix that! Ok, but in all seriousness though. It would have such a pairing with lots of potential like Toby slowly becoming more confident and Edward morphing into his more calmer personality (He's still grumpy and impatient lol) as the two interact.

I also really like Edward and Gordon. Basically, it's the dysfunctional brothers relationship. Edward's the gremlin youngin while Gordon is barely hanging on to his last strand of sanity. I like to imagine that Gordon drags Edward by grabbing his shirt collar or restraining him so that he doesn't kill somebody lol. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Something like this or dunno:

Which Ttte Pairings Do You Like The Most?

Percy and Mavis are the two siblings that have weird interests and they're the only people who understand each other. Mavis likes alt/goth culture while Percy likes weirdcore/creepy shit. Basically, they're the chill older siblings. Also, you can't forget about Percy's, Phillip's and Pluto's dynamic. They're called the Three Ps for a reason. 🅿️🅿️🅿️

Toby and Henrietta are just the classic "girlboss and malewife" pairing. They're just made for each other, DID YOU NOT SEE HASTY HANNAH?!? These two are married for sure. 💝💝💝💝💝

Some other pairings that I like/love:

Thomas and Percy. They're not "best friends" in my eyes but more like "We both roast each other but we still care" Definitely a reverse of "Thomas' the smart one and Percy's the dumb one". Percy is the only one with more than 1 braincell.

Edward and James. I used to ship these two together until the oversaturation of this ship and the fandom kinda ruining it made me stop shipping this pairing. I imagine them as ex fiancés who thankfully broke up for the good of both of them because the relationship started becoming pretty toxic. They're now like brothers although in some cases, it becomes awkward when somebody brings up their past relationship.

Henry and Hiro: It's really sweet to the point where all of my teeth are rotting because both of them understand each other and still help the other with their problems despite conflicts that happen. Why isn't this ship more popular than it already is???

Edward, Duck and Diesel: Yeah..... This is just the manifestation of chaos itself. 😂😂😂😂 Duck and Diesel are both halves of a whole dumbass while Edward is unsuccessfully trying to stop the two of them from killing each other.

I got a ton more pairings that I would LOVE to talk about, but I don't want to make this extremely long so that's it for now!

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