Ttte James X Edward - Tumblr Posts
Fellow TTTE author inbound!! This is so stinking cute, I’m gonna go read the whole thing as soon as I’m done with writing because inspiration has struck and I mustn’t be distracted by cute engines being cute!
Hold Me Fast ~ A 2 x 5 fic
There's another titter, and it seems Edward is otherwise amused, his own cheeks darkening as he sends a teasingly quirked brow the mogul’s way, “Does that surprise you, James? Truly?”
“No!” He blurts far too quickly, like he might be able to preserve some dignity, but it comes out louder and more abashed than he’d like. Because he knows deep down that it really doesn’t surprise him at all. And Edward’s laugh is light and sunny, his eyes softening all over again, “No… Because you’re… well you’re kind! And… and good. And I–”
“Mmmhmm,” Edward hums in that knowing way of his, his smile twitching at the corners, and James swallows, feeling smaller than he is. But it’s different. It’s not humiliating, like when he’s having whatever lesson he has to learn rubbed in his face, or when he’s so terribly sorry for the hurt he’s caused. It’s different, like a lot of things are with Edward.
And that’s just it, isn’t it?
Wrote this because I couldn't get over how thematically delicious the ropes are in Old Iron, how opposites attract, and how Edward has always been there for James since day one, since he was sick, since he was a runaway, and they've been bound together ever since. With that long, slow-burning kind of love that they don't ever put a name to, but they know it's there, whether they recognize and understand it or not.
Get ready for 34 pages of pure 2 x 5 Jameward bliss!
Rated M for a small honeymoon scene towards the end. Cause, you know, why not? 😉😏
The newest chapter of The Yellow Rose of Sodor drops tomorrow September 25th at 11:00 Alaska time.
Many happy returns to the newlyweds! I hope you two enjoy your honeymoon, and your married life!
🎁 Gift Anon 🎁
James: Thank You, gift anon!
Edward: We plan on it. It’ll be nice to get away from the rails for a bit.
James: Well… 😏
Edward: One more crude joke out of you and you’ll be sleeping on the floor, James Hughes.
James: Yes dear…
James Edward, congratulations 🎊 👏 💐 on your Marriage.
Edward: Thank you!! 😊
James: Thanks a lot! 😁
Edward: We’ve had a lot more support than we originally expected, it’s been really nice. Really, thank you so much.
This is so stinking cute!!!
This could be us but I’m lactose intolerant 😔

Bonus :
Mini James got his wheels stuck on the floor’s cracks, based on spinks’s video on discord😭😭😭

Has Henry ever seen Little Shop of Horrors? It feels like something that might have caught his attention at some point. (To be clear I’m talking about either the musical or the 1986 movie adaptation.)
🎁 Gift Anon 🎁
Henry: I don’t usually watch scary movies and that one has the name “Horrors” in it.
James: Seriously?! It’s probably one of the least scary movies out there! A little dark, but for crying out loud Henry it’s got a singing plant!
Henry: Just because I like plants doesn’t mean I would watch a scary movie about them.
James: Camille loves animals and she’s watched Pet Cemetery.
Camille: It was boring, do not recommend. But I also like spooky stuff.
Gordon: Henry’s also afraid of literally just about anything.
Henry: I am NOT!
Gordon: Leaves.
James: Elephants.
Gordon: Chicken Pox.
James: Rain!
Hiro: ENOUGH!!
Hiro: Is it so wrong that he has short comings? Should we point out your own? James? How you wouldn’t pull a train for a VIP due to the tiniest scratch that no one would have noticed without a microscope? Or Gordon? The amount of times your pride has had you come back to Sir Topham Hatt groveling for your position while my Henry did a fantastical job?
James: I… er…
Gordon: …. *ahem* I apologize Henry.
*Camille and Edward giving their boyfriend/husband a dirty look*
Henry: I wouldn’t mind watching it with you, Hiro.
Hiro: If that is what you wish, my flower.
*puts hand on James’ shoulder* Hey, you need to calm down. I know your worried about Edward but you need to calm down. Edward wouldn’t want you to panic, would he? I swear we will find who did this and we will get our revenge, but we can’t do that if you keep freaking out here. I promise everything will be ok.
James: *Hyperventilating* I… I know… he’s just everything to me… we just got married… He’s everything to me… my husband… he’s my husband…! *trying to remain calm*
James x Edward Sleeping Headcanons
Edward has to take sleeping gummies/pills before going to bed. He has trouble sleeping otherwise.
James sleeps without a shirt.
James has a habit of mumbling in his sleep. Edward finds it funny...unless James is having a nightmare.
James claims that he doesn't talk in his sleep.
They have their own blankets. James kept taking it when they shared one.
Edward is a very light sleeper. Sneeze in another room, he'll most likely wake up.
Edward is always up first. When James refuses to get up, Edward yanks the blankets off of the bed.
Edward sometimes falls out of bed. How he hasn't hit his head every time, neither of them know.
Edward drinks tea with sugar and milk in the morning.
James has coffee with extra sugar and milk.
Edward is awake and ready for the in 20 mins.
James is awake and ready for the day in an hour ("Looking this splendid takes time!")

Edward: God, give me patience.
James: I think you mean 'give me strength'.
Edward: If God gave me strength, you'd be dead.
Edward, talking to James on the phone: Did you preheat the oven like I told you to?
James: You bet!
Edward: At what temperature?
James: 535.
Edward: That's the clock.
James: 536.
James: I'm incredibly fast at math.
Edward: Alright, what's 30x17?
James: 47
Edward: That's not even close.
James: But it was fast
James: I turned out perfectly fine!
Edward: James, this morning you thought a ghost made your toast